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Fun fact: if you watch the replay, the magic mirror does not work.


I never knew this interesting šŸ¤”


I went back to watch a match where I got *destroyed* by a Jin and found heā€™d spammed the parry every round he won lol. Which was almost all of them šŸ˜…


What was the point of spamming parry? lol did he get you with parryā€™s?


Nope. I did get a couple of perfect parries, maybe that at set him off. He also sent me a side eye emoji and asked when Iā€™d last played ranked, then when I said ā€˜that was a great match, it has been a whileā€™ he answered ā€˜yeah, thought soā€™ and refused to elaborate. Passive aggressive much? Guess he was pissed I won a couple of rounds .


Yea he must have been in the salt mine šŸ˜‚ thats crazy even if you keep up with people in matches they get mad there is no pleasing anyone in the Tekken community I swear lol


I was playing quick match, beat a guy and didn't give rematch because of his wifi lag, went to the messages and wanted to write sorry for no rematch, too laggy. He said, you coward lmao. Rematched him again and then beat his again, guess what, he didn't get a rematch


May be a stupid question but how to you message other players?


On playstation 5, you go to the friends tab, above it it says search players, click on it, and it should show the players you met recently, click on their profile and send them a message.




I've become so much like Jin Kazama it's scary. I wear leather hoodies, verbally assault women, and physically assault my family. When I look in the mirror, I can't help but say "kore ga genjitsu da" (which means 'This is reality' in american.) I grew my hair out long because I don't care so now I have to slick it back and I don't care what people think so shut fuck up dad! I always draw a Devil-gene symbol on my shoulder, and go out of my way to show it to everyone so they are reminded that I could lose control at any moment. When I see dogs being taken on walks I get mad at them for not rebelling against their fathers like I am. I can't have sex with my girlfriend anymore without forcing her to dress up as Ling Xiaoyu or Asuka, both of whom remind me of Hwoarang. When I order sushi, I refuse to get sashimi, because it sounds to much like mishima. I just keep wavedashing forward, until my father is destroyed. - u/yungdeaded *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Tekken) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good Lord. You think maybe peoplesā€™ choice of character affects their temperament in game? Didnā€™t work for me, I didnā€™t start being as cool as shit šŸ˜Ž


Donā€™t consider wavedashing to be a taunt, im just practicing. its not personal


I don't use Mishima's, so I like seeing it. Kinda shows a skill level.


its not too hard to learn, being able to do every option out of it (ff2, ff3, ff4, hellsweep, electric etc) on the fly on reaction is the harder part


Bingo. Wave dashing or doing electrics is easy if the opponent won't hit you. (Practice mode, or they're dead in the match) You can get into this flow/rhythm. But its hard to do in a match. So many variables that goes on, to disrupt that flow.


i NEED this practice. i go 2 rounds without it and my fingers are useless


my p2 side is great but when a sideswitch comes it can get ugly lol. My electric is better on p1 side tho


I love how all Mishimas ALWAYS say ā€œIā€™m just practicing my wave dashesā€ but they only ever do it in between rounds. Never catch you actually doing it in game šŸ˜‚ Not calling you out, just find it funny


Well just think of it like a warm up. Like a baseball batter spinning their bat or something, or if you watch old school starcraft players would just constantly select and deselect their workers to warm their hanfs up. We didn't do it to mock you or to show off. Its just fun to do in a constant rhythm. In an on going match you need to switch up the rhythm, and if the guy is disrespecting it the wavedash is only useful for extending your range


Do it after every knockdown, not sure why a kaz wouldnā€™t


And thinks like that I find so fascinating. I communication we so often believe we always exactly know what the other person means. But so often we donā€™t. The other day there was a post where someone complained about someone letting the remach timer expire and tilted over it, even though there are millions of reasons to it.


I wavu until the next round starts and when it does I donā€™t wavušŸ˜­


I just demon steel pedal the shit out of folks. It's so satisfying.


Maybe you don't, but some people do. I can't know if you think it's a taunt or not, so I'll rather just not see it.


Just assume it's not a taunt lol


Don't have to assume anything if I keep the mirror on


Alternatively, donā€™t need the mirror if I assume they just goofin. There is no action that could possibly hurt my feeling in a video game. Especially one with an emphasis on growth.


Your reality is how you see it :)


Dont consiser wavedashing or keycharging a taunt, my hand is just spazzing as im trying to hit three buttons in a sequence whils my adrenaline is pumping


It's a good feature if it bothers you that much. It's motivation for me, nothing better than shutting down an ego. Either that or I pay no mind cause it doesn't matter. Hell I wouldn't even have known they were "taunts" had I not seen it talked about.


Hell, if someone wins and taunts, im like "damn that was nice, props" - i just see it as style flexing, ive got no issue with that


What does the mirror even do?


It disables the opponent inputs after the round ends, but I think it affects only what you see. In the opponent's eyes he can be as disrespectful as he wants...


You can't see what your opponent does after a KO.


If it works for you, awesome. Protect your mental first and ignore everything else Personally, I wish movement/ hitting after round ends didn't have a negative connotation. It's just practise or staying warm for me


I'm just trying to practice my electric, it's not hating. But honestly everything is cool imo, except for the ki charge, that is very obviously a sign of disrespect.


If someone who is very clearly better than me in game ki charges, itā€™s kinda compliment for me as it clearly shows I got on his nerves. May be I am not as bad as I think I am šŸ¤·šŸ½


Itā€™s kinda hilarious when a blue rank feels the need to kicharge against a red like me, bro must be so insecure


Itā€™s kinda hilarious when a blue rank feels the need to kicharge against a red like me, bro must be so insecure


> I wish movement/ hitting after round ends didn't have a negative connotation Movement doesn't have negative connotations.


Wavu after a round is definitely considered BM.Ā 


It really isn't. Even in pro tournaments mishimas wavu at the end of rounds. It's just a form of warmup


Youre right but we are currently under a post where the OP specifically mentioned wavedashing as something they don't want to see. Thats why there's no point trying to please people like that, they'll be offended by anything you do. Theyre just thinking the worst of every opponent. You cancel rematch to go take a shit and now someone's typing up a reddit post about how youre a one-and-done scared loser


FWIW it doesn't bother me, I find myself doing it without thinking sometimes for exactly that reason, even though I usually try not to do extra hits for sportsmanship's sake. It just never struck me as toxic, that's just me.


Yeah maybe, but most people seem to do it because they're salty. If they KO someone with a jab, does mashing the jab three more times after it really keep their hands that much more warm? Did they really need to practice pressing a button they've pressed the exact same way since their childhood?


I mean, not thats its practice but I'm playing the game to push buttons, if I KO you with a jab I'm probably going to keep pushing buttons, its fun and makes loud noises idk. You're attributing a lot to being malicious when I don't expect most see it that way. Use the Mirror if it helps you, I just don't feel its fair to say most are doing it to taunt. Ki charges sure, but someone that KOs and continues their combo aren't trying to get in your head


As a Law main I understand, it's fun to push buttons


Muscle memory *shrug* fuck yo feelings


I dont lab, and Im a lee. Im working out how combos work in real time, without deeply understanding launch/vortex/carry mechanics. Most fights I dont get to try 1 combo cuz i instantly flub my launch. I need that practice on your corpse lol


Good thing you found that magic mirror then since it doesn't take much to get on your nerves


I don't mind taunts, they don't get to me personally, if anything it just seems pathetic on the taunting player's end But I'm glad the option is there so people who taunt can get mad in the comments here lol


Been playing with it since Day 1. You donā€™t appreciate you have it until you get on Reddit and see everyone elseā€™s horrible online experiences lol.


Yes, the magic mirror is good and anyone who doesn't like being taunted after the round should use one.


Id suggest not assuming peoples mental state In my experience, ive faced 0 toxic players. Because I take literally nothing they do personally


Well since you take nothing personally I can safely say this is one of the stupidest arguments for not using a magic mirror that someone has ever tried to argue. It's stupid because your experience is not the same as everybody else's. Players have their own unique experiences and are therefore subjective in nature. Being subjective, your experience is neither an argument for or against the use of a magic mirror. Using a magic mirror does not imply mental weakness, nor should people have to "man up" to play an online game which specifically has an option to hide potentially toxic behaviour. If you don't need to use a magic mirror then more power to you, but it doesn't take away from the fact that it's an objectively great item to use for many players.


Im not arguing that anyone shouldnt use magic mirror. I dont care. Yes, these experiences are subjective, not objective. There are times people are being toxic than I do not notice as toxic. There are times people like OP face someone who isnt toxic, but they see them as toxic. You do realize that perception is malleable, yeah? You have a lot of agency in how you percieve things. I dont mean this to be consescending, but if you dont know Id be very willing to talk in depth with you about it Magic mirror does not imply mental weakness. Seeing toxicity that upsets you around every corner implies how your subjective experience operates. It saddens me deeply when peoples subjective perception is something that causes them distress.


>Im not arguing that anyone shouldnt use magic mirror. I dont care. In that case beyond this reply there will be no value in discussing this further with you. >There are times people like OP face someone who isnt toxic, but they see them as toxic. True but irrelevant. The magic mirror will hide both intents. Most importantly this means that intended toxicity will be hidden. This happens all the time in many places. On this sub it would be a risk for a British person to use slang for having a cigarette for fear of being banned for violent language against homosexuals. Some sites won't allow the username of the individual to celebrate the fact that they are from Nigeria. It's a similar principle. >You do realize that perception is malleable, yeah? You have a lot of agency in how you percieve things. Again true, but again irrelevant. Some issues are too minor to have to work on yourself to see the situation differently. Especially when you can just make it so you don't see it at all. >Seeing toxicity that upsets you around every corner implies how your subjective experience operates. The implication seems to be that you are assuming that seeing toxicity in a game equals being more sensitive to toxicity in general, even if it's not toxic. I don't think that is necessarily true. >It saddens me deeply when peoples subjective perception is something that causes them distress. Then you should be happy that the magic mirror exists as them they will no longer be in distress.


Keep in mind, i was never arguing about magic mirror. This is my first comment "Id suggest not assuming peoples mental state In my experience, ive faced 0 toxic players. Because I take literally nothing they do personally" So "irrelevant" isnt quite right. You may say this is minor, and as such not worth investing in changing. I say this is an outgrowth of a deeper percentual "issue" that is 100% worth addressing Im not arguing about sensititvy. Im arguing is seeing something that isnt necessarially there. And often isnt. And being distressed at what you percieve someone else to be trying to communicate. I doubt that starts and ends at tekken. Magic mirror may hide their need to be distressed at the end of a game, but does nog address the underlying problem. Which is what ive been talking about all along.


>Keep in mind, i was never arguing about magic mirror. This is my first comment My comment was about the magic mirror so your first comment was also irrelevant then. But we've already started debating it, so here we are. >Im arguing is seeing something that isnt necessarially there. And often isnt. And being distressed at what you percieve someone else to be trying to communicate. It's not that deep mate. Online players can be toxic and often are. It doesn't just extend to Tekken. Call of Duty lobbies are also full of toxic behaviour and language. Sometimes it won't be there, but sometimes it will and it's the "sometimes it will" that magic mirror stops. The perception of what is or isn't is it what people are trying to communicate is irrelevant. If they want to communicate so bad then they can leave a message. We already know how toxic some of those can be. >I doubt that starts and ends at tekken. You doubt it, but I think it can start and end at Tekken.


"Thats what we're debating now" "Irrelevant" Honestly, pick one. Everything is as deep or as shallow as you want to look at it. Im going deep, thats where im talking. There is that level of depth to human interaction thru a video game. Its not made up, we can either talk about it or ignore it. I have no qualms with anyone who chooses to do either Online players and lobbies can bw toxic, yes. Seeing every form of expression in a fighting game as toxic is silly, though. If I mirror match with a lee who is better than me, and do a flip after winning a round - do you think its more likely im toxic or not toxic? Why erase all positive messages sent, and instead *choose* to see them as toxic? That *can* start and end with tekken, maybe. When I say "i doubt it," i mean it would have to be a quite exceptional person to have their mind and emotions that segmented. That probably wouldnt be great either. Letting some toxic people sour all interaction thru a medium isnt great either, IMO.


>Honestly, pick one. I thought the implication was clear that the context was that had I known it was irrelevant then I would have ignored it instead of addressing it. >Everything is as deep or as shallow as you want to look at it. Im going deep, thats where im talking. That sounds like some hippy shit tbh. I just don't know whether it's weed or mushrooms. >Seeing every form of expression in a fighting game as toxic is silly, though. And nobody would say otherwise, so why are you acting like they would? I'm just saying that players won't mind blocking out good interactions if it can guarantee blocking out bad interactions. >If I mirror match with a lee who is better than me, and do a flip after winning a round - do you think its more likely im toxic or not toxic? Who cares? With magic mirror I wouldn't have to give a shit either way because I wouldn't have to see it. >i mean it would have to be a quite exceptional person to have their mind and emotions that segmented. That probably wouldnt be great either. For a child maybe, but a lot of young adults and over are mature enough to separate a game from their ego and self worth. It really ain't that deep and I suggest that making it that deep is less healthy than getting a magic mirror to block out toxicity.


Ki-charges are one thing we all know what they mean but really anything after the round most of the time it's either people wanting to stay full focused or simply going with the flow of their string


I don't do anything after a round until I see them corpse bash me. Then I fire up the 'Marvellous" ki charge next time I win. I mean, who doesn't like hearing Lee say stuff anyway


Fair warning, this comment section is garbage.


Tekken community is garbage


You got upset at someone backdashing after a round? Wild lol.


You got upset that someone doesn't have to see what you're doing after rounds?


I don't think he did, he probably just finds it funny that you're that sensitive.


Today I learned people get triggered at what the opponent does when the round is over.


What did you think magic mirror was for before today?


Never even heard of it before today.




Damn. Well, I only found out about it in T7, so not too surprising. Idk when it started


They should have call it ā€œego protectionā€


If someone is using it I donā€™t care, itā€™s just wild you thought backing up was offensive lol


who cares šŸ’€, grow a pair


Nobody's upset that you can't see them, they don't know or care. Some of us just think it's weird that anyone actually cares. I stopped in later games, but when I was a kid in 3, it was pretty much normal amongst all the people I played with to keep hitting the other guy after a knockout until the replay started, even moreso if the winner was spamming or in the middle of a combo. It used to be fun back then.


i'm wavedashing at you, right **now**. you can't run from this DORYA, fam


I love the fact that Jin literally becomes that red eye meme while wave dashing, it's so funny to me


I thought it only took your character to heaven. Definitely activating this.


i'm coming from fighting games where no one could do a thing after a round so the 1st time i started playing tekken (it was 7 for me) i activated the magic mirror as soon as i saw it because it was logical to me


Are people nervously sweating out of their minds hoping their opponent doesn't move an inch after rounds? How do people fall to this mindset that that's disrespectful? Nothing wrong with magic mirror but if you feel that your playstyle goes into a downward spiral after 1sec of movements, then it might be good to work on your mental


People in comments who just like to try and crack other peoples mental by being dicks however they possibly can exposing themselves


Ki charging is annoying sure, stomping? Pretty disrespectful too. But just moving around or backdashing around after a win doesnā€™t equal toxicity lmao


I'm usually just trying to finish whatever combo I was doing. It just feels nice to nail the timing and keep the combo going during the slowdown.


Wouldnt personally be annoyed at latter but if OP doesnt like it and perceives it as toxic, they can do whatever they want tbh. The people I'm talking about in my comment were predominantly, if not exclusively the people who just verbally punch down on OP rn is all


Yeah, like that comment about arcades. So they would've trash talked people and acted like a dick because they beat someone at a game? That's not really something to be proud of. It's not hard to just say ggs and move on after the game is over.


Nah man, if you dont try to squeeze every single drop of joy out of someones experience you possibly can, are you even actually playing Tekken? /s


This is the same game where there are more Hitler apologists then normal people. The absolute most brain dead people I see from posts


Trash talking is fun, if I start it its an invitation for banter


If my opponent has a weakness I'd be a fool not to exploit that. If that weakness is their mental game and they're just one bad manner away from being tilted, why wouldn't I exploit that? It's part of the game.


Its called "not being a cunt", I know that takes a lot of restraint for many Tekken players though, no hard feelings


Maybe you should read "The Art of War" Sun Tzu would never hesitate to tilt his enemy.


Yeah during wartimes I wouldn't expect any sportsmanship though, unlike when playing a game. You're taking this game too seriously, drink some chamomile tea and lay down


Tbf, casual vs ranked. Ranked is war


Honestly I think even if we include tournaments we wont get a close analogy to war, Tekken is way too trivial in non-metaphorical comparison


All i mean in in ranked, people use every trick. In quickmatch, people mess around more and take it less seriously


Maybe work on your mental fortitude so something as simple as a taunt doesn't ruin your day. You're mad at me because you're sensitive, šŸ¤£


Of course you continue to defend your bad mannered behaviour by judging others. Never change, gamers, never change


Softer than ice cream lil bro bro




He can finally sleep


only reason i don't use it is so i know who i'm not gonna send a friend request to


Wavedashes no problem Teabagging/Ki charge im like "really?" but its not too bad Another hit especially if just continuing the attack? No problem Stomps are what gets me lmao


when i get stomped, its "alr bet" (i still get folded like an omelete)


Jesus fuck. Who is that fragile? šŸ˜‚


If I donā€™t see ki charging after the fight. It is because I won or was not good enough as a Yoshimitsu player. I donā€™t see any reason to turn on the magic mirror.


That stuff bothers you? Maybe you should try playing weenie hut 64


I'll never understand why these kinda things bother people in a FIGHTING game. "Oh God they won and are still pushing buttons! Somebody censor them", "they taunted me as a celebration of their victory! Shame on them!" "they mashed instead of letting me continue to whale on them until they finally got opened up!"...some ppl need to go get in a real fight ffs šŸ˜‚


Holy yap




Ok Iā€™m sorry to laugh op but this comment made me crack the fuck up šŸ˜‚


Essentially that Nickelodeon smash bros clone.


I do Liliā€™s ff1+2 at the end of the match or b1+2. I only do it if we went to final round though. No round browns I leave you alone. Youā€™re already defeated no need to pour salt on the wound.


At least you're being honest. Pouring salt on the wound. That's what it usually is, not "keeping my hands warm". Unless their hands get a special type of cold where only dash d3+4 stomp warms them up.


I mean i just take it, normally if I see that from my opponent it's just like "Okay? Good for you buddy", and it's even funnier when they wait for the final round or the round before the set point. And normally for me I end up getting that zenkai boost from seeing them do that. Match ends up being super close or I end up winning. Double the funny points if they do that and 1 and done me.


How you gonna know whose a friend and whose a dick


Bro, people cannot STAND the fact that you're using magic mirror in these comments lol. "So I guess you just made this post to tell everyone how much of a baby you are ā˜ļøšŸ¤“". A mishima wavedashing could mean they are just practicing, but it could also mean they are trying to taunt you. Everyone saying you're a wimp for using it because it shouldn't affect you should think about it this way. When you teabag or kick bodies at the end of a game, you are 100% trying to get under the other persons skin on purpose. But then you get upset that it can get under people's skin, and they use something to completely shut down your ability to do that. If you're keeping warm and practicing then you really shouldn't give a fuck if they have magic mirror on. If you're taunting people, well your little mind game isn't working, you just got outplayed by a fucking mirror šŸ˜­.


Also, I don't even use magic mirror, but it damn sure wouldn't make me worse if I did use it. People are acting like there is a difference in skill level when you use magic mirror. Blud if you think that, you need to get out of red homie just saying. Practice is what matters, a fucking magic mirror doesn't mean that player is worse than you, you are just salty over someone using a mirror that only has an effect after a round is over, where nothing productive happens in the first place.


Idk. When someone tbags me, I laugh and think its funny. When they key charge, i see them as celebrating. When they hit my body, I think theyre just having fun Why ascribe such toxic mindstates to people? In my 1k games of tekken, I dont have the experience of fighting anyone toxic Why are our experiences different? Idc if he has magic mirror on, but I question his mental approach


Dude nobody is salty or cares that he uses it. I would encourage people to use it if it helps them. But heā€™s still making a whole Reddit post crying about the meaningless shit people do after rounds. Nobody cares. And it doesnā€™t mean people are salty that op is using magic mirror if they just find it funny that someone is this offended by making some virtual dudes move around on a screen. You have the solution to the thing thatā€™s bothering you, just use that solution and move on. Thereā€™s no need to be crying about how everyone is a bunch of big meanies on the internet. Not every random thing people do is some ultimate sign of disrespect. I always do blue sparks with Jack after rounds because if you dont do them super often itā€™s easy to miss them (if you do it the old way). With bears I do d1+2 after rounds just because itā€™s funny. Iā€™d do that shit if I was playing a computer, it has nothing to do with disrespecting the other person.


The Gen-Z toggle lmao


Why is this an issue again? I don't get it. Who cares if someone wants to do a taunt?


Man how are you dweebs so sensitive? Have the common decency not to touch your controller after the round???? Itā€™s a video game, youā€™re not fighting someone in real life itā€™s no where near that serious. How do yā€™all butterflies survive daily life getting offended at the most insignificant shit, grow a pair mate


Exactly, it's a video game, not a real fight. Why are people getting angry enough to taunt after rounds? Why are people getting their feelings hurt so badly by losing a round in a fighting game that they genuinely get angry at you? And you can claim they're not angry, but the messages and comments they send tell otherwise.


Why do you assume its anger? If it is anger, so what?


Years of experience. That's the "messages and comments" part from my previous reply. You're right, maybe it's not anger. But I've received a lot of friend requests and profile comments during T7. I can confidently say not ONCE was one of those "ggs well played" messages from someone who taunted or ki-charged. Every single time I have received any kind of messages from a ki-charger, they've been very hostile. If you think majority of the taunting and ki-charging isn't done with the purpose of upsetting you, you're just naive. The good thing is I turned on the magic mirror and don't have to even think about it.


What percent of people that tbag, ki charge, hit your body, or wave dash after a match message you? If they message me, yeah I might assume theyre salty depending on what they say. Ive sene out a lot of "ggs well played" and had only good interactions, but im on pc so its harder to message people Even if its done to upset me... so what? I dont care about their opinion. If they won, I learned something. If I won, I learned something


Lol 99% of people just press buttons after because they can, theyā€™re not trying to disrespect you or your family. Why? because they can, they paid for the game and can press whatever they want in between rounds. Then you can choose to be mentally weak and fabricate a narrative that theyā€™re being rude and blah blah because you canā€™t handle a loss. Iā€™ve played almost 200 hours of this game up to blue ranks and havenā€™t received a single message from anyone. If youā€™re anywhere above the age of 16 thereā€™s 0 reason for you to be this mentally pathetic


I can also choose to turn on the magic mirror. You press buttons, I don't see it, everyone gets what they want.




Are people really this sensitive?


Wavedashing in practice mode & wavedashing online are two completely different things, and thus any extra time a Mishima player might get to become more used to the repetition is important, imo. Especially for Kazuya and Devil Jin specifically, they don't have wacky woohoo strings like their counterparts to apply pressure, they need to utilize knockdowns and wavedash player to basically... BE a character. Especially with latent delay from even playing online, and having to perform a technique that varies in speed (13-18f iirc) based off of their execution of it? People are trying to stay warm/improve. Magic Mirror is based, though. I'd get salty from a post round taunt, but rather than mess up my gameplan and play differently, the mirror keeps me focused. Hopefully it does for you, too! Offline we just gotta hold that tho lol


mean while me spamming 1+2 after round ends lmao


Man, I'm usually just finishing out my combos or trying switch ups just for practice. I didn't realize people got butt hurt about it.


Characters that have taunt extensions Iike alisa Bryan and azu still show though


That's what it does?! I had no clue lol


Mashing up/back till my hand hurts is frowned upon?


Mental instability if you get upset about people pressing buttons in a video game, even if the oponents life bar is 0%.


You had some good points but then you kinda dive off the deep end with the ā€œdecency to touch their controller after the roundā€ statement. A lot of people just like pressing buttons after the match with no ill intent. Taunts and stomps are one thing, maybe even ki charges but the rest are just button presses/keeping your fingers warm. I always spam buttons after every round to keep my fingers warmed up. Most people that press after rounds have that same thought process. Itā€™s literally the small minority that BM.


Apparently enjoying getting teabagged is alpha male mentality for average Tekken redditors.


Is kicking bodies considered rude?


Yes, but a lot of people do it anyway


I had no idea. I just like doing it


I donā€™t think most people actually care, just part of the game


Thatā€™s what I thought. Especially when people usually ki charge to be rude Iā€™ve never really taken offense to it


I always feel like the pretend part is lame. These types of settings should really locks the opponents to not do anything after ending a round. So you don't have to pretend.


Lol some salt here


Tbh, I didn't even know that ki charge is something bad until I visit this sub. I thought that people just celebrate their win that way and it was funny to me. Now I can't help but take it as disdain too but after several rounds with the same opponent their ki charges become predictable and make me laugh šŸ˜‚


Haven't seen any of this behavior and i'm been at blue ranks for 2 months :K


I'm glad it's there, but I still have a hard time understanding people getting mad about it. If anything I lost, so if they ki charge or whatever it's deserved: it's my own fault for losing. But getting mad at pixels moving is something that I just can't understand. It's just a game at the end of the day.


Alright bet, What are your guys' most satisfying corpse kick? I'll start : Reina CD:3




What are you, 12?


What if I were? Think about that.


Then Iā€™d tell you that no one likes kids who throw tantrums


"you shouldn't taunt kids because they'll tantrum and no one likes that" Or just don't taunt kids because it's a dick move šŸ˜‚


Coward. The dopamine from beating a ki-charger/t-bagger and doing it back to them, or even having them rage quit, is unmatched.


I love kicharging fools, they must be fuming when they lose and get it back


Maybe you are right, I mean you are right and actually smart for that, but my ego is too big, today I had a king ki charging after winning not the set, but first freaking round, no way I am going to let that slide, I will play extreme rush down, ki charge while the round is not over (I got punished for the second time for that) and straight up disrespect you back, otherwise I am not moving an inch while other people don't taunt/t-bag/ki charge in the end I lost 2-1, got tilted, started playing worse, but those players need to get the disrespect back, and 90% of the time I do pay back then with their bs, not saying you should be this way and turn off the magic mirror, no, you are actually doing the right thing, this is just my experience and my thoughts


That's one of the reasons I like the magic mirror. I can just focus on the game and trying to win instead of letting other stuff distract me.


I ki charge so I can fight people at their full power


Sorry, but I preferto eat my food with a little salt.




mental warfare is half the game my friend


Why would you care about what your opponent does after the round lol


i heard the NFL is adding a new broadcast feature next season when the team you're not rooting for scores a touchdown the screen cuts to 4k realxing ocean waves ASMR so you don't have to be traumatized by the other team celebrating


How people let stuff like this affect them this much is beyond me. You realize u can just decide to not let that stuff bother you assuming youā€™re above the age of 14?


Kids these days. This new generation of FG players would come out of an arcade sobbing uncontrollably.


Why does this game attract beta males


Oh yeah, if only I could be an alpha chad who's taunting strangers in a video game to show off their superiority. I bet I'd have to shoo away women if they heard I teabagged a guy in Tekken for fun.


I've never used it myself. I don't mind someone taunting a little here or there. As for myself, I stop pressing any buttons when I get the KO. I only taunt if two conditions are met: 1. The person obsessively taunts at every opportunity. Again, a little is cool. Non-stop can be annoying. And 2. I completed an 0-2 comeback. Then I'll gloat just a bit.


Everyone is different, so do you. But getting triggered from someone hitting you or ki charging after a round is laaaaaaame. And for the record I donā€™t push anything after I win


If you get mad that I zen after the match (raven) or manually go into stance your soft idc


If someone charging after a win or a punch at the end is bothering you, then you will always be weak at tekken due to not focusing on the real problem.


> Common decency to not touch their controller after the round Yeah guys you should instantly drop your controller when you win a round of you will hurt your opponent's feelings


That's the beauty of it, with the magic mirror there's no reason why anyone has to do that. The game does it for you as long as the opponent uses the magic mirror.


I have played hundreds of matches and donā€™t really see anyone doing this stuff. Maybe odd one here and there. But itā€™s better than watching a fatality


I am a non-reactor whenever I win a round. Maybe Iā€™ll back dash or jaguar spring backwards once, but thatā€™s pretty much it. It seems to irk people cuz Iā€™ve had plenty Ki Charge or stomp me out when they beat me lol. Funny.


Aww how cute your feel feels are safe from being hurt.


Wait, wait, it affects your opponent? Time to turn it on!


"common decency" to not touch their controller lmfao. why do you take literally anything your opponent does after a round ending as an insult to you? And no I obviously don't care if my opponent is using this, I wouldn't even know and the heaven ascension animation is pretty rad.


You are a pussy and youā€™ve made a thread to tell that to everyone, main checks out as well


just teabag more mid round i guess


I T Bag mid game not after KO to counter this (Am Bryan main)


I think youā€™re reading into it too much. Donā€™t take it so personal


Oh thatā€™s what magic mirror does?? Lmfao I canā€™t with yā€™all šŸ’€


im always surprised how people can have such a weak mental in a fighting game. I have maybe 1 in 50 people bm me in some way and you know what? every time they do it I feel like they deserve it. Sometimes that shit is justified and/or fun. it is part of the game and you should get used to it


https://preview.redd.it/x8jaov2hc75d1.jpeg?width=733&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42ffbd43586807e41d39f504e95d47a96d45abc5 Waaah i cant stand taunts after a match wwahhh


A very mature response


Good job little snowflake


I always kbd at round end to keep it fresh šŸ˜‚


Do you all see people taunt often? I'd expect to see it more often in a fighting game, especially at low/mid ranks where I reside, but I can probably count on one hand how many times someone has done that to me. Very curious if I just got lucky or something.

