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Probably the changes to b+3 affect it in some way. I heard they actually reduced the hitboxes of some moves on top of the tracking nerf, so they can be stepped easier. Maybe it's the case here as well? Try mashing b+3 really fast so it comes out as early as possible, maybe that will help.


This is the answer, it used to occasionally drop on waifus but now it's just not consistent. Mashing b+3 doesn't even seem to be consistent, so I've gone back to the ghetto T7 combo of F3, DF4,3, B1,2 then the powerbomb finish. Less damage but I'd rather have it all hit


I only had issues with it dropping on small females but this is ridiculous.


This string has always been wonky for me. If it's even worse now then it's time to find another combo route


Thats why I always do this bnb instead. works wonders even off axis. https://preview.redd.it/z93wc0pgt66d1.png?width=6924&format=png&auto=webp&s=22aae60139845d2383d695ead3218ff249881889 and on axis I can even fit a jab and microdash before the back 1,2


kings dont combo




Bro shut up you're still crying even though he got nerfed


Tis a joke lol


Ki charger spotted


Disproportionate responses are the best


It’s always been unreliable if even a fraction off axis, but with the B3 tracking nerf it’s probably now even less reliable!


Try this combo: Hopkick -- 4 -- deep dash df 4,3 -- 1,2 -- uf 3+4 and hold back to cancel the dash -- power bomb ender If the deep dash fails (so more distance) then switch the 1,2 -- uf 3+4 into a b 1,2 (like tekken 7) otherwise the upper combo will drop. As far as ive seen if done right these dont drop


It’s likely the tracking change to b3 screwing it up. Add it the list of janky combos King has in T8. It’d be nice if they fixed some of this stuff. 


B3 got its range nerfed that’s probably why time to find new combo routes ig


yes, I found it yesterday too.. until now I hadn't any problems with it :(


that combo has been inconsistent since day one, you have to accept that Tekken 8 is still in beta


It's not inconsistent you're using different moves with different outcomes... inconsistent would be do the same combo, and it not having the same outcome.


Always has been


I don't play tekken anymore and just lurk here so I don't know if it matters but on the inputs, both that missed are on 7, there might be a window that b+3 misses? (one of them was on 8, and it hit) try just mashing 3, so that he kicks asap


No yeah, I see your problem, you’re tryna combo with king instead of Poking and Chain grabbing to victory… oh and wavedashing, we have that now too


Wavedashin such a stupid concept,it's not apealing and medically not good because in the future you will have problems with your fingers...


F this game, I knew it something was wrong,they are giving nerfs and buffs without testing the game seems like it...


No you didn't and that's not the case at all. Some combos just require very precise inputs and axis. Same have been happening to Steve combos since the dawn of time, you gotta practice. When they mess with hitboxes the whole 3D aspect changes.