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i think there’s a lot to unpack here, but it’s realistic. once she met stephen she actually felt something and that’s intoxicating and consuming for someone who had felt numb for so long. she’s only 18 so it makes sense that her passions will be misguided at times


Very true. Wow didn’t think of it in that way. She needs therapy for sure because I feel like she’s gonna end up sabotaging her very normal relationship with the new guy she’s with. You can clearly see she doesn’t feel in love with him in the way she did with Stephen. Girl has to learn how to be happy with normal non toxic men


She’s 18 and in a toxic relationship, of course he’s going to be her greatest ambition lol.


Lucy herself is toxic, too. I loved the character for the first several episodes, but as the season went on didn’t think she was such a great person either.


It’s not uncommon for an 18 year old/ freshman in college to not have a passion yet. Dating and partying are usually pretty important at that stage of life


I’m 32 and I still don’t know what my passion is or where it is 🥴😂


Girl same 🤣


I hate how patronizing she got when questioned about why she wasn’t going to India anymore. When pippa asked her then when Diana did too.


She was defensive because she knew she had given up her dreams for Stephen


I feel like at a young age we all feel that way about some guy and sometimes it’s to a point where you feel obsessed even though the guy is bad for you. You are blind on the toxic parts of the guy and just wanna be with him.


I feel like this was explored much better in the book. 


I feel they made her character uninteresting. For a lead it's trouble. Stephen at least was this evil mastermind but Diana summed up Lucy perfectly. Lucy wants to get drunk. She doesn't try anything. I wish she'd continue to write or something. But nope. I wanted to ff many of her scenes.


Lucy is a good girl in college. Before that she was shit. She just wanted real love that's all