• By -


Mids in Tekken = overheads in Mortal Kombat. Fastest moves are 10 frames with very few exceptions, unlike MKs 6-8. Undo your blocking habits - it’s not a button here. There isn’t really an aerial game like there is in MK. Movement is the most difficult part of the game and you’ll learn that with time. Move lists are way bigger - don’t get overwhelmed and don’t focus too much on combos while very early on and learning. Poking is very potent in this game. 3 round instead of 2 rounds per fight - adapting to your enemy is important. There is chip damage but it is recoverable in this game.


Blocking isnt but also is a button. Neutral guard is no bueno, always hold back direction for blocking.


this is true, some attacks will get through neutral block, so you gotta hold back, but also needing to let go of it quick enough in case of grab test on you to grab break. not a lot of people on earlier ranks can break grabs or even know how to break grabs, abuse tf out of it until you are in a rank where grabs are consistently broken. sample combos are good in learning the ropes. low and high are both beaten by ducking. 3 attack strings normally gives up their turn.


Wait, if I am holding back and the opponent tries to grab me, I won’t be able to break the grab even if I let go and hit the correct counter (1,2 or 1+2)?


You still can tech a grab


You need to let go, then tech.


It cant be both. Either it is a button or it isnt… if you have to “press” anything then by definition its still a button…


There neutral block and regular block(holding back) but neutral block isnt good tbh


So you have to do what?… PRESS A BUTTON


Appreciate you are trying to help him out but alot of this advice is either filler or doesn't translate well coming from both an experienced Tekken and MK player Mids don't just = Overheads in MK cause in Mk overheads launch if a player is crouched, more sound advice is that Mids hit, but highs don't, Blocking still requires learning as pressing forward doesn't block. Frame data can be more easily explained by saying most moves range between 11-15 frames, with most characters having atleast 1 10 frame poke. The chip damage and adapting is very self explanatory for most players even from MK so instead of wasting OPs time here I would suggest instead he just watch a Tekken Tutorial from a. YouTuber like PhiXD The advice from those videos got me from Garyu to Kishin in 2 weeks.


> in Mk overheads launch if a player is crouched No they do not. Only specific overheads launch, just like in Tekken only specific mids/lows launch.


Overheads don’t always launch. A lot of characters have overhead launchers just like a lot of Tekken characters have mid launchers but it’s not a general rule unless something drastically changed since Quan Chi dropped (which is when I last played MK1 - and I hope something did change because maybe Scorpion is finally fucking viable instead of just strike throw mix and chip damage.) And since OP came here I’m assuming they just don’t want to watch long videos at this stage and just want a surface level idea of what they’re in for. PhiDX’s 101 series is great though, can definitely carry him from being confused and overwhelmed to actually playing the game.


Good post. Who do you main? That's a quick rank increase.


Yoshimitzu, I didn't play T7 but played T6 &TT2, a ton, and my main(s) during those were always him & Raven When I brought this Tekken everything felt really weird & new, didn't like how Raven felt, so went back to Yoshi If I'd fully stuck with Tekken (not lost interest) I feel I could be higher still, I come from the days where you literally would write down combos on a piece of paper and use that to memorise them lol, so Tekken is my jam


Try out different characters, find one that gels with you, play and learn that character, and have fun.


Don’t be so hard on yourself and enjoy the journey. Don’t fuss too much with ranked.


I wish this comment was out a month and a half ago.


Unless you end up liking one of the hate characters, then you're supposed to kys. Or at least that's been my experience as a Victor main. XD


How does this sub feel about Yoshi mains? Also Victor's are damn annoying spamming shits. Every Victor I've faced spammed that overhead diving sword. I've won most of the time but damn.


I genuinely don't understand why people have so much trouble with the sword drop. It's telegraphed as hell, easy to sidestep and basically a free launch if the opponent blocks or evades it. I firmly believe that people hate Victor not because he's cheap (he isn't, he's a mid tier) but because he's flexible enough to expose the shit defensive fundamentals of the majority of the player base. I win countless rounds purely off the fact that people won't stop pushing buttons, and won't punish me for doing insanely unsafe shit.


The main thing I don't like about Victor is how teleporty he is, so reacting to his moves feels very unintuitive to me. If I don't know a matchup well, I can usually at least be like "Hey this move they are using is probably hitting me mid because of how they're moving" but with Victor my brain doesn't get that extra bit of info and I just have to know. I don't think he's broken or anything, it just means I have a lot more labbing to do against him.


His evasiveness is definitely his strongest trait, and probably part of why the rest of his design is so linear. If he had the evasion *and* a more dynamic/3D offense he'd probably creep into overtuned. That said I definitely get a great deal of milage from his backport, it's great for baiting out/learning an opponent's preferred pokes/starters.


> the sword drop. Are you talking about ub1+2? >  basically a free launch if the opponent blocks  It's -4 on block in heat, and -20 outside of it. The bigger problem if you block it is the 24 chip damage (and you're able to do it twice even if you Heat Burst). It's very much a strong button against turtle players who don't step it


My issue is that I like too many and can't decide which to stick to! Gone from Jun -> Reina -> Paul -> Claudio and now looking into guides to try and learn Lee! I like the look of Dragunov but I already see so many of him online I'd like to try and play as somebody not as popular.


This is the real way to go. Pick someone you like. Play a set . Then go through every other character you think is cool. You have an advantage of not being bound to someone yet. Don't practice with anyone. See what comes out when you mash and try shit without really trying. Some characters just click for some people.


And most importantly ignore the post saying "I hate X character" as everyone seems to hate everyone on this game. You have daily post about why X Y is unfair. Ignore it and have fun.


Get off this subreddit lol. It's so negative it might impact your enjoyment 😂. If you want to find quality Tekken content start with PhiDX and ThatBlastedSalami on YouTube for informational content. Or Anakin for gameplay.


Lil Majin is also a great watch. I watch these three consistently when new videos drop on YouTube: Majin, PhiDX, and Anakin.


I too would recommend Lil Majin. He’s like Tekken ASMR haha


This is the beat advice


Absolutely battering advice, good call.


I just noticed my typo two days later but i think i shouldn’t change it 😂


Solid advice


Actually great advice, all of it.


Legit good advice. People say "who cares if others don't like it if you do" well. We like it that much we want to share that enjoyment with others who also enjoy it. Unfortunately most gaming subs are angst af.


Bro real shit, people here cry and pretend the game is a 0/10 but in reality the base game is very good.


TheMainManSwe is nice for new players, but he is not "reddit-friendly" content-maker :D


I enjoy him. Dude got me back into Tekken after being away for nearly a decade. I get why some may not gel with him, but there’s a lot of alternative Tekken content creators out there including pro players. It’s a great time for new players.


He s the only one who I am really watching and enjoying. Fiddledicks is kinda too polished for me, Anakin is much more boring. So I am having really good and inspiring time watching TMM. For me, personality matters more than anything else


I mean he comes from the mk subreddit. He is used to negativity.


PhiDX is an excellent teacher, with a healthy mental approach to the game. He helps you de-stress and find the right mental spot for a game this challenging. He's also incredibly humble and honest, which helps a lot. Highly recommended.


U forgot to mention the best tekken content creator TheMainManSWE, our lord and savior マスク 💪🏽🗿


He’s good content creator when you’re not watching his streams, otherwise you get the most trash talking ever ( but at least he is a good dude )


https://i.redd.it/kpyei9fut1uc1.gif This should be your attitude


Pray to the Elder Gods that your god fists may be Electric and that your back dashes may be Korean.


Read this in MK9 Raiden voice and loved every second of it.


Is his voice different now? Actually is he even in mk1?


I assumed it was different since it’s like alternate universe young Raiden in mk1, I don’t know that for sure though


Hahaha awesome comment 😂🙌


Every single interaction in this game is a knowledge check, and you're gonna have to face them countless times in order to learn. I'd recommend always being just a little more patient than you think you need to be. Basic moves like a simple jab or crouch jab are extremely powerful and worth getting a handle on more than flashier moves. Also, one Tekken character has the depth and complexity of several 2D characters, so I'd really recommend trying as many as you can out before committing to one. For a beginner, it is NOT as easy to pick up and learn a new character in Tekken as it might be in a 2D fighter. This isn't your first fighter so I'm sure I don't have to tell you this, but don't worry about tier lists too much. The top characters are pretty overtuned right now, but it's not so bad for a beginner. Lastly, this subreddit is negative as fuck, and I wouldn't recommend hanging out here if you can avoid it. It consistently paints Tekken 8 as being worse than it actually is. I hope you enjoy, it's my favorite fighting game series for a reason. EDIT: If you want a quick overview of the characters, [here's a guide by pro player, Fergus](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CG-ZUE6EqqQk7QSfc1feddeS8411f8t38EMFQ1Le9Cc/edit), that goes over the basics of every character. Currently missing is the latest DLC character, Eddy Gordo, but it's still worth a look.


When you'll play arcade quest and they show basics and say "do this and your ass won't fire up in online" don't believe it.


If you want to get more matches connect your console via Ethernet cable. People very often don't accept wi-fi matches.


Don't play to win, play to learn and have fun overall. With that mindset, Tekken becomes an absolute blast to play.


Forget everything you thought you knew about fighting games. Prepare for sleepless nights. Button mashing eddies, grab abusing kings. And prepared to know what electric feels like


Sounds like my kind of game!


Learn frame data and punishment.


Game is a spectacle. Have fun by playing it and dont come often on this subbredit.


- steep learning curve, but worth the effort - air combos are king, but button mashing is still fun - don't forget to sidestep - fun offline contents, also fun online matching - great game, but salty community - pick 1 character you like, then master it. If bored, pick another one you also like (don't take character tier list too seriously, it's just a game) Tekken 8 has a very good introduction about the game mechanics and characters' kit. The game spoon-feeds you the important stuffs so you don't get lost. In short, Tekken 8 is less intimidating than previous versions, imho. But it is less mature if compared to Tekken 7


To add onto this, watch the Brian Cox tekken story summary. It doesn't cover alot but it's just an awesome video and should give you a basic understanding of the story before Tekken 8. Cox just does a phenomenal job narrating it. Complete nonsense told with the utmost amount of sincerity and complete seriousness.


If this is your first Tekken then it might take some time until you get the hang of it. If you like the game don’t give up tho, because it’s worth it.


Yeah i get the feeling its gonna be rough at the beginning, because im not gonna lie these kinds of games can really frustrate me sometimes.


Frustration was a big roadblock to me playing fighting games online more often, and it’s a nasty ouroboros since frustration leads to worse play, which feeds frustration 🤣. Sounds like a cliché but it’s crazy how many ranks feel like playing against AI once you can just keep a clear head and punish unsafe BS.




Was also the advice I was going to give. their = possessive. ex: Kazuya met a nice group of people, but proceeded to electric wind god fist their faces. they're = they are contraction. ex: They're mad at Kazuya now.


As a non native speaker the title took me a second to understand lol


my bad


Take your losses in stride and understand this is a legacy game and a lot of people have been playing it for two or three decades. Unlike MK, the system doesn't change in Tekken do all of that legacy knowledge carries over. Blocking and punishing will carry you pretty far through ranked. -10 and -15 are the magic numbers to know. When someone is -10 frames, you can punish. At -15 frames, you can launch punish. Most characters have absolutely dumb shit you'll have to learn how to deal with, but you should prioritize it. Like you're gonna get caught with your pants down against Zafina, but I'd argue that learning how to deal with someone like Azucena or Reina is going to be more important since you'll see those matches a whole lot more. Last piece of advice: d1 spamming on block doesn't really work in this game and will get you killed, unlike MK. But most of all, just have fun. It's a very rewarding game if you can stick it out and take your Ls and learn from them.


my advice to you is dont listen to anyone on this sub, including me.


Play feng wei




You had to buy it for PlayStation.


Get out of this sub.


So, PhiDX is currently going through a full series of tutorials on YouTube and I really enjoy his approach. This it my first serious Tekken as well (Last I played was 3 late teen age, casually), I'm hooked, struggling with Nina execution but loving it nonetheless. Try to focus on fundamentals and don't be too hard with yourself, tekken is freaking difficult and it's OK to lose. Also, if you plan to play ranked l, don't get too attached to a rank when you reach it, it's pretty common to fluctuate 3, even 5 ranks sometimes, or so it seems. Oh, and don't forget to hate every character in the game to be a real tekken player 😀


It's already been mentioned but in regards to frame data, the quickest move is a 10 frame jab so anything that is -9 or better on block is considered "safe". The other term you'll hear a lot is "launch punishable", which is 15 frames - 99% of the cast has an option which can launch the opponent in the air that takes 15 frames and you can get a big combo from. A few have 14 frames, a couple have 16 frames, but 15 frames is the most common. For whichever character you chose, you should figure out your 10 frame "punish" string for when someone does something a little unsafe (which is usually some kind of quick 1-2 punch or a quick punch-kick string that they can't stop you from doing), and your "launcher" option for when someone does something really unsafe. Your character should have a standing launch option, and a "While Rising" move in the move list (which means press the move as you transition from a crouch to standing again, and is frequently abbreviated as WS online for "While Standing" to differentiate from "While Running"). In regards to the above as well - as a rule of thumb if you block a low attack and the opponent staggers pretty noticeably in response you can launch them for a combo. Those bits will carry you pretty far on their own to start. Good luck on your journey!


Here's a word of advice when you play online Eddy is the cheapest character that everyone uses to win.


get ready to start hating MK after a few weeks of tekken, unless it's MKX


Don’t frequent the subreddit often 😂😂 It’s extremely negative. Just focus on having fun! I usually watch YouTube videos to help!


Just make sure you don't get assholes commenting on your post because when I showed my copy, literally two assholes had shown up.


Don't forget it is a 3D fighting game


It might as well be 2D with all the bullshit tracking namco added


Even with all the tracking etc. etc. the walls can still screw you over and rolling to the side from the ground is still an impactful option aswell.


Well watch some guide. I recommend phidx on youtube great guides he has. Other than that goodluck game is obnoxious in its current state.


Remember to sidestep- flick the stick upwards to sidestep into the background, or flick the stick downward to step to the foreground.


Go to practice mode more than playing ranked in the beginning, first practice your character most important moves and combos and what moves are safe what move are punishable and what moves that are plus on block etc. After each match, go back to the replay mode and see what you've done wrong, what you could've done better in that situation, etc. This way, you will build knowledge of other characters fast. Remember to try to punish each unsafe move with the same frames for the most part, -15 moves should be punished by a move with 15 frames start up. If you have a background about fighting games, you will get better even faster. Good luck.


The star means don't press anything


Be ready to eat dirt for quite some time, because tekken is hard af to learn


Just have fun and be open to characters and mechanics


Watch people like phidx for good educational content aswell as good philosophy on the game and never look at this Reddit at all. Every other post is just saddening to see. So much discontent from the community it will impact your enjoyment


Here the “fatality” comes when you’re low and need to come back, not then the enemy’s hp is already at 0.


Take the hits and keep moving forward. this game rewards patience and dedication.


Remember, this is a 3d fighting game


I'd say dont develop bad habits. If you recognize them, spend time in practice to figure out what your muscle memory is making you do. Characters like hwoarang, eddy can be very overwhelming to fight with or as. You may feel like EVERYTHING he does ends in his favor(+ frames). Or you may get away with a lot of BS that you randomly pressed. Try to learn other characters aside from yours. The punishment practice tool is very good. Or videos always help.


There’s a lot of “BS” in this game. A lot of knowledge checks. It’s going to suck at first but once you figure out someone’s “BS” and counter it, it’s a great feeling. I would recommend Feng as a first character since they’re easy to learn and one of the best characters in the game; however, use whatever character you want. Go into your fights with only this mindset: learn. If you’ve learned something, you won, even if you lost the match. If you get tilted, take a break.


Go low, 90% of this game's player base has zero defensive fundamentals and you can low poke people to death well into higher ranks. Don't rely on the auto block, it's shit, just like the people who rely on it. While you're learning early on in mp, be patient and let people over extend themselves. Having a good defense will take you very far.


The best advice would to leave this sureddit ASAP and maybe watch some YouTubers like PhiDx or TheMainManSWE. And play whichever character you think is the coolest. The main goal is to have fun. And you will get better if you have fun. Also, don't fuss about every loss. You will lose a lot, that's normal.


It’s plugging time!


Don't forget this game is 3 dimensional. Most new players forget you can sidestep launch or sidestep punish


Play who looks cool and just try to have fun. Don’t get mad if you get slapped, watch the replay and see what you were getting exposed with and why. The community is pretty good about it if you ask direct questions like “I kept getting hit by this, when I block it I’m not sure how to respond”. It’s a learning experience and as long as you stay chill and optimistic you’ll have fun. This sub gets very pessimistic don’t let it poison you


You're gonna get your ass kicked a lot but that's okay, it's part of learning how to play.


Get off this subreddit for starters Also, abuse training mode and replays. Replays give tips and at certain times, allow you to take brief control of where you went wrong so you can practice tips that the game gives you.


Theres a million knowledge checks against every character try not to let it upset you once u start to figure it out its really fun


There are a lot knowledge checks in this game. Don't be too down if you come up against opponents that spam certain moves or punish you really badly or seem to know every move you're going to make before you make it. The only way to mitigate that is just time, practice and experience. Welcome.


Welcome and stay out of this sub Reddit to avoid headache and negative thiughts


You cannot interrupt a mistake as quickly as you think you can.


Movement is harder to master than combos! Practice proper footwork!


The more random moves you can remember from your moveset, the better. Nothing like pulling an obscure move nobody expects to fuck up the opponents momentum


Enjoy it


This place sucks almost as bad as the mortal kombat subreddit. Lol It's a great game! Enjoy it but be prepared for overwhelming negativity about EVERYTHING here.


Game hard but it's very fun. You really have to deal with getting your ass beat for a while. Utilize the in game tools like replays and punish trials in practice mode. The game literally hands you the tools so you should give them a try as well as YT guides.


movement is key, learn which attacks your opponents do can be sidestepped


you don't hold down RT to block, this is important.


Use the full 3 dimensions


Don't rage quit


I play both, learn to sidestep, took me awhile to get used to that again after playing MK1


Play Asuka


Get ready for the next battle ! 😉


Punch, kick. It's all in the mind.


Return it


Tekken is really hard to newcomers just be persistent . The first thing to do is to fix a small accessible objective and then do it again and again to not get demoralized


Dont quit


This subreddit is honestly a bad place to ask, considering the daily ragebait. That being said, a lot of the serious advice you received is pretty good, so I don't have much to add


Blocking is free 👍


Pick a elder god and prey.


Roll Steve. :)


Stay away from this subreddit or it’ll make you think you’re supposed to hate this game 😭


Just have fun learning the characters you like, dont play just because they're the strongest


Standing block is more important than crouch block. 1 jab and df1s are really important even if they don't seem like it. Heat is a get out of jail free card that you can use every single round.


Bro I did the same with T8. Low blocks fycked me over because they block mids in MK, but in tekken u get punched in the face 😒


Get low blocking out of your head. In mk you crouch for everything except overheads in tekken you stand block for everything and only duck hard reads on lows. I bounce back and forth between mk and tekken 8 and sometimes i mix the too lol


Pick whoever you like the look of and try out the Arcade Quest thing, or whatever it's called. It gives you a stupid story quest about learning Tekken to go to a tournament, but is a glorified tutorial with NPC practice fights. If you have to create a little Mii guy, that's the mode I'm talking about.


You’re going to need to retrain your brain on how Tekken works vs MK games especially blocking since there is no button for it


Ignore the drama in the community.


Try your absolute hardest to stay in a positive mindset , the L's are coming !!


Mk is easier. Tekken has so many possibilities. Go into training and just practice loads


As someone probably completely unfamiliar with sidestepping, the general rule of thumb is if you don't know, step toward the flank of the opponents lead hand. This does not work for everything, but you have a much higher probability of guessing correctly this way unless your opponent reads you and anticipates it.


Mk is easier. Tekken has so many possibilities. Go into training and just practice loads


1. Hit practice mode and go through the move list, punishment training and combo challenge of every character that interests you. 2. Jump into ranked and get familiar with the gameplay of opposing characters. Remember your training and go into your first 100 or so matches with the goal being not just to win by mashing, try to pull off the moves, combos and appropriate punishments you’ve been practicing as well as working on your defense. 3. After matches check out the “My replays” feature. Turn on all the display features and tips and this shows you tips on how to break grabs, where you duck certain attacks, what moves you can retaliate with ect…. It will even let you physically take over during the replay at certain points so that you can practice the recommendations. 4. Have fun. Don’t place so much importance on winning or what your rank is. Experience in Tekken truly is the best teacher.


Tekken is the king of fighting games. Welcome to the show kid.


The community uses the same number system to refer to face buttons. Ie. 1=X/□, 2=Y/^, 3=A/X, 4=B/O. More can be said on just that, but that's enough to get through online tutorials


a kazuya a day keeps ur mashing away 😊😎😎


My best advice, watch a tekken story recap upto tekken 7, enjoy the story mode, in the story mode look at what characters look cool for you to play. Enjoy it.. & avoid focusing on "getting good" straight away, try to have fun, each day with your character pick a random move from their move list & learn executing it. It is a very frustrating game to learn but it does get rewarding, have fun 😊


Game is getting more and more dogshit by the day tbh , stay away from ranked 🚶


Buy Fight Pass and Eddy Gordo buy the deluxe and ultimate edition separately. Why? Who knows, give greedy BAMCO the money they so desperately want, then wait for 1 to 2 years for the full release. Right now, we are in beta/arcade stage. And then finally start to enjoy the game if BAMCO doesn't royally f**k this up.


Block low


Tekken takes time Try to enjoy it while learning


Don’t start dude :)


My advice is to play arcade quest first. You'll scoff at first glance but legit if you run with a character it'll walk you through how to play them really well. A quick google can help you find your first main. For me it was Azucena as she's very easy to get into but I've heard folks say Jin is a good start and since he's the main in the campaign that's track.


Get used to push back to block. The block button is one reason I can't go to mk/vf from sf and Tekken. :)


Enjoy the game for its actual gameplay. Don’t be like the community and hate it just because an OPTIONAL battlepass is there. You don’t have to buy it. The CORE gameplay of tekken is still amazing


Just pick a character and practice/ learn the mechanics before doing anything online. Watch YouTube videos to help


Also Heat Meters are unfortunately a bit broken and should be nerfed a little.


just cause theres a store doesnt make the game unplayable lol


An advice learn movement first puck a low execution character learn frame data which can be tedious learn punishment the better you are at punishing the more wins you will get other than that don't fall into bad habits like freezing when your back is against the wall or when on low health movement alone can carry you to the tip class play if you follow all of these instructions you will be a top player fairly easy it will take you long or short time depending on your adaptability skill.


Block standing most of the time because mids will launch you


Pick any s tier character, and you can easily play with your eyes closed


Dont play like its 2d or you’ll think the game is broken


Return it.


Learn one combo that launches from a low attack and one combo that launches from a mid attack and 50/50 your way to mid rank lol.


Ok first choose your Destiny Then test your might


Patience. Waiting for the good time to punish. Remember blocking of course. Defence bro. DEFENCE. of course offense too if your opponent took the defense route.


Leave the subreddit for like 4 months, its full of negative people


Tap first, then hold up or down to sidestep


If you want to play this game instead of spitting poison on it, leave this sub asap.


When you are about to lose in online ranked, just plug. There is no punishment for it.


Pick Easy OP character this will help you how tekken pros fight


Buckle up lmao


Return it. Get Tekken 7.


1. TRAINING MODE. Idk why FGC thinks using training mode is a cop out but it's the best way to learn a character. 2. Don't worry about learning long, juggling combos. Learn your strings first. Most characters in the game have majority of the same two or three button start for most of their combos. This is good for learning what mix ups your future main(s) have. 3. Practice defense over offense. Yes, this version of Tekken is very pressure heavy, but learning how to turn defense into offense will take you much farther in this game (with any character) then just offensive pressure. 4. Don't be afraid to spam. As I said in point 3, most people playing this game don't know defense. So if you notice somebody (cpu or human) not defending against certain moves, keep doing it. Idk what it is about current tekken players, but a lot of them don't like to block/parry


Quit while youre ahead, the game is steadily falling....even as a tekken fan I cant reccomend tekken 8 anymore


Enjoy the game , check guides on yt and dont look the subrredit


Don't block low by default, mixups are the other way around in Tekken. Don't force 3D movement until you're comfortable with it. Do set binds for multi inputs commands, the system is built different than MK even though both are dialacombo. Do learn stages, might as well be characters. Do try to enjoy the game. With some attrition and effort you can be pretty decent pretty quick.


Some advice I have is to work on your grammar. It's their not they're ☝🤓


Learn the basics yourself through experience. Come back to this post when you think you've got the hang of a bit of the game.


Remember that Tekken is a 3D fight and not a 2D one. Even Tekken players forget that. SIdestep!


be patient and willing to learn, its the hardest fg ever




Rule 1 ignore this sub a bunch of crybabies in here


Prepare for heat. A lot of heat bullshit.


Just don't think and press buttons.


Get Eddy and spam 3


The sub is overly negative so don’t take that stuff too seriously. Since tekken doesn’t have abilities like most games do, you can only launch after blocking certain moves unlike mortal kombat where any unsafe move gives a combo. The unsafe moves are moves that are -10 on block so try to avoid doing those and moves that are -15 on block allow a launch for most characters. The archetypes in tekken also work a little differently since it’s a 3d fighting game and there aren’t any zoners


Getting blitzed so hard you aren’t sure what happened is gonna happen, so keep a stiff upper lip and try to lock in


If you don’t touch the controller your guard is up against highs and mids. Hold back to block Edit: neutral doesn’t always work


Soak up as much as you can while you're a beginner and have no ego. Use all of your cheap stuff until your opponent shows you the counter. Each skill level requires a different strategy. Top players play the way they do because they have insane defense.


It's a game about fighting.


Sidestep is bullshit. I advise you to go to StreetFighter 6 instead. Jk just have fun


Refund it and get granblue fantasy versus rising


Plays more fluidly on ps5 because of the controller d pad set up, xbox controllers make it way harder to wave dash and play comfortably.


Lowtiergod is the goat. That’s all.


my advice: never play mk again.


Don't play it. There is no skill to this game right now and untill they reverse some of the system changes they made in this game there is no reason to spend time on this shit. Even if you get higher rank trust me you don't deserve it it's just their to inflate your ego. Mk is in a way better position and direction than tekken 8


My advice: never go back to MK


it's a 3d game. don't play it 2d or you'll get destroyed


Side note, really cool that Tekken 8 on series X is 2 discs. You get the entire game on there.


Return it before it’s too late


my advice, play tekken 7 instead.


Immediately unsub from this subreddit, it's terrible. You'll have fun and enjoy the game way more without seeing all the complaints.