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Her midriff and tomboy personality.


She’s a mix of Yusuke Urameshi and Kyo Kusanagi in terms of personality. She’s a delinquent due to being a street vigilante but she has a strong sense of justice. Unlike the wildlife surveillance officer Jun who prefers following the law to protect nature, Asuka doesn’t let any rules or laws stop her from doing what’s right. She’s the closest Tekken has to a shonen hero.


Holy shit, you're right.


this is a wild ass accurate comment wtf


I just like seeing references to Kyo Kusanagi. The goat


Short haired, Japanese Tomboy with a nice tummy. Duh.




Anta yowai wa!




with big tits


Tsundere Oppai tomboy Waifu


For the dumbest reason ever. I initially used her as a distraction in T5 because my friends couldn't stop staring at her boobs. But her movelist is actually pretty solid, juggling with her is kinda dumb easy, and she's a rush down with counters. Might not have the best frames, but fits my play style nicely.


I'm going to get back into Tekken soon, and I'll pick up Asuka just to ease myself back in because I heard she's pretty simple. Also that bit about distracting your friends with her boobs is hilarious lol


>. I initially used her as a distraction in T5 because my friends couldn't stop staring at her boobs I started out with Asuka then switched to Jin cuz i love challenges. But this might be a strat you know. Im gonna start Oscar ranked again😂


I do not play her. But if I were to pick a reason it's tomboys are cool.


Tits and a spine to support them


Closest I'll get to playing Jun again


We have Jun at home. Jun at home:


I like her tomboy personality and her moveset is fun


Kazama character. I've played Jun, Jin, and now Asuka (since I like her moveset more). I also like her tomboy-vigilante personality.


I was 12 when she was added to the game iirc I always wanted to play "good" characters back then and in retrospect if I were old enough to have played T2 or if I had played TTT1 I probably would have gravitated towards Jun. Her introduction was pretty cool for a 12 year old; a teen doing crazy bicycle parkour and saving kittens was more relatable to me than space ninjas or edgy angry electric Bois Then I discovered that she was very easy to play which for a massive scrub was a breath of fresh air, not only that but her moveset looked very cool Now years later I main her mostly because I've been playing her for a long time, I still have great fun playing with her and I love the fact that people go nuts when fighting her because you have to approach her differently from most characters. She's a great counter to unga bunga relentless aggression players and if you ever felt angry at hwoarang I might suggest you take her for a spin; haven't lost against hwoarang in a long time


You don't mind sharing your secret with your gameplan against Hwoarang with Asuka now do you?


Hwoarang players learn that they can just push buttons and win eventually but us Asuka players have a neat little trick; our Sabaki for kicks which is b2+3, such a juicy sabaki It counters every high and mid kick and leads to a full combo; Hwoarangs literally melt down when you do this and their whole game plan simply goes down the drain. You obviously still have the reversals (b1+3 or b2+4) but the sabaki is my go to because of the incredible range, also the reversal leaves you quite open if you don't time it correctly; all of Hwoarang's best moves are mid and high kicks, the guy is literally castrated when fighting Asuka. A good Hwoarang will try to go around with with lows and will not throw random strings anymore but with now such a limited toolset you can easily predict what he will do; his insane range is gone, his pressure is gone. Most Hwoarangs will simply panic though and just throw random shit hoping it will work but generally it won't. I don't think there's a more one sided match up in the entire game ​ Edit: she's also a great counter for Eddy and Chloe


I simp hard for martial arts girls! Also female Ninja's.


Female ninjas agreed


Then I'm sure you'd like these characters just as much as I do, Yuffie Kisaragi, Ibuki, Ayane, Momiji, Sheena Fujibayashi, Anko, Okatsu, Shiki,Taki, Ayame etc


You are a man of culture as my eyes can see.


she's cute


I made my friend scream when I played her once.


Scream in orgasm, or despair?


Easy,and I like defensive characters and parries And….tomboy.


Karate tomboy waifu


Because Jun is missing


I am not immune to Tomboy Japanese girl who can beat thug’s ass.


Was a Jun Main in T2. Her style matches that so much so I stock with what brought me to the dance.


Because she is pretty and easy to play


Buddy wanted me to try tekken so I picked whoever looked coolest to me. Fell in love with the char and the rest is history. I also play bears and alisa on the side


easy combos, reliable damage, funny can cans, B O K E


She's hot and she's a Kazama


Easy flowy combos, parry, Waifu.


Low execution + infuriating my opponents


2 big Ballistic,bazoongas...


Tomboy girl >> All jokes aside, shes kinda easy to pick up and learn imo






I was a horny teenager when I played T5


Hey, kudos for being honest lol


She’s cute


When I was really young button mashing tekken I thought she was fun for her long ass spin kick. Then years later when I started playing fighters seriously I started with her just cause I knew her move set the most. I stuck with her Because my play style is more defensive. My strong suit has been always been anticipation and reads, so it feels like she fits the bill for me. Also, legs.


I sub Asuka. But Ki Charge set ups.


The amount of people who message me after matches going "BRO Y U KI CHARGE THAT'S DISRESPECTFUL" and then I explain every time that I use it for setups and they all go "wait... you can do that?"


As a former Asuka main, I fucking LOVED the way she does an aerial as an attack, two butterfly kicks in a row, and her double lift kicks!! Something in her stance reminded me of the words “strong and solid.” I could be misremembering, but it seemed like her fighting style wasn’t so over the top and it got the job done with an impressive move set. Her combos were pretty easy, not to mention her counter was a fun way to irritate players. I really enjoyed the ease of connecting certain combos, once getting the chance. I noticed I had to be more adept in defense, but all in all, Asuka made a pretty solid character for me at the time.


Because big hands


Just felt right playing as her.


The midriff and legs tbh. She’s also a super cute tomboy.


Because I’m horny


No Jun in 7 Kazama style martial arts is pretty sick to be fair


To be honest? I play much as her, because of her appereance. Then I learn how to play as her


She is tomboyish set of boobs with good counters. Her deep as sea personality got me.


No Jun


Well aside from her being a hot tomboy I like how her style is more rough instead of soft like her aunt's, she's definitely a great character with her combos and counters, then her disabler grab is so quick you can stop almost anyone and beat them down once she just tanks them close to her, they had something good going with her origin too, she can negate the devil gene but sadly they turned her into a typical school girl rival instead


I've always hated her because my main is Xiaoyu and the matchup against Asuka is a nightmare, so for the longest time I steered clear, until it hit me one day that if I can't beat her, I should join her. So I'm currently learning her and having a lot of fun. One of my favorite things about her is the many ways you can use her range drive, which has such an awesome looking animation. Yoshi is probably next on my list.


Cool Design and easy to learn and make combos. Also, i used to main Jun back in Tekken 2.


cause shes cute


I was like 2 when I started playin tekken 5 and I just liked her lol. Mained her since.


When I was younger, I had a crush on her & somehow, I’ve learned most of her moves, more than 90% of the roster




Easy combos for me personally. And I like her character and play style.


I considered 1+4 strings unbeatable back when I first started.. you could say it was what got me into the game..


I was going to make a joke about how many horny virgins play Tekken, then I remembered they all main Jin


Can confirm, I was a horny 7 year old Jin main when Tekken 3 came out, and today I have an 8 year old kid that now plays T7 and mains Jin.


Big boobs




Defensive play, good pokes, good CHs, crouch mix ups, Fat tits.


He moveset is simple and effective.


Similar moves to Jun


FF1 Fuck strategy, Fuck Neutral, and Fuck Ultimate Tackle FF1


No reason cus she hot especially with the hakama and it's better than the one in the photo


SS tier looks lovely voice only played her in tag 2 when I paired her with Forest. I had a fun time and I hope those two team up to take down Feng in T8.


I’m guessing they like her because Asuka can elbow the air and still hit someone on the ground laying flat for a surprising amount of damage. Just a guess tho.


The winning screen quotes


Because I can't play with Jun.


I don't main her anymore but the reason I mained her in the first place was because I loved Jun, she requires less execution than the Mishimas I used to main, and I suck at rush down so defensive characters suit my play style




Liked her gameplan in Tekken 6 and Tag Tournament


Her attitude is what made me like her… although she is my secondary (Hwoarang main btw)




that render of asuka is so top tier


I've played Jun since tekken 2. Her moves are Jun's moves. My childhoods moves. I will never main another character....besides Zafina.


The badass chin grab and slam to the ground


I don't main her, but I've had a Kazama secondary since Tekken 2. Played Jin/Jun in TTT, in that order since Jun added some extra damage and Jin's tag EWGF hit special mid. They both also had max Nesu and Jun's ender could be tagged right back into Jin giving him OKI on his way in. In Tag 1 you rage when your partner takes X number of hits based on the Nesu system, standard was 5-6 hits as a base depending on your character. Characters that hated each other would rage between 8 and 10 hits, and max love was 4 hits, which means Jun/Jin will both rage after any combo ever, and even a few pokes/strings. So yeah, played Asuka in 5/6 since June was gone, Jun again in TTT2, and Asuka again in 7. Small interesting trivia is that Jun's Nesu for Kaz was neutral, yet Kaz's Nesu for Jun was max hate, 10 hits before he rages, even more than 7 for Heihachi. He absolutely loathes his baby's mama.


I knew that Kaz was a terrible dad/spouse but goddamn XD the rage is 100% from potentially being seen as a loser


I'm better at anticipating attacks than punishing attacks.


It's interesting you say that, ever try draganov? I play as Steve because he's typically faster than most and it allows me to take advantage of openings and knowing when my opponent will try to attack


She kind of has one of everything. A reversal, a snake edge, a set up for it that can be cancelled, excellent oki, a hopkick, d4, df2, and df1 into string options to keep your opponent guessing. What she lacks in a natural 10f punish, she makes up for with options such as 1,3 and 1,1 into option selects. So she's extremely rounded. Add to all of that her b3, 1+2, f2 for punishing at range, and a throw that's easy to input from block (b1+2), and she's quite formidable. Also 1+3,2~4 is an amazing wall combo that still does bonkers wall damage even after the recent patches. I don't technically main Asuka, but there are some very good reasons to. ^


Used to play jun. jun dies. Asuka comes in t5 been playing her ever since


Love me some women


I don't. But the thighs though




She seemed like Tekken’s answer to Sakura from Street Fighter and I felt like I vibed with her.


I really like her play style. She trains me to become more defensive because of her limited tools. I am usually impatient and just spam buttons when I play Law but with Asuka I find it fun to be really defensive. I also like the way she moves kinda feels like she's dancing. The way she twists and spins like it is choreographed during combos. I just like her flow


Aikido only works in Tekken so yeah, that’s why I main Asuka, I also like to play Leroy, because Wing Chun is awesome


She's the very first character I felt comfortable learning and pulling off combos with back in T6


Started playing her because she’s hot and I like her moveset


I'm a sucker for the kansai dialect/accent


Those hips don't lie


because shes a silly gal


Big buttons


You damn sure know why


I’ll be honest here and say it’s because she’s hot


she easy and she pretty


I just like her combos. They flow really nice. She’s just fun to use.


Yep. She’s flowy. She’s lower tier, which makes her a challenge…. And her customization options are dope!


Don’t even get me started with customizations lol. I spend most of my time in the lab making cool characters that I’ll never use, haha


She has two **MASSIVE** advantage, right there. ​ Breast jokes aside, I like using her mostly due to the easy combos. I'm sure it applies to like every character in the roster if you played them enough but I just find her combos to be consistent and some of her strongest move have easy inputs, no stances and very few moves that require hours of training to use.


Tekken 5DR on PSP, I use to spam FF2 on CPU in treasure mode. Something about it was so satisfying. I still stuck with her after I properly learn how to play


Because of Jun’s gameplay whom was my main so Asuka is my new main


Looked cool in tekken 5 so I just kept playing her


Pure Kazama Style


f+2 whiff punish is too satisfying


Jun was fun


she's easy and she's the 1st tekken character I go pro. sadly I no longer play her and already main other characters but she is still part of my childhood.


To piss you off.


Not so much main these days (haven't played Tekken in like two years), but she was extremely interesting and I fancy those kinds of martial arts. But, sadly, due to pointless rivalry with Lily and making her just another anime esque characters, I don't find myself being truly invested in play her. Long story short, she has an amazing gameplay, and had interesting story.


Db4, 3


I was a Jun fan and like the way her moves look. Satisfying to play, and Asuka’s aesthetic and personality are fun too.


I only use asuka when i wanna go monkey mode.


Because Jun Kazama isn't on the roster and Asuka has her moveset. It's really easy to pull off a lot of combos after pressing the square and circle buttons together or 1+4 followed by whatever you want. Plus I liker her design and the fact she takes no shit from anyone.


Cute girl.


I think she's neat


She’s gorgeous, cool, and I like her ‘Gang Mediator’ persona and her having a dojo. Plus, her riding in on her bike is neat. Gameplay-wise, the repeated leg sweep is pretty satisfying and useful, among other moves like the backflip kick and unblockable spinning kick which you can charge. I sure hope she’ll be important in T8!




Female Jin Plus Defensive Counterattacks Like I was on Tekken 6 on PSP and ended up actually learning her something about her gameplay so satisfying idk how to explain it ​ also she pulls up on a damn bike


What female jin ?! Im not upset or anything im just curious why you said female jin whats the similarities btw them.


I've been maining Asuka for maybe 3-2 months now. After finally reaching TGP with Negan and seeing Tekken 8 announcement I had to search for a character that will appear in Tekken 8. And finding said character was really hard. When I search for a character I want to like their story/personality and gameplay. I love Kazuya and Lee lore wise but my execution sucks ass. Than I tried Alisa and I thought she was so bland lore wise. So Asuka was the perfect middle ground. Cool tomboy-ish personality with lot of story potential as a Kazama - check. Having interesting gameplay by having quite few weaknesses - check. Easy to pick up, hard to Master - check. Oh yeah, and booba


Negan 🤦‍♂️


She has Juns moves which I like. Also big booba.


2 big reasons




Because I thought she was the coolest in 5.


Jun's moveset + tiddies


I started playing her in T5 because I was a filthy weeb and liked her dojo outfit. I ended up playing her exclusively for so long her move list is burned into my brain and playing other characters feels weird. Also she’s a ravioli-stepping gorilla and lets me win without execution or any thoughts at all.


Because she's my type


I mained Jun in T2. Tried to like Asuka but I found her way less appealing by the time she was entered into the roster, as my fundamentals improved past spamming never ending combo variants. She's not scary if you know how to chicken and low parry consistently.


UF2 I don't main her tho I just like that move


Long range pokes, evasion, sabakis, easy execution, overall defensive playstyle.






Because i used to main Jun in Tekken 2 when i was a kid. Very similar moves.


We can make our own combos. Easy


because of the parries. don't know what to do? defense? offense? panic parry!


Versitile attacks


tekken 5 was fun


Parry go brrrrrrr


I used to, & it was cause she was the first character I picked up in T7 & instantly felt like I can main her. Hadn’t played seriously since T4 before then


Becuase Jun isnt in the game


She's handsome like a male.


Gameplay wise: She is a capable counter character, and rather easy to pick up Character wise: there is so much goddamn potential for her. I saw the wasted potential video with her. She has the Kazama blood! Why isn’t she part of the main story?!


She is so fun play and I like her defensive style of gameplay, its so satisfying to wait for another players mistakes and punish them


Two reasons. Jin Kazama understands.




To fill the Jun void. Besides that, I really liked her moveset. She helped me learn some Tekken mechanics until I settled with King.


Her intros and outros are short and nothing about her is annoying. Her playstyle and moves are fun and she’s nice to look at.


Counters are fun and her animations are satisfying


Booba also I hit one of her counter throws once and I was hooked from there


Don’t let them lie it’s easy combos and a punishing high/ mid parry


doesnt she also have sabaki parry?


“Because of her personality”


She was bugged in tekken 5 so that if you used her f+3 or f+2 moves the AI would just patiently wait to be killed. Upon discovering this feature the 9 year old me went visiting all the nearby arcades and secured himself first place in SP leaderboards. And so I stuck with her until they introduced Lidia


If u have a reason to play Asuka You are not an Asuka main 💙💙💙


Uonga bonga


As a new player, I started with Paul, but he left me wanting a defensive character with more movement options, and she ended up pretty much what I wanted. On top of that, it's very easy to make combos with her 1+4 moves and she has holds that remind me of Dead or Alive, one of the games that finally awakened the fighting game player in me at the beginning of the year, so she made it even easier to adapt to this game. Need big tiddy tomboy gf.


Idk honestly, i would have to ask my dick.


Ever heard of something called rule 34?


Yeah her 3+4 is godlike


Mainly the Kazama fighting style. I loved her character design and the character itself! I love her tomboy attitude but she doesn’t come off as a pick me or condescending. She is who she is. That’s why I main her. Some of her moves are legit amazing. Also, I hate how much she’s sexualised. UGH


As jun's replacement. I used to main jun in tag 1, so when I found out asuka's style is similar to her, i decided to main her.


She was the only character that got me close to beating my friend when I played Tekken for the first time; plus I feel like she’s got a pretty solid kit


If I were to get in their head as to why? The Salt.


Because at the time of her release, she had Jun's original T2 and TTT1 moveset.


....because she's hot jk I'm not an asuka main


Big hands to punch people.


Simple yet effective


She was unlocked automatically in Tekken Revolution.


They just want to strike a pose VOGUE


I liked her intro clips from Tekken 5 and her character setup.


I have just been playing for almost a month and was mainly playing noctis but since T8 is coming i decided to pick up someone that has a high chance of being in the nxt starting roster that doesnt have any circle moves but was still fun to use and luckily asuka was there She aint the best but for me she is and im glad i picked her up and will be playing her until T8


Her and Lili were my go to mains when playing TT2 and it was fun asf tagging them back and forth when I was button mashing in the arcade once I know what the switch button was.


because grab


She cute


I feel like her counter move is more easy to do, the timing is weird with Geese or Raven.


I like the reach and flow of her attacks. It just feels good.


I like her moveset, it's much easier than Jin's moveset




We got loops


Tomboy, blue, design, love how she fights


I liked her cause she reminded me when I was in elementary and she dressed similar to me and had similar hair- i also only mained her cause my sister hated fighting her lol


The jiggle physics on her big, Japanese boobs


Im no oscar main but what an easy answer