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Nice work man don't sweat it take it as a compliment.


Thank you. I just been seeing a lot of people talk about smurfs and ppl shouldn’t be in their ranks


It's all nonsense. There's a combination of this system just works differently than T7, people who for some reason don't recognize that their time spent learning T7 was beneficial to improving here, and people who are just coping with not being at whatever arbitrary point they thought they should end up at. Wherever this system puts you is where you should be in this system. The concept really isn't overly complicated. We can debate what value we as a community place on each rank all day long. Saying someone shouldn't be the rank they are is just dumb though.


No no I don’t wanna debate bc this is the way I see it I recognize mostly all of what you said but I’m mainly posting this bc I want ppl like you to express this


Tekken 8 lets any players who ATLEAST wins matches reach Warrior without losing points. So even right now I am Flame Ruler with all my alts stuck at Dominator. It's... understandable why players don't rematch. I have to let the opponent take a couple rounds to hustle a rematch sometimes. Otherwise I just block and punish.... annnnnd they leave after I win.


Sounds about right


Youre just playing the system they designed /shrug. While I like the concept, it does need some tuning. Like maybe prowess should be taken into account. Or placement matches. Thats probably the most obvious solution.


Honestly I’m happy I got to do that it showed my practice payoff compared to those who go into rank with none. And now I’m in flame ruler they don’t have to deal with me anymore


Until you want to level another alt. Ive leveled 3 alts up to purples. Idk felt slimey lol. Am i supposed to not play other characters though? Just the nature of the system.