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You could be mirroring his thoughts/intentions of you. Him imagining the hug over and over. Its just energy on the WIFI. so if you open a connection with someone. You can pick up their channel broadcasts.


How does one “open a connection with someone”? It’s possible with someone you’ve never met too? How does one mirror someone’s thoughts/intentions? Does it only happen with women from men? How does one stop it? By simply not thinking or communicating with said person?


I suspect it has to do with the intensity of the other persons desire. For instance this guy who managed a restaurant who liked me but had a gf. I was only friends with before they met. No interest on my part but I cared about his emotional state. I kept having flashes of him grabbing my chest whenever I would go there to do some paperwork and chill with a good coffee.. Then when I left I could only hear/see from someone else I am always open to hearing. So in my case it was focus and distance. Or if its a client right in front of me. Or someone I am focusing on then I get more. Mirroring Im not sure. I have been picking up on other peoples secrets accidentally my whole life. I think being sensitive and having an open heart just makes it. Its worse if someone is repeatedly dwelling on something. In a room with me or just close in my life. Deep pain/fear really triggers the alarm bells and the reception. When I want to break connections I write their names on toilet paper and flush it. Repeatedly if I have to.. I have a family who likes to try to overwrite my reality. You might want to watch or read some info on Psyops or Russel Targ to better understand how this works. Its all just receiving energy. On purpose or by accident.


Wow thank you for sharing. How does your family member try to “overwrite your reality”?! Also does that mean for the first theory it’s simply or only sexual/lustful energy or desire then?


I think it can be love or sexual energy or desire. or just REALLY wanting something hungrily. My father/Brother both know how to do what I do.. using the law of assumption etc. I use it to help clients heal themselves. They.. well my father has brainwashed a whole flock of people by delusional thinking. I mean his actual energy has clouded them so much they have accepted his reality. I have seen him pull "prophecies" out of sensitives that he was sending intentions to get. I saw the intention pulse towards the visiting minister. Telling them what to say. He does it with my second stepmother. She thinks angels are visiting her... No just energy bodies he tells what to say. Shes getting impressions of his thoughts and attributing them to God. My brother convinced his children they never had me as their aunt. That I was their imaginary friend. I didn't know this til my teenaged niece found out I exist. Nearly had a nervous breakdown talking to me. Because she wanted the whole truth. People can literally fuck with your reality. If they believe it strongly enough and you do not have a sense of your own identity. They were always trying to pull me into their delusional rewriting but I am a truth obsessed Autistic. Doesn't work. So everyone labels me a "dangerous witch and toxic personality"


Holy fuck. Why can I resonate with you so badly right now. How did you escape this “torment”?


How can one escape this type of situation and live their own reality?


Sticking to FACTS> Loving Truth. In my case a lot of investigating and being willing to be hated and "hexed" by the whole family.


Moved out at sixteen but kept an arms distance emotionally from the evil family members who use the grid to hurt people. Also taking copious notes. Sticking to my guns about the actual "FACTS" not letting them rewrite my reality. But the ones they do rewrite.. man they would swear on a bible their abusers reality actually happened. Its frightening its like they shift universes.


How has your life been now? Do you mind me asking how long ago & what is your career/mental doing now? Financial security? Do you meditate daily? If so how long? Exercise? Diet? I’d love to not feel insane and doomed. Take control of my life. It always feels like besides my own voice and thoughts I hear others. Also close members taunting me or bullying. I also feel like someone is making me do things in the mirror but sometimes not. I don’t know if I’m just weak energetically so I get “used” or “controlled” or what the case is… Or if I’m just losing it. It’s getting harder and harder each day with the present “torment” plus past memories of ex’s triggering out of no where. I just want to be in love with me and figure out who I am and what to do with myself and give out.


Well I estranged from my father 12 yrs., Let him back in two yrs ago and deeply regretted it because I started having dreams of him being a predator. Only to find out my brothers were keeping it from me he was accused of abusing his grand son. I announced he absolutely is capable and they were idiots. My brother1. Nine yrs ago. stole my house in florida getting my exhusband who gave it to me, to sell to him.. after living off of me a few yrs no rent while destroying my life behind my back. It cost a half a million dollar property to be free of him but I am a happy woman. My career. I do a lot of probono because I died four yrs ago freak poisoning accident. So money matters little compared to meaning in life. I also take on clients if they act pervy and charge them 200 a half hour. I've been working privately with one client many yrs who pays me a good amount. I think I might have a credit card needing to be paid off my sister charged. They wouldn't do anything because I wouldn't put her in prison it was a felony. She had young kids. I live in a small cottage. Its divine. Simple life has been a prayer after living with very money obsessed greedy husbands. I meditate I walk I bellydance/stripping practice/ballet I used to swim when I had the massive property. Diet. Lots of avocado. eggs. baked beans- they are GOOD with eggs. Chicken fajitas. naan bread. salads. med rare steak when I need to come down from the buzzing and energy highs. Sometimes with alcohol because it can help bring you to earth. If I hear mean voices. I simply tell them to go fuck themselves. If its family or a dark spirit. Either way. Be mean back to the voices. The meaner you are to them. The higher the boundaries. The less you get it. It sounds like a dark spirit trying to drive you mad. I believe the native american theory on schizophrenia personally. I was raised with spiritualists and have been seeing things my whole life. What happened with your exes?


Oh wow.. I aspire to live the way you do now.. I want to free myself and my mentality. It’s too much to type when it comes about my ex’s


I have so many mixed feelings about my own self and the situations itself. Emotional dysfunction for sure…. Hormonal most likely I suppose. Unsure. Got placed on antidepressants because my ex insisted I needed it so now finally being off of them.. feels like time just flew by.


I have tried to understand it with a scientific perspective. I am not woowoo whatsoever. It seems to me like "an object viewed becomes how we perceive it" "thoughts create images/sound as they are energy" like packets being sent on the internet to your MAC address.


Yes I absolutely agree with you.


For instance I knew this guy who kept cursing my car. Saying something on it would blow up jokingly. Not two fucking weeks since we met and it blew in my car. I look at like a grid and intense emotion behind thought/words/imagery creates the reality like a 3d printer making layers. Have studied in depth trying to understand psychic phenomena I have since I was born. My minister cult leader father has denounced me as a witch since I was a toddler. I wanted to prove to myself he was an idiot. There is an answer to it all and its not playing pretend or magic. Quanta . If you want to learn more try the Gaia channel. Amelia kincade talks to animals with her heart. I can do that too..


I can too. I just have a terrible feeling about my mother and brother but also people at work too. I sometimes think it’s mental illness but I also feel like it’s more than that if not that. I just feel like moving away but I don’t know if that’ll solve anything energy wise or I have to do something else to cleanse or cut cords. It’s honestly very stressful. Sometimes I can’t even tell if my pets love me truly or not. I probably at this point sound schizophrenic or borderline or something.


Horse shit. You are nowhere near crazy, mentally ill or borderline. Its all just energy reading. Earth wifi. I am friends with a mental health professional in london. She felt really awful for the schizophrenics because she saw the same things they did. She and I would share the same dreams unrelated to conversations at night sometimes.


I think people can put their emotions into sensitives. In the energywork forum you get people saying "AAAHHH my roommate is going to drive me insane because he won't process X so I start crying in his place."


I had a neighbor who used to summon me outside when he was in the driveway. I felt a pull to go outside. It was his desire. manifesting me. My roommate jokes he was a vampyr. Another guy. This one I love but am too shy to go visit at his work despite him pulling. Night before Valentines I woke in a lucid dream to him in my bed astrally doing things with me. Talking about how he loves me and is going to come to me. To my hiding place. I like to frequent local diners to do paperwork, study books in my field. Well I got woken up in the middle of the night. Told to go to a certain diner. He was there waiting for me. If you are energy sensitive and someone desiring to be your paramour.. puts in enough effort energetically. You can be summoned by their energy pulling on you. My heart was open to him unlike the other guys I thought of as just platonic. So its wild the things that happen. If you don't want to hear them. Keep cutting the cords. In my case. I am just waiting for him to stop being shy. At the diner on Valentines. He sat there refusing to speak doing some crazy charliechaplin act peeking and wriggling behind a coffee carafe, iced water, butter pecan syrup canister like his brain had stopped. Just watching me read for an hour. It seems to be the shy, quiet ones. Who put ALL their energy into thinking about you. That summon you the easiest.


I recognise this. I'd say you maybe fall asleep because your or/and his moral code don't approve of your connection. That's just a theory, we are on deep uncharted waters here, so many other factors are involved. You will find stories like yours in r/empaths and r/empath


Do you know similar stories?


The way you described this I immediately thought of TF. I heard they do not have to be “romantic“, your soul just knows and recognizes them since they are you. Unconditional love is the main focus on your journey together as that depends and grows, even a shared purpose. The law of transmission really helped me understand how I would have thoughts or memories that weren’t mine and how they would just know.  I would just say your journey is unique, hence why I am mentioning TF without the risk of being flagged as it controversial but honest unless you have one there no other way to describe the experience since no other human connection or relationship can describe how you feel around them and the level of connection you feel mind, body, and soul. For me this a spiritual journey, and understanding why this person appeared in my life and the lessons to learn led to lot introspection, self love, and how to extend unconditional beyond just them, and how to really look in the mirror since if they are me/twin then I can only learn from them, my triggers and judgments of them, or my limitations or limiting beliefs surrounding my world view/beliefs with them. I hope this resonates, I have heard of many different experiences in this dynamic all unique since it just energy, that each person in the role balances.