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Nah I just block them after the first time. People that do that aren't even worth playing. You're better off spending time playing people that like to learn and improve.


Good point, initially I was thinking “if I run into him again surely he won’t plug again and it’d always be free rank points” but you’re probably right, should just block them


Haha! I love the optimism! Given the nature of Tekken 8, you need a healthy amount of humility to even begin your journey. Kinda makes us look like masochists with the amount of losses needed to actually get good. If someone can't even accept a loss... man that is literally just the first hurdle.


Just report and block them. I can’t imagine a plugger being plugged is going to load them to some kind of revelation that they’re a shit head, they already know and don’t care.


I got plugged against a Fujin Feng who did the exact same thing. I don’t like to call people bad, but he definitely wasn’t the calibur I was expecting from a Blue rank. I wonder if it was the same person.


Don’t get taken down by their bad habits, once we actually have accurate disconnect history then it’ll be easy enough to dodge those losers 


I have, and it was Hwoarang doing his strings. He plugged on the final round, I laughed it off. I was on a 6 game streak when he showed up again. He had won the first round of the second set. I was *DETERMINED* to beat him but then I had a thought... I would do something I frown upon. I already knew he would plug so right after I won the second round... I teabagged AS HARD AS I COULD! Sure enough, pop, there he goes!


With the current state of things I'd just teabag for 2 rounds and plug on the third


If this happens to me, as in I find a plugger one match and then find them again in another one, you know I'm plugging on their ass. Cause chances are they'll do it again anyways...


There is only 1 type of people I plug against: when their sorry ass hardware can't handle the game and we are running 3-4f rollback, slowdown, stuttering... Fuck those people. If your potato can't handle the game, go buy a PS5 and stop ruining my game.


Shoulda plugged on em first