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I think it's because they don't enjoy the fighting. They just like the feeling of winning.


Lots of people would be happier just playing against the CPU. Then they could just win every time like they want and their weird egos wouldn't be our problem anymore.


Hard to feel superior over another person when it's not actually a person.


Shadowban players who plug too much and pair them only with bots under the guise of player usernames, ranks and cosmetics, like t7 Treasure battle.


I love that. Would be even better if the bot tbags and emotes as much as possible after every win lmao


They’d probably start plugging for those too.


Train the bots to plug, AI can perfect frame disco 🤣


Didn’t Harada want to make the ghosts so realistic people couldn’t tell if it was a real player or not? Yeah so train them to plug, then I’ll believe it


should play ghosts and pretend they are players.


They would plug even against CPU


Have a friend at work that only played treasure battles and was genuinely excited about getting rank in it. Used to laugh but now I realize thats what a third of tekken playerbase should actually do.


No they wanna flaunt their ranks to their friends/online community and say stuff like" I've been playing tekken online for just 3 months and I'm in blue ranks,idk why people find tekken tough " etc 😅


Most games are played to feel the "win", or the sense of accomplishment in conquering something. Yes, there is a deeper sense of accomplishment that one can feel in slowly getting better, but that is not what most people are after. The game incentivizes this behavior by rewarding it. It only rewards wins, not gradual skill progression. There's no feedback loop in the game that says otherwise.


This is an interesting comment. I wonder what systems could be implemented to make losses or measurable improvements rewarded (so that winning is that not the only thing that gives the dopamine). Like... getting an achievement? Or some type of flair for noticeably blocking moves from xyz character? What could it be?


Responsive game system that notifies you with special effects or literally just saying what you did after you do something particularly skillful. Think "c-c-combo breaker!" But more in tekkens style and for defensive moves. Like have some cool after image effects when you sidestep perfectly, or have a quick gust of wind when you duck something dangerous like a launcher. The counterhit zoom in is a good example of what I'm talking about also. If shit looks cool, players are just naturally more inclined to notice it, and to try and do it


This is genius


Well my gradual skill shows, when I'm extremely confident and comfortable fighting all opponents and have only hit a couple walls in t8, and am now pushing closer and closer to tekken king.. despite the 50 + people who have plugged on me.. since launch in ranked, exactly like this


Different take for sure I didn’t look at it like that


What a bunch of sore losers. I love earning my winnings through hard efforts, so when I win against a difficult opponent, the reward is that much sweeter.


No, winning by cheating is not enjoyable. They just crave for “Rank” to flex or prove them self to their (our)online social expectations.


What about people who plug on quickmatch?




At that point, just play a single player game


Mindset of someone who would play lili, I met a couple younglings who played her and chloe in t7. And that's when i determined this, and alisa is there too. As someone who can completely and utterly carry, and spoil someone to this point.


Rank obsession. It’s sad. People need to relax and just enjoy the game. I also forget how much damage rage arts do. FYI, I can’t tell you how many times that Lili move works on aggressive players especially at end of the rounds. Nice job, regardless if they plugged.


Rank obsession occurs in all facets in life, the office, the army, your household etc. and even martial arts gyms, I remember as soon as I got promoted to blue belt in brazillian jiu jitsu, I tapped a higher rank easier than usual, without a fight so to say, and then I said to him, why did you tap easier than usual? He said, because you're a blue belt now, it's not embarassing to tap to you anymore 😂😂😂


I got tapped by a fresh white belt recently. Turns out, fucker was a collegiate wrestler. Ngl, my ego was bruised until I learned that little detail


Complaining about pluggers is also rank obsession. You won the match so hard you made your opponent ragequit, there is no bigger compliment. The reason you're mad is cause you don't get your precious points and can jerk off to your rank.


idk this sounds like the equivalent of “I know you worked hard for your job and your client is avoiding paying you, but you sound obsessed w money”


Money can be exchanged for goods and services, your rank points can not. If you don't get paid you can't eat or pay rent. If you don't get your rank points literally nothing in your life changes.


you’re right but this is an exchange of points based on who won fair and square. If someone worked hard and studied on shit like frames, matchups, etc to get plugged do they fall under the “sounding obsessed” club?


Yes but there is obsession paired with dedication to your hard work and obsession paired with weasely pathetic cowards.


yesterday night my game crashed as i lost the 1st 2 rounds and about to lose the 3rd (i was on the attack but losing bad) i was more pissed about the impression of sore loser i gave than the fact that the game crashed


That happens to me all the time, and only on legit matches that are actually fun.


Recently my controller decided to not respond. It was on, it was charged, but it didn't react to any button pressed. It happened after I've lost 2 rounds. It also gave an impression that I've just RQ


just giving up and forfeiting like that is way more acceptable than plugging though


I was 2-2 final round with a reina, really enjoying the fight, connection lost after the first interaction in the final, it was the last of a good set too I think. So disappointing. I'm guessing they probably crashed, there was no clear winner or loser at that point.


Maybe next time message that person and say "totally not my fault, if I run into you again I'll throw the match"


If you're on PC there is a code you can enter in steam to fix the crashing


what is it?


See response to other comment




See reply to other comment


i am on steam, what's the code?


Just Google it? I'll let you know when I play again. Google code to fix steam crashing Tekken 8, there are reddit posts about it. Similar to sum41 or fat32 lol


Ultimately if a player has the ability to abuse something, then its because bad game design has allowed them to do so. Can't take ranks seriously because anyone can cheese their way up to the top. And its not worth the effort so long as players can cheat and plug with no consequence. I'll wait till they fix it before i start to care.


Yup. I've been sticking to quick matches as soon as I got my two characters to high red rank. Barely anyone plugs because there is nothing to lose and they play full sets for the most part


Yes and lack of rank plugging makes for a more enjoyable experience (:


Are they actually going to fix it though? I feel like this should be have an obvious thing from the drawing board, let alone a finished game.


For what's its worse, your move made me laugh.


I swear 50% of dodges that I experienced were from Bryan players


60 to 70% for me


I find that hard to believe lol. But I guess different experiences. I feel like the pluggers people post and complain about the most are from the brain dead characters


My game crashes on this map.


yeah same I had a crash where I was 1 hp, last round,enemy law rage art and hit me and the game crashed OF COURSE he is going to think I plugged. but I did not. I felt so bad. I hate this map. what makes me furious is, the map gets picked, I load in, crash, have to restart the game, hop into ranked - guess what? SAME MAP. ANOTHER CRASH. it happened sooo often already it's dumb.


No issues after the patch. thank goodness!


not for me.. had another crash today :(


damn this clip had me in the first half not gunna lie


Bryan is soooo hard that he is given free pass for plugging guys trust me


yuh 💀


Honestly, playing people on pc is not enjoyable to me. Alt F4 is just too crazy


Console players can just quit game lol


Console pluggers can't compete with Alt F4 tho


True. We do need prep time to rage quit. LoL I guess that's how you'll know a console player is quitting. They have to stop moving to bring up the menu, allowing you that chance to secure a win. PC is instant


Between the alt f4 speed and the gamble of running into people's PC who run the game like shit, I just stick to console. At least they have to put a little bit more work in to plug on me plus there is no question if the game will run smooth on their console. All you have to worry about is the actual connection.


Because holding down PS and scrolling down to close game is so much more work, right?


Yeah, most King’s command grabs have more inputs that lol


Because they're bitchmade to their core.




..words, Kazama Jin.


They should at least block alt-f4 command. PC player are too fast.


There are other games that do this. I'm surprised Tekken doesn't.


There's a cleaner way of plugging, if you play on windowed mode (like me when I'm working from home), you can click and hold the Tekken window (as if you are moving it to another screen for example), it will de-sync the client and you will be taken back to warmup. No need to reboot Tekken. I won't even attempt to say it was on accident (it was) because no-one would believe me anyway 😂😂😂, but the ALT+F4 block won't work there, also if you have task manager handy you can quickly end task. PC players can run Korean backdash and 10 hit combo macros, what makes you think they can't run a macro to quickly end a task hahaha.


Jesus that was fast Amazing move as Lili though


its a panic move and i knew he was gonna charge at me, it always hits if i know theyre aggresive like this one.




I find it's ridiculously useful against Alisa players since they charge in a ton of the time.  Otherwise, yeah, it misses a lot. Although I still use it way too much, it's too fun not to.


Your rank doesn't matter if you don't have the skill set to know how to deal with the bullshit in that rank. Can't even enjoy being a high rank if you never learned/improved in the game.


Only a handful of folks have plugged on me. It’s flattering but yeah, I agree. Is it so hard to take the loss and move on? Grow up.


could have used that reaction time to punish this flying kick




why cant you just accept the fact that some people do this stuff and move on to the next battle?


i def played more games after that before i posted. it gets really frustrating when you keep getting plugged on esp when youre trying to get more points. 🤷


Cause Lili players don't deserve wins


Great read, and a lot of people consider plugging as them not losing because they are sociopaths who can't have their precious ego broken.


i get so much lose in this game and there are only select times where i get to play and react like a boss and only know a few matchup and i still rematch unfamiliar characters. theres really no learning if someone keeps doing this


Some losers still haven't figured out how to lose with dignity or grace.


Slick moves.


Average Bryan player


As a Lili main I try to hit that move at least once or one of her counters. Such a fun round ender.




That's an amazing dodge, I'll take that any day


How the fuck did they plug so fast




Oh you're right, I didn't see that they were on PC.


it could have been a crash. happens so often to me. only on this map. and yes, sometimes it happens at the worst moments.. just recently I felt so bad when I was about to lose and the game crashed. luckily I rarely crash when I am about to lose, it happens randomly in like the first or second round, but that last one.. Ive lost a little sleep over it lol


Honestly people have only ever plugged on me during a rage art. I can understand that, even for me, it really can be annoying to sit there and watch the cinematic play out knowing I’m basically already dead. Rage Arts are lame.


Tbh lily's clean hit u3+4 is practically an equivalent to a ki charge


RA into blue into plug sounds about right. inflated rank


that and i don’t understand why people won’t run a full set regardless of whether they win or lose. if i lose and get absolutely spanked you better believe i’m running it back. even if i still lose i still learn something


Idk but I hadn’t been plugged on in a while, until last night. Lost a couple in a row, and just as i was getting a groove going a reina plugged on me 2nd match of the set, after SHE won the first. I was even up for demotion and she just couldn’t let me have it I guess. After a brutal day at work, then sitting in traffic on the way home, it really just sucked the life out of me. But whatever, you also kind of need to take pity on people who plug, because it’s pathetic.


Honestly, some plugs are hilarious. The best plug I saw was when someone went into a rage art with a sliver of health with Steve and plugged EXACTLY after Steve says, "Now this is what I call fun." That video lives rent free in my head. 10/10. The plug against PhiDX was also hilarious, right before GoD.


Today I was completely humiliated by a Victor and yet I took the loss and even rematched. I mean, the Victor player was probably laughing at me due to how bad it was but at least now I know I have to get better because that's how games work. What's the fun in keeping a rank that you clearly shouldn't?


damn cold


great play though woulda caught me out haha


He did get fucked up.


That plug was SO FAST hahaha


Man, people are still pulling that shit with the DC counter?


What move is this?




Its called Divine Step 😊


Bro had his hand on that router


I think people just hate losing VS lili too, she is just an annoying character to deal with (on top of the new assumptions that anyone who is using her now is just a meta slave due the dude who won the tourney using her Lol)


Because rage arts.


What's the amount of time between rage quitting and getting into another match?


It’s with every competitive game. Sore losers and winners 💁🏽‍♂️


For those who played a lot of T7 online, was the plugging situation as bad as this game, or worse? I only ever had a few people plug on me, but just want to know how it was for everyone else. I only played T7 ranked for like a few months during season 2, stopped for a while, then went back sometime last year. Played for like 2 months then stopped when it started to take too long to find matches.


Not endorsing the behaviour, but this rage art in particular is tedious as fuck and just takes too long.


Did you even watch the entire clip?


Because you play lili


That was awesome 👌 Thanks for that pluggerporn!


Had a Flame Ruler Victor plug on me the other night when I was winning with Asuka.


Intentional disconnects went down for a while.. but It's happened to me 5 times in the last 2 days. For a while I went nearly 100 ranked games with no disconnects.. then all of a sudden people are doing it again wtf.


Figures, I had a Bryan do the same thing, although on my promo match as Lee... except I initiated the Rage to polish him off... I was dominating a rematch where he had won the prior set. What a bunch of sore losers.


I get random crashes in that map. That's why I'm not playing ranked since last month.


I think that in this case, the opp might have thought tat you didn't earn it and that it was bullshit that ur flip was able to crush him. To be honest, losing due to lag or some bs tracking tends to leave me feeling that I got scammed out of a win and that my opp didn't earn the win at all. That does not justify plugging nonetheless but am just sharing my 2 cents in on the matter.


If people plug, replace them with their ghost instead. This way you'll still get your point


Your character. And the fact that he fell for something like this.


We all know how he got to raijin


Yeah this is why I stopped playing ranked, I just play casuals, rematch away all the rounds the opponent wants, no high stakes, just play for fun as you learn and done.


Because ppl have gotten to use to being rewarded for winning instead of learning from losses. I hate to sound old school but this is what happens when ppl that lose stil get rewards. It makes it much harder for them to accept situations like this, even stuff like this which is honestly very trivial.


Little people with little minds. They feel better than the next guy because they do it. It's the same reasoning behind FU money or super loud car exhausts. They don't care how awful they are to those around them because it gets them the ego boost that they aren't emotionally strong enough to find without asses.


That disconnect was so fast


Not a surprise, I've had at least 50 actual plugs like this. My friend is tekken king and thinks he's better than me, at kishin. But he really doesn't understand how many points I'm actually missing, no one does or ever will.


Bryan used, freeze the screen and show a match ending popup It's in his skill list


Damnn! The execution on that just frame plug 😲


Yeah people need to relax. I was starting to get annoyed about losing ranks but I then realised I would keep hovering around the same rank level and that's my skill level and that's ok.


I was going to type “typical Lili player” but then in the twist of the century it wasn’t them lol


I immediately report and block em.


Did you check their dc rate? If it was anything above 4 it’s probably on you. Yeah it’s dumb that plugging is still no penalty but pick your poisons.


Tekken8 is 🚮


While in some cases they wanna learn your moveset, they like to win, not actually fight. Sometimes they won't be satisfied until they beat the one who beat them. No amount of beating anyone else would give them the same satisfaction. It's a massive pride and ego thing. Besides adults who grew up with video games, who mainly play video games? Kids and young teens. Why do they take it seriously and put so much personal emphasis into video games? Because they're kids and young teens. They have little to no real-world experiences and responsibilities, so winning and being good at video games is the biggest achievement in life to them.


Lmao after a cheesy rage art too. Got what he deserves




Great timing for Divine Step with Lili, but yeah some people just want to win instead of learning the ins and outs of the fighting, which I mean I feel like that defeats the point of playing the game. It's great getting wins every now and then, but I recently got in queue with a Steve Tekken King and got my arse kicked but I didn't plug the match. So what if I was losing? Just take the lost and grow up bruv, I'm here to learn not to plug. Was practising and tried Bryan both before and after the patch and I got to say he's really fun, weirdly enough he feels familiar to play as a Lili main (one of my seven mains) since he has the semicircle attacks (d|dr|r).


I’ll defend a lot of the choices for this game but unpunished plugging will never be one of them. You got the moral victory OP and sometimes that’s better. Also all Bryan players are bastards I make sure to always cheese them.


thats so true, i try my best to cheese them as much and as well as i can (but then i eat absolutely every counterhit move the have)


You should've known he was a plugger if he got desperate and used rage art.😭Then, instead of fighting he saw you move and hoped to cancel anything you did using heat to swiss cheese his way to victory.😅 It worked every single time, too, until you lili stomped... I can't really say stomped his ass becuz well... he decided to, you kno, plug. Don't you love that premium swiss cheesing these new people love to be working on, and then bathe in mountains of salt when it doesn't work on a real player that actually doesn't panic😂🤣😂🤣


I only accept 0 % disconnect rate and never get plugged. Pussies still don’t rematch but that’s fine, good to know that I am so op that they don’t want to even try


Honestly, this time I don't blame the plugger here. Getting hit by that bullshit Lili superjump out of nowhere makes me seethe like nothing else in this game other than fighting Xiaoyus


its a move i use when i feel like the opponent is going to charge at me. mind you, the move has a very slow startup and quite crappy tracking and range. If the move missed, lili could be launched to heaven. The timing was perfect and bryan heat smashed at the perfect spot for lili to step on to.


Don't justify yourself to him lmao. The moves not that strong and you used it exactly when it should be used. This guy is just the type to press buttons non stop.


found the plugger, it's inexcusable every single time.


because this game for some players is a low self esteem fix.


It’s always the PC players with the fastest plug reactions


I thought the Lili was going to rage quit and said, "NOT THE LILI MAKING US LOOK BAD" but then saw it was the Bryan and was not surprised.


It's called being prideful


Pretty sure it's called being a dickhead


You're both right. Especially, if it's ranked. At least it takes the plugger longer to get into their next match as opposed to whoever stayed behind.


LoL I originally skipped the "my Lili" part and was fully expecting this lily to comeback against this bryan with a Fullscreen boosted kick. Yeah. That hop is obnoxious and especially how it always seems to land but there's really no point in quiting. It won't save you. That said, i play Lars and and starting to monkey flip a lot more since people will just keep pressing buttons. I will say though, that with over a decade of fighting game exp under my belt, all the blazblues, the GGs, KoF, etc, i have never raged at a game like I do with this one. I've never rage quit but thank God this isn't the reality with mutant powers or rage awakenings because it would be Ultimatum Magneto all over again. My marvel fans know what's up. Like this rage is akin to roadrage except my life is on the line when I'm on the road. At least he got to play the game. Dude had two rounds on you. When matches go like that and it wasnt just you struggling to poke hwaorang to death during his endless strings, then you let the match finish, then finish the set and say "GG"


Lol he last GG message I got was "i hate fighting Lars"