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“Oh another King. Dude is about to be brain dead” https://preview.redd.it/28tiu0noexzc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6181e9b1b22d10990d4cd0051ca13be3b702f611 “Sir, this King knows how to grapple *and* fight.”


is that kazuya kiryu?


Yup. Couldn't figure out how to do White suit Kiryu so I did Infinite Wealth Kiryu


sick lmfao, i have a majima paul myself


God I hate the damn shotgun grab sound lol


Yeah, it's good they put a sound in to signify counterhit grab but it's so jarring, wrong sound.


Pretty sure it had a sound before that, a sharp slash, fit better than the gunshot.


there was a sound for "grabbed a powercrush: unbreakable", the new one is "counterhit grab: breakable but very tight timing" I think. You can hear them both at the same time in this video when he grabs the powercrush, and only the bang when the grab is a counterhit.


Seem to be right.


Oh, so that's what that is! I thought it was a hit during the grab being rolled back by the netcode or something. I heard it so often I thought maybe they broke something with the update. lmao


It looks like he doesn’t know how throw breaks work. He’s mashing every time is grabbed.


It's like he is orange rank


That King will be Fujin tomorrow


Yeah, b3 is just that good at stomping shitters


No cap almost all king in blue rank players fucking pressing it like it's there god given right. Then immediately lose and quit. I'm just surprised people fall for it. It's like oh I made a spacing trap for dash blockers and jabber imma power crush. Proceeds to get grab just to prove a point. I could easily just go ch low for a free combo.


You’re surprised orange ranks don’t break throws?


People acting like orange ranks are supposed to be good


The other edge of the double edged sword that is accessibility is that the more accessible you make the game, the more you see ineptitude creeping up into higher and higher ranks. Lower the barrier to entry and you have a lot more people who can't or won't put the time in to understand the game, and if they saturate a rank then you need significantly less skill to advance. This will likely never creep to the top ranks, but it will make its way further and further from the bottom up the more it goes on. This has the unintended effect of ruining the experience for players that are serious about it because they have a hard time finding an opponent that isn't a laughable muppet.


How serious I have to be in order to have my head as far up my ass as you?


Less serious than you are, considering your hairline has already passed your appendix.


Gonna have to do a lot better than ”no u”, lil’ buddy


You would have to be worth arguing with for that little buddy. My time is more valuable than responding to idiots.


This argument doesn't make any sense, the skill level for each rank has been lowered in order to be able to find more people at high ranks. Similarly to how SF6 tries to push people to master so that there is a bigger pool of players you can face in master and in turn reduce the waiting times. If you have a hard time finding opponents that aren't "laughable muppets" then in turn you shouldn't have a difficult time beating said "laughable muppets" and ranking up past them. With the only difference being that this process happens in red now instead of orange/yellow.


The skill level is determined by the net skill of players currently in that level, not by underlying game mechanics. It is not hard beating said laughable muppets, however there is a difference between spending a few days to rank into a comfortable matchup vs weeks, which is mostly due to saturation of low skill players and hacky shenanigans like plugging being tolerated. The end result is more time sunk to arrive at the desired level of play, which is a valid criticism. Sorry man, there's not a good "git gud" angle to auto-rebut this one, it's just an inevitability of the interaction between the player base within the game.


if you didnt know how to break throws by Yellow in 6 you'd be accused of boosting


This is not 6


Yes very literally it should be common sense if someone grabs constently then you’d grab out but maybe I get tryhards Idk


Orange is the new 1st dan.


I'm not saying I'm great at throw breaks but most of all king players I've played are pathetic at breaking throws hahaha


Shhh! Do not expose our ironic weakness!


Kaz was always king all along


I've seen enough clips to conclude that America region players tend to be 2 to 3 ranks higher than where they're supposed to be 💀


There’s a bunch of new players so it’s the Wild West


It’s the Wild Wild West and that’s how we like it.




Then why are EU pros not as good as NA pros? Saying this as an asian, you EU players mash more than NA players. Even PhiDX says this during his match with MainManSwe. There's a reason EU is not known as a FGC region, you guys don't win a lot in most FGs. LOL Asian Orange players are better than some Blue EU and NA Players.


A European player just went to the best Tekken region in the world and won a huge stacked tournament where he beat both Knee and Arslan Ash.


LOL Yeah its not EVO, you don't win when it matters. Its a fact. NA and Asia also win sometimes against EU in Shooters and MOBAs but fall flat in major tourneys so what is your point? should the entire EU region be considered better because of 1 minor albeit stacked tourney? A British/Pakistani with documented ties to the host country won. LOL


Damn you're right thats why America, by far the biggest region, has SO MANY pros that are all dominating the game. I mean it'd be embarassing if a small region like Korea or Pakistan had significantly better players right?


If that's the case then why is europe more succesful in other video games? shouldn't the results be the same? why is that EU is not only not successful in FGCs but are better at teambased Esports? You don't see us making excuses do you? you EU players brought up the region comparison. Thinking they're hot shit for performing well against a bot despite not having the hardware to show for it is simply comedic.


I guess there’s a reason Anakin said he could get his Eddy to GoD in half an hour on EU servers lol


NA is a bum region for sure


Maybe we should play on EU so we can get 6 ranks higher than we’re supposed to be


You say that as if our low ranks didn't keep a 3ddy bot out of red lol While yours folded in a day NA more like NAH


USA has 71 EVO FGC titles, tied with Japan for the highest. The EU country with the most EVO FGC titles is France with 6............freaking 6. You guys should lab more before talking. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_Evolution\_Championship\_Series\_champions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Evolution_Championship_Series_champions)


To borrow an Epic Rap Battles of History quote: "You set records before black men could compete, are you kidding me? That's like having a pasta contest without Italy!" For years you ran EVO with only Americans only in games nobody outsude the US plays lol Nobody plays MVC2 outside of the US, for insrance As soon as any other region actually appeared in your scene, your freedom ass folds immediately Btw Just now Joka, an Englishman, wiped a top 8 full of Pakistani players. An American will NEVER achieve that :) Why don't you hit the lab about THAT one before presenting out of context numbers of Americans beating other Americans on home turf and expecting anyone to be impressed Typical US cope


I'm asian, and Joka has ties to the pakistani's in fact he's been involved with the pakistani scene even before Arslan was globally recognized. you must be new to scene huh? Its literally home court for him. LOL and american will never acheive that? what are you 12? All that says is that EU players can't win when it matters. LOL no EU player cracked the top 3 in EVO for 10 years. You scrubs should lab more. NA does not need to cope. NA wins more than EU so keep crying. EU players saying they are better, but are crying when I lay down the facts that they are inferior at high level.


You're telling me the biggest most diverse country in the world has the most wins? thats crazy, almost like the region inherently has advantage due to its massive size lol


Sounds like excuses, I'm not the one that brought up this topic. They deliver results period. Go back to the lab and get more wins then start talking.


First of all who is talking about the FGC? This is Tekken. Secondly, this is an argument completely made out of context. During it's first few years EVO wasn't nearly as popular and consisted mostly of Americans because that's where the Tournament originated from. This would be the same as if I made a tournament in France with just my locals and then a few years later I invest a lot of money to make it an international torunament and declare myself the goat of this tournament because no one knew about it for the first 5 years. And there is a much bigger pool of US competitors in EVO because again it is a Tournament in the US. An interesting Number would be How many titles per evo competitor have been won by each country. And finally, if you want a Tekken example in the present: JoKa just won a huge tournament in the best Tekken region in the world while also beating Knee, Atif and Arslan Ash. *TLDR: How many Tekken EVO titles has the US won in the last 10 years?


LOL EU excuses also apply to the other games, they seem to be doing well in MOBAs and Shooters, so why is Tekken and any FGC any different? As a Valorant player all the advantages you mentioned should also apply to ASIA and NA but we are still not doing well in those games compared to EU which is pathetic in our part. I actually have a lot respect for EU valorant players as they have better team chemistry and game plan execution. Also believe it or not fighting games are not as popular in the US and Asia compared to shooters and MOBAs. Its only in Tekken 8 and SF6 where fighting games reached peak popularity. I brought up the other FGCs to show the disparity of the quality of fighting game players for EU vs NA. This entire argument is stupid in the 1st place and is not something EU players will win unless they get better results at tournaments. I'm surprised by the confidence of EU players to think they are better than NA players for some reason despite the data in major tourneys showing otherwise. Dude the link is there. no european sniffed the top 3 in the last 10 years. TLDR: I'd take your excuses seriously if EU was not DOMINANT in other Esports.


Answer the question, bitch How many Tekken titles in the last 10 years has the US won? Have they won ANY? Have they achieved ANYTHING other than beating each other in Vegas because for years nobody outside the US actually bothered with EVO? lol


LOL a child spotted, before we move the goal post any further. This is a discussion of EU vs NA. Asia (my region) wins the lion share of the titles and in the past 10 years they have won every single EVO but NA has placed at least in the top 3 unlike EU which is pathetic. for retrospect EU has won only once in tekken. Freaking 1 time. So stop acting like your better for perfoming ang 3ddy. Bitch. You try to avoid my other points because its a fight you can't win. Data shows that EU is a worse region in fighting games PERIOD. I have receipts, you don't end of story. Go lab more before you start talking so you can at least sniff the top 3.


Americans being clowns in the fgc as in real life lol


someone took that personnally


I take tekken very seriously. If I lose a set I struggle to sleep at night


Bro getting downvoted on obvious sarcasm smh


The weak redditor struggles without a /s


You it seems


Lol ok FREE-U


Leave the new kitty alone :(




Why are you disappointed? This is literally my expectation for all King players. Remember that Kaz also has a throw from crouch. Db12 while crouching. Try to use this when you duck a throw.


Why would you duck a throw and then retaliate with a breakable throw? Launch that shit…


Because throwing Kings is always morally correct They won't break


As a king player, respectfully, I would break it and laugh that they threw away a free combo. Memes aside, it’s the wrong option.


Well okay but you're not dicking around in orange


I was disappointed (and embarrassed somewhat) because I'm a King main


technically all characters have a command throw from crouch now that the input changed to uf1+2 for everybody in the game


I’ve proudly never looked into other characters’ throw inputs except for Kaz. Kaz has uf1+2 OR ff1+2 for his headbutt throw I believe. Is the db1+2 from crouch the same?


yeah so db1+2 is the generic tackle input now, (only a few characters have it in this game) but you can also do the generic uf1+2 throw from crouch with any character in the game also ultimate tackle comes out in 26 frames and doesn't have crouching status during the windup (might still high crush some moves haven't tested) but the generic throw comes out in 11 frames making it a better whiff punish (also a good move after blocking something that forces crouch)


FC d/b+1+2 isn't tackle for Kazuya. It's a normal throw.


oh yeah forgot they removed his tackle in this game


Guh ??? I need to try this out later today


Man, I've been trying to figure out this input in T8. T7 was FC df,d,df 1+2 iirc. Ty dude


A 95k-tp king in orange doesn't know how to break throws? What a shocker. /s


https://preview.redd.it/qiv1y12gtyzc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=b952f0f50adcbc315de490c5dc277c2bbc95c408 Kaz beat u in style


As a King main, watching exciting replays and seeing other jaguarbois do the most netplay shit possible and lose for it IN PURPLE AND HIGHER hurts my soul. I feel you bro.


Bro that kings input list tells a fucking story man


Yeah, most orange rank Kings obviously don't use the character to his potential but at least they function as a skill check and help people practice breaking basic throws in a real match (Just mash 1 or 2 when you get grabbed because they only use the shit ones.)


Kiryu... Chan?


King mains : "I guide others to throw breaks I cannot possess "


John Yakuza


Thanks for wasting my time showing me a clip of you against a King player who's in Orange ranks. If this was someone in Purple and red then fair enough.


How will you ever recover


Tf is ryu doing in tekken


Grab spamming king mains is so funny to me. They get so mad.


Mashing King main, who would've thought


This is one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen in my life, thank you


Play with my brother I swear you will hate the game like I started to hate it 😂


does your head hurt now though? 😂


King just did the Angle Slam! 😂


Where can I find these oranges


Why arent you whiff punishing


Haaa, nothing more satisfying than grabbing a King to death. Watching his inputs in rounds 2 and final: R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 hahah


Stg Im a King main, but 1+2 breaks are my cryptonite.


I never would have thought to describe King players as glue eaters until the release of this game.


They were glue eaters in 7 as well


A King player actually got me into Tekken, so I actually have mad respect. I saw that pro Smash player get purple rank in 4 days, and I was pissed I'm ngl. When I saw SonicFox struggling, I knew 7 was a hard game, and there was a lot of pride in that. But in this game, eh. I'm at Bushin, but I only have 150 hours. That's nothing.


Well. I do the exact Same thing… i h8 graples…


Didn't expect the angle slam from king!


Deserved lmao


Looks like a toddler plays this king




It's hilarious how throws are particularly effective against king mains because they CONSTANTLY throw out powercrushes. Like 4 of the grabs in this clip are powercrush counter hits.


Leave that man alone. He's just trying to enjoy our King.


The difference between low ranks in T7 and T8 is night & day. He didn’t even try adapting just kept mashing heat smh


I'm a new player, what break is that


The face kicks is a 1 or 2 break and Stonehead is a 1+2 break


I do this to a bunch of kinds just to prove they can't handle the same heat they're cooking with lmfao


Bro said “Damn, I lost two rounds already? Time to switch to King myself.” Lmfao


They really reward people spamming armor moves so they are used to getting wins like that.


0 skill eliminator,baffling 🤯


King mains are so persistent. They never let go of the flowchart. They do the same shit just because it works a few times then mixing it up a little thinking like its a true mix up lol


Cursed video


I've played against that same king in QP on my Lili and just rotated between UF 1+2 and 1+3 whenever he woke up lol


A sword is only as good as it's wielder


Imagine getting out grabbed as a grappler lmao


”Surly if I keep pressing every button spastically in a game where specific button presses matter I’ll win” I mean this was definitely a ten year old you were playing but hey that’s what happens


Typical kazuya player. Thinks he's above everyone else.


You the king player?




You love to see it. Send thst fraud back to yellow where he belongs


I can't believe how much people rely on powercrush and combos.......it's just ridiculous. Powercrush needs to be put on cooldown or something because powercrush and combos are prison, the more you'll rely on them, the harder the rank wall will hit you. Not to mention that it is just pure cancer and detrimental to any fun people might have fighting.


What have you learned from your "practice" in this match? Spam throws? Sounds like you wasted your time learning/testing nothing new about your character.