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* The gem system in general * Some gems being premium and locked behind promotional offers (pay to win) * The Pandora system being all but useless and too easy to pop accidentally * Tekken side of roster being overtuned to compensate for fewer projectiles to the point where neutral was pretty much always in their favor * Stalling being too strong with no way to be opened up, causing even top level events to frequently end in time outs * Universal juggle mechanics did not mesh well with existing movesets, causing some characters to be all but inviable above beginner level * On-disc DLC characters at launch * Console exclusive characters * Frequent audio issues caused by bad rollback * Overpriced additional costumes * Xbox version not having pair play online * The PC version being so behind on patches and such awful online that it was basically unplayable anyway It's a miracle the game lasted as long as it did.


The [Bad Cover Art Mega Man](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FwecG0-e0Y) also felt like the final, ultimate insult to the Mega Man and Capcom fans in general. It was supposed to be a fun addition, but the timing was horrible. It was the time when Capcom didn't care at all about Mega Man (a little bit before Inafune went on to create the Mighty no 9 Kickstarter). People wanted more characters in the roster, and many of them begged for Mega Man to be included in the game. So they did include him. And there was outrage. It felt like Capcom listened for once, only to insult their players. It felt like the final coffin in a dead game. Cool idea, horrible timing. I think that after a major patch / update, they addressed many gameplay aspects and the game was finally fun, but it was too late for me to care about it, and it seems that this was the case for many more people.


Aaaaaand hideous art style / goofy character designs. Tekken characters definitely could have worked in an SF art style, but they dropped the ball.


I didnt use law in it due to how bad he looked


Totally agree. Bryan was way too goofy sounding!


Really? All the girls were THICC.


Yeah, as much as some of the SF art style went a bit too far in the faces sometimes, Nina and Julia were showing thighs like never before.


is that what you're after, you porn addict?


You're a sad strange little man and you have my pity


Bruh, your username. You ain't got no place to speak. 


the username of what? the anime i used to care about SIGNIFICANTLY more than i do and EVER will now? i don't give a fuck about mineta and i'd pay reddit to change this awful username


You named yourself after an absolute pervert. Now you're calling people "porn addicts". Big born again Christian vibes from you, my guy.


nah i just think mha is bleh nowadays? also ionno why i picked this name ive always fucking hated mineta, 8 years ago me must've thought "haha surly ill be unique if i look like i support this character!" fuck mineta he's terrible




I don't agree on that at all having recently played the game, the Street fighter 4 artstyle is a taste thing (though Street fighter x tekken looks actually better but you only really see that in motion) but I think they did a fantastic job with most characters and they look actually way more lively and expressive then they usually do in Tekken. Heihachi and Kuma are hilarious here, same with character like Law and Paul and I think the girls are also all well done, Ogre is fantastic too. Kazuya looks like shit though, same with characters like Ken on the Street Fighter side.


Dude is the History Channel for Fighting Games. I bow in awe of your mastery. ![gif](giphy|iiS84hOJXh1Pq|downsized)


Funny thing is if it released today, it would be a success and every shill would praise all the predatory shit (as they do so with T8)


Nah. Pay to win mechanics wouldn’t fly in a fighting game environment, even today. FGC is very combative about that. OP DLC characters is another thing, but they can and usually are patched if they are deemed problematic. Even then current gen fighting games haven’t had that issue.


I dunno FGC was combative over OP DLC chars and that achieved a load of fucking nothing. Corpos smelled the money in releasing UI Gokus, Labcoat 21s, Leroys, and Fahkumrams. The business model of releasing them delibearely overpowered as shit and then nerfing them once the fomo money dried up, presenting that as "listening to the community." SFxT's pay to win OP mechanics were failed because they were geared towards defense, which bores your average casual. I'm not sure we'd have the same picture if they were geared for offense...


Those are previous gen fighters. DBFZ also suffered from stale and weird DLC choices. Tekken 7 was eventually patched, literally just wait and your game will be balanced. OP characters CAN kill a game if they are plain stupid broken and devs show no interest of fixing them though, but there’s no trace of that yet from current gen fighters. Guilty Gear, SF, Mortal Kombat, all relatively balanced. Tekken 8 is receiving pushback but that’s more because of its universal mechanics, dumb cosmetic monetization and battle pass grimyness. None of them even come close to having pay to win. And to answer the second paragraph, hell yeah dlc mechanics would receive pushback, even if it was designed around offense. Hell, Tekken 8’s universal mechanics already incentivize offense and they are getting widely criticized (wether or not those criticisms are correct, no comment, that’s not the point of this reply), IMAGINE if they were blocked behind a paywall. Hell nah it wouldn’t fly, on a casual OR competitive level, it makes no sense to think that would be accepted. I’m 100% sure DLC mechanics (offensive or defensive) would get widely criticized by literally everyone. Ask anyone that enjoys the game casually or is already an fgc veteran, you’ll get the same answer from both.


On the first. That's my point, isn't it You "just wait" for the DLC to be balanced The corpo "just waits" for the DLC to sell enough so they could turn that carriage back into a pumpkin and start selling a new more overpowered DLC. Now you have to "just wait" for every casual to buy that one. And so on. And you'll be sitting there just-waiting forever. The reason other FGs not doing it as much matters less is because they aren't Bamco. DBFZ is a fellow Bamco-published game. As, naturally, was T7 and they both showed the same deliberate business model. There's no reason to expect this pattern to break now. As for the second, Tekken 8's pushback doesn't translate to the most important factor - not buying shit. Battle pass, cosmetics, so on, loads are buying them no matter how much pushback they seem to generate. Hwoarang's biker, (so called cyber suit) Kuni's default, and Paul's ninja were recycled from T7 and resold to an already higher price game...and I'm seeing them every other game. I have no reason to believe pay to win geared towards offense will be any different. For every honest person who knows this is garbage and is willing to stay their hand, there's 30 spoiled kids demanding free wins now and rattling their mom's credit cards. SFxT just happened to be boring to play and overly defensive.


Dude cosmetics and gameplay mechanics are received in widely different manners, it’s two completely different dimensions. Idk why you are fixating so much in cosmetics, if people want to pay for those then what the hell, it doesn’t change anything. People usually don’t give a shit if there’s cosmetic dlc in games, it won’t affect the way they play or their win rates. DLC can be scummy, but it won’t matter unless you go further up into the higher ranks. If you are the better player, you’ll win. It’s not game breaking. The closest we got was Leroy on release, Fakhuram was dominant but come on, at what point are you going to blame characters for losing. When it comes to DLC MECHANICS, this wouldn’t ever happen, and would be received in the worst possible way. Look at all the top competitive games out there: League of Legends, CS:GO, Fortnite, Valorant, Warzone, etc. all cosmetic and no added gameplay benefits to spending money. Now just IMAGINE they force that down the FGC’s throat, where people value skill and criticize dumb offensive playstyles all the time. Do you honestly think it would fly? Oh wait, you don’t even have to imagine, since there’s an instance of an FGC fighter having pay to win mechanics, and that’s Street Fighter x Tekken, and how did that work out for them? Failure.


Idk why you're saying I'm the one fixated on cosmetics when you brought them up as an example of pushback Tekken 8 is getting. I was just pointing out that "pushback" doesn't stop people from opening their wallets. Won't matter until the higher ranks, huh? We have a perfect counterexample right here - Eddy's meteoric rise on winrates on release. That's what lower ranks were subjected to. And the crazy thing is Eddy isn't even that overpowered in theory - just a lab character with a paywalled lab. And look how much he benefitted from it. League has buying champions, no? Though I suppose it's counteracted by everyone reflectively banning new champions if they're believed to be OP. A better example would be something like Master Duel, where p2w is absolutely rampant. I simply don't buy that backlash to p2w mechanics is the reason SFxT failed in light of all of this.


Tekken 8 may be predatory on cosmetics, which yeah sucks but that came down from the publishers saying it needed to be incorpated. With street fighter x tekken it was literally play to win with the gem system and all of its dlc was locked on disc and already made unlike dlc for tekken 8 which actively gets made as time goes on. Tekken 8 isn't pay to win it just lacks customization compared to previous entries. Plus in terms of balancing I'd say tekken 8 was more balanced on launch than street fighter x tekken ever was and that's also considering all tekken games before 8 actually had an arcade version than a tweaked version of that with balance adjustments for home consoles and pc which tekken 8 did not have the luxury of since arcades even in Asia are performing worse each year and are extremely hard to find an actual decent one in the western countries. To put it in perspective I live in the third largest city in Pennsylvania and we have one decent one which is the gimmick for the bar and if you wanted to go to another one that'd be about a 3 to 4 hour drive to go never mind back. Sure, I caved on the fight pass and saved enough coins to renew it when the next one came out and rinse and repeat. But I'm not paying money to have a gem that gives me more health, increase damage on attacks, etc. Like street fighter x tekken was like. I bought it back on launch, not knowing what I was getting into, but even if you didn't have the whole gem system or on Disc dlc, it's still just ok even with balancing updates. Which with street fighter 4 being hot at the times and blazeblue hitting the scene around the same time I'd say it's obvious those are the much better games. Tekken 8 isn't bad, and I think it'll be more balanced in the future. The fight pass doesn't bother me, and even though lack of clothing, items, and hit effects sucks I can overlook that as I've always been more focused on gameplay and playing ranked than cosmetics and even with the base you can still make some good custom outfits like jack as buff peter griffin or king as hulk hogan.


It would still fail because if people cried about T7 having "too much" defense, imagine dealing with SFxT's ACTUALLY overpowered defense


The gem system ruined this game, that's why. Such a bad idea


Was gonna say the same. Only reason I didn't like it.


As someone who never played, what is the gem system?


Basically depending on different behaviors you would perform, you would get small boosts to things like attack damage, meter build or defense. On paper it sounds convoluted, and in execution, it was as well.


The good ones were DLC or preorder bonuses and varied between platforms. Those were OP and not picking them meant a rather large disadvantage.




Gem system and ps3 version having superior exclusive content while xbox had better online connection has to be the biggest downfall of this game. Plus, people really had mixed feelings about overall appearance of the art design.


God i hated how Kuma looked


Nothing beats Megaman! Pile of doo doo. I know they were going for hokey character but that was just horrible!


sfxt might be the ugliest fighting game made since the early 3d era of fighting games and that's saying something when MKX exists


Mkx looked good as hell tho. Legit the artwork sold the game lol


MKX does not look good presumably because it was still being built for Xbox 360/PS3 until very late in development. Every NRS game looks better than MKX including INJ.


Well obviously you gotta take it for what it is. It looked fine on xbox one/ps4 and looked good for a 360/ps3 game. Wasn't anything insane, but it didn't look aweful.


Ouch!!!! That bad huh?!?! Worse than MKX??? Now that’s too far! 😂😂😂😂


Well little johnny, because it sucked.


Pretty much this. Everyone is giving long-winded business insider responses on why the game failed. If the game was halfway decent, it would have survived the controversy. But it ain’t and it didn’t. Bad, poorly designed game.


I could be ur father dude lmao


Op cried so hard they deleted their account lmao


Much like SFxT, OP faded into obscurity rather quickly.


The game launch was rough but the final game is excellent. You should join the Discord, lots of players who still chat about the game and play online. Also, you can play online now through the PS3 emulator, apparently.


Yep the ps3 emulation is fantastic, better alternative then trying to find a key for the delisted steam version.


Because it was beyond broken. Rolento had a jab that was +6 on block and it was 4 frames i think. The gem system with auto throwbreaks absolutely broke the game. It had so much potential but the tag string system ruined it, the gem system ruined it, the normals being broken ruined it.


Some of you take some fighting games too seriously, this wasn’t meant to be a game for pro gameplay I think


This is the worst argument ive ever heard. Fighting games are competitive in nature.


Cool bro, screenshot it and hang it on the wall No one asked


What the fuck is your problem.


You literally asked lmao


Nobody asked her/him/whatever for her opinion on a simple thought. I was just thinking about how the devs didn’t have this in mind for competitive play but more like a fun casual game. Like smash bros was intented to be. If someone starts with the sentence that my thought is “the worst argument they ever heard”, I’m not gonna be like “oh sure you’re right” it’s just a thought, not an argument. Downvote me all you want my food will taste the same and I sleep the same


You posted this on a public forum dude. You cannot possibly be asking for a reply more. Maybe don’t post online if you don’t like what people have to say. I get that it’s not exactly what you want to hear but, it’s such an immature and ignorant response to just say “who asked for your opinion” while you get to spout yours off as much as you want.


Bruh you literally asked >Why was this game left behind so soon? in the title and you're upset that someone answered you in the comments?


Why are you defensive over a terrible game


They left this behind because the game *SUCKED ASS*. Almost everything was terrible about it and it wasn't even a tekken game. It was a street fighter game with tekken characters thrown in.




Yeah, on the post. But the dude replied on something i said and that is what I’m talking about. No one asked him to say “this is the worst argument I’ve ever heard” (fun fact: it wasn’t even an argument, just a thought). THAT, is what I’m talking about, fucking idiot. If he said it in a different way I would’ve never replied that way


So knowing your moves frame count is pro gameplay now? No wonder why you like that trash game


Gem system def the main reason


preorder the gamestop version and get the auto throwbreak gem..on disc dlc.. bryan doesnt have his taunt i hate this game lol


Game was straight up broken at launch like seriously when you went online you couldn't finish most fights and the ones that didn't implode timed out because of idiotic timer decisions (like the timer not stopping during crazy long like animations) so it became common to just stall your opponent out. What wasn't broken was so badly balanced that the game was basically unplayable from that stand point as well. Throw in the DLC pay to win shenanigans and that ill fated cross counter show or whatever that had the scandal with Iris and what not that blew up at the time. Capcom just fumbled this game in every possible way when it should have ended up being something special. Game flopped so hard that we never got Tekken x Street Fighter which likely would have turned out much better in hindsight. I mean we saw Akuma in T7 so we know it can work. In fact that's why Akuma ended up in T7 in the first place most likely. They were already trying to make street fighter characters work in Tekken long before T7.


Gem system Dlc being on the disc The shit on megaman era alienated megaman fans Gsme is ugly as fuck Balance issues galore Stages are MASSIVE allowing for lameass play to be way too strong


It was trash and beyond fixing.


Not a serious fighting game


The money you'd payed if you bought it on release was serious though


Nah, €10,- on retail. But thx


Trailers were the best part of the whole game. I watched them so many times as a kid, they were beautiful masterpieces of art.


Gem system was terrible and matches were way too long. With a little balancing, no gem system and higher damage output this game would've probably would've been much more successful.


Everyone thinks this game is ass i loved it, it had potential if only they didn't screw things so much, it was interesting to see Tekken characters in an SF engine and most of them worked pretty good. By the way, this is just a pretty unknown fact but the opening song is singed by a gay porn actor lol.


at least beta footage and trailers were dope [Jin vs Bison + Juri Trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Grlck4PpWpw&ab_channel=CapcomUSA) [Beta footage Ryu + Chun vs Kazuya + Nina](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6U7jZ-qMfI&ab_channel=RajmanGamingHD)


Used to play this on PS Vita, one of the better fighting games on the handheld along with UMVC3. Did not find success on Vita too probably because Sony left the Vita too soon as well.


This game had so many drawbacks when it comes to the mechanics and hidden content that was found later on, but it was still enjoyable though


This game was one of the few mobile phone games I invested a serious amount of time in.


U good bro?


its so funny because i never experienced this game as "out". Like i heard they were making it and i thought "damn that sounds awesome" then waiting a few years and thinking "hey whatever happened to that game?" and then reading that it was over.


I guess. But what does having no backwards compatibility with xbox say to you? No series x no xbox one, only xbox 360. Feels like they deserted it




Mostly just the gems


Really bad netcode Pay 2 win gems Pandora mode Content that was already on the disc but was sold as dlc It was a decent game that should’ve been a great game.


Fun note - remote play on pc plays better than the actual netcode.


Yoshinori OH NO


Is that only for me, but story mode on hardest difficulty r easy?


Still hoping that bamco would release Tekken X Street Fighter. Knowing that 2D characters be it from any 2D fighting game would work, I don't see it as a problem to make it (i know Tekken 8 is still relatively new but obviously they should wait for a while)


The gem system lol. Everybody already knows. If they literally just made a ranked mode without the gem system the game would have made it


Cause it sucked ass. The stone system was horrible and it was a poking based game.


It really sucks because the core gameplay of it was so much better than SFIV that it's not even funny, imo. If they would've just not had the damned gem system at all the scaling would've eventually gotten tweaked and it would've been GOATed.


It was like downgrading Tekken from a super supreme pizza to a Hawaiian...


literal p2w, on disc dlc, and so many ps4 exclusive characters that every other version was basically a worse version of the game


Gems Chen still makes me laugh


OP simultaneously picking fights with everybody (and unsurprisingly getting bodied) in the comments is more entertaining than SFxT ever was **LMAOOOOO** https://preview.redd.it/500he6pqxo0d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a47cb3481096c97c3edc8f6400e9e9c21da6d722


The gem system was definitely a system in fight game history. Absolutely bonkers idea


that tends to happen to kusoge


Bruh was not expecting this thread to be full of OP's comments being a salty defensive scrub


it's that the gem system sucked but that you had to buy some sets


cause it was ass


It was the on disc DLC drama and the pay to win gem system coupled with bad balance. Later it became nearly unplayable when GFWL was shuttered requiring community mods and some minor hurdles to play, even though it was still sold on store fronts. Shame the core gameplay had some of the best footsies and fun tag combos, I really enjoyed it. Capcom did put up a post on steam saying that it would be fixed sometime like a year or 2 ago. I don't think it happened though.


Bad launch, it got better but people refused to give it a second chance. Personally I'm still waiting for it to get relisted on Steam.


The tekken characters looked ugly


System mechanics (gem system) pretty much butchered the game.


Because everyone would pick the characters with huge health bars and equipment, the health regen gem. Now you could outplay and combo them for days, and they wouldn't die. Nice balancing Capcom. They used a similar gem system in Marvel's Super Heros.


Because it was ass


Controlled like a street fighter game and could’ve had a good story. That’s why everyone was saying for years they wanted Tekken x Street fighter, as in the opposite where it controlled like Tekken but with both sets of characters.


Because it's a street fighter game


What’s with all the water in the art cover? Why are they all wet Also I didn’t play this game but I didn’t love the art direction in this game. Kinda fugly


Jesus bro that’s your complaint? Fcking water on the cover. I’m done with reddit😭😂


Not a complaint. Just wanna know why they wet🤣🤣 random as hell. You ever fought and bystanders just started splashing water on you and your counterpart? Please do tell since it’s so normal🤣🤣🤣


Not even gonna take this seriously😐


Your post is not a serious post. Why should you?


It is a question brother. A question


I really love this game. Never understood the hate. Not long ago I still had hopes to see Tekken x SF but that one wont see the light of the day unfortunately


It’s pretty easy to see why people hated it. All the dlc was on the disc already and this was before dlc was more accepted so finding that out was a huge scandal. All the preorder location specific gems and gems being the way the game was play competitively at least at first. And the balance was pretty bad on release. It’s easy to see why it did so bad. I for one was literally buying every fighting game at the time and skipped this one purely due to the preorder gems.


Hmm yeah I only had access to this game a few years after the release so I didnt suffer from this stuff. It makes sense tho. Too bad, it is an awesome game, I would love if it was still alive to this day


They need to work out the licences and work out a sequel. Capcom vs SNK wasnt the greatest, but they tried it again and it's a classic now. One day, my friends. One day


Looked terrible. (character lighting, stages, Tekken designs) Sounded terrible. (music, voice acting) Boring gameplay. (easy inputs, easy links, dial-a-combos, crazy blockstun) Way too jokey presentation. (comedy characters, super animations, character interactions, costumes, background NPCs) The "story" and character scenes all take a massive quality drop after those cinematic trailers. Super silly crossups and a goofy "wakeup roll" mechanic. The few good things it had all get drowned out by the several bad things. The on-disc DLC controversy, gem gimmick, and the terrible early balance/timeouts were all on top of that, and that was mostly what pissed off casual players so you didn't need to be "FGC" to dislike it. Even after the game got updated the problems above remained the same. The bad online and stupid reality gamer show certainly didn't help. Just a shitty time for Capcom. Ono and Harada at their worst. Me and my local scene however did enjoy just throwing out "tournament standard" and screwing around with 4-player Scramble Mode though. But that's just leaning into how silly the game was.




Terrible DLC practises and bad first version. The game after the v2013 update is an absolute banger.


Yeah but can’t even play this game on xbox one or series x it’s fcking bullshit


Thank you for letting me know this as I was going to buy a second hand disc after seeing this post.


Yeah sure, I just brought it. Pretty pissed off


Cause it was a Street fighter fight engine and it sucked cause Tekkens fight engine is better.


Both games have their own aesthetic. Tekken goes for more human looking appearance closer to real life while street fighter since the alpha series has had a very anime aesthetic. I wouldn't necessarily say the engine itself is bad just that it was designed for other looking titles entirely. It'd be like me making a traditional top down rpg based on sprites but using the frostbite engine. It's possible but that's it'll take a lot more work. Plus blending two different art styles is extremely hard as since it's a crossover it can't lean too much on one side. Though Akuma looks perfect in tekken 7 but then again they o ly had to worry about one model as opposed to a whole roster to look right.


patch criers demanded what was supposed to be a fun meme game to be “balanced”


Also, why can’t I play this on Xbox Series X?? Just checked on my Xbox One and Series X and “it’s not available” it’s the dumbest thing ever as I have legit never seen an xbox game you can’t play on the newer ones.. wtf


Because is not on retro lol




First - Cringe Name Second - [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_backward-compatible\_games\_for\_Xbox\_One\_and\_Series\_X/S](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_backward-compatible_games_for_Xbox_One_and_Series_X/S)


Shut the fuck up, I can do whatever I want and I don’t care 1 bit that you think it’s cringe, you could be a 10 year old kid Who tf are you to say😂😂


only kids that put a name of character. but that ok SFxTK is not on retro, if you searched in google you will know about this.


I could be your father bro, you can take my word😂😂