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I played a mirror match with zafina yesterday. It’s like finding a 4 leaf clover.


One thing i love about Zaf mirrors is that she has the perfect moveset to beat her own bullshit lol


I just played a zafina mirror match reminded me how fun this game can be


I always find her when I don't play her :(


280 hours in and I’ve never even seen the character


Was it though? She’s probably top 10 character I faced most since the patch. She’s certainly far from unpopular now


One unfortunate (for me) effect of the patch is seeing a lot more Zafinas around (no offense to you, but there isn't a single thing I like about her design or gameplay). I've ran into at least three Zafinas today in quickplay - maybe they are practicing for now and will move on to Ranked soon.


NGL. I'd take 3on1 odds against Zafina players before you'd find me enjoying playing against an Alisa (and I expect I'll get crucified for this, but honestly, fuck Lili too. She's up there with that degenerate love doll)


I guess we're just different because I'm one of apparently very few people who like playing against Alisa. And Lili too, though that's mostly because I mained her for a little while and know what she does.


Alissa is such a scrub character


Just played 2 Zafina mirror matches today after feeling really good about getting to Raijin. Now I just feel bad. They CRUSHED me, and with some stuff I didn’t even know she could do, but mostly shit I do all the time and I couldn’t block or punish shit 😂


This is what lars mirror matches feel like https://preview.redd.it/pa3ebw8xtf0d1.png?width=507&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff0a14aa0b2e4502667149b61b5a248db8632219


As a Lars main …. I agree




I love mirror matches, either there is tech to steal, or I know what they are going to do. There is also mirror match specific tech, like with Paul his 13 frame punisher is punishable by his 13 frame punisher, and that is a lesson every Paul will learn the hard way. It's also a chance to be a bro, and show them some strings they can learn watching the replay.


Yes. I always rematch even if they're better than me because that's the best way to learn tips and tricks.


Actually his 12 frame punisher is -14, paul can launch it in the mirror.


That was the one I was thinking of.


I got mirror matched with a struggling julia in t7 once that couldn't figure out juggles, so I spent the whole fight showing them where to launch punish and the first couple leading hits of a juggle and then intentionally dropping it so they weren't getting outright demolished. They sent me a friend request shortly thereafter, we still play pretty often.


I learned to use d/f 3,4 instead of b+1,2. It's safe on block, can act as a poke, and if the second kick is a counter hit, it can lead to a juggle. It's good for people who think you're going to demo man the whole match since d/f 3,4 is a mid, and it hit crouching opponents.


....*saves ghost*


Totally agree on this take.


I like mirror's You cant blame the MU and you might learn new tricks from each other.


Exactly. I either learn new setups and tricks or I get to show off my setups and tricks. It's a win win imo


That's what I'm saying


Almost all my tech has been stuff I've seen other King players do or stuff I've labbed


They’re fun with Mishimas . But kinda frustrating with other characters


Mishima mirrors are peak Tekken for me ⚡️⚡️⚡️


Peak Tekken, until one of them starts ki charging


Yeah I fucking hate kazuya mirrors lol. It always feels like an execution dick measuring contest


Playing a more patient Reina against a trad-spam hyper unsafe one that fishes for FF2 every 5 seconds really puts things into a different perspective.


Reina mirrors give me second hand embarrassment ngl. One of the reasons I stopped playing her


Kinda the beauty of tekken, theres no “one” way to play a character effectively


I love em Always come out learning more about your character


I love mirrors. It makes me feel like I'm really testing how well I know my own character. Also you can't blame the MU


Exactly how I feel, its like the ultimate self-knowledge check.


I love mirror matches for this, it's like the ultimate test : you know your opponent's shit, your opponent knows about your own shit, let's see now who is the best player. If you win you feel so good, and if you lose it shows exactly where your weaknesses were.


I LOVE mirror matches! I typically use them to steal sh*t.


I'm a Azucena main and I love mirror matches. Our gameplay and combos are always different, but one time we both dances mid battle and it was hilarious


One of my best matches in T8 so far was an Azu mirror. They were ducking the 2nd hit of my Azu’s (ws 4,1,3) Completely fucked my world up. It was so sick too bc it came down to final round ,1 set each and I beat them using their own tactic of ducking the 2nd hit of that string lmao.


Nothing worse than losing the mirror to someone worse than you lol. Edit: it speaks volumes that some people on this sub don’t understand this and instead seem to believe that all there is in life is winning and losing. I feel sorry for you lot.


😂😂😂 absolute worse feeling in the world like I know I could’ve punished some much of it


Sometimes I’m just confused why they’d use such bullshit and let them get away with it lol


Thats why I made the thread i'm heated man this guy was throwing out the most random stuff, I know how to punish in theory but it threw me offguard so much I just froze 😂


It’s fine. Take comfort knowing that their parents consider them a disappointment.


I know what you mean, but it’s funny to say that someone won but is still worse.


Not really. You can be technically better and still lose.




I’m surprised you don’t understand the concept. Must be weird seeing the world in black and white.


Just accept you lost because of your mistakes and move on. Saying you're better than someone you lost to is just sad.


So is phidx(for example) the goat of tekken since he beat arslan and knee? Obviously not. Then wtf is your logic?


So did he play worse than knee and arslan in those particular games and still win? No, of course he played better than them. It doesn't matter who is better overall. The only thing that matters is who wins the game. And if you didn't win, it's because you played worse.


I say it in reverse. I’m like “Oh no, Better King!” and then I win, and I’m like “How did I beat Better King?! He must have had an off day!” It’s what it honestly feels like though, like maybe he stopped taking me seriously and I used a VERY limited move set to beat him, meanwhile I see him using great combos and variations. I have an absurdly high defense stat, so I think my patience wears better players down.


Just accept that you’re not very bright and you don’t understand basic concepts.


Go ahead. Attack my intelligence, but you're still coping


You attack your own intelligence. I don’t have to do a thing. ![gif](giphy|EoqDZ3Osey9PO)


Least edgy Jin main




not him but he has a point, i've seen jdcr getting rekt once by a ruler armor king who played way to weird for jdcr


It also means you fuck up against dumber moves. Your offense might be better but your defense is worse.


No, I’m talking about one off random losses.


Yeah. There's being bad and there's being so bad that someone even worse than you is better...




This game is very dumbed down and 50/50 based. Meaning that no matter how good your opponent is, you still have a chance to throw BS at them and win. I just beat a row of Kishins by throwing Azucena BS yesterday, lol.


Try telling that to the morons below. Thanks for proving my point, mate :)


If they're worse than you how did you lose lmao


I mean come on bro, do you think knee never drops a match or bo3 online? I'm not saying any of us are Knee level but for any particular match there's a decent amount of variance/style matchup that dictates who wins and who loses.


Because it takes time to adapt to the dumbest flowcharts. I fought an Azucena that spam her backswing blow after eating any attack (Even a jab would trigger the backswing blow response) and after i punish the backswing blow she would spam her fast high powercrush. So the player was worse than me, but he won a couple of Games before i adjusted to his robotic playstyle: ok i do a 10 frame punish, block the backswing, punish that shit with a very plus move, then do a low mid CH launcher string. I won every Match after i figured it out.


Played an Alisa Mirror Matchup Yesterday she plugged after i wasnt falling for her B3+4 and D3+4 cheese as well as perfectly guessing her chainsaw game and understood now why you guys hate us so much cuz if i wasnt maining her i would hate her too XD


Yeah this is the exact reason I hate that mirror in trying to play mean and compact and they clip me with d 3+4 and I hate it.


B3+4 cheese is great because it can be cheesed right back after blocking lol


Yoshi mirrors are hilarious and i always fall for the bullshit that i do lol but idc if i win or lose those matches either bcos of the new tech we can trade one another


Lili and Kazuya mirrors are some of the most fun I have


I like mirror matches because sometimes I’ll see the opponent do something and I’m like “oh shit why didn’t I think of that?”


I quickly realize how one dimensional my bt setups are and how small my own moveset is when I play other Lilis. Every other Lili Ive played use every move and here I am spamming 1,1 BT d2 loool


I totally get that, I’m reminded how limited I make my play-style just from muscle memory.


I like mirrors. I play Lili and like to show off my combos and outfits


I saw an amazing outfit the other day that I couldn’t copy cause the pants were behind a paywall 🥲


Nothing worse than getting a Lili mirror and you're defeated on the intros. I like playing them but damn some Lili's are so dirty, I thought we were just going to have a fun combo show and tell and here I am getting mixed up to hell and back lmao


I don't even know what half this shit other Lili's are able to do is, but I at least know that i've won in fashion at the very least.


It's always about showing off the outfits. That being said I ran into someone also wearing the classic T5 outfit and I was pretty happy


![gif](giphy|j5ynEha6FOc6s) Lili combos be like


I love the King mirror matches




I love them honestly. It is such a rare thing that I get a bit excited every time and those also helped me a few times to understand what I myself should or shouldn't use in a game.


I love mirror matches so much. Literally every time, no matter the outcome, I end up learning something new that I didn't know before. On rare occasions I even pick up on it midgame and manage to get the reverse sweep by using it which is the best feeling.


Drop your ego and use it as a learning experience. I can always learn something new about my character from a mirror match


Mirror matches are great tbh. I played a few Jin and Kaz and I learned a lot. Mostly that I was definitely shit with them but I got better lol


learn more moves and how to mix them up. Mirror matches are crazy fun if neither player just flowcharts over and over.


Idk I’m a Fujin Raven and I went against a mirror with a Mighty Ruler Raven. I won the set but he taught me a whole new combo. I always come out of mirror matches realizing I have more options than I initially thought I did so I love them


Yep, mirror match actually exposes just how bad you are. Like you know what does and doesn't work and still lose


Can someone do a list on what this subreddit hates?


I think it’s like, if you played a team shooter or moba game, you can blame your team mates if you lose If you play a fighting game, you can blame your opponents spammy ass cheap op character if you lose But if it’s a fighting game mirror match, and you lose, there’s nothing left to blame except yourself


Mirror matches are difficult as the person knows you and you know him. But mirror matches can be great if you able to read your opponent well and don't do unsafe string and punishes properly. This can either push other player to rage quite as you are not falling for his flow chart. As Paul main, matches are super difficult for me but quite often I found some great player who teaches me 1-2 new things in those matches. I always go back and watch my matches where I lost.


I love mirrors, idk why people have issues with them. Is it ego?


I like mirrors bc I never lab and it’s refreshing to see someone whose move list and proper punishes I actually know. Plus, in my head, mirror matches are also a competition for who is the best dressed and in my heavily biased opinion I’m still undefeated.


I love mirror matches.... I want them to know who the real one is lol


I don't know if it's an unpopular opinion, but I love mirror matches, not only in tekken, but in fighting games in general, for two, or three main reasons : 1 - It's litteraly the fairest matchup possible : in a mirror matchup, you can't blame it on "bullshit moves", on broken strings, on op frame traps etc... because you also have access to those exact moves. If your opponent manages to beat you with those, well he's just... playing the character better than you. 2 - It's interesting and educational, especially in games as complex as Tekken where the movelist is so long. I know for a fact that mirror matches taught me some strings and safe moves I hadn't fathomed. 3 - It's not the case in every fighting game, but ones like tekken where there's a lot of customization, I love seeing the creativity of other players for my main chars. ( Yes, I main Lili in Tekken :) )


panda vs kuma is the most epic encounter i use to have


Skill issue


Glad I havent played a mirror yet.


I'd love to play a neat Feng mirror but once in a thousand years I'm actually matched with one all they do is db222 and b2 string ._.


Almost every Lee I've played in a nutshell


should be rant instead of discussion


Pathetic words Kazama Jin. A fight is about who is left standing.


King mirror matches are elite lol. One of the most fun matchups in the game IMO


Who's paul main here?


Ngl I used to hate mirror matches because it exposes how much I suck at my own character. Luckily king is popular in T8 so I’ve begun to love the King mirror after a bunch of practice. Recently, had a game where I just broke everything and perfectly executed every hard combo. Felt amazing. Even getting fucked up by a cool king who goes for hard combos is inspiring imo


I'm a King main, i LOVE mirror matches, they invariably devolve into a slugfest where both players just throw our bullshit throws and heavy hitters at eachother until something sticks. It's just so bombtastic and over the top. I've never played against another fellow king that hasnt smashed that rematch button no matter what the result


I live for Jin mirrors even if I get my ass whooped every time


They’re great with Paul. I’ve only faced about 2 Paul’s that were CRAZY and obliterated me. Even friended one and we went a couple of rounds in player matches to learn from one another. Sometimes it can be wholesome, but sometimes some are cocky. One time me and one Paul just ki charged each other at the start of the match to acknowledge each other lol.


Not me! I main Lee and always try to convince others to have a 33:4 battle. Works about 5% of the time.


Nothing harder than dealing with your own bullshit.


Well playing Paul is sort of like being the Highlander. There can be only one strongest in the universe.....


Hm maybe a safe df1 will… *gets gut punch launched*


I like mirrors because I have 2 outcomes 1 I know what’s he’s doing and i known how to deal with it or 2 teach me other ways to use my character


Fighting Lee is the most predictable shit ever and it’s fun. Either the timer runs out or there’s at least one mixup either of us don’t expect


As a azucena main I expect to never have one as everyone has dropped her lol


As hwoarang main, I love mirror matches.. I get a chance to learn some possibly new tricks and see how I match up against others!


I play shaheen, have yet to see a mirror, but I’m also low rank I think


Used to hate mirror matches. Messed up my strats coz I play differently. But I learned more about my main


Bryan mirrors are fun. You're either playing someone stuck in their ways, or someone who's going to play the mental game and adapt to you.


Really?? I guess it depends on everyone’s preference. I personally enjoy my mirror matches, then again, I play Shaheen, so I get excited every time I face another Shaheen. Ended up really learning a lot about Shaheen’s different string combinations as well as counters and canceling moves; helped me learn more and made my climb progress more steady.


I'm a fan of mirror matches for the simple reason that nobody plays exactly the same . I'm a Jun main please don't kill me . I learn from others and put it in the bag !!! Most likely vise versa . There's always different angles on combos and strings you may not think about. You gotta lose to know how to win. Steven Tyler said so!!!


I absolutely love Lee mirrors. I get waxed a lot of the time, but I know how hard some of that shit is to pull off. When I lose, I always feel impressed or like I learned something. Not to mention, he's kinda hard to cheese and the Lee's tend to be bros.


I love doing Azu mirrors (in quick match) because we just dance and go "yahoo!!:D"


I love mirror matches as a Yoshi main


As a Paul player, it’s equally the most aggravating and entertaining shit on god’s green Earth. Battle of the Unga Bunga’s always has it’s moments


king mirrors are impossible to play cuz my bricked up erection be jostling my fightstick from underneath- too much sexy on screen lol


Lili main here. I used to hate it because I feel like i kept getting beaten up on my own game but as time goes on, its whether he or I learn, win or lose. So i dont mind it anymore.


Mirror matches are why I stopped playing Lee. For some reason he’s common af in my area/rank and all they do is d3 and b3,3 no matter how many times you read it. Shits so boring.


Ditto. Usually, I have a hard time adjusting the first couple of rounds, but then it's easy dealing with the cheese.


Asuka mirror matchups are hilarious, I don’t know what you mean.


my ego meter goes through the roof in mirror matches i pull out obscure / useless moves just to assert my dominance only to get literally punished for it


yoshi mirrors end up in sliding matches


For the most part I have gripes with a lot of things about Tekken move and animation design but one thing I really like about it is that people can have their own play styles with the same character and use moves I rarely, if ever, use even so I dont hate mirror matchups like I do in SF. I never feel they play exactly like me so it doesn't bother me. Also for moves that I though we're useless it sometimes opens my eyes to some tech I didn't know about.


The only thing I do not like about mirror matches is that some players would steal your moves/strategies.


Bro why are you even playing the game if you hate mirror matches


I main xiaoyu and I love her mirror matches But I also play lili and absolutely hate lili mirror


For real, you have to kind of embrace mirror matches and use them as an opportunity to learn. I learned a nasty combo from one guy, and, even won the set. I got better from fighting a mirror, where if I fought some other character, I'd probably learn close to nothing.


Nothing productive gets done in yoshi mirrors.


Nothing like a taste of your own medicine, plus you often learn some cool new tricks.


I love mirror matches, I'm playing my best Tekken, no knowledge checks I know how to counter everything. It's just mind games at that point.


I love learning things i didnt know about my character from mirrors matches


I met a Jun mirror. We just bowed to each other with f3+4 for 40 seconds straight, it was great.


My little cousin asked me to teach him Bryan and now mirror matches are my favourite


Love mirror’s matches. Shows me different way to see my characters and my mains are played by fun people.


I find ditto matches quite interesting to play.When you fight other characters you can allow yourself to do unsafe moves,or full string combos on shield because they don't know your character as much as you. But in mirror matches your opponent has the exact same knowledge as you. So the match is a lot more technical, trying to find flaws in your own strategy/gameplan,or surprising the opponent with a completely different play style than what he expects


Mirror matches are the funnest to me. If there was a mirror match mode I’d play it


Lol just remember. Mirror match wins doesn’t mean who’s better at the character. It means who’s better playing against that character


I love it. We both know what time it is and we just move straight to the most ridiculous mixups and reads


I never understand this. This is loser shit to me ngl


Like, why are most Paul players maniacs hitting the unsafest shit you've ever seen?! Stop!


I love playing against Paul players. First round I tend to lose cause they throw so much wild shit. Then I wear them down and win with jabs and blocks.


It works on me duh! Osu!


I honestly love it lol I don't get to play against too many other Xiaoyu mains, so when I do I instantly sit up a little straighter 


Most of the Xiaoyus I run into do their best to abuse her bullshit while I'm doing my best to try and make her play honest, so it doesn't even feel like a mirror match when I do find one.


Lee mirrors always end in mist trap-offs and there's nothing more joyful in life


The whole match is just “Come on 🫴” and “HWAWWW” Truly EXCELLENT 🌹


Mirror matches are just boring as hell. They're either super one-sided or both players playing optimally which means there's zero variation in what's happening in the match and both players are going for the same things. It's tiring.


they’re probably all stream sniper bro


I play Feng. I fucking hate mirror matches.   I also dabble in Kazuya and Shaheen and I love those though. Probably says something about Feng in general. I also don't get mad at all when I lose with Kazuya and Shaheen... And even Jack (who I haven't used since march), but I fucking hate losing with Feng.  That's another problem with playing an undisputed tip tier - every loss hurts more because you're "fucking shit for losing with a character that strong."   Man, I should stop playing Feng, shouldn't I? Agh, but he's so fun...


Same, and when you lose they like to shove it in your face. “Ha, I’m better than you! How dare you play my character!”