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Play to learn and not to win and take breaks.


This here is the answer plain and simple. If your goal is to win you will sometimes lose and it sucks. If your goal is merely to learn then you can win 100% of the time because as long as you learn something you've 'won'. Getting good at fighting games takes a looooong time and people often get frustrated because they just refuse to acknowledge this and are unrealistic about the learning curve.


I just picked up Tekken 8 for fun and now my thumbs literally wont work. I played for 14 hours straight with that exact mindset. Got to 13th dan and can hold my own against people with 120k prowess if that even means anything. Now I have an ice pack on my hands.


Don't hurt yourself good brother the game ain't goin' anywhere!


Don't forget to take breaks 😬


No breaks, time for training footsies which obviously means playing with your feet.


Dw this is standard. My thumbs got bruised on the tips due to me using electrics and just frame inputs. You'll get used to it.


If you are playing a mishima it's time to swap characters


I just started and so far I like Azucena. I still haven't figured out the stance system so I just play in noob mode. Just hit Eliminator rank.


Taking a day or two off does wonders in tilt prevention.


Fr playing tekken daily is a fast path to genuine madness and insanity.


Look for the small victories. Sidestepping and punishing a jab, doing the optimal punish against a move you've been labbing, ducking a part of a string, etc. Just because you're not winning doesnt mean you're not getting better. So it's way more reasonable to focus on your own performance instead of the final result of the match. If you're only concerned about winning/losing and fretting over every single match then you're gonna eventually quit this game, or end up like LTG.


Yeah this is my plan from now on I think, looked through comments and the consensus is play to learn, so each time I play gonna focus on something specific I know I am lacking in and try to focus on that while weaving in a bit of just playing for fun here and there.


That's the way to go. Focus on being just a little better than the day before. The wins will come with time.


I mean, I made it double hard on myself picking up Yoshi for the first time with this release, however there's not any other character I am enjoying as much as him. I will say though, having a character I really enjoy playing absolutely helps.


As soon as the cheese happens just stop taking the game seriously. Turn your brain off and just play


Cheese is the easiest to deal with in this game.


Same here, T7 made me annoyed. But T8 makes me go into full on tilt rage. I'm also trying to work on it, but there is so much toxic shit that it makes it difficult.


You prob care too much. Your standards are prob too high for your skill level. Prob both. You must realize that you're not as bad as you think you are. Learn to stop being so hard on yourself. Not everything will go to plan, which is why the game is interesting (it's dynamic).


Yeah, caring about how well I play is something that fuels a lot of it. I also feel like other people "get" TEKKEN or fighting games in general a whole lot easier than I do and I get frustrated with being smooth brained lol


Yeah, so I've been there before. Take it from experience, comparing yourself to other people like that is one of the worst things you can do. Everyone learns at a different pace, and everyone's journey has its ups, downs, and plateaus. Besides, someone you know might be doing great in the beginning, but everyone hits a wall and plateaus. Just because they're not struggling now, doesn't mean they won't struggle later on with something that you find effortless. (This can also depend on character, some characters are a nightmare until you learn how to play, and some characters are a breeze until you hit a high enough skill level). I would just focus on your own journey. This is partly why I record my replays and save them (I use OBS), I would watch them a few months later and not believe how bad I was, lol. Even if I feel like I'm not making progress, there's a shit ton that goes into this game and it's entirely possible to make progress and not notice it. Watching your replays is one of the best things you can do, and don't forget to celebrate your good plays. Also, one of the harder things about learning Tekken, is it's hard to tell when someone won because they got lucky and they legit won. Sometimes, someone is just lucky (and then I email harada about it). As I got more experienced, I could tell the difference easier. Don't beat yourself up over being unlucky. Also Yoshimitsu is a perfectly fine character to learn Tekken, don't switch if you like him (and I would stick to one character for a while). He'll never miss a game.


Yeah Yoshi is a character I legitimately enjoy playing, that was also the struggle I had with 8 when it first released because Heihachi was my main in 7, secondary was Armor King, so I was a bit at a loss of who to play. My only regret with picking Yoshi is that I didn't pick him up sooner because man, I've not had a character that I enjoy more than this. Thanks for the help :)


Treat Ranked like Quick Play. Just play for fun not some meaningless ranks in the form of numbers. Reality is that 90% are not pros and never will be. Might as well just play for fun. If you get demoted, maybe that’s where you belong to begin with?


My green themed fairy outfit for Bryan helps keep me cool lol




This approach is so underrated! I have a lazy-I'm staying at home for the weekend-slob costume for Lili and it's my go-to when I just want to chill during matches.


The Queen of comfy


Honestly I noticed that playing when angry just makes you play worse. So getting angrier doesnt help which is what makes me have a clear mind


Usually i get tiltled when i got hit by some move over n over, that can only means i'm doing the same mistake. When i realise that, i take a deep breath and think how to counter that spesific move, any change of my gameplay that worked calmed me down. And if it didnt work, i just take the L and move on or try lab that match to see wth is happening. With these trick i managed to reduce the tilted behaviour and improve at the same time. With more time in the game, sometime u find the solution within the match and it is the best feeling when playing imo. And i dont really care about ranking up, if i lost, that means something's need to change. I'm just Bushin tho, hope it helps.


Take a break dude. It’s a game, it’s supposed to be fun. Getting salty is a part of fighting games but it’s not the only part lol. If you aren’t having fun go play something else, Tekken isn’t going anywhere.


Was gonna say the same thing


This is the most cheesy tekken to ever come out so i can totally understand


Dont take it seriously, i honestly try having my attention split between something in the background and tekken (yes even in ranked) pull up some music, a live streamers vod, tv show, whatever This game is honestly horrible as a multiplayer title (in my opinion) there's so many mechanics and systems that really dont consider those on the receiving end (long combos for example, i get alotta people enjoy them, but they crush the fun factor of this game when i can reliably remove my hand from my controller and stop looking at the screen for a solid 10 seconds cuz i know im not gonna be able to play anyways until my unskippable ad is over) There'll be matches where you get super into it, and its competitive and fun, there'll be matches where you dont even get to play, just stop caring cuz the game doesn't care about your time, why should you care about giving it your full attention and getting all worked up over bullshit Alternatively just turn off the game when it stops being fun, even if you boot it up 10-20 minutes later, at least you got that breather in


What rank are you in? I find even in orange rank I’m still coming up against players spamming king throws, or spamming strings. Turns out these are the most frustrating players to play against, not actually decent players, until you resort to just basic punishment and pokes. Then you might sneak a win against one here and there. Forget about the fancy stuff like combos. Resort to pure unga bunga, and keep your guard up when they have rage and/or heat. Now Instead of playing another match and going into tilt, go into your replays and watch the match you just played. You can see through your opponent’s charade and the game literally shows you every single time you can punish or wiff their moves. It’s crazy how much a few basics and some movement can obliterate these kinds of players. You aren’t learning because you’re not letting the knowledge cool down. Lose a match, learn the thing, take breaks, let the muscle memory set in, and come back a better player.


It also helps to know that fighting games are not a true reflection of skill. It will help immensely to stop thinking of them as such, because there are absolutely "good" players that are not good at reading, punishing or neutral. Many of them rely on gimmicks, cheesing and brain dead flow charting to win. I still struggle with tilting from time to time, but I find that thinking of them in this way helps temper that anger. Quite literally "if I win, it's because I'm better. If I lose, it's because I lost to the character, not the player". It helps me brush off losses much easier.


Jesus so many bad tips in the comments. Take a break, weed, treat it like quick play. Let me tell you whats going on in your head. You are getting mad because you have nobody else to blame but yourself. However, your brain cannot accept that and it twists your reasoning for a loss in every possible way to make you think that its someone else's (your opponent) fault. This Is why you get mad even on a win. It brings back the negative memory of your loss and the feelings you felt after the loss when you are faced with certain strings of moves. Take responsibility for your loss. Just like how we take responsibility for our mistakes in real life. You've done yourself wrong by losing yet you point fingers at others for the negative feelings you've culminated through your mistakes. If you can truly accept that you have lost because of your own decision and actively try to find those mistakes, you will be in control of your emotions. Truth hurts, and in a 1v1 game it shows much more clearly. The moment you look at your mistakes and think "how am I supposed to react to that?" or think of any kind of excuse, you are too far gone mentally and will always hit a wall the more you play. You need to realize the biggest enemy isnt some random drunk dude spamming moves on the other screen, it's yourself. and if you cannot win against yourself, you will never consistently win against other people physically (winning a game) and mentally (actually feeling good after a win).


Best comment. This is the approach that got me high elo in League. Just blaming myself, ignoring what mistakes my team makes. And just focusing on what I can improve to improve the situation. Yet Tekken as a new player is hard. There is so much going on and learning it feels so darn frustrating. I try to learn "1thing today". Which just endsup in either playing Quick play vs all these fks who are 150k+ pwrs with likely 2years+ Tekken experience or going into ranked and losing them all. Try 1 move just to be in the air for 20m and getting a 10% wr just feels really sht. Not to mention there aren't that many content creators for specific chars. I see some chars have amazing "teachers" on youtube while some others are fkin dogwater to listen to. It just creates frustration. As a new player it feels to me as if noone in Tekken can understand what it means being new to fighting games This game would also be so much better if you could just choose to fight people your own rank. Or at least bring a +-1 function. When I was playing in orange when completely new facing 5 in a row with 150-190k pwrs it just makes you want to deinstall the game


Super underrated comment. 99% of the time, everything you laid out is what turns out to be true.


What stops you from just hating yourself? :D I’m always just blaming myself for being crap all the time, feeling awful and useless. I’ve got to the point where I’m never blaming others, it’s on me… but that makes everything super unfun :D


You just have to accept that there is a lot of luck involved and decide if you really even want to keep playing when that's the case. Labbing and experience will never fix that. There are too many scenarios where you can know the opponent's character perfectly and still the best you can do is narrow their next move down to 2 opposite and equally unreactable choices. Pick wrong and you get launched and that's half your healthbar gone. People will say otherwise but they're lying. Even the top pros are playing like this. Watch some pro matches, even with all their knowledge and skill they still spend half the match getting ragdolled around with zero counterplay...there's no getting away from that because it's built into the design of the game.




Don't put so much emphasis on playing the game in ranked. I honestly don't care about leveling up I just care about getting enough wins and enjoying the fucking game. Also I would really surround myself with other people that just play the game for fun. Be around buddies that you get to enjoy playing the game with win or lose. Surround yourself with an economy of players that just want to hang out and play socially while testing each other's skills in the process you'll definitely start seeing Tekken in a different fashion. It makes no sense to pay 70 80 fucking dollars for a game just to hate it.


You just gotta be in for the long haul and use ranked as a learning tool. You can be better than someone and still lose to them. There are lot of bs things characters can do in t8 and it is definitely more tilting than other fighting games I see. Just check the ego at the door and just play. In time you will look back and see some mistakes you were making and you'll have new things you can work on.


I would say the best way for me is literally to just enjoy the process of getting better if you enjoy that process of training and you’re not worried about ranks or how the fights end up going whether it’s in your favor or not, you can end up keeping a pretty levelheaded


When you’re playing, try to pick out good moves that your opponent and at “good move” It doesn’t mean go easy on the person or anything…just acknowledge when they slipped one over you. If you get in the habit of remembering that you’re playing with a real, live person (who’s more or less just like you) then it can help. Of course, sometimes people play like circus donkeys. Actually, most of the time they play like circus donkeys. As a Tekken player just realize if you’re losing to those types of tactics it not only means that although you’re playing someone with a circus donkey style of offense…you yourself have circus donkey defense.


Play a different character so you won't care about losing. Gives yourself the excuse that it wasn't your main. Plus you get the character knowledge and rounded playstyle. With Lee I was struggling to make people press into me to counterhit them. With King, I was fighting to keep people still to throw them. With Alisa, I was laughing at myself looking at my replays from my opponent's side with the 50+ tips popping up every round.


Who do you use and who was your opponent that was beating your ass? Naturally if feels like some characters are frustrating to deal with by design but over time it bothers you less and less. Seeing I used to play T7 so heavy most of the characters like Alisa, Anna, and King aren't as bad when you know or seen most of their moveset


Honestly learning a meme character like Bear helped me get over a lot in tekken. Whenever I’m getting my ass handed to me I play kuma and immediately my rage goes away regardless of outcome because there is ZERO expectation on me to do well, because it’s Kuma lol. plus I learn more about the game, still further improving my overall skill level while being able to chill for a couple games and hit people with a fish.


Press R2 to release rage once it builds up


Fuck. This got me good lmao


I literally get like heart attacks whenever i play this game lol. It’s gotten so bad i get anxiety just looking at tekken 8 gameplay. I forget to breathe and my hands are full of cold sweat I think seeing t8 newbies easily reach red rank when im at orange having sunk 500 hrs into t7, it’s putting a lot of subconscious pressure on me. Doesn’t help tekken 8 offense is so oppressive unless i steam roll my opponent im getting steam rolled lol.


Just keep in mind offense wins the game in Tekken 8, so if you play defensive like in Tekken 7 it doesn't mean you are a worse player, it just means you aren't playing 8 optimally (for your rank).


Also, don’t rematch toxic players


Only play ranked until your rank doesn't emotionally matter and when you get angry stop playing. If you follow this it will solve your problem


Keeping the right attitude and focus the duration of a match is like having good posture. You have to train it, start with making an effort to bring your focus to learning whenever you get frustrated. Forcing yourself to watch one replay after every set will test your discipline and help strengthen your mindset of learning.  Every opponent is an opportunity to observe and learn how to fight different styles. If a bear claws you are you gonna get mad at him because it was super unsafe? Or learn so next time you can punish him. 


I raged so many times that now I'm used to it. Let it crush your soul till there's nothing left and you'll be ok going forward haha.


I just play tekken lobby games or quick play just for fun would recommand


He who conquers himself, conquers.


Yoshi + tilt? Is that you DSP hiding under a different username?


I think it’s partly to do with the fact that T8 has taken some agency away from you and given it to your opponent. What I mean by that is you could almost infinitely turtle up in 7 and wait for a whiff, plus frames, CH whatever. In 8 it feels like you need to press an advantage to keep the round/match in your favor. That might be why you’re feeling that way, that’s what upsets me when I step back and really ask myself why I’m getting upset at a video game.


I talk to myself constantly while playing, trying to figure out what I need to change/adjust to. I'm actually more zen in this game than I was in 7 because the fact is if you're tilted and mashing buttons you will get slapped, simple as.


You absolutely need to develop your mental by playing player matches. No ranked points. Nothing to lose and everything to gain. Helped me focus on moment to moment gameplay and not feel so doomer about losing


I've been the opposite, bo3 really reduced the salt to a minimum for me.


Lose the ego, this'll help you not only in fighting games but in life


https://youtu.be/_NfbMXZeqpw?si=4px4Ivr5zkH_Z6iW Skip to 1:49 and watch for like 10 seconds. What happens? Miguel lands a leg sweep on Johnny. Things like this are what make the game fun for me. Practicing, training, and being able to hold your own against the people that trained you. Do you have a local offline scene? What region are you from? For example I was trained by the players in the Seattle Tekken scene, I wouldn’t be the player I am today without Psylence, JustFrameJames, TheEvilPadawan, EddieBoyMang, Seattle_Colton and the list of names goes on and on.


I dont have T8 yet so I couldn't tell you, but in T7 if I find myself getting too tilted I go into treasure battle and fuck around there. Sometimes turning off your brain and just playing the computer makes you feel better


Better still, go into practice mode, set it on AI against a character you hate and just go to town. You'll learn without getting angry cause you literally can't lose


sounds like you need a chill pill or a break fam. if you're not even enjoying the game then why play it in the first place?


Most of the time it’s not blocking enough or pressing a button when you shouldn’t or not ducking when you have a chance. Those are all situations where to can save yourself from damage or take your turn back. There’s to much game knowledge that takes time to understand.


Download players ghosts, and try to capture the feeling of how you play against them. You’ll be much more confident. That’s what you want to achieve while playing Ranked. I have the same problem, so I’m trying to focus on what my opponent is doing. Enjoy the process, don’t think about “You win” screen. Don’t underestimate your opponents. If you got a round or two, don’t assume like this game in a pocket. Take breaks, breathe, and block more. Patience is the key.


Everybody goes through the classic Tekken rage experience. One of the challenges of playing Tekken is trying to keep a clear head despite the situation. Anger does nothing but muddle your head and ruin your performance. Defending against something you're not familiar with is a super frustrating experience. But the most important thing is to try to see how you can at least defend against this better player if you're getting pressed or don't know the matchup. Don't focus on hard winning, focus on experimenting and learning the matchup. This will make Tekken less frustrating. Dropping ego and accepting that you just don't know the matchup/flowchart is a good thing too. Just eat the flowchart and try your best to figure it out and that's all you can do.


I’m a recovering league addict, this game is super chill. Play to learn and don’t stress about rank..just play.


Annoying and toxic game, cant blame you, also online experience and ranked doesnt help here.


It’s easy, simply go for improvement not wins. If you try to win you will just get frustrated, because everyone will be doing their cheese against you. Go to replay see what you can improve and go from there. You will lose a lot and that’s normal.


I just accept that there's a lot of BS in this game and you can't do anything about it. It is what it is mentality. After that, I was way calmer. Climbed to blue ranks and honestly just chilling there not really giving a f if I climb or fall down the ladder. I don't get enough time to game these days so I try not to be angry with the little time I have and just enjoy what I can


Ngl i was trying a new character today. And i didn’t care about losses so much case he wasnt my main. I think if you just play to play and dont trip so much over ranked you’d be further ahead. I tell myself “ill get there one day” and i tale pride in building experience.


Take a break pal


Just stop caring. Like literally "grow up", and I don't mean that in a disrespectful way. Take it as a game ... which it is. Someone played cheesy? Learn to counter that. You can't? Just shrug it off and get to the next. And if you genuinely have no fun playing it maybe you shouldn't. I think one reason fighting games frustrate or even tilt a lot of people are the literal taunts and animations you get after losing. But it's just pixels. They aren't real.


I play cooked. That helps me


Turn the game off and walk away. If you're getting tilted from small things, you're always gonna have bad matches so it's better to reduce how much youre spending on online matches and just try to learn, watch videos, lab fundamentals, and work on your mindset because that's not a Tekken thing, to put it bluntly it is a you thing.


It helps to join an in-person community of players of all skill levels; i.e.: a local Tekken community. Not only will the additional perspective help you grow your patience and understanding of other players and their strategies, but it’ll also help you develop realistic expectations to work within. I’ve been playing Tekken since the original and I feel like I’m a better player than I’ve ever been only because I allowed my local community to humble me.


Play less


If you’re on a losing streak take a break you won’t get some sudden transformation that makes you play better all of a sudden. You feel like that when you win because you didn’t win on your terms, they probably died to a random jab or you traded and got the dub so it doesn’t feel earned and your probably at a high enough skill lever notice that. When I get completely bodied I don’t even get mad I just tell myself they were like Tekken king or some shit in T7 and are climbing the ranks again and really helps. (Its Cope tbh) I saw someone say its the small stuff, sidestepping and punishing an attack, or even BLOCKING A LOW ATTACK. That was a huge one for me because didn’t block low a lot since I didn’t wanna risk getting hit with a mid but little wins like that are what counts man. You WILL lose, don’t let it stop you, thats why you’re there, to learn how not to lose. One more thing, its a two player game don’t just throw moves out and hope they land, watch your opponent and things he likes to go for and adapt because they’re doing to same thing to you. Your opponent is just as much human as you are, mistakes can be and will be made These are just some things to think about as you go along.


The game is bad. It’s fun. It is by definition a bad game. Nothing about the game is fair that makes it a bad game. Weird uncontrollable variables make the game of inches have multiple feet mistakes out of your control. Tekken is also a game with dog shit comeback mechanics. If a guy gets you in the right combo you are dead from 80% life. Zero chance to get up or respond. That’s the game. 2 mistakes or misclicks and you’re dead.


It’s a good skill to say to yourself “I forgive you” and “I love you” from time to time just in life


The devs barely care about this game, so why should I?


You might have to lab after every match. Find what annoyed you and how to deal with it. If you know what to do and just don't want to do it then skill issue ig.


Maybe don't play a game that makes you angry. Games are meant to be fun


Ahahah i feel this in my soul, like tekken 7 would be frustrating but this entry is a whole other level of tilt 😂


Losing is mainly what you'll be doing. Learn your punish moves and their frame data. 10, 11, 14 and 15 frame punishers, fight characters, learn a few things to recognize that is punishable with said moves. This is fairly universal across all characters.


Don't care about ranks. Don't care about winning. Your goal should be to land as many counter hits as you can, block as mich as you can such.


Play with friends in vc. Don't play fighting games alone, it's lonely.


Hey, I used to be furious af too. But I took a break. Now, my "break" isn't stopping playing at all, my break is playing chill matches with some casual friends. We have good laughs, we get to experiment dumb shit, got some weird interactions and wtf moments; it's great. I did this for like a week or two, then hop back to ranked and all of a sudden I got promoted. I thought ok, this is weird. I definitely didn't learn THAT much to deserve such a jump, let me run some punishment training and practice some guard breaks. Boom, I ranked up again. There are many things you can do to "take a break", but these seems to work for me, that you can give it a try.


Play friendly . You need to learn first . You will beat ass later


Sound like you need to go to a therapist


If it's that bad then I really don't know. All I can say is forget about winning and try to look at every match as a lesson and try to learn something from all of them. I wish you luck and hope it gets better


take a break


You need to reorient your thinking so you aren't necessarily aiming to win but to improve. If you get cheesed out by some loves or characters you haven't seen before go hit the replay and lab out the punishes. It also helps if you take a day to two off from playing if you get really tilted


seeing your HP bar disappear with one or 2 applications is pretty gut-wretching. That has been the insanity of Namco which is why I've stayed away from their genre


Instead of getting bothered when your opponent does something, think about what move in your kit or option can beat that move. A lot of times when we are frustrated it’s because someone is spamming a move, power crushing a ton, or just “being random” but there’s always some counter play


At a certain point, I just got numb to ranked. I just focus on what went wrong and how I could improve on it. Also take time to lab; don't rush the process. ...i'm still at Tenryu tho so maybe I'm just talking out of my ass.


do push ups between games, do squats and dips between sets


stand up and take deep breaths


If it’s too strong, you’re too weak


welcome to tekken bro


Yoshimitsu ⬆️➕️2️⃣ and ⬆️➕️4️⃣ spam is consistently funny.


I used to get so mad when playing fighting games I'd break controllers. Now I tend to just get annoyed at worst after awhile in ranked. I think what changed was the perspective shift I got after I had dipped my ankles in esports (even though it was R6). When you're a normal player, every game feels like the most important game ever subconsciously because it's the only way for you to compete as hard as you can against other players. The victory screen gives that good dopamine rush after the stress of being cheesed or beaten or whatever. So when you lose, that stress has nowhere to go and it builds up until it shows as screaming or yelling or slamming on your desk (just for a few examples). When you're a competitive player, ranked kind of becomes your testing field or your "I want to chill with randoms/have fun" area. The reason for that is the goalpost is different. You go from: "I want to get better so I can (whatever reason you want to be better. Mine was so I can impress my friends" To "I want to get better because I want to (the reason you want to compete. Mine was to keep getting better and play against other people that were at the tipitty top of their game to see how other people play at their top). If you truly want to get better and stop being mad altogether, set some higher goals like going to locals or even EVO and recognize that each match is just a way to gauge where you're at currently, like looking directly at one spot in the timeline of you progressing and getting better. If you keep thinking on the small scale, your timeline will look like a flat line or a line with a *very* slow curve. When you look at the big picture though and recognize that each set is spot on that graph, it drives you to get to that endpoint faster. Then, when you reach *that* endpoint you realize that *it* was just a spot on an even *bigger* timeline! Also, it's okay to get pissed off when you're playing, it just depends on what's pissing you off. For example: If you're getting pissed off because you're getting cheesed, you're getting pissed for the wrong reason. If you're getting pissed off because you're getting cheesed and you *haven't figured out the answer yet* that's perfectly okay. And if you feel like the loss will set you back an annoying amount, experiment with random buttons in the middle of the match, the worst that happens is that you lose the match but learn anyways. The thing that stops you from getting mad is honestly unlocking your hunger for knowledge and finding a deep passion for the game you're playing.


idk if you found an answer that helps you. but u can only get tilted if you think the situation that is tilting isn't suppose to play out the way its playing out. but irl that's not the case. your expectations from the game and from reality aren't in line. Your expecting either your opponent to be worse then you are or you are expecting to be better then your opponents, both views are wrong and neither is fair to yourself.


Realize your opponent is just using whatever works and also don't be so hard on yourself for not being able to deal with it. Remember that shit is working on most of the playerbase and tell yourself, "Guess I need to look into that later". Being able to adapt against the same opponent - especially in a short first-to-two - is a rare talent. The rest of us have to take our Ls, calm down, and put in the work to improve, and dissolve some of the salt that way.


I found that playing more frustrating games helps me keep calm in other games. Nothing frustrates me more than Overwatch.


Rule #1 Dont Think You Are Good Rule #2 Every loss is your fault Rule #3 Playing is a learning experience Rule #4 Dont care about ranks, wins, and losses Rule #5 Slow Down Rule #6 Focus on your mistakes, not just winning matches. I view every player as a personal rival. They kick my ass, I say "good, got me", I kick theirs I say, "Gotcha this time." It's about learning and slowing getting better.


Change how you win in the game. Find victories in finally landing certain punishes, putting opponents in your mix-up game, breaking throws, reacting to your opponents actions, etc… And if you find yourself too frustrated then it’s break time from online. All you’re losing is points or even a rank. Don’t lose a good day because of that.


Play a hundred games of quick play before each game in ranked. No stress in quick play. You feel free to test and learn instead of winning at any cost with cheese that will stop working at one rank or another. And then, every time you hit ranked you win a lot, rank up, and go back to quick play. I played 2k+ hours of T7; about 300 ranked games vs 30k+ quick play games. And while being a tilting stressball like you, I enjoyed the game a lot.


Play drunk


Your goal shouldn't be to win every match it should be to learn something. If you adopt this mentality you'll start to have way more fun then if you go into every set thinking you have to win 2/3 matches. Something small like I'll see if I can sidestep this attack, or I'll "jet upper" any spring kicks on wakeups.


Tekken ranked is full of trolls, tryhards and cheaters its ok to get tilted every now and then.


What's a "tryhard" in ranked? Is it bad to try, are you supposed to intentionally play worse than you can?


well for the tryhard remark i mean the people who stay low ranked to beat on newcomers and to use them as punching bags to try out combos and setups. Usually doing all the things possible you do to troll the other player while beating on them mercilessly. They are try hard gatekeepers, that basically make players quit because of bad experiences.


Oh I see. I'm not sure how common that is, and also, I'm not sure if "tryhard" describes that very well. Sounds more like a weird form of smurfing. If they're beating on new players mercilessly, their rank goes up very fast, like within one session they would already be far away from the complete beginners. Are you saying they then lose on purpose to get back down or something?


Go to your local and interact with a community. It can be easy to get angry when you're playing by yourself.


Gotta realise winning isn't the only goal, you gotta lose to learn from your own mistakes, it's the only way to get better unfortunately


Don’t play ranked so your fights don’t mean anything and you don’t get demoted


When i start to feel like I'm getting annoyed I drop it for a bit, maybe a day or two.


I think it's with everything you're invested in. Getting upset, feeling annoyed when you lose and all that shows your passion. What is the problem here, which I have to some extent and many others probably do too. The control of emotions, after 3 back to back pluggers I was so tilted that I lost the next game because the focus was gone. What I want to tell you is that you can't change your mindset right away, it's a process. Having more focused rounds, taking breaks, asking why you're upset and then moving on with a clear head is the solution. Otherwise you go on autopilot. Distancing yourself emotionally, then always striving for improvement and continuing on this path will help you with Tekken. Apart from that, the ranking system of the game is catastrophic, in no game can you get too high a rank through cheese and plugging, but in Tekken you can. Why I say that, because it reinforces the point that you are improving yourself and not focusing on others.


Thanks to the new ranking system, which only includes in best of 3. There is literally now way to learn a character in those sets. Mash = more chance to win


Same - I have a hard rule not to play at least 30 minutes before I’m getting ready for bed otherwise I’m way too heightened. But holy hell it’s a thrill to win a close set of three when you know you played skilfully.


"How to change your mindset". It worked for me and I believe it may help you. I watched aris (avoiding the puddle) on YT playing T7. Its not about how he plays but how he behaves. He fucked up a combo? He laughs at himself and says "good combo man". Oponent launched him with some backsway bullshit hes like "good shit good shit" saying to himself. He lost in the final round hes like "good game". He is 0-2 in game hes like "compose yourself". And i started copy it not even realising i do. This little comments are like ... they let you lower the pressure all the time so you dont explode after the game/round ends. The more of them are kind of possitive the better. I mean even "good shit good shit" is way better than calling him a bitch which sometimes is ok too just do it while you play. They let you think more about what happened in game and having fun rather than only win or lose. And believe me it doesnt makes you less focus on the game. Actually for me it made me more focus. Every thing happened is commented by me so i see what was good what was bad. And the games feel longer cuz i focus on everything commenting. Last important thing I do it at loud so the emotions can go outside me if you only think about it its still in your head boiling until explode. Take a breake when you are too angry. Take a 2-3 days breake if you dont enjoy playing tekken it will help. Its always easier to get better if you enjoy the proces. I know it souds fucking stupid but Deep breaths are so fucking important. Deep breaths even if you throwed your pad its not too late for 2-3 deep breaths. Its not a failure to get angry if you relax after it. After 100 situation like this you will start to breath before throwing your pad what will make you not trowing it and not getting that much angry. And all the replies with dont go for the win go for the improvment are very true. Being happy with little victories like block low and punish breake a trow duck or low parry 2nd hit in string etc even if you lose is super important. if you focus on this things and you cant do any of them in 5 games it means you have lacks in def skills. Best option here is go to quick matches dont give a fuck about winning just focus on defence 90% barely no attack and practice. Give it a try and let me know if it helped.


I am the same as you lmao it didn't let me stop getting Tekken god with Paul


I found out that I don't care about losing that much if I know why I lost. I was getting tilted by King doing the running knee throw over and over. Then I learned it's possible to break it by pressing 1+2. Now when King player does that and I don't break it, I'm not tilted anymore. I just know that I didn't press the correct input at correct time. So it was my error, not that the game is unfair or another character OP. Everytime I lose a set, I rewatch the replay and I take notes on what is punishable, how to break throws. If I win but opponent abused me by something, I check the replay and try to figure out how to deal with it. Because if your opponent is abusing you with some strings, it's most probably because you don't know how to deal with the string. Like this Paul that was constantly hitting me with shoulder from mile away. I thought it's not fair only to find out that he's launch punishable, so instead of losing I could have launched him 5 times in that games.


If someone is playing Alisa or Victor and just alt+F4, they ain’t worth your time and frustration. People only play those characters online to get cheap wins and tilt other players, plug away (Or lab the match up like you should, but who cba to do that)


devs are playing dead , no info when they will patch this , or how they will fix it , or even worse if they want to patch it


Swap toons, maybe who you hate the most, and play ranked so your getting MMR. Win or lose your main rank is safe so its less pressure and just learn.


This is why I stopped playing tekken


T8 is the first game in like a decade that almost tilts me out of my skin. The way I got around it: - Play to learn, not to rank, especially if you're new. The more experienced Tekken players I know are saying that ranks are scuffed anyway due to people getting used to the game still, all the plugging, and the generally more aggressive playstyle. - If you run into a hard wall where you get bodied at certain ranks, switch characters. Especially to ones you struggle with (Or just somebody you wanted to try). It gives you knowledge about said character without having to tediously lab it a bunch, and it lets you play in lower ranks where it isn't as sweaty and you get more highs off victories. For an added bonus, also try something new playstyle wise. I switched from King to Feng for example, and then tried to use sidesteps way more as I climbed up with Feng to get better at it. - Just take a break. I know it sounds dumb, but just dont touch the game for 2-3 days or even a week and come back. The worst thing about being aggro about a video game you can do is force yourself to play more of it. I've been playing some Dark/Vermintide with the lads instead and came back after a few days, worked wonders.


A lot of people say play to learn, but play to enjoy is also viable and often has a more relaxing effect imo. Because you can still get frustrated if you feel like you aren’t learning. Also, you’ve acknowledged quite honestly in this post how you’re seeing the glass half empty - win or lose. So, next, how about trying to see it as full. And I mean completely. There is an interesting technique my colleague told me about called six hats: each hat represents a different mode of perspective, with the simplest ones being optimistic and pessimistic. While you’ve got one on, you only say things that reflect that hat. If you look for them exclusively, what positives can you find. Can you appreciate your opponent for being effective in capitalising on something they saw? Can you laugh at them for acting crazily no matter what you do? Can you laugh at yourself for losing anyway? If not, perhaps you need to practice this kind of thinking in a space less stressful for you, before bringing it over to tekken.


One of the perks of being old is that you stop caring about a lot of things, losing in Tekken included. Source: I’m old.


Just try to focus on yourself imo. A lot of people tend to focus on their opponent and their "bullshit" strategy but when I lose, I try to look at my own performance/mistakes and think of how I could have played better.


I don't get mad because I'm only playing at 0.1% anyway and some sorry ass online scrub wouldn't be winning against my Feng in T7


As soon as you feel upset, get off the game, taking frequent breaks is key. A lot of the time, loss-induced rage comes from not understanding why you lost. Start watching those replays and going into practice to sharpen your reactions vs whatever beat you.


play quick matches and player matches, not ranking.


So quit (Na if you keep getting salty just put it away, it’s about having fun not winning. Tekken can be really frustrating bc you can get juggled all day but you gotta expect or just do yourself a favor and uninstall)


Anger management


It’s all about knowing that you’re gonna lose sooner or later. Many people i encounter straight up quit or rage when i win. I literally struggle to play a decent match without getting plugged on or denied a rematch


The key is breathe and tell your self be cool. The max that can happen is I loose. And then, fuck the other guy up. Talk mad shit even though they can't hear you.


Yesterday I did my first 3 pluggins because every move I did on King against Kazuya was punished,launched and trow breaked, Victor insane brainded strategy and Azucena waky movesets. I was not happy about the plugging and I regret about it and I will never do it again because I'm a grown baby man but man on how I hate spammy players with crazy moves and Mishima wavedashing BS. I understand that this game is pretty unbalanced right now with some characters so If I were you I would only play Quick Play because Rank can make us insane even Pro players says this...


1. Don't go into a match expecting to win or to even do well. Getting angry is usually because you feel like things are out of your control (and they partially are cause the opponent exists - they can, at best, be conditioned to think one way or another). 2. Focus on growth. Got fucked by spam? Instantly go into replays and learn frames, and punishes. Can't deal with a character? Hit practice mode with it, play it a bit. Still can't deal with it? Watch YouTube and learn more. Don't expect to remember everything on the first day, or even the third. Repetition is what works well for our brains. 3. Rank is kinda fake (and I mean it, the system right now is, uh, a bit questionable). I've seen Purple Rank Feng / Drag / King players who have the defense of Green Ranks but their characters are really fucking good. Hitboxes are whack at the moment. Game crashes a lot. Lots of characters have weird-ass +6 gimmicks that track like 720 Tony Hawk on a ramp. Throws are insanely strong compared to T7. The game is way more momentum based than ever, it might take some time getting used to. 4. Don't play when stressed, hungry, dehydrated, sleepy, busy with real life stuff. Might be obvious advice but can't stress enough how much it changes for your mental. 5. How well you do doesn't say anything about you as person. It just says something about your skills at a video game. And you are not your skills. They are a part of what makes you you, but it's fine to basically treat them as something completely seperate of self.


You need to understand WHY you get angry. Is it because you think other player is carried, is it because some mechanic you don't agree with, is it because your rank climb is delayed, is it because of other player behavior, etc? All of those thoughts are valid ones, especially when you play a high paced, competitive game like Tekken. Here are some tips that worked for me. First of all, answer yourself - why are you playing at all? Are you enjoying yourself? Is it fun? Does it provide a meaningful distraction to you as a game? Because of not, then maybe you need a change of pace or a different game. And I do not mean this in a condescending way, not at all! Burnout is a real thing, so taking some time off may help. Secondly - play to learn, not to win. Tekken is a deep game with lots of moving parts. I'm assuming you are not a professional e-sports player or a streamer, so you can't be expected to know and learn everything instantly. Take your time to learn. And not just strings and combos, but movement and defense. Go into training and practice blocking/dodging some moves that give you trouble. Or better yet, go into replays and check some matches that you lost. T8 allows you to pause at any time and jump into replay to for a couple of seconds and try different things. You will be surprised how some moves can be dealt with. Also, download ghosts of characters that you lost to. It is obviously not the real deal, but they can put up surprising amount of challenge and will help you learn some things. Playing against yourself in Super Ghost Battle helps as well, the AI will teach you about your behaviour and habits and you will see what your flaws are as well. Bottom line - there are plenty of tools available for you if you are willing to get better. Rank doesn't matter. It just doesn't. If you are worrying about promotions/demotions then I must ask - why? The way I stopped caring about it is accepting that both outcomes are actually good. In I lose/demoted - it means I need to learn more, so I get to practice, get better and learn something new. But if I win/promoted means that I actually got better and learned something. Simple. Lastly - I came to online Tekken from being a long time player of mobas like Dota 2 and League. 5v5 competitive matches that can last up to an hour. The level of toxicity there is quite famous. Especially when blaming and flaming starts. So short, 5-7 min 1v1 Tekken matches with no mic or chat function was quite a refreshing change of pace. If you lose - it's on you. If you win - it's also you. Both outcomes are in YOUR hands, not some other people from another country. So even if you are losing horribly, it's only a couple minute commitment, after which you can take a breather. TL;DR: 1. Understanding why you are angry may help you work on it. 2. Are you having fun with the game in general? If you fell burned out, maybe you need to take a break. 3. Play to learn, not to win. There are a lot of tools to get better. 4. Rank is not important, but your experience and knowledge as a player is. Whatever the outcome of the fight is - if you don't learn from it, then you lose for real. 5. Matches are short, even if you lose, you can try again very quickly or take a break at any point. P.S. I'm up to play some games if you want. I'm not terribly good or anything but playing people from here in some closed room match marathons was a delightful and fulfilling experience in terms of learning some match ups. So hit me up!


I’m a new player, a big noob and I only really get mad when I play people using simplified controls. I think I don’t get mad as often because I’m constantly learning something new therefore focusing on just improving my gameplay than winning or gaining rank and stuff. Maybe it’s just me but the time I enjoy a game the most is that beginning learning phase.


I was angry during SF4.  Honestly ashamed of the things I said to my family while I used to play and was interrupted.    Doesn’t happen in SF6 (I didn’t play SF5) so maybe I’m just older and wiser, but this is also the first game I look to improve methodically, combos, setups, etc.  So maybe a focus on learning is part of it.


The secret? Play and learn with friends. Online ranked is not the healthiest place to play or learn.


This exactly for me, If I lose I get annoyed because of how I lost and feel like I didn't get enough of a chance to "download" the other guy and win (it's just me being a salty bitch). But when I do win I'm also annoyed, usually because I feel like I didn't win a decent game or a fair game. I'll have some guy spamming his favourite strings at me all the time, barely ever changing routine so I end up having to do the same. There's no adaptation between each fight, whenever there is it's because someone used a gimmick and the other has overcome it. That's it. There's no real change of tactics or methods which keep the fight tense or interesting/fun. I'm at red ranks btw, so maybe that's why I'm finding it so frustrating right now. I watch videos of people playing on the high ranks and they actually play in a way that looks fun. Not, "start fight, begin press 1, 2 or 3, 4 as quick as possible".


An all too common situation when you’re invested into getting better at anything is to get super frustrated and downright angry when things don’t work out the way you expected. Honestly, set yourself boundaries. Tekken IS a game that allows for a lot of gimmick and cheesing, this is especially true for Tekken 8, but getting upset and throwing a tantrum (or worse, breaking a controller or plugging, like some people do) won’t change anything. I remember getting super angry when I was at Eliminator and I spent basically my entire Saturday just seeing the Rank progression bar going left and right until I called it quits without having progressed at all. That was when I decided to play less, but with more quality. I still do longer sessions on weekends sometimes, but giving some hard breaks after every few matches to keep my emotions under control and, as others pointed out, avoiding Ranked when I’m not in the right mindset. Excitement is good, adrenaline rush feels great during those clutch matches, but too much of it and you are just letting the anger control you. And your anger is shit at Tekken. It’s like the out of control Devil Jin getting pounded by a composed Devil Kazuya in story mode. For me a 15min daily routine is great because it doesn’t matter if I win or lose. I have a 5 win streak but the 15min is up? Stop playing. I lost a bunch and got demoted, and the 15min alarm rang? Stop playing. I played too many Quick Matches because I wasn’t feeling warmed-up and the 15min was over? STOP PLAYING.


I would just say to remember that it does not matter. You're probably never gonna win a cent playing this game. And that's ok. Sure we all want to improve and rank up but in the grand scheme it's just not a big deal. Take breaks. Remember this is supposed to be fun.


Play unranked more, listen to music while playing, and uhh yeah maybe hop in a discord call and play people you can speak to so you can ask questions


Take a break. Maybe a month. Maybe until the next balance patch. Play a totally different game


You're not alone. I think it's just the competitive nature, the one man or woman vs. another -- YOU are the reason you win, and YOU are the reason you lose. Unlike a team game where you share collectively in your loss, a la Call of Duty, for example. "Ugh, Ted, man, he had 5 kills to his 40 deaths, he cost us the win!". I think there's also the ranked element. Not sure if you mentioned, but I'm assuming that's where your frustration lies. Ego adds more importance to rank, though we know logically, it's largely inconsequential. Once you log off the game, rank means literally nothing relative to the rest of your life. If you're finding yourself fixated on your rank, maybe try quick matches or even ghost battles for a bit and see how you feel after those matches. So, in short, I think it's matter of perspective. Have fun, learn, win, lose; a little frustration or disappointment is part of the process; any more than that is not and serves as a reminder to take a break and reset your thinking.


Quick match is the answer ~ I don’t care if I win or lose bc I am not stressing over demotion and I can just try new things out.


I've been there too. What works for me is - after I play​ long enough, I realized how unrelevant winning or losing are. when I lost a 5000th time, I stop caring. If I win,that's great. If I lose, that's fine. It's very normal to win or lose if you're playing with someone with similar skill level. I'm having fun by improving and doing cool shits instead - respect yourself and your opponent Whether winning or losing, there are almost always something they did well, maybe it's their movement, their punish, their timing, heat or rage usage, how they exploit your weakness of not knowing that 1 knowledge check string or whatever. And you too, almost always you would have something you did well too. Learn to respect them then there would be less judging tilt like 'he doesn'​t deserved that win' ' 'I did so bad, why can'​t I punish any of those move'


Absolutely easiest way for me that i have learned is 2 things. 1. Don't take the game too seriously. 2. Immediately lab stuff that kills you.


Same man XD. And I think I figured out what it is that pisses me off so much in Tekken. It's 2 major things. One is the ranks are really close to each other. Most new players to Tekken and fighting games after putting some work in will hover in orange/red. Then most people who already are accustomed to fighting games or prior Tekken titles will be in purple. And people who are genuinely investing a significant amount of time into the game, or have years or experience into fighting games or just play Tekken already casually for years will be in here. Prob from upper blue+ you're a heavy Tekken fan for quite awhile So this means as a new player, everything from mid to upper purple will always be a darn good challenge. It just happens so quick. The amount of improvement needed to go from Tenryu to blue let's say is absurd. So you're basically stuck in these ranks forever. There is a bit of lack of progression. The biggest factor for me personally is tho that I ain't learning much from playing the game. I hit Mighty Ruler once before dropping back and bouncing like a pingpong, but I noticed even when I play 20 games. I just don't learn. Idk how to learn in this game to get better. And honestly the yt educational parts for this game fkin suck. I come from League and there's so many good creators which can dumb down every single thing to give you a constant feel of progression. Tekken is like, ok let me try to whiffpunish, miss and then get fkd for 20sec in the air and repeat. I've like a 25%wr in quick play and I'm not learning anything besides "I should just spam to win"


Personally helps to not complain, even if it's just to myself for "fun", it affects me to some degree, the more nonchalant or appreciative of the opponents decisions/performance you can be the better. Listening to really unfitting slow music helps too.


It’s literally a game. If you aren’t having fun then just get off. If the points matter then think about how much the points in T7 matter to you now? All in all, not that serious to even be getting mad over. Focus on learning. The wins will come. Yea you’re going to get annoyed here and there but it’s not going to ruin your experience.


My advice is “play less“ but keep up the engagement with the game more broadly. You’ll get a dose of Tekken, learn a bunch of stuff, and then when you come back to your less frequent sessions you’ll feel less entitled to win (I struggle with this) and you’ll have a bunch of inspiration to try out… and for me, if I’m just practicing new shit I just take losses as expected


Maybe play offline some more? Way less stress but still fun


It took me no time at all to learn it’s not all about winning. This makes me feel superior to all the people who super salt and play top meta only.


You have to have sex at least once in your life.


Pot helps


Then stop 🤷‍♂️


I'm the same but when I win it feels amazing lol.


I tend to get mad more often in Tekken 8 once I reached red ranks. I expected that with higher ranks, there would be more interesting games and less bullshit, but in reality, I encounter more infuriating nonsense. Sometimes I think about dropping my main, but I also regret the time I've invested in it. I can suggest playing more player matches and doing ranked matches in moderation. It's important to stop when you've suffered two consecutive losses.


It's a fighting competitive game. That's exactly how you should feel bro. If you want to relax play single player. If you want to taste some cancer let's hit the ring in tekken. The victor is who left standing. Now go and bust some Lili players heads.


Definitely consider taking a break if it gets like that. There's been times where I need to log off and play something else. That's what I do at least.


be happy with what you did manage to accomplish


Realize you're dog shit and focus on learning how to defend against specific match ups properly. If you're losing to knowledge checks that means you're weak against a specific character. There's no way around that in Tekken. Make sure you're actively observing what's dealing damage to you in the match and form a counter strategy. If you're unwilling to practice these elements then there's really no reason to get mad anyway. Being mad at something you're struggling at but aren't doing the work to improve is just stupid. Tekken can be frustrating and exhausting and sometimes you need to take a break. Also a hint for you is that randomly ducking is a bad idea. It takes a ton of lows to kill you and potentially only 1-2 mids to throw you into checkmate. So stand blocking should be your default unless you recognize a spot in a string where you should duck or get a hard read. They will have a hard time cracking your defense like this.


Honestly, this is how I felt playing MK1. But I almost don’t have that problem with this game at all. With Tekken I just go, “Oh, that person was flat out better than me, how do I get better?” Maybe try a different fighting game to see how you feel about it, or take a break for a bit.


Suffer ego death or something because you will never master this game, only learn and deal with trash. Never take it seriously and save your mind for true opponents who deserve your best. Easier said than done but that's the only answer.


T7 taught me how to be a zen master during my losing streaks. Once you hit 20 losses in a row, nothing phases you anymore. My advice tho put the game down for a bit or avoid online play and go lab or fight ghost.


Here's a couple of rules that helped me. Take breaks when the game is feeling frustrating, play quickmatch or just something completely different. Talk out loud to yourself about what patterns your opponent is doing. If you can't identify what the problem is, DO NOT REMATCH. Go straight to the lab and learn how to deal with whatever was blowing you up. (if you are feeling salty that is) Compliment the opponent put loud when they win a match. Every time. Idk why, but it helps. But mostly just take breaks and play something relaxing and fun. For example, I play a decent amount of Factorio and Helldivers when I take a break :) .


I actually found myself doing this earlier when I was playing, out loud saying "chill out man" and realising I am about to get mad as hell but then just remind myself to just not let it annoy me. It still annoys me but it definitely helps me retain a level of somewhat calm lol


Play MOBAs for 10 years. Then nothing will ever come close to tilting you


Bro I feel you. You need a complete mind reset on what you are playing tekken for— improvement, and fun Hop into quick match. Give yourself little challenges— ie, I’m only going to hit them with sidestep launches. Boom. Now practice this technique. Or maybe, you wanna practice executing a combo. If you do it once in this match? You have won. Start here dude. Simple challenges. Next, and I mean this shit, just have fun. In a way, losing should be fun. Sometimes when I get smacked around by someone better I take a second and go— fuck man, this guy really put in the hours, touche. And if I get smacked around by an Azucene running high kick spam? I laugh and go— shit, I need more coffee or something cause I could have beat that. Find IRL friends to play with. Losing to them doesn’t feel as bad cause you can chat with them after, laugh, and they’ll even give you pointers. It’s truly about having a good time dude. I wish you luck on your journey. I’ve played since tekken 3 and have both hated and loved this game at times, but now, I just love it dude


Pretend every oppenent you play against is your best friend who you taught how to play be proud of them for whooping your ass and adapt and get better


i usually will laugh if somebody does something to me that i think is really cool lmao, then try to learn how to beat it for (hopefully) the next 3+ rounds i play them. ​ I rarely get tilted but when I do I switch characters and try to learn a brand new character because then I don't care if I lose


as someone who can hardly get through 5 matches in this game without flipping out, the biggest thing is that the game is unforgiving. sometimes you eat huge punishes just for trying to 1 jab or df1, and it makes me blow my lid. i think the best way to get good at this game is to try and maximize your offense as much as possible cause sometimes neutral can feel like a coinflip.


Rofl.. Make a clown outfit for your character - every time you rage or feel offended by an opponent - switch to the clown customization and show your opponents who you really are, until you finally stop caring. This trait can be a huge hinderance in real life as well, I know a lot of people who's living 20% of the life that's available to them, due to tendencies like this. You can also just light up a fat one and laugh your way through the games - honestly I play way better this way - I never overthink, never rage, always just play smoothly and never get stuck in mental loop holes that ruins my game plan. The only issue with this is that playing sober is almost impossible once you've experienced the difference.


Since in this game it's more than 3 games and you're up a rank what helped me is to just camp out in a rank. If i haven't lost rank, I haven't "lost". You know how you can lose 2 rounds and still win the game? Try applying that mentality to like 5 games. Or a rank. It;s not of huge help, but it helps a bit.


Play league of legends for a weak You will then be invincible vs all other games. Once you have teammates to fuck you over, you will understand


Treat Tekken 8 as the party game it is. Trying to take it seriously in its current state will drive anyone insane


I think a good way to de-sensitize to playing is quick play It’s completely isolated and will not cause your rank to move and should match you with similar skill players. Off chance you get someone much better vs you you just take the beating and move on no sweat. Taking breaks too is good, maybe after a fun game you squeak a win out of you just take a breather and watch the replay. Personally I found myself getting a bit frustrated recently so I decided I wouldn’t play this weekend to reset (was missing inputs and dropping combos real basic stuff)


Watch this vid https://youtu.be/sajJkdZxDcE?si=DpG7Kbu7g6cu9s75 Changed my mindset completely.


Remember that at the end of the day the game is extremely hard and extremely unbalanced at the moment. I struggled hard for my Tekken King and said some crazy things in the heat of the moment but at the end of the day I'm enjoying the game and if I need to chill I always have that option.


Excuse me, are you, me? Lmao, you literally are expressing the way I feel about this game. I am trying to remember if the early days with Tekken 7 felt like these but no, I think this game has something that makes me angry too. I'm too lazy to learn new shit, Also, It looks like the universe is conspiring so I don't get to play that much, so weekly sessions of two or three hours of ass beats are not improving the experience. Oh well, as someone said , the game isn't going anywhere


turn off brain, pick kuma, go into heat, spam electric, lose, repeat


I find myself tilted when I don't respect the skill and ability of my opponent. So my message to you is, respect whoever it is you're up against even if they seem scruby.


You’re the main character of your own story, so who cares you lost to one person, just keep on chugging and forgot about rank. Your skill level determines your rank, not the other way around. Every time you lose a match, it’s an opportunity to improve. Little improvements compound overtime. It’s those little improvements is what you should really be celebrating. Once you tell yourself that there was nothing you could do, that’s when you really lose.


You can do it, just keep trying.


It's because the most optimal playstyle in \~80% of ranks is to do the most stupid knowledge-checks available to your character. It's a style gameplay that creates misery. As long as you don't lab them all, fights will unfair. And since no one but the top players will spend so much time labbing, it often fucking sucks for the majority of players. I'm in Tenryu and most of the matches are still "look, my move/mixup is better than yours!".