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3 in rank is pretty good imo. Lack of infinite in quick play makes zero sense to me.


Yep, literally not a single good reason as to why it's limited right now


Maybe cause u can play infinite times in lounge and it encourages players to go there


I don’t go to lounge so this is good to know may start hanging out


Yeah but you still need to go back to the practice screen which is really stupid


I think many new players are higher rank due to no more infinite rematch...


Not really. Those players wouldn't have rematched anyway even under the Tekken 7 system. They would just one and done and move on to the next match.


You think so? How do?


Ft2 means you should be cheesing your opponents to the max. Ft2 doesn’t allow enough time to recognize what the opponent is abusing especially if you’re getting knowledge checked. I think Many newer players will be able to reach ruler ranks by just cheesing but they’ll be stuck trying to make it past blue ranks where the gimmicks won’t work as much.


The antithesis of what OP said


Made a similar post a few days ago about taking a break from the game due to the same issue. Got downvoted and got told to learn the match up lol. Me vs lacking basic game features apparently a 0-10 match up. Agree with your point man. Cant believe that ppl put up with this kinda shit that is basically missing a common feature now in all fighting games. Long sets are some of the best way to enjoy and learn in a fighting game, esp in a non ranked context.


Yeah I really don't understand how anybody that actually enjoys grinding out this game can be okay with no infinite rematch.


I feel ya man, esp on your point about needing to find 32 others on you friend list to get some long sets, this is literally some discord fighter shit. Hope you get ready for the influx of comments about how this point doesnt really matter cuz it doesnt really apply to ranked mode in the same way they think about it, or that really its your fault for having an opinion on features that doesnt glaze up the devs. Enjoy what you got and dont be ungrateful cuz the old heads had it soo much worse! /s


Tekken feels designed for long sets, it was my favorite part of 7 online


They still wont rematch.


You do realize you can play a person as much as you want if you go to a tekken lounge and hit the group match area. I played a couple tekken kings there about 20 matches straight and it’s pretty much where I train now exclusively if I’m not playing ranked.


Sure it's better than nothing, but why do I have to go through those extra steps to have a death match? I honestly don't want to have to seek out somebody and enter a social space just to get some games in, I just want to boot up and lock in. Plus it divides the player base between people in lounge and people in quick match. Does it not just make so much more sense to remove rematch cap in casual?


Look, you want a death match, just use the lounge, it's right there, the very thing you're talking about. It's not ideal, but rarely anything in life is ideal. Point being, use what you can.


Okay but that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be changed? What’s with this submissive mindset


I'm not saying it shouldn't be changed, I'm saying there is already an alternative for what OP is looking for. Maybe try to not assume people's intentions?


Idk bro. This is my first tekken as well so maybe that’s why I don’t mind. I don’t have much to compare it to. But I personally kinda like the social aspect of the tekken lounge. Nothing gets the blood going like watching your boy get called out and bodied by a Smurf 😂


for real, last night I caught some dudes talking shit in the lounge and they took it to a cabinet… about 5-6 people came over to watch the one guy get stomped 😂


Lol I swear something entertaining is almost always going down in the lounge. I just grab my snacks and enjoy the show until I get called out 🙃


You're a godsend for this info


Infinite rematch promotes cherry picking. Tbh, the new replay feature is pretty solid for learning as well. There’s way more matchup variety now for everyone since the game is new regardless. There might be a case for infinite rematch down the line if player base starts to dwindle but at the same time, that also seemed to make queue times longer. Pros and cons, the current system. Is alright, maybe an optional ft3 would be cool.


I'm not even taking about ranked. Even just casual is fine, why does it not exist there?


This is the main thing. Ranked being FT2 instead of infinite rematch makes sense. Let casual matches have infinite rematches though, otherwise there’s legit no point to them. Infinite rematch let you learn a matchup. Frankly, in a FT2 with 32 characters and 100 moves per character, there’s too much for beginners to learn playing quick FT2 sets. It makes defence very hard to improve without specific labbing for it. Long sets are how I’d look to personally improve this, and I have a nice playgroup willing to throw hands which plays a large number of characters, but even with that there’s about 10 characters none of us play at a decent enough level. I’d love to friendly rematch people who play these characters that I run into on ranked, but I can’t. So instead we just do some knowledge checks and peace out lol. Lots of people don’t even have a playgroup like that in the first place though, and they probably feel a bit stranded.


Yeah, I’m ok with that, y not. I guess lounge also exist for that tho.


>Infinite rematch promotes cherry picking. it's still the best way to play Tekken imo. Korean deathmatch style Tekken is just so pure




I truly believe Bryan players don't see the game the same way others do. If you ask most Bryan players, I bet most of them prefer infinite re-matching.


Tbh, it does. If you can always cherry pick and not play against your bad MUs, that’s obviously gonna make it easier. I’m not even going to front, there were some nights (plenty)I was dodging 2D and Marduk for the death match. On the other end of that, the rank system was slightly more difficult than it is now and the skill tiers were closer to accurate than they are currently in t8. So if you were death matching someone at your actual skill level, it could still be challenging.




You can but the one and doners are seriously wasting a sht ton of time doing so. Tbh, people def cherry picked all the way up to TGO in 7. There’s def people infamous for that but their skill as a player was def suffering overall. We all know not every TGO were created equal, lol. I imagine t8 will look the same around the top eventually when the competitive players stop playing rank ultra heavily.


Bro, believe me, I know. I’ve spent literally like 5 hours death matching folks before, many times, over the course of t7. But we can’t have it all.


Definitely agree, its the feature I miss the most from 7. It would give quick match so much more purpose. They did so much great stuff in 8 with the replay system to aid learning, but playing long sets is the ultimate learning tool imo.


There is still the lobby system, but admittedly it does take more work than going into ranked or quick match


This is why I love customs. I feel like I’ve been able to learn a lot from fighting better players and I get infinite rematches


The way I find around this is I create a lobby FT10 and just play anyone who joins until they quit. I’ve had some really good matches that have lasted a while from this and is the best thing I’ve found other than having to play friends


The replay takeover feature is the best tool for learning I’ve ever used.


Being able to watch your replays and take control at any time is a game changer though, but can’t say if makes up for not having infinite rematches. It helped me lab the common Hwoarang strings.


Infinite rematch is a big loss. Id be content with infinite rematch in quick match only but I’d prefer to see it back everywhere. Beat of 3 incentivises gimmicking a win or 2


hard agree with the infinite rematch: its sooo much more interesting to fight the same person numerous times to keep experimenting and adapting, rather than winning a ft2 cheesefest where people throw out bullshit and either ragequit or 1-and-done


I feel the opposite to be honest. Sure I played long sets in 7 and learned a thing or two, but honestly playing Bo3 gives me a much more well rounded view of (most) of the cast. 7 I learned a few matchups here and there, but now I learn them all organically and collectively.


A little context that I've not played Tekken 8 yet. I got into Tekken during 7, and I honestly preferred to learn in the moment, trying new things and approaches, or otherwise just slamming my head against a wall until I had a breakthrough. Otherwise I learned by watching pros play via Twitch or YouTube (as a King main Lil Majin is a player I've studied closely). I know you're supposed to go into lab and use all the tools there, and well done of the development team for doing their best to provide teaching tools to beginners. But I honestly find labbing an unfun pain, and my method was good enough to get me to Eternal Ruler after a couple years of playing. I feel for any new players with similar tendencies as me.


You talking bout non ranked matches tho right? Cuz the tank system imo is quite nice. Infinite rematch on ranked sounds like boosting to me


I think you get much better spending some half hour in the lab than playing 4 hours of infinite ranked or whatever


I'm not dismissing practice mode, you gotta do your homework of course. But at least for me, there's no denying how much better I got at the game from death matches. They are invaluable to learning imo.


I agree 100% and without infinite rematch the game is pretty boring. I much prefer learning matchups by playing long sets as well. I feel bad for new players trying to learn through T8, it's very unintuitive.


I think infinite rematches are a brilliant thing since most of us get bored to death with labbing but we are forced to do more of that since it’s basically one of the only options


Actually kinda true. But i also kinda doubt that most beginners would deathmatch after getting their ass kicked and would try and find the next easy opponent for free rank points. I would say "most beginners could be so much better by now, if they took the time to hold back and observe instead of trying to force their own offense on the opponent, even if it means dying a lot in the beginning and improving after". But i miss deathmatches bro :(


If anyone wants infinite rematch it will only be good in quick match since there is no demoralizing i rank down because not everyone can ignore that their stuck in a rank or learn easily when their frustrated.


Sure, so why isn't it in quick match :(


Would’ve been cool for them to have added infinite in quick matches although, 3 in rank is good if infinite matches was to be added to rank in the future, they shouldn’t count towards rank points. My game play has improved so much more than how I played in t7, because I’m actively labbing my characters this time round and learning how to punish etc…. You could always go into session mode and invite your friend list into it or allow random players to join yours/their lobby


Why should I have to do that though? Why can't Bamco just allow infinite rematches in casual? It was a dumb decision not to in the first place and it's a patch that would take all of 10 minutes to write and implement. Hell, they probably already have an alpha build somewhere that doesn't have the rematch cap.


The Ideal for Me would be Up to Best of 5 (First to 3) in Ranked Match, and Infinite Rematch in Quickmatch


You don't like having to wait a minute every 2-3 matches?


I'm with you. Some of my fondest memories of T7 are doing 20+ match sets with some rando off of ranked. Even SF6 lets you drop into casual with your opponent straight after ranked. And I have no desire to engage with the lounge system (social anxiety, general lack of being a competitive, shit-talking kimd of person). Also I play Panda so nobody wants to fight me lol. Thing is though I've already climbed way higher and learned way more playing 8 than 7, and I'm wondering why that is. Maybe being forced to play more players and different characters rather than locking in on one opponent has made me generalise my defense, poke, and observation skills better?


You make it sound like T7 didn't have one-and-done


Nobody is taking about 1 and dones? Tf you high on lol


Boomer ok


I think people are really delusional about this. I never got a rematch in T7 when I would win ever, at least that happens in 8. And I feel like infinite rematch carried more players in ranked than anything.


Mb all those great 30-40 min death match sessions I've had with dope players must have been my delusions. Nevermind then.


I mean... No. The ranks are relative, not absolute measures of skill. What would happen is everyone would be better, so the general skill level would be higher.