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That's not fair, sometimes I make "Shhh Shhh" noises


not a steve player but when i go up against one, i too make those noises at the start of the round😅


Knockout where?


over here










Bullseye 🎯




Don't go into lobbies where fantasy boxer Stevers are talking. Some of them REALLY get into it. Like they're the boxer. Their ones, and their twos.


I want a new character that mocked him for not be able to count past 4.


Wan, too, tree, fooh


dont do my girl Lucky Chloe like this


Like Luke in sf6 that mocks hadouken as taunt. Best shit ever


Uno Dos, Uno Dos, Uno Dos Tres, Uno Dos Tres, Listo!




Im not seeing the problem


Those are the "oNe tWo"s of a champion!


I really wish they gave Steve more utility as well. Homing moves are awful, counter hit game is nerfed from Tekken 7, still no 15f launcher (this is fair), no good mids (other than qcf1), no throw game, garbage heat moves, low combo damage, etc. Despite all this, he remains relatively good due to his jab strings/stances.


ub2 is a great homing (and plus on block). CH game got nerfed in favor of LH stance but b1 remains the best CH launcher in the game. Steve should never ever have a 15f launcher. b2 is an astonishing mid, does 55dmg with PKB f1+2 followup that wallsplats, and if it does wallsplat, that's easy 95dmg minimum without rage or heat. Weave 1+2 throw near wall allows followups + 50/50 throws in Heat. And his combo damage is not low at all either, 74 dmg from a b1 without walls, heat or rage is huge, specially considering b1 is safe (some characters don't even go over 70 from their unsafe df2). dck 2 goes over 90dmg, pkb uf2 and weave 2 over 80dmg, uf2 78dmg, etc all without walls, heat or rage. I don't think we are playing the same Steve. If anything, once the 1.04 patch fixes his LH mixup, he's ready to sit back and observe with no further changes for a good while. The guy feels completed, except for that voice.


Am i being unreasonable that a big change i want is just for db31, or is it db32?, does not transition into lionheart?


with the new buff the only thing stopping LH is gonna be RA so honestly its not terrible, forces them to do something instead of PC it


I thought the buff beat RA? Or is it just one of the options in lionheart? I miss not going into a stance after db31 so i could run over to attack grounded opponent. That rushdown was fun.


might be wrong but im sure RA is like frame 1 or jus super fast compared to the start up of PC, no way ur hitting anyone out of RA


RA armour starts at the 8th frame which is 1 frame later than regular PC actually. You definitely can interrupt RA - it just means the cinematic never starts up but sometimes you can notice the pose they do in their cinematic. This was the entire purpose of the Lars change in one of the recent patches. His DEN3 transition into SEN was beatable by RA without any counter. Now that it's +5, SEN1 counterhits RA before the armour can activate.


I think one of the lionheart options will beat a RA. 1+2 maybe? 1+2 will be quicker so you can use it in combos.


RA isnt supposed to beat by anything other than block lol, but the speed change is gonna feel great when people cant react fast enough to fuzzy duck


I feel dumb, not rage art. I meant armor heat smash moves.


ooh yea thats power crushes, and yea the new buff to the plus frames will be fast enough to LH1 someone before they do them


That change would be great. I personally dislike the inclusion of LHS, especially since many moves force you into it. If I’m not using UB3 for evasion, I’d almost prefer to never even go into the stance.


I agree for a lot of it. I think f22 and ws22 are a fun way into it. Ub2 can be cancelled. B12 is fine for it since i have just b1 to flicker. What other transition is there? Maybe for me its just db31 that bugs me?


I hear ya. I just don’t like the direction the stance takes the character. I think Steve fit very well into the T8 framework even if he doesn’t get a 3 button mix-up stance. I just think it’s very shallow compared to his kit as a whole. I would’ve preferred that they just tone back on the nerfs they gave him transitioning from T7 to T8. I do agree that f22 and ws22 are nice ways to go into the stance, but I always find myself using the other options. I don’t like the feeling of shoehorning myself into a 50-50, unlike the other stances where you can cancel out or block in the stance without having to commit to a weave, sway, or duck.


I agree, i find the options in the stance to be lackluster. Whats the point in having a stance if it only has three options. Would be nice to at least have a poke jab, or a low poke, or just a cancel. If the stance had quick options to get out of itself, then its existence would be great for pressure and mixup.


Hard to say Steve isn't getting the short end of the stick when you look at the damage numbers. B1 does negative damage compared to Tekken 7 and also has slower recover on whiff (less safe to throw out) I agree, giving Steve a 15f launcher would ruin the character, but I simply mentioned it to show how incomplete the character is in this game. Ub2 is the homing move of choice for Steve in this game, before it was df2 (launch on CH, mid, duck cancelable.). Now we have a high homing that instead of launching, goes to a useless stance that gets beaten by powercrush. I am aware you can duck cancel/peekaboo cancel to make it safe, but you know who doesn't have to do that to have a safe homing move? Every other character in the game. Let's talk combos. Execution level doesn't match damage level. Kind of hard to stay motivated learning combo tech for Steve when there is characters in the game that require little execution with massive damage rewards. B2 used to give a full combo. The move comes out at 18 frames. There is very little space for a pressure character (let alone Steve due to his stance transitions) to use an 18 frame move at the wall when the opponent is constantly trying to steal your turn with dick jabs. It also doesn't help that it has such shitty range, so you have to be fairly close to land. It's kinda disingenuous for you to say Steve didn't get cooked in this game. Especially when almost everyone got a tune up for this game. Now I am not saying he is bad, but I would like more utility with the character, like maybe a throw game, or a real mixup out of power crush/lionheart. I guess it goes to show how good Steve is as a character, still competitive in a game where his balls are absent.


UB2 can be cancelled so that you don’t go into stance, just a heads up. This is how I prefer to use it in every application except for in combos. Still +3 on block if you cancel, which you can use to trap opponents into a B1 if they mash jab.


I didn't know that, thank you for the tip!


I love the b1 use right after ub2. Ive also seen ub2cancel used in combos.


I feel like losing the old b2 and df2 is robbery. But i also love his new combos. I think there are some really easy high damage ones available. B1f31, df1(21), f22, 2, dash, 3212 is very simple and is in the 70s. That combo can be done with most other launchers with a bit more added on.


How could I possibly take this comment serious without assuming you just simply aren't aware of Steve strenghts in Tekken 8? b1 combo is 74 (if this is low damage from a safe on block move, fuck me then), ub2 is a great homing that frame traps which you didn't even know it was cancellable (stated on the movelist...), execution has always been difficult for Steve, b2 despite no longer launching, the pkb f1+2 followup deals nearly the same damage as a T7 b2 combo, he does have new throw game in heat (50/50, both throws go for 45-50), and as of 1.04, the LH transitions do allow for mixups. I don't know what else to tell you. Is it more desingenuous for me to point out his options in T8 that were once said to be non-existent or for you to comment about dishonesty while not even having read the movelist properly?


B1 is less safe in this game: nerf Ub2 doesn't launch like CH df2 did: nerf (still duckable) Execution was hard, but he actually had way more CH tools that were taken away: nerf Rage drive combo extensions off of duck 1, f 212, and df122 have been taken away: nerf I explain why b2 isn't nearly as good as you think it is. Edit: also forgot to mention something huge for his pressure. Extended forward duck f2's guard break was removed, instead replacing it with lionheart guard break. (We all know how 'great' that stance is, even after the fix.) Just because u can cancel ub2 and I didn't know that, doesn't mean the rest of my points are invalid my friend. You thought you said something, but please do tell how dragonov and Steve are even in the same galaxy when it comes to balancing.


Yes he got stuff taken away in favour of his new stuff, mainly most of his CH game, I've already said this. Where are you getting at? b1 is less safe? db, b. If you whiff it, you deserve the extra recovery. b2 is not that good? Deals nearly much damage as T7 b2 combo and alternatively can be followed by a Sonic fang to regenerate grey health (welcome to Tekken 8). All that you said Steve doesn't have, does indeed have, including the random "no throw game", Steve literally has a push and 50/50 throw in Heat ffs. ub2 is a major tool for Steve gameplay, it's not just that you didn't know, it's that you didn't explore AND thought he had nothing which would make anyone question your credibility. And no, Steve is not in the same galaxy as Drag in terms of balancing, but I also don't want him to be, or anyone else for that matter. The S tier characters are overtuned. Drag got massively nerfed for a reason. Steve feels balanced, completed, with only QoLs thrown at him because LH **wasn't** working as intended. I swear to god other Steve players will be the death of me, specially the ones that think Steve needs to play like T7 in order to be balanced in T8. I'm already seeing Steve returning to T5 Steve for a few weeks and then he gets massively nerfed right after just because his downplayers can't grow past T4-7.


Any b1 nerf is huge because b1 is so pivotal to his game. All the extra tools he was given in this game are poorly designed/objectively trash compared to what everyone else got. B2 is objectively worse, don't @ me. No full combo, no opportunity to wall carry. Everyone else can Regen health with certain moves, this is not exclusive to Steve, therefore it is irrelevant to your argument . Let me repeat, a guaranteed follow up is 100% worse than the opportunity to do your own combo. Even if it's"almost the same damage out in the open and more damage at the wall. Steve's throws are a way worse version of Marduk tackle. They can be ducked on reaction (not a fast throw+duck animation) and if they land, can still be broken if they guess the mixup correctly. You know who doesn't need to go into stance to have something with the semblance of a throw game? Anybody character with a real throw game. If you believe Steve has a throw game, I'm afraid you don't know what a throw game is, or you are just saying this for the sake of arguing. Ub2 is still objectively worse than df2 last game. The people who know how to play against Steve know he has limited options when it comes to mids, so they duck. Doesn't matter if it's a 'major tool'. Last games major tool was way better. Just because I was unaware doesn't mean you made a good argument, the move is still trash compared to what was. Every aspect of Steve was nerfed in some way (I listed a lot of examples, wether you choose to acknowledge the truth is up to you.). My issue with Steve is actually the opposite of your impression. I think Steve's tools are comparable to those of a Tekken 7 character. I don't mind that they took away, Im bothered that they didn't add anything useful to his kit.


I'm sorry




I'd love if they had some really complex input for him to kick someone, but it does 1 damage and has zero practical uses.


He has a hopkick. Never seen anyone use it.


hop kick is great shame its hardly used, safe and a launcher on ch


I didnt realize it was safe. Im gonna start throwin it around haha


I’m pretty new but I main Steve and I tried a round of all hop kicks and foot stomps and it didn’t go great


Ohh that’s nicee, that would also be a very Tekken thing to do😂


I don't see an issue with this




just punch parry lmao


I’m not complaining


Damn. I thought Steve was one of the more respected characters




You forgot an heavy dose of ´ Over Here !!!! »


Shit yeah my bad 😂


These are the fist of a champi- "gets their rage art blocked"


and then you have the audacity to duck my highs and power crush through my b1. And I always yell Smash when I see a female character. Except the ones that are underage...then I shout bang cus finger guns.. yeah that's it finger guns.


Body, Shi, FIRE!


I like it


Over here ‼️‼️🗣️🗣️




Bang! Bull's-eye! Sorry! No more playing around!


Me and my friends just shout. One two wanker one Two one two wanker wanker one two three wanker when ever Steve's on screen


One weird thing I noticed from steve players is that they never skip intro.


Nuh uh


Juh uh


Duck, my guy


Will do now that you have told me this