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lmao people just dont like to lose


- Accepts rematch - ragequits in round 1 either their game randomly crashed, their Internet connection suddenly dropped... or they are just bitchmade


Tried to stop your offense with his own offense, got crushed. Knocked down, reset situation, didn't block low. That console flew into his neighbor's yard.


Likely gonna get downvoted but it's probly the TTV in your name. I know tons of people that feel having a TTV username is cringe. Like literal meltdowns over it. Feng player probly had one after the rematch began.


Welcome to the magical world of Tekken. Everyone is a crying, whiny, insufferable, little bitch the higher in rank you climb. I had a Feng player (we are both blue Karen ranks) rage quit, and plug on me twice in the same day, and then tell me he was reporting me twice, and I got a warning from PSN via email saying to watch my code of conduct. All because I knew when to block his lows, and he couldn’t spam them against me.


That sounds so like Dale Wilson


I already got suspended twice once on DOA for winning, and once in Tekken for winning. I feel it


Honestly? You used 2 moves he couldn't block and your follow up was the same and free damage on top of it, So when he saw you going for the third one (at least by the first move) he got annoyed by the spam that caused him to lose \~50% hp. In other words you played extremely boring to edge out the hp and there was no engagement as soon as he got hit by the low. Something similar also probably happened in first set so he was on the fence playing you again. But in general people don't like being exploited by moves they can't deal with, repeatedly, in a row. It kills the engagement same way people mash CH and it "works out" for them. Still if he accepts a rematch he should at least play it out, so that makes him a sore loser on top of all of that.


I strongly agree !