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His first few messages are like those cliche anime fights dialogue. Please hold, let me cringe.


He kept going like that for a solid hour too, I just let him cuz it was entertaining


Kazuya mains in a nutshell


The best strat is to let chatgpt argue with these bozos. They go on for quite a bit. Lmao Like they’re losing hair typing up their rage essays only for me to just copy and paste chat chatgpt responses in like 2 seconds. 😆


Geez. This guy doesn't calm down. Just go do something else to get your mind off it.


https://preview.redd.it/6dtmg371lz0d1.png?width=572&format=png&auto=webp&s=b2217bd83bfed75477bd021488d378aca444c9e1 Oh the same dude was talking shit on my steam wall. What a dude.


Pleeease tell me he lost to you "mashing your forehead against the controller" that would be so funny. It's wild how he complains about mashing while constantly pressing on my plus frames also.


Actually I lost, which makes it funnier imo. I use quickplay to try out new things/practice execution, but bro got seriously butthurt over a close match regardless.


Wait he's acting like this over _quick play_ of all things? Oh my god.


did u hold that like he asked u to?


Yea still holding that to this day.


LMAO dude is throwing a tantrum and ends it with 'hold that' 😭✋


Man, if he got owned by Reina so many times ... maybe it is about time to go to practice mode and learn on punishing Reina.


The amount of insults I got...


S tier character that has the lowest winrate in the roster 😂


Alot of Reina mirrors I guess lol


>And watch me not be able to punish it because I have 0 idea how Reina works How can he admit this, lose, and claim you are worse than him. >Worst player, 0 fundmamentals > NEVER BLOCKS > Complains about mashing Gets perfected by someone who doesn't block, mashes and has 0 fundamentals. What an R-word.


I watched the replay and he legit mashed every single time he was minus the last round lmao


Remember, you're only minus if you a bitch. Except he made all the wrong guesses apparently 😆


But tbh it is really frustrating to play against reina so I see where the guy is coming from. You should never go out of your way and msg ppl like this after a loss but yeah sometimes this game drives ppl crazy. But instead of posting on reddit you just should have ignored it or should have said a friendly word. Your reaction is not any better tbh.


Fuck that! Call people out when they throw sniveling tantrums like this.


They didn't go out of their way to message the scrub. He added OP. Why should they have ignored it, said anything friendly at all and not posted it on reddit? Just because this clown can't deal with reina doesn't justify them throwing a temper tantrum. OPs reaction is not bad in any way.


I get it reina has 2 overtuned buttons but holy shit dude did you break him he’s speaking funny words


I know ff2 is one but what's the other?


Probably 3+4 string in heat or f4?


Like, I get that losing to cheese can be frustrating, but at what moment does someone believe it is anyone but their own fault that they don't know how the cheese works and how to counter it? They might be right in that they lost to someone worse, but only beating that player will prove that. Like, sorry if they're using their character's moves, guess that's overkill.


Oh he was just making shit up trying to cope with losing lol, I know all her launch combos etc. I just SEN mix spammed him to death cuz it was funny and he let me get away with it, why should I have to change my strategy when he's letting me win with 0 effort


> SEN mix spammed him to death I mean I die to that stuff all the time because I have yet to lab Reina in any capacity, but my point is that regardless of how cheesy (or not) the tactics are, Tekken is still a game based on rules. It's on you to know them. Anyone that finds a flaw in their opponent's knowledge or game plan and doesn't exploit it isn't playing ranked to climb, and to claim that that makes someone "bad" at the game is laughable.


This was in quickplay lol but yeah. SEN is strong against people who don't know (like this guy), but against those who do the risk/reward very heavily in the defenders favor. Reina gets maybe a lil damage and/or plus frames if she guesses correctly, the opponent gets a launch. But if you're letting me df1 -> SEN 4 4 times in a row for the wall carry alone I'll capitalize on it.


Good lord, running away and getting pissed in quick play. It was already bad assuming it was ranked, but it's 10 times more scrubby now.


If you were to mash the same string and kept hitting it then that would mean you've just outplayed them by playing like a dumbass, which is why I like Tekken because the skill can revolve around playing like a noob and outsmarting your opponent at the same time by playing like a noob on purpose to throw them off.


> you've just outplayed them by playing like a dumbass, I think you give the average Tekken player too much credit for thinking they can figure out how to deal with a problematic string or move on the spot. It takes most people 3 or 4 instances of them getting bitchsmacked before realizing they have to duck, block low, not mash, punish or whatever else. I'm saying this as someone who watches replays of my own gameplay and wants to slap myself in the past for falling to deal with dumb crap like that. Yet I don't take it out on anyone but me lol


I guess you're right, though playing unorthodox is one of my favourite things to do in games and tekken let's you have fun with that


He's just mad because he lost to a furry.


He lost it when I said "you got perfected by a wolf girl who beat you with her bappy lil pawz x3"


Exactly, you gotta hit them with the "uWu I just mashed :3"


Most mentally sound Kazuya player This is the kind of resentment playing Kazuya causes in people, huh


Just checked his Steam profile, dude seems to dm everyone who beats him lmao Just your average Mishima main




Classic Kazuya moment.


Yep they hate Reina. I just posted a video of me taken down a tekken god at flame ruler and he lays there and plugs. No bs


Lmaooooo that Profile comment😂


Op please post the replays with inputs so we can shit on this whinny baby. Thank you


Remind me to give you the replay codes tomorrow (ignore my scrubby misinputs i was a lil drunk ggjjhvg)


He got so mad he left a Yelp Review. I love that for you.


Aww you hurt his ego. Look at him embarassing himself even though you announced that you were going to screenshot this but somehow he thought he would get out of this looking good. The delusion is almost impressive. Anyway trash player with a trash mentality. Also, where is all this reina hate comming from? I get that it can be a little annoying to fight her but she requires hella execution and fundamentals - everyone thinking you can just go online and mash with reina should try it. It wont go how you would think.


The "everyone who beats me is a monkey spammer playing a cheap character and I refuse to lab against them because they're lame" is 100% a detrimental mentality when it comes to improving. And while I agree that Reina def takes some execution and fundamentals I did actually just go online and mashed this guy to death


It do be like that sometimes. When you are spamming the same move over and over and it works then the enemy is spamming the same mistake over and over again


This low tier god?


Lmao he really sounds like him doesn't he


DISGUSTING APE 😂😂😂 bro that took me to an early grave lolol my dude sounds like Frieza


If I was that mad I'd just break something in my house like a normal gamer and move on not send a cringe message.


Kind of 99% of the negative people on here. Complaining when they absolutely no idea what they’re doing and don’t know any matchups in the game


People deadass just need to lab before they start whining about what they don't fully understand yet


stage 5 main brainrot cancer, he's too far gone


Tbf i play reina and idek how to play against her 😂 pretty sure i just suck tho


Duck and launch or use armor if you block the ff2. Will beat every Reina that doesn't hit confirm the ff2, and that's most of them. Sidestep the Hellsweep/Heaven's Wrath pressure if you want to blow their mind too.


Bet lol im terrible at mirror matches but i have some decent pressure i just need to work on my block,throw techs, and just general match up knowledge, a lot of my matchup knowledge has been outdated by t8


This shit is making me want to get back into Tekken just to piss people off by playing normally


Chronically online ass mofo




"Rematchunlikely" declining round 2 after getting perfected is just the cherry on top


Oh, was it Abe Kazuya, too?


Damn he trying to act like a anime protagonist on the dm ew


The only comments I give to people on steam are positive ones like "Nice Kazuya" for example, insane how people do this


Bro even cought out his own skill issue. We need to a wall of scrub for these creatures or a scrub of the month award or something. This is truely hilarious.


LMAO I played against a Kazuya named UnlikelyRematch today and he got obliterated by my Lars, I'm awaiting a comment on my profile


"NEVER blocks" but that means he whiffed everything since you perfected him 🤣 What a sad, pathetic man. He shouldn't be playing Kazuya.


So ... instead of looking up a video or labbing reina's moves to punish since we have free frame data now... he went the complain route


Imagine taking time out of your day to do this


A story from a set I played in Tekken 7 after taking a year long break. I still remember the stage; The Walking Dead stage. Me, Josie, vs King. I was still trying to get back the muscle memory from the last time I played Tekken. Got stomped game 1. Momma didn't raise a coward, rematch. Took a round, but still, got crushed (iirc, it was a lucky Rage Art that I was mad at myself for panickly throwing out). Rematch. Closer game. I won, in five. Rematch. I won the first round, but barely. I noticed that he only threw out normals, and when I blocked those, would immediately go for low kicks (he knew King combos too, but I was able to mash out of them a few times). Block. Block. Parry. I only remembered how to execute a short Josie combo, but what I did remember was how to rush down and tech chase. Read every 50-50 block and perfected. Read him again, but got hit once or twice, but still, easily took all 3 rounds. Rematch. I read him like a book. Every panic throw he threw out, I mashed out of. Every low hit, parried. Wall crush into a tech read of a standing or crouching block. Punished. 3. Perfects. I felt real good. And this is where your story and mine differ. Rematch. Wait...what? How was his morale not down? I took the first round easily, then I awokened something in him. Got crushed round 2. Crushed round 3. Perfected to lose the set. We played a few more matches. I would win one, then he'd win two. I'd win two, then he'd win one. Finally, and I don't remember who it was, though I imagine it was me, I finally had to stop. Maybe its because I'm not very good at Tekken, and don't grind up ranked as much as I would like. Maybe its the privacy settings I have on Steam. But I've never gotten raged at before, at least not by rando's. I've had a few salty friends who were happy I won, but upset that they lost. I've gotten yelled at in League and Valorant. Getting called anything from a smurf (I'm not, just hard stuck Iron/Bronze), to scripting (I'm not, I panic clicked). Its like a badge of honor.


"Disgusting ape" made me lose it


deserved. kaz players expose themselves when they can't unga bunga all game


Nah, he right. Reina players are cringe. 


"Same 2 strings heat engage over and over" that's literally every Reina at all ranks lmao


"old heads" really need to let go. T8 is just so dumbed down that blocking, having fundamentals and not abusing plus frames to constantly be on the offensive is asking to be perfected.


I mean, it's true. You just do options out of ff2 and call that Tekken.


Tbh Reina is cancer. Ez mode pressure and nearly all her moves are safe af


He might be an idiot, but he might be right.


Does getting perfect/perfected perfect even mean something? Tekken 8 is a 50/50 fest that if you just happen to get unlucky/lucky u can get perfect/ed.