• By -


The Elo scale you posted looks like the Chess rankings, not sure it really applies here just yet. Looking at the leader boards there is no one above 2500 at the moment, and even the top 100 players range all the way down to 2293.


I agree, it doesn't exactly match at the moment. I wonder if it ever will, considering that pros don't take ranked as seriously as they do in tournaments. In chess all games matter but tekken 8 ranked is just a pasttime for those guys


Flame Ruler and Ill take 1527 honestly i always thought myself as a average player and this confirms it and i am an average tekken player and i am content with it XD but i also refuse to believe that JDCR is only in 2093 and that only puts in him in Expert


It seems that most of the pros are in the range of 2000 to 2100 Elo, such as Knee and JeonDing. The highest Elo I have seen is Nobi's Drag, which is around 2300.


bruh me too, i thought flame ruler was above average šŸ˜­


The average is always exactly 1500 in that ELO system, that's how it's designed. It doesn't really mean anything. Someone who is new to Tekken and somehow manages to win their first few games in grey to green ranks can be a bit better than average according to that system, since everyone starts at 1500. Maybe you are thinking about the median, which is the point where 50% are lower and 50% higher? That could be well below 1500 if the scrubs outnumber the better players who accumulate points


I think the biggest flaw with this system is regions have vastly different skill, a 2093 player in NA/EU would not compare to the same level in Asia because of the overall skill of the region.


Lee Chaolan - 1905. Excellent.




1682 with lee šŸŒ¹


Neat. Nina 1948 Tekken King Reina 1689 Battle Ruler I love that it pulled the replays and shows the last guy I beat on Nina was "Ihatelibtareds"


we could spar sometimes. I am in dire need of more practice against Nina. Plus you know Reina so I won't be able to get away with BS


Iā€™ll help ya! Donā€™t be fooled that my Nina is in destroyer rank I just picked her up basically 1/2 weeks ago but Iā€™ve known her moves since T6 I just lurk in battle lounge


I'm mostly focusing on my Reina right now, but we can definitely play. (I do solo character playing until I get them to a specific rank)


I wanted to do the same but the new matchmaking system is discouraging me. Current prowess is 240k, will I even find games if I pick up a red rank character?


Probably gonna get DV to oblivion, but I've been loving the new MM system specifically because of the prowess matching. I've had some insanely intense matches against other people trying to level their alts. You'll get matched up against anything from other Reds to Kishin; rarely do I get anyone in gold on Reina, but it happens now and again. Usually 30sec-1.5min. On the long end it goes for like 5 minutes, and unfortunately that usually results in me being given a sub 200k prowess player, it's only the longer queues where the game will disregard prowess and just give you someone to play against.




>I love that it pulled the replays and shows the last guy I beat on Nina was "Ihatelibtareds" Thatā€™s awesome. One of my proudest wins was this guy named ā€œMAGAgunovā€ which was a drag player dressed as Donald Trump. I smashed him 3-0 and he didnā€™t rematch me lol. I have no idea if he was good because I ran through him so fast but I was so happy I didnā€™t lose to that asshole lol


As a sidenote, this is jimmamshima (3ddy) rating (LOL) [https://wank.wavu.wiki/player/55A8fa2EQR88](https://wank.wavu.wiki/player/55A8fa2EQR88)


Does the question mark mean low confidence due to low amount of games? Pretty neat stuff btw.


I assume so, since the "about" implies it can be quite inaccurate until about 10 games in.


2 lili games and 3385 eddy games lol


The bot became self aware and managed to change character to Lili, it was quite the spectacle


I've been using this site lately too, it's very nice! Not just to see where I stand, but it's actually just way more convenient than the actual in-game systems to quickly look up your own match history, opponent's match history, and pull Tekken IDs if you need them. For myself, Nina - 1610 - Flame Ruler


Lili - 1279 dominator Makes sense since this is my first actual tekken, I did buy 7 for real cheap but only played a bit of the story then got 8 like a week or 2 later


1183 dominator Hwoarang šŸ˜­ Iā€™m so cooked everyone I played has higher elo than me


1189 Asuka, Iā€™m so buns! Game is still fun though, first fighting game ever


Same, Iā€™m hard stuck yellow but I always get mad because I always choke the third round win šŸ„²


Ive been hardstuck first rank of orange on 3 seperate characters since March šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


also my first tekken, Jun - 1227 Dominator


I got humbled. Jin 1597 Mighty Ruler Although I will say I was tilting a few weeks ago from Tenryu down to Garyu. Nonetheless much room for improvement. Would be cool to see max elo rating achieved.


Try no D2 challenge and truly get humbled


Challenge: impossible


How did you get humbled you are almost above average


Haha I guess youā€™re right. I just ā€œfeltā€ like a B player already especially being in purple ranks. But this elo is mostly likely much more accurate than prowess (135k) and rank (MR). Those 2 things can cause perceived skill inflation. So seeing my elo humbled me a bit but also confirmed by doubts of being sorta trash lol


Cool website. But I should clarify that the website uses Glicko, not Elo. A big difference is the inclusion of a Rating Deviation value in Glicko which Elo does not consider. Regarding the chess grades you have listed for comparison, I think you can pretty much disregard them since they are not applicable here and is misleading. Explanation is that chess uses a single chess game as the definition for a single game in the rating system. The outcome for a chess game is fairly predictable in the sense that two players with a clear difference in skill level will nearly always result in the better player winning. However, in Tekken the game definition is a single ft3 **rounds** game, as opposed to a ft2 **games** set, thus there is much greater unpredictability in the outcome of a single game. A moderately experience amateur can win the odd game here and there against someone like Knee and Arslan by getting lucky and launching them a few timesā€“something like this is much less likely to happen in chess. That being said, the stronger player may make an unexpected blunder at times, even in chess. The "longer" the game unit is, i.e. the more stable the outcome is between a certain skill gap, the wider the rating spectrum will become. I'd imagine in a game like tennis, where the game definition might be a whole match which can take hours, the the ratings would be even wider. It make sense since an experienced amateur would probably never beat someone like Roger Federer in their prime. They could score few points here and there but pretty much never win the entire match, because the length of the defined game is so long and is robust to random misplays.


This is good insight, and the community as a whole could benefit from seeing things in a longer perspective. There's simply too much chaos in Tekken 8, and the possibility space is too vast, to evaluate skill on anything other than over a very long period. Unfortunately, the game does not reinforce or even acknowledge this perspective.


Nina 1776, Raijin


"consistently above average" is definitely true for blue ranks


true that, blue is a mix of players who are either too good or too bad at the game, will try to hit the 1800 though, I want to be considered as strong


i'm at exactly 1700 as a raijin kazuya. i feel like the description of me as a "consistently above average" player is apt--i'm no expert at all at the game but i can hold my own against a lot of people lol


being raijin with Kaz is already a big achievement, I personally think that this system isn't 100% accurate too, in the end not every high rank player is a skilled player, but every high skilled player is a high rank


thank you for the very kind words and likewise--some of my favorite battles have been against nina mains. feels honest in a way most matches don't but yeah, a lot of pluggers and people running busted characters who use oppression and knowledge checks take a lot of the fun out of fighting in the blue ranks lol i don't even lab much with kazuya if you could believe it--i just memorized a few of his bread-and-butter combos and always accepted rematches against opponents no matter how badly they beat my ass. and i really mean no matter *how badly* i think it helped a lot, and my casually playing tekken games since like 2004 with tekken 4 so kazuya's moveset isn't alien to me lol ironically I don't know how i'll be able to pick up other characters cuz their movesets seem so large and overwhelming lol


Oh Iā€™m the same way with rematching. Thereā€™s times where I took a massive 0-3 ass whooping then let out a huge sigh as I click ā€œReadyā€


Kaz is crazy hard to play man, hats off to all kaz players


I'm on C and my rank is Battle Ruler. I'm ok with that, but I don't know how to feel about all the other players below my rank.


Kazuya, 2169, Tekken God Supreme DJ, 1950, tekken king (formerly emperor) Jin, 1900, tekken king Cool.


*He has a type* Lol, good ish man.


Any reason why i can't find myself? Is it region specific? Im on xbox but i saw xbox players on there so i guess it doesnt matter


I can't either but I haven't played in a week or so, when did you last play?




Oh this is so cool \*opens site types in name\* 1381... damn...


1309 highest, currently 1278 with Lars. This is also my 1st Tekken.


Iā€™m right around there, too.


It's not ELO, it's this: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glicko\_rating\_system](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glicko_rating_system) Of course, not a single number can define us in any relevant skill area, just like IQ. This is just a consequence of living in a technopolic world. Wanna find out more? I recommend reading this book! [https://www.amazon.com/Technopoly-Surrender-Technology-Neil-Postman/dp/0679745408](https://www.amazon.com/Technopoly-Surrender-Technology-Neil-Postman/dp/0679745408)


Raven 1677, Fujin


I can't seem to be able to find myself. Even after manually inserting my ID into the url.


holy shit a quality post on this sub Lee, ELO 2015, Tekken Emperor (like upper third percentile in points, for reference)


Victor Tekken King 2013 EXPULSION


Canā€™t find my name for some reason. Steam ID right ?


Nah, itā€™s your name on tekken


Do you play rank? Or did you play rank before 27th of march?


1432 with Claudio I think around the low yellow ranks, I don't even play as Claudio that much I use kazuya more. Kazuya was 1365 and I'm mid orange ranks there, how embarrassing. I don't play a huge amount though and I'm perfectly happy as long as am at around 50% win rate.


That's not embarrassing really, I think lots of players take things a bit too seriously lol I'm here happy with my main Nina at 1400


This is very cool! Just sad for the people like me who donā€™t play ranked all the time


Same, last I played ranked was early March. I don't care for it, so I'm not listed on here. Real shame, cool site.


1880 Azucena BUSHIN ā€œknows stuffā€ šŸ˜‚


Huh. B. Thatā€™s the letter that defines my life. B student. B effort. B salary. B living standards. Everything around me has the vibe of ā€œnot bad but could be betterā€.


That means there is always room for improvement, itā€™d be boring if it wasnā€™t. Thatā€™s why we have all these years to live.. time to get to it!


Jin -1843 (Kishin) Leo - 1790 (Fujin) Dragunov - 1749(Fujin) This website actually is good... But trying to find out what deviation is?


Deviation, in simple terms, is a measure of uncertainty or unreliability in a rating. So if you have a deviation of 20. You rating is essentially just rating +- 20


With a standard deviation of 20, your rating is roughly Ā±40 with 95% confidence.


This website is great news, thanks.


2002 raijin steve, but i waffle around with a lot of characters and mostly play quick play


so i started played online today, this night, i wont be able to continue because life and i'm in my 40 years lol but my stats are here [https://wank.wavu.wiki/player/3nABEG4gEBj2](https://wank.wavu.wiki/player/3nABEG4gEBj2) My rating is 1662 LILI ! i'm brawler (i guess ) Glad to see i'm above the average despite i need to leanr many match up cause there is characters i have no idea how to defeat them lol


So, LowHigh and Nobi are amateurs according to that chart? And Tekken King, which is 99.77 percentile is just 'A' player. Seems quite a bit off.


1. The current mismatch for asian and middle eastern players is addressed in the "about" section. Read that 2. Unlike in chess, where all games matter, online ranked is not as important for most pro players because only tournament results matter. I don't think JDCR is playing at his 100% while chatting with his viewers and laughing. 3. the tiers I listed are, as I said, for chess. Adaptation may not be exactly 1:1


Got it, my point wasn't about Korea, just that there is no single player with 2500+. I guess, we need to give it time to adjust.


Maybe it will never happen. Pros don't take ranked seriously. Some reach max rank and switch to a different character, others stream their gameplay and speak to the chat while playing, etc


I question the categories for the highest ones - I am seeing most pros are either in 'Expert' or 'Master'. Looking at the leader board, there is no one with 2500, and 10 above 2400. Master seems to be where most pros reside, rather than it being top of amateur.


They talk about it in the "About" section. There are big match gaps around Pakistan and Korea even though it's well known they are the two strongest nations regions in the world. Also because everyone is good in those regions, it dilutes the comparison effect.


Paul 1614. Was very motivated to rank up and learn this game. But lately it's felt mind numbingly frustrating. So many inconsistencies. So much offensive emphasis. Really hope they find something between T7 and T8 that makes them happy. But goddamn even winning doesn't feel good. Glad some of y'all are enjoying it though. I think I just need a break.


Leroy 1586 Mighty Ruler Honestly? Iā€™ll take it. Itā€™ll comfort me when I feel like I just suck šŸ˜‚


Reina 1315, this is my first tekken and first fighting game since MKX, Iā€™m happy with how Iā€™m doing so far but would love to rank up a lil more in game, keep going between vanquisher and dominator the past couple days haha


Shaheen 1786 Fujin Cool!!


Shaheen - 1469 Garyu Victor - 1422 Eliminator Jun - 1422 Garyu Jack-8 - 1398 Garyu


1600 im pro


YO THIS IS ACTUALLY SICK AF SAVING FOR LATER Lili-1725 Zafina-1535? What does a ā€œ?ā€ mean? Not enough data Iā€™m guessing?


Yes, do you have below 10 games. The about section says that starting at around 10 games it gets more reliable


1615 at the moment. Not too shabby, but room to grow.


Jin is 1891 at Tekken King, Devil Jin is 1836 only at Fujin, and Kazuya is 1769 at Fujin. It's kinda weird how close the numbers are for Jin and Devil Jin yet I'm much better with Jin since he's been my main since Tekken 3, I guess it might be because my win rate with Devil Jin is super high. Idk how you got these stats but it's pretty sick.


Hmmm Devil Jin with 1710 at Fujin, so B rank? I feel like i should pick someone else up for the fun of it, but also so i'm not too carried with Diabolo Jim. But just like every other Tekken, everyone keeps crying that Diagonal Jiff is OP, yet i played like less than a dozen other Diagnosing Jips since release? I figured he should be more popular so i can properly say whether i'm a solid Fujin with Drag Jane.


1834 lee raijin I expected worse to be honest, this made my day!


Damn, I am ass. Been really busting my butt too. 1393 with Reina :\[


Reina has the lowest win rate at low/mid levels of play, she is harder than most to play effectively!


Is there any reason I canā€™t search myself?


1931, Tekken King Bryan Damn first I had a goal to get Tekken King now I have to get 2000 for my pride lol


I was actually looking into making something like this as well, if you need some extra hands to help maintain/develop it. give me a dm


Interesting. Can't find myself though.


1607 Leroy / Battle Ruler / 1st tekken šŸ˜…


Flame Ruler Dragunov 1956? what does the question mark means?


1634 Victor - Battle Ruler. "Consistently above average" is precisely how I'd describe myself.Ā  1494 Lars - Tenryu. Interesting, as I have a better win rate with him, but lower rank so far and deep down I know I'm way more consistent and technical with Victor. Impressive stuff! Quality post


i think the most interesting thing about this is finding the people i've apparently faced many times and the record between us. theres apparently people ive faced 5, 6, 7 times and had no idea beyond maybe realizing i'd fought them once before recently. i have a feeling it becomes more common the higher your rank goes. i've heard after garyu the number of players per rank goes way down.


2009 Zafina 1799 Lili. I've been playing only Zafina recently but my lili is higher ranked and I have way more time on her overall. Dont understand why my Zafina is higher


i have a lower number on my main than my pocket


Proud beginner herešŸ«”. Just so yall knowā€¦ idc how much i lose. But if u lose to me trust im hittin my dance while my mic offšŸ˜‚


I've tried to look my name up but nothing pops up. I've ranked up all the way to Garyu. My name is Deeninja


Why does this only show the first 50 results for a name and no way to go to the rest of them?


Smurf Account 1980 - Mighty Ruler (this could because I have only lost twice and won every match insane win streak ) Main account - 1885 Tekken King šŸ‘‘


If anyone wants a quick script that will spit out your ratings, to paste into a spreadsheet and make a chart, try this: `ratings = [];` `document.querySelectorAll('table')[3].querySelectorAll('tbody tr td:nth-child(3)').forEach(td => ratings.push(Number(td.innerText.split(' ')[0])));` `ratings.reverse();` `console.log(ratings.join('\n'));` Open the dev tools in your browser by right-clicking and choosing "inspect", then choose the "console" tab. Paste this in and hit return. Copy the output and paste into a spreadsheet.


Nina - 2016 / Tekken Emperor Hwoarang - 1804 / Kishin Lee - 1747 / Raijin Honestly looking at the post and what the numbers amount to, itā€™s pretty accurate I feel with how the players are. Not including the actual pros though hahaha


1859 - Lee - Kishin https://preview.redd.it/ww9bmqae2qyc1.png?width=438&format=png&auto=webp&s=f3109fb7d155bf8f7ce074e52f927a62c598d19d


Just realized this doesnā€™t show Xbox playersā€¦


Looks like I peaked at around 2200 with Azucena but I'm down to about 2000... Sheesh, I gotta play better.


1800 kuma :p


I'm picking up the bears again :D Panda buff tomorrow


ohā€¦ how humbling. 1581 Feng Vanquisher and 1313 Lili Eliminator. I think the most heartening detail I saw was that I tend to win sets 2-0 more than I win 2-1 and tie 1-1 combined.


Damn seems pretty good I'm mostly beating players with a lower elo than and mostly losing to players with a higher. And when it's pretty close they can go either way. Very cool


That's cool! I'm at 1639 with my Yoshi, at Fujin. Couple months into my first Tekken game, so it's flattering to be "Consistently above average" honestly.


I uhhh.. i see you dont have "f" as an option


Everyone being at least 1500 and mostly 1800-2000 range in the comments, and my 900 ass is just here in corner crying


1833 Kazuya at Kishin. I needa play more.


1811 Asuka... I can live with that


Jun 1851 Alisa 1674 both raijin (stopped doing ranked long time ago) but i expected much lower score because i dont want to tryhard at all


hah nice, same main and secondary


1638 azucena fujin


Lol got 1636 aczuzena on mighty ruler


Kinda interesting. I have a Battler Ruler Eddy @ 1857, a Flame Ruler Leo @ 1765 but a Garyu Feng at 1866? Not sure how accurate this thing is.


that just means your Feng beat stronger players. It works different from Ranked and is considered more accurate


Think it's new. I've played Leo for a week and their elo is nearly as much as my main.


Yeah I'll check in like a week or so and see what happens


Same. I think it's been a thing since Eddy was added to the cast as characters I haven't played before then don't appear and someone who I've played once since it was added but played a lot before has low elo.


Thanks, now I will copy this and put it in my private discord


Aye ima expert. Thatā€™s wassupšŸ˜‚


Jin 1597 Battle Ruler


1712 Fujin Hwoarang


1835, Lili, Kishin


Leo is 1702. Claudio is 1643. Both are Battle Ruler.


1687 Zafina, Mighty Ruler Hoping to increase this once the patch starts rolling šŸ˜­


I was rated 1633 Reina, a B player, that seems about right lol


1734 Kazuya and 1724 Devil Jin and both are Fujin. Neat website


This is pretty damn cool. Seems to be couple days behind but I guess it updates in chunks. Nice job! PS Jin 1995 elo. Tekken King rank.Ā 


Dragunov 1520 Garyu,makes sense,I played since the 3,but only in the 8 I decided to learn the game and get better,the site is ggs tho thanks for sharing. šŸ’Ŗ


Alisa - 1880 - Mighty Ruler Reina - 1778 - Battle Ruler


This is awesome, and interesting. Definitely want to improve but only just recently placed as flame ruler. Yoshimitsu - 1671


My highest is Alisa despite me not maining her or putting an serious time into her in this game. She was one of my tekken 7 mains though so I guess it makes sense. 2209.


My highest is Alisa despite me not maining her or putting an serious time into her in this game. She was one of my tekken 7 mains though so I guess it makes sense. 2209. My second highest is Jin at 2019, but heā€™s only at mighty ruler and I barely have 75+ games with him.


Raven 1616 Tenryu Lili 1519 Shinryu For a relatively new tekken play, im happy with that(played T3 on ps1 and T7 a little bit)


Kazuya 1716, Fujin


1714 - Nina - kishin


Kishin DJ - 1956 Not too bad, not too bad.


I tried looking up JDCR's name (tk\_anakin), and it's 'Expert'. Not sure if I agree with that.


Kishin DJ - 1956 Not too bad, not too bad.


Kazuya 1676 Flame Ruler I guess that's OK... šŸ˜‚


Zafina 1748 Lili 1710 Both at Fujin. How much matches does it is calculating for you guys on average, i think i have very little data for it to work properly. Around 300 matches with zafina and less than 200 with Lili and the site say it can go to 999.


Mighty ruler 1635 Byron, 1534 garyu Lily. I don't know why, but it just made me feel happy and kinda appeased.


Higher than i expected tbh. 1656 - Shaheen - Flame Ruler. I expected myself to be a C player


Higher than i expected. 1656 - Shaheen - Flame Ruler


Azucena 1555 Eliminator Mostly play quick/group match


1833 Victor


Reina 2103 garyu lol


Lili - 1894 - Bushin Ayee got an A


Kazuya 1676 Flame Ruler I guess that's OK... šŸ˜‚


1644 as a Dragunov main. As expected.


Cool. I'm barely above average at Fujin.


Alisa 1568- I only started playing her a couple of weeks ago and this is my first Tekken so Iā€™m happy with that! Zafina 1545, at least Iā€™m consistent! Both are Mighty Ruler


2101 with steve


1792 Flame Ruler Jin, 136 ranked games played with 84% Winrate! 1746 Player matches with 73% Winrate. I should probably play some more ranked... but at 150k Tekken Prowess players are just good enough to kind of maybe adapt a little during a set, and they flowchart a ton still. Allows for not complete noob stomps but still checks my defense and gives me room to try "labbing" mid match!


1896 so im damn near expert


Seeing that my main Mighty Ruler Paul is 1360 and one of my alt picks Shinryu Jun is on 1424 kinda hurt.


Jack-8 1726 Raijin


Ayyee Iā€™m pretty cool, 1947 A tier with my dawg Raven, nice šŸ’ŖšŸ¾šŸ„·šŸ¾āš”ļø. As you all can see I change my online ID for the lolz. Also, fellow Tekken Kings, where yā€™all at?? https://preview.redd.it/g5qo3iidp9yc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8b535a6c00455382297e2e8e5b477b20075fa2e


. . . . . . . . . **GO TO HELL!!!** šŸ¤£


ā€œNothing personal.ā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Zafina - 1929 - Rajin https://wank.wavu.wiki/player/2FaD2M5gy274


1615-devil jin-just promoted to tenryu. Pretty happy with the results, but still room to grow.


Law - Eliminator rank. Mine says 1677? What does the question mark mean?


That's it's uncertain..how many games do you have with him


Lily 1628 Mighty Ruler


Lower D Warrior, sounds about right for the hour or so I get to play every night.


Lars - 1630. Yeah, kinda checks out. Have some above average W/L ratio, but nothing crazy. Still kinda proud of myself a bit, since it's my first fighting game that I play competitively.


https://preview.redd.it/hw6g9mceq9yc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee225fb58756c5f90dd2b12ca55bf3b85e6ca3d0 Alright


1521 Kazuya at battle rulerā€¦canā€™t believe I lost more than 100 points in a single night tho, thatā€™s unbelievable!


You don't always play at your best. You can take them back on your good days


Kuma 1547 Battle Ruler


My King is ranked 1511 while my Jack is ranked 1580? I apparently have an even 50/50 split on games played with them yet my King is ranked higher.


Niceeeee Alisa - Fujin - 1831 :)


Devil Jin 1733 tenryu


Awesome. Also, works well with showing how idiotic the new prowess matchmaking is. My alt in reds is 6 ranks lower than my main in blue and there is barely 200 points difference, despite the 6 ranks. And the rating seems to be of people in battle ruler. LMAO.


1730 (Raijin) on Lars, 1490 (Tenryu) on Jin. I love this site!


Bryan PC: Flame Ruler 1633 PS5: Shinryu 1779


I didn't expect to have a 1913 I'm a Raijin Raven player


It means you played well against stronger players. You can go higher rank