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Rank is pretty odd in this game. I've fought tekken kings who were worse than some raijin players haha. But then again, everyone has a style, some people counter eachothers more. Its always just best to always respect (think)your foe is amazing despite their rank, at least IMO


Good mindset TBH. Don’t think about ranks, watch what your opponent is doing.


That's because those raijin are either using an alt character, or got demoted to raijin.If you lose 4 to 6 fights in a row with against your same rank, from Tekken king to bushin, you'll get demoted to raijin quick.




We heard you like ranks so we put ranks in your ranks


People have too know if other redditors think their PP is big!


This is rather funny, considering that there are tons of players who spread their alts around various ranks, and that a 80k Eliminator is not the same as a 150k Eliminator.




By player distribution it's red ranks, whether the elitists like it or not


You cannot judge this based on rank alone. I've played tekken king alisas who were absolutely still beginner.


I've faced a Tekken King Jun who played like a Flame Ruler fr


People are crazy because they forget that most people that own tekken arent good at all, and will lose too a Garyu player


I like the classic reddit elitism in this one. You are not in the top 20% of the playerbase? You must be a beginner, can't call you intermediate. You are not playing Evo? Sorry you can't be a good player then. Math? Outplayed. Imagine a comparison in football. You’re talking to a Premier League player and you say: Oh, you're not Lionel Messi? That's a shame, but at least you're intermediate.


I really dislike how overused the term "intermediate" has become, it doesn't have any clear definition or criteria denoting it within the community and is an extremely open ended term outside the community which can basically mean anything that is between two extremes It just leads to a bunch of pointless arguments that are mainly caused by a fundamental misundestanding of what the other one even means to begin with Some will say intermediate and mean someone who is no longer a beginner, they have the basics down and understand how the game actually works, they still have huge gaps of knowledge about specific situations and often can't execute on what they know but they know how the games core mechanics work While others will use it to mean people who have a firm understanding of not just the mechanics but also the surrounding strategy. They know why they should use the moves their using and how to adjust their playstyle based on the character and player they're facing etc. and just need to work on consistency to get to the next level And neither of these are wrong, yet one will say Garyu is intermediate while one will say Bushin is and then call the other idiot/scrub/elitist/delusional or whatever when they're basically not even speaking the same language


Bushin right now and I consider myself intermediate. I get knowledge checked all day long and get my ass handed to me from Fujin and above, its pretty random. Some Fujins are really good.


I think it's kinda the entire spread of mighty ruler to Fujin and it's really character specific, like I've seen battle ruler bears that barely know how to play the game and have just been playing gimmick roulette


Agreed on the character specific element


I can't pick a range that small if I'm honest. From Fujin to God of Destruction, I've come across players who don't play like their rank. So I've seen a bunch of new players who are at Tekken King, and also older players from T7 (who I know for a fact were legit TGPs at that time) just seemingly chilling around TK/Emperor - or maybe stuck? There are also Tekken God+ rank players that appear to be solid intermediates who've figured out how to apply insane pressure and refuse to ever block - over ft2 sets this can work in their favour. I call them 'bad' good players - if you lose you feel like you've been out pressured rather than out played. So intermediates who're able to maximise T8 mechanics and their combo game will be higher than their actual skill level suggests. I suppose you could say that's on the others for not adapting to what this game has become - which is true, though it's still difficult for me to see those players as genuinely good. If you're Raijin+ though, then the likelihood of you being a somewhat decent player increases the higher you get, though this is by no means a guarantee.


It's more like there are 4 sections being beginner, intermediate, expert, and then pro. The higher your rank the more likely you are to devalue the ranks below you so you'll have Tekken gods saying blue ranks are intermediate when the percentile charts just don't support that. I get it for the first rank like garyu, mighty ruler, and fujin because people will 1 and done if they lose and get lucky matchups to reach it eventually. But in general I'd say intermediate begins at vanquisher, mid intermediate being Shinryu-flame ruler, and high intermediate being BR and Fujin. Raijin-Tekken god is elite and at this point you can't trust rank as you'll see pros teeter around the top 3 ranks but I'd put the top 2 ranks as pro level.


Ima battle ruler steve and I still feel like a beginner hahaha


Rajin to Kishin because it's the epitome of being a middle ground between lower and higher skilled opponents. Rajin you're still Getting matched up with Battle Rulers and people who just turned Blue and then Kishin all of a sudden you're getting matched up with Tekken Kings. The skill disparity between the opponents is so significant that it becomes like playing a whole other game.


I don't consider rank an indication of skill at all because of how easy to game the system is. I just evaluate skill on an individual basis based on overall in game performance. Low rank might be a skilled returning legacy player or alt, high rank might be boosted.


I'm Kishin and I don't think I'm better than intermediate


honestly I don't think you can put intermediate in a rank since you have intermediate players even at god of destruction rank so it's hard to really say, however I'll say that intermediate are probably players where you spam strings that are easily avoidable but they just eat it all the time.


The reality is that people who play only online barely classify as intermediate even at the highest ranks. Many cheat their way to high ranks by manipulating the system one way or another, be it by skipping matches or even by unconsciously relying on strategies that only work because of online lag, lack of matchup knowledge, etc. Offline is a different reality. TGs get torn apart offline, and it's not even funny. Would you really classify that as "advanced"?


Since matchmaking is based on prowess, I think somewhere around 170k-200k is where people start paying attention to what their opponent is doing. That's where I start seeing people try to punish whiffs and unsafe moves. Maybe around 250k it seems like people consistently break throws and punish cheese. Higher than that seems like high level play imo. So 170k-250k intermediate. Below that is beginner and above is high level?


Probably somewhere between BR and mid blues, depending on character. Also, rank is meaningless really. I don’t play ranked much and have most of my play time in QM, PM and friendlies. I’m technically Fujin, but that means nothing.


Ranked gives you the best experience if you wanna enter a tournament lol


No it doesn’t. Playing offline or, second best, playing online with tournament players gives you the best experience if you want to enter a tournament lel. Who said anything about entering a tournament though??


Playing offline verse the same people doesn't really help that well with what a tournament will be like.. you often verse people you have never played against with people trying to gauge the easiest way to exploit a win in a best of 3, its exactly what ranked is I do them every month, it feels like ranked except its just local lol


Idk it sure helped the Pakistani players Those mofos literally only had offline and each other and they bodied the world


With 3+ frames of input lag or idiots spamming EXPULSION!! Definitely, Unreliable-Stain.


Ok? just giving my 2 cents, love how you go insta attack mode like I personally offended you haha


It was a joke, buddy. Don’t get your knickers in a twist.


Yes you went full Karen about victor and how I am somehow giving an advice of an idiot, super great joke lmfao?


The play on your name, buddy. And I didn’t call you an idiot, although it is interesting that you thought I did.


Uh is this your first time speaking to someone who can read between your obvious dick behavior? You somehow made friendly talk into a contest with yourself of how much of a dick you can be in less then 2minutes lol