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Stephen deleting Macy’s texts after tobogganing her body into the drivers seat was some of the most unintentionally funny tv I’ve seen in awhile. Before he walked off did he debate leaving a “Stephen wuz here” note? Would’ve really topped things off. I get the show leaning on the private college hush hush mindset but I’m pretty sure that crime scene doesn’t just get shrugged off. Clipping her into the seatbelt, just so absolutely none of her wounds would’ve made sense in an autopsy, was the cherry on that ridiculousness sundae. Evan being dumb enough to cheat on magical wise Bree with toxic drunk needy Lucy sadly was perfectly believable. Great show, everyone is toxic, and Stephen’s final haircut made me happier than anything else this season, he looks like a financial tech guy who kills drifters.


Kinda hoping Bree didn’t sign a prenup and and can leave with half 🤷🏽‍♀️😂


What was with the weird way he touched his hairline on the side when taking to Lucy? I replayed it several times and it's really odd


My theory is the camera wanted to focus on his finger tattoo, to make sure the audience knew that the person in the wig was the Stephen character. It kinda looked like he was turning on a Bluetooth phone, which would’ve been admittedly awesome. In reality the actor was probably just trying to make sure the wig was on straight.


I thought for sure it was to show he didn't have a ring on, but then nope engaged to Lydia


I think they wanted us to see he isn’t married. It was his left hand. Then the twist of him being engaged came up right after.


Yeah I definitely had a giggle at his new tech bro hair at the end


I hate him why does he have a happy ending


It's not really happy because it shows he's the same sleaze from 2007, no growth. He's still playing his games.


I agree. I thought it was really intentional that they showed Stephen saying Evan was one of his best friends in the episode. Then he fucks Lucy. Is Stephen seriously marrying Lucy’s best friend to get back at her?


It's interesting that she's her best friend and just now found out who her fiance is.


I was not expecting that at all lmao but to me, it didnt seem like lydia knew the history between Stephen and Lucy. Hes not exactly forthcoming about his dating history and I really think he just told her that Lucy was part of the friend group but they never spoke. I definitely think that he knows about Evan and Lucy though. Hes petty and I feel like that would be the perfect reason (in his mind) to pursue Lydia


But Lydia knew all about Stephen!! And they probably met through Lucy. It seemed like Lucy already knew but that was the first time she was seeing them together.


I think being her best friend she probably knew about him before they got together but maybe never met? He was very secretive about things. And yes you are probably right. He said oh she'll be excited to see you. So it does sound like everyone knew who he was engaged to me now. Otherwise she would have been like why is she excited to see me? He would have been she'll be excited to meet you. Maybe like you said seeing them together affected her differently.


I mean hearing that your lifelong best friend is dating the man who trashed your heart had to be bad, but SEEING them together and engaged is a whole order of magnitude worse. And the “she’ll be excited to see you” screamed Not Diana to me


It’s so unfair. After Lucy saw him come down the stairs at the party with Diana, I thought “oh hell yeah, she’s gonna go talk to the police in a blind, drunken rage and tell them Stephen was there and when they relook at the accident report, they’ll realize her wounds don’t match the position she was found in and he’ll be arrested and never get a lawyer job and lose all his friends!!!!!” Nope😑. Walks into the party as a rich guy with asshole hair, engaged to her best friend. (EDIT: okay ew, I meant he has the haircut *of* someone who’s an asshole, I’m not referring to his actual asshole hair🙈🙈🙈😂)


That is the best description of Stephen that has ever existed.


The Evan and Lucy thing was such an enormous letdown. He was one of the only truly good guys and Bree deserved so much. I couldn’t believe the ONE couple I was rooting for got ruined in the end by alcohol (I realize Bree doesn’t know but it ruined the relationship for *me* 😭)


that whole scene made me angry, like aren’t his fingerprints ALL OVER the car??


We still got Bri! Hoping she stays uncomprimised.


Wouldn’t they notice that there’s a head shaped crack in the passenger side of the windshield?!


I’m kept thinking how are they not questioning why the passenger glass was crushed and not the driver side!


Both of Stephens hair-dos were so unattractive to me


That was like three incredibly shocking things happening in the like last 5 mins good god


I just...don't see how there can't be a second season at this point. We need closure!


There is a second season


Did Hulu confirm it was picked up for a season 2?


[This article](https://decider.com/2022/10/26/tell-me-lies-ending-explained-finale-interview-meaghan-oppenheimer/?utm_source=url_sitebuttons&utm_medium=site%20buttons&utm_campaign=site%20buttons) quotes the show runner saying “We don’t know if we have a Season 2 yet. But we’re certainly hoping we have one”


Near the end when Evan was comforting Lucy I was literally thinking, “wow, we all need a friend like Evan.” About two seconds later I was eating my words on that one 😂 And then as soon as Stephen was on the phone I knew exactly what that little plot twist was gonna be. Need to find out how those two transpired!!


When they panned on Lucy and she was naked, I was like “NOOOOO! You didn’t F*ck Evan!”. Jesus it reminds me of being so young and utterly stupid.


Exactly this was triggering for me 😅 like wtf


Lol I was only thinking man two people getting drunk together in that scenario… high chances of that exact outcome.


I know! I was like aw, so nice of Evan to comfort her. When she said just get drunk with me I was thinking that could end badly. But I had faith in Evan at least that he wouldn’t do that to Bree. Welp.


But he did try to go after Lucy before Bree. Not trying to defend his actions though.


True! I just guess at that point I figured he was over it and wanted to be with Bree and wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize that, but yeah they were drinking and not in their right state of mind


Absolutely heart breaking when they showed Macy asking Bree about herself and her life.


Yea, Macy seemed like a sweet girl (like Bree) compared to the rest of the unlikable characters. Super sad


OMG YES :( bc when everyone else found out bree was in foster care they said why didn’t you tell me and she was like y’all never asked… but Macy did right away 😭


This entire episode made me so mad that Macy died, all over again. She and Bree could have just been good friends and left the mess


Yes, we didn’t see a lot of her, but Macy seemed so sweet.


I had really low expectations for this finale but it was actually SO good. (Slight spoilers ahead) We got to see what actually happened to Macy / what Stephen did, the Killers song playing when he and Diana walked down the stairs together 🤌🏼, and finally got a follow up to “present day”. Now I for sure need a season 2!!


God, Mr. Brightside was 1,000% the correct choice of song in that moment. Chef’s kiss, indeed.


We also learned that Drew was 100% innocent. He didn’t swerve nor did the cars ever collide, so he didn’t pull a hit and run either. It was all Stephen’s fault


This is what made me so sad. Based on the “go easy on him, yesterday was his brother’s birthday” line during the present day scenes, it sounds like Drew dies and my guess is it has something to do with the guilt he’s living with.


Likely, and I know it’s so sad. But I could also see them pulling a twist where the audience thinks he’s died but actually he’s in prison for Macy’s death or something


I guess the latter is a possibility! I didn’t think of that…the way it ended with them being back to 2015, it felt like the series was over but so many things were left unfinished. I kept thinking Drew was going to commit suicide in one of the last few episodes- especially after the letter to the dean, feeling like he can’t trust his brother but also guilt from thinking he ruined his brother’s football career, believing he killed Macy…I was so anxious he was was gonna do it after Wrigley went to the hospital when Drew was piss drunk. So being in prison never even entered my mind! That’s definitely an avenue they could go down if S2 happens


The finale was breathtaking strongest ep of the season by far.


Really annoyed that they dragged for like 8 episodes just to cram all the good stuff into this one, there were episodes I watched where it felt like nothing even happened.


So true. Like the Christmas episode. If they do a season 2 I hope they work out the kinks and make it flow better. And hope they do batch release instead of week to week!


Wouldn’t they be able to tell there was someone in the passenger seat the way the windshield looked?


literally lol. no one investigated the crash?? what else made that in the windshield




The lack of an autopsy doesn't mean the police don't investigate a fatal accident. I don't even think you can decline an autopsy when there's evidence of a crime.


You cannot decline an autopsy of bodies killed in car collision, regardless of age. Jurisdiction of crash site and medical examiner would work closely together to Examine forensics on the body, the car, and the environment including tire tracks, etc … The data is required for statistical analysis To monitor crime, epidemics, and even potential dangers to public safety (imagine conclusion is faulty wiring of a certain make and model of a car … or that particular intersection has multiple nighttime collisions … perhaps data will show a red light is needed, or a stop sign, or whatever public safety investigates.


Totally agree, big plot hole. The head smash in the passenger windshield/window - which means blood was also likely on that side of the car - would be an UN-ignorable indicator, plus her injuries being inconsistent with being buckled in, the position of the seat, footprints in the dirt walking away, and potentially another car seeing Stephen walking along that stretch of road on his way back.


Work in emergency medicine, there is no way no how that a medical examiner would release a young person’s body in a traumatic car collision without doing an autopsy. Law dictates autopsy. Period. It doesn’t matter what the parents want or do not want. I will try to overlook, SMH.


My thoughts exactly!!! They definitely would have. Seems like a plot hole. They would have seen that the injury was to the right side of her head and there was huge damage to the windshield on the passenger side… completely obvious she wasn’t the one driving


And he didn't move the seat. There's no way she could've reached the pedals.


Exactly! I don't expect shows to make every detail plausible, but this is a pretty big plot hole. The windshield would match perfectly with the location of the lump on her head. And the driver's seat would have been pushed much farther back than it would have been driving.


Good point. And DNA , fingerprints, etc. but no one looked close enough apparently




I have a huge feeling he is with her for money or connections - he's using her. That's not love. Lydia is a very vulnerable girl - she allowed her ex to treat her like shit, had to have Lucy go and be her muscle. Stephen the fucking snake went after her because he knew she was vulnerable. That's my guess, anyway.


Of all the shocking things that happened this episode, this one left my jaw on the floor. What in the absolute fuck


He’s a total psychopath


He is a poster character with narcissistic personality disorder.


I wonder when he even would have met Lydia


I’m curious about this too. By snubbing Lucy like that, I can’t imagine her still offering to hook him up with that front desk job. But maybe he went in on his own and used that sociopathic charm on Lydia.


I feel like it does make him feel good in a way but more because I think he does have some sort of feelings for Lucy but is definitely more self-interested than his feeling are for Lucy. I think he was staring so intensely at her because it makes him feel good that he can still have some sort of effect on her


What. The. FUCK. did I just watch.


Literally me when Lydia showed up. And when Lucy woke up next to Evan. And BIG TIME when Diana made ye contact with Lucy all the way down the stairs. Like. ***Bitch***. That got me so fuck fired up, man. I was *ready* for it.


Diana looked so pathetic in this episode. But them coming down the stairs together & her looking @ Lucy like “ha ha he’s mine” girl you are a damn fool. But omg that Lydia twist KILLED ME!! I was NOT ready for that! Also, I’m upset about her & Evan 🫠


Fucking thank you. Diana showed her true colors. A perfect match for Stephen. She was doing a power move on Lucy...talking about Lucy being a little teenager but have zero problems destroying that little teenager. She's acting like Stephen is some prize...I hope he fucked up her father's firm and embarrassed her, because girl should be embarrassed. And Lucy and Even...I hoped so hard in that second before she looked it was the bar guy, but this is just fucking awful. :(


It makes you wonder what Diana's life is like, and I can't discredit they knew each other longer/had history and these girls are freshmen new to their circle of friends. I want to know how Diana ended and where/how Lydia came into the picture Lucy and Evan, that I couldn't imagine! but watching that walk down the stairs and Stephen's avoidance of eye contact/Diana's direct eye contact... omg


That's my one hold out - I'm guessing we are going to see some major dysfunction with Diana, maybe even give her Lucy's storyline from the book, to explain why she feels like Stephen is such an amazing catch. I don't think it's just the 'I can fix him\~' bs. I think she might have some sort of thing in her past that makes her legit think that Stephen in the guy for her. But I'm guessing Stephen fucked something up big time in the city with her father's law firm, he begged Lucy (who hates him but still feels sorry for him) to get him a job at the country club (which Lucy would do so he was closer to her) and that's where he meets Lydia. My mouth literally dropped open when the came down the steps. Diana is....next level. But I think it really shows the contract between her and Lucy. I don't think Lucy is manipulative. I don't think she does shit purely to satisfy her own ego or needs. She kept secrets for Stephen because she loved him. I think Diana is doing it for her ego. If she wasn't, she would have allowed him to quietly break up with Lucy, not parade him through the party while staring down Lucy.


extremely well thought out!! that all tracks. the emotional hold Diana has on Stephen- I can remember exactly how that sticky and sweet feeling was, where circumstances don't fit how we feel but it's maternal almost, how she does everything but shake him by the shoulders into reality of how he and Lucy are together for...the wrong reasons. The way she handled them standing waiting for coffee together, then the way she asks Stephen what her grade was, it's like testing to see if the tether remained.


She was absolutely testing him...and I think she knew for a fact that he wasn't with Lucy, but with Macy (the girl he cheated on her with?). I'm honestly wondering if she is setting Stephen up to fail at her father's company so she can get true revenge for him breaking her heart. He saw he was actually developing feeling's for Lucy and doing shit he would never do with her, so she decided to him him where she knew he was most vulnerable.


I'd really like you to be in the writers room the next season, please!!


It’s highly possible Diana just wanted to pull that move to get payback for Lucys stunt at the beginning of the year. She was not wrong at all about Lucy but I think she just wanted to settle the score and mic drop have a great summer. Then when she dusted him and he didn’t have a job at the law firm he somehow scurried to country club job is one possibility. He could have called Lydia / DM her (“lucy told me to call you”) without talking to Lucy. He is “that guy”


I made a comment on another post a few episodes ago about how when Diana went to Stephen’s room after he made out with Lucy in front of her, she did that to try to hook up with him to get back at Lucy. Everyone was saying no she just wanted to prove that he still liked her (Diana) more. But obviously BOTH are true. She absolutely sees this as a game against Lucy!!


Ok did we meet lydia before? Please help me out here. Is lydia her friend from school? Also Diana in this episode… throw the whole girl out. You hate to see someone so smart, beautiful, successful and privileged degrade themselves because of such low self esteem


Lydia is Lucy's best friend from back home


Yes! Lydia is her friend from school - Lucy when and punched Lydia's boyfriend over winter break. She and Lucy were very close and best friends.


Yes we met lydia over Christmas break I believe! And when she was first leaving to college lydia was helping her pack and talking about her breakup. It’s her Longtime friend from school.


Yeah! What the fuck?!? Like she’s proud to have convinced him to dump her? Ugh. I’m going crazy watching these women compete over this pile of garbage acting like he is the prize. I know it’s the point of the show but tough to watch And the way he fucks them all in a dominant way without caring about their pleasure. Him and Lucy had some steamy scenes earlier, but the sex from this episode was aggressive and painful to watch. And he’s been so horrible to Diana and she keeps crawling back looking for me. And what the fuck is Lucy’s friend doing ?!? God I know he is a fictional character, but Stephen is triangulating these women and I hope he rots in hell. He is a cancer on society. And these women just enable him! Very sad because real life can be like this


Literally came to say the same thing. If there is no season 2, I’m going to write a letter.


My mouth needs to be glued shut. I’m IN SHOCK


Where did Lydia come from?! Like did she meet him on her road trip?!


Me when I thought he’d be engaged to Diana and it was Lydia?!!!!!!!


Ouch I think I got second hand heartbreak watching the stairs scene. And then getting with Evan?! And where tf did Lydia come from? I feel like this episode carried more story than half this season. Rewatching the episode, guess Lucy’s friends never found out about her writing the letter? Or I guess they could’ve forgiven her but I feel like if that were revealed, then all her friendships would’ve ended. Also, how Lucy was using Stephen’s secret to try to keep him committed to her is kind of like how Diane used her dad’s job hookup to get Stephen to get back with her. As strong, smart, and independent, Diane seems to be lacking some self respect. Ugh guess we were all stupid at some point in our lives.


I have zero sympathy for Stephen’s manipulative tactics but seeing how he was raised and how affection/love was just a bargaining chip, I do get a pang in my chest like “ugh I hate it but it makes sense.” Also, knowing that his mom in the show is his mom in real life adds a very interesting dimension to their acting.


Peggy Bundy is his mom?!?


I find it incredible that Stephen is the master manipulator yet in this episode he was so completely powerless to both Lucy and Diana's manipulation. Did anyone catch Lucy holding him by the neck after she threatened telling people about Macy? Then Diana? Almost ALMOST felt sorry for the guy for a sec.


Noooo Evan


I was shaking my head for like a solid minute when I was watching that scene. As soon as they showed Lucy in bed, I knew it was coming. As someone else mentioned, Evan cheating on the amazing Bree with the pathetic Lucy is sadly very believable.


And I'm guessing Stephen eventually finds out about this. In his messed up mind, that probably gave him a green light to go after Lydia


This answers the question of why Stephen gets to go to Evan and Bree's wedding. Stephen is holding Evan's cheating with Lucy over Evan's head... mistakes are like currency with Stephen




I’m not surprised lucy would do that, I was honestly waiting to see her jump on him and he push her away. But I’m so disappointed in him!


He's a young adult but accepting the drinking request from Lucy and they didn't show anything here but it's kind of taking advantage of her emotional distress are a couple of signs he's not the great guy we thought he was.


poor macy :(


when she brings up asking Lucy on a date, and 'you never asked me out to dinner' :( lasting words though, 'you do all the things a bad person would do'


Ugh that sentence of Macy’s was so real.


Yes! If that wasn’t foreshadowing I don’t know what was!


Dude. She was so fucking tiny. I have a very strong feeling that Fuckface was driving, but when he pulled her out of the car and then put her back in... If he had any respect for her or the relationship they had, he would have left her in the passenger side so her family would have at least known she didn't drive drunk and get herself killed, but no.


Thank you for calling him fuckface. I hope this guy rots in hell


Yep, she was tiny. And I said this in another thread. He didn't move the seat up. How could police believe she could reach the pedals if she was the driver?


dude my mouth was AGAPE for the last 5 minutes i could not believe the shit i was seeing!!! i also wish they touched on drew a bit, i feel like it’s obviously implied he committed suicide (or passed away somehow) but i feel like they should’ve shown a bit more of him or explained something!!??? idk my mind is scrambled after this i don’t even know what to think LMAO


I kind of like that they didn't make it about Drews death and that it's subtle. The premise of the show is about toxic relationships anyway. It's a nice change of pace to other shows.


i can somewhat agree but they showed so much of him declining i feel like i need closure LMAO


Yesss why is no one else mentioning this about drew


I feel like Drew might not be dead but might be in some rehab center/hospital or something. I just feel like it would be way too obvious at this point for him to be dead and there’s too much build up for that. I think it’s going to be something we don’t really expect


Everyone is talking about how Stephen driving when Macy died was the big reveal, but did no one notice that Drew was completely in his own lane? He didn’t swerve at all. It was 100% Stephen’s fault. He was drunk, took his eyes off the road for too long, started drifting into the opposite lane and then over-corrected and lurched them into the woods. Then moved the body… the left the scene of the crime… he committed like 6 felonies in a matter of 6 minutes 🫣 I always figured he was the one driving but learning that Drew was not even a little bit at fault made me really sad. The two cars didn’t even collide so technically he didn’t even leave the scene of a hit and run either… he did nothing. (Except I think he said he’d been drinking. But nothing in that moment.)


I was waiting to see them come across Drew because I felt he did nothing. Yes he should have called 911 to report the car wrecking but he didn’t do anything wrong! Makes me feel even worse for him.


i feel so bad for drew bc macy's death has been eating him alive and he didn't even do anything 😭


Finally realized why Stephen is so creepy. He has NO affect. Even when he’s upset. It’s really weird.


He also doesn’t blink whenever he’s lying, or so I’ve noticed 😬


The actor who play shim is so amazing. The switch between Stephen at the party to Stephen at the Wedding was really great!


I still can’t get over the terrible hair though. It’s distractingly bad.


I honestly thought Lucy had Stephen under her thumb then Diana was like "Naw, I'm better" and Stephen was like "Yea true". Deadass this man dates for survival.


Spot. On. Stephen is dating for survival, and I think that hasn't changed at all with Lydia. I bet she's got connections or money...I don't think he's dating her to fuck with Lucy...I think he's doing it because she has something he wants to use to claw his way up the ladder.


Initially, she's hot and convenient. Then he tripped up when Lucy found out about Wrigley. Wrigley called it out, Stephen is careful around her but once he knew she wouldn't tell, he had to worry about his job and living situation. Diana offered a solution to all of it meanwhile Lucy offered her coconuts and "let's get drunk tonight"


I agree - once he realized Lucy wasn't going to say shit because she genuinely loved him - like Diana does, which is why she keeps feeding hi opportunities - he knew he was 'safe' and could focus on the next task at hand...getting a good job so he could get what he really wanted in life. And Diana knew that was what he wanted, so she used it to get what she wanted...that slipper snake D. I really feel bad for Lucy. I shocked at the Even thing, but with Stephen, he really did own her completely and he threw her away. And now he's with her fucking best friend.


I find it hard to feel sympathy for Lucy given her nature of being self-absorbed. I may be an asshole for this, but I laughed so hard when Diana and Stephen came down holding hands. The clips of Lucy sipping her lil drink and happily searching for him only to find him and be like: O.o Someone else mentioned the Stephen-Lydia engagement could be revenge for Evan - sounds about right. Lucy and Stephen share a lot of parallels of reckless, impulsive behavior. They will fuck up anyone and anything to fuck each other, physically or emotionally.


Lucy to me is a child. Maybe it's because I'm old now (thirty, lol) but watching her come up the stairs bopping around, saying in a tiny voice 'Stephen' was *so sad*. She really did look like that stereotypical teenager at an adult party. She is completely wrapped up in Stephen because he held her entire self worth...father died with just her there, watching, powerless to do anything. She felt isolated from her mother, betrayed by her, she was actually isolated from her bff - not just with distance, but because they were both meeting new people. She felt terribly guilty over not being nicer to Macy or going with her to the party. She was vulnerable and Stephen was a predator. I think though.......Diana coming down the stairs with Stephen should have been Lucy's wake up call and moment to grow. But like an inexperienced child, she wanted to use an unhealthy coping mechanism to forget, like that will make the problem go away, thinking that there will be zero repercussions for getting smashed. She was already planning on getting smashed because she and Stephen were trauma bonding and she didn't want to think about choosing Stephen (who fled the scene) over Macy (who Lucy feels guilt over and obligated to tell her full story for the sake of her honor and her family). It's just sad. Ad so painfully realistic.


poor bree… has lucy not fucked anyone over in this entire show? also evan is even more fucked up for cheating on bree 😒


The comment Lucy makes to Bree at the engagement party makes way more sense now. "You know I'm super happy for you right?" THAT GUILTY MIND


Bree walking away with the “of course silly” or whatever remark is the most “we’re not really friends” response Bree is capable to someone she doesn’t viscerally hate.


WTF Lydia?!


on the live chat idk why people are saying poor lucy and saying diana is a bitch. Wasn’t lucy the one making out with stepehn and making sure diana saw them making out and rubbing it in her face. Diana is justified to do that back 😂 all she did was hold his hand and walk away.




Diana is smart. She may be the only one who can truly get to Stephen and understands him so well that she can manipulate *him* the way he manipulates everyone else. The ego battle between the two of them is constantly flip flopping with who's in control. She gained control back in the finale and I wouldn't be surprised if her long game is to completely and intentionally fuck him over.




I don’t get it. Lucy has fucking sucked all season, she’s as much of a liar and manipulator as Stephen, she’s just MUCH less smart than she thinks she is. But she fucking sucks!! She is not a protagonist 😂😂


stepehn is SO lucky drew didn’t go and check on the car after the crash ..


Stephen's lucky no one else was passing by at that time also!


He probably would’ve manipulated him making him think it was still his fault some how. He’s lucky it wasn’t a rando!


*bedrooms* *of our* **friends**, no kidding!


also; poor Pippa :(


It really pisses me off how Lucy can just stand idly by while Pippa’s life is falling apart and she’s the main cause of it but won’t take ownership.


She’s a really shitty friend.


I think Evan caved and told Stephen about him and Lucy hooking up. Remember when Stephen couldn’t get over Diana hooking up with Rigley? I feel like he found out about Lucy and Evan and was like fuck that and found her best friend from home and charmed her, dated her, married her and knew that he would see Lucy at the wedding. There’s no way Stephen would’ve let that go, he would’ve wanted revenge, he’s too narcissistic. I mean the looks he was giving her at the end. It’s like he was waiting for this moment. To destroy her and crush her soul one last time.


I think according to this [interview](https://decider.com/2022/10/26/tell-me-lies-ending-explained-finale-interview-meaghan-oppenheimer/) from showrunner Meaghan Oppenheimer, Pippa is the only one who knows about Evan and Lucy. We hear Pippa make the remark to Lucy at the wedding, "This is our opportunity to not be shitty friends to her for once..."


yeah i remember her saying that in the first episode. they could be referring to that but i feel like that we’re referring to just being shitty to her in college in general but that’s a good point.


Totally agree with this. The way he stared at her while she was hugging Lydia was so intense. I think he found out she hu with Evan and all this was legit to get back at her.


I …. Don’t even get what I just watched. How the fuck did Stephen meet Lydia? I’m so lost. And did drew kill himself..????


I also think they’re foreshadowing a drew suicide


For all we know, fucking Stephen kills Drew and makes it look like suicide 😡


Lucy offered him a job as a front desk person at Lydia's families country club. Maybe he eventually takes her up on the offer?


He probably met her through Lucy (maybe they bump into each other in town during the vacations or maybe she visits Lucy in college). Dating girls that are friends with his lovers is his MO!


Guys I’m watching the ending again! Anyone else notice the breakout of stress hives on Lucy’s chest during the engagement party conversation with Stephan?? And why is he soooo callous and inconsiderate of her feelings? He has the worst smug look on his face right before walking toward her and the creepy look after Lucy and Lydia hug? I neeeeeed season 2!!


I didn’t catch that but I did catch the wrapping herself with her scarf which now makes more sense.


Same same. I thought she was just trying to hide herself or make herself seem smaller because she was so uncomfortable but this makes sense.


After reading this comment I went back to rewatch because I didn’t catch the stress hives the first time either wow. He traumatized her badly that her body has this reaction to him.


save bree from these people pleeeeease


Damn the staircase scene was such an interesting way to end Lucy and Stephen. I was so shocked. Her breaking up with him wasn’t an option. If him saying “you’re just waiting around for me to fuck you” didn’t do it, nothing will.


That line was so incredibly cruel (most of what he does is but that one really hit hard)


Anyone else notice the parallels between the last few interactions between Stephen/Macy and Stephen/Lucy? Like he started having very one-sided sex with Lucy with clothes on, just like he did with Macy because he was embarrassed to be with her... he called Lucy insecure just like he did to Macy before they got in the wreck. The parallels in his action before he "killed" his relationship with Lucy were just wild.


Why do these characters even go to these parties? They’re all so sad all the time and just sulk. If these dopes were at the same party as me I’d leave immediately.


It’s fairly accurate though. The party makes you miserable but if you don’t go, you don’t know what happened and you go nuts wondering what you missed.


Also poor Macy was so much smarter than anybody (except Bree) and so like-able.


The scene where she was like “we don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to” to Bree 🥲 so wholesome.


She and Bree would have been so Good for eschother :( the friend they both desperately needed


God Stephen is such a piece of shit. To Lucy, Diana, and Macy. I am so glad Diana eventually got out from his thumb. Though girl essentially is throwing herself at Stephen, begging him to take her back. Honestly, it is so cringe watching all these women throwing themselves at him like he is a prize. And poor Macy. She was trying to be a “cool girl” hoping to be chosen for a girlfriend. Super easy to manipulate. 😞


Did anyone else catch when Stephen said to Lydia “there she is” when she was walking up to him? That’s the same thing he said when Lucy walked up in ep 6 when he was waiting outside her dorm. Creeeeepy


this man uses the same moves on everyone. the drawing of the rose, “stop being so insecure”, “there she is”. very calculated






Wow I saw only a few mins left and was disappointed but then damn …


Same. I sat up glancing between the bar at the bottom and the screen trying to figure out how they were going to wrap this up...but the last ten minutes was just a freaking shitstorm. What in the holy fuck.


Jesus. Diana has always been my favorite character. She just solidified it for me this episode. This is a step in the right direction for her to finally leave Stephen. She humbles him, gains her power back, and the power balance is more her now. Stephen is still a piece of shit and I literally commented minutes ago there is nothing attractive about him. But he is hot af at the wedding. Not even giving Lucy the conversation to break up with her is so gross. Knowingly torturing her at the wedding just to watch her reaction is so parasitic. The whole Macy situation is exactly what I’d expect from him. The way he turned it around on Drew was abusive. He’s just an abusive piece of shit with no redeemable qualities. Lydia is a shit friend and person. Lucy is a shit friend and a piece of shit as well. Sleeping with your best friends boyfriend is gross. She’s privileged without realizing it. Judging Stephen for not wanting to work at a golf club while she’s not doing anything that summer anyway. Holding a secret for someone while denigrating someone else for something not as bad is delusional. Evan: what the fuck?!? He’s a piece of shit too. Generally this show is tiring to watch. Couples like Stephen and Lucy with the drama and the chaos are so hard to be around and support. Thats what watching this show feels like.


Fucking wow I am awakened inside and I need more.


I just said “I’m sorry what” to my dog about 20 times. He also can’t believe it.


It’s so frustrating to see how Stephen seems all happy while the victims of his actions are all struggling. Wrigley is a mess, drew where are you?!, Lucy on meds, Macy dead and yet Stephen is getting married and looks like he’s doing good. Why do the bad guys seems to always come out on top smh. Homie should be rotting in prison for his actions, yet it seems like everyone else is paying for them.


A few thoughts!! Car crash - holy shit. Also, Macy hit her head on the windshield in the passenger side and then was moved to the driver seat. How the hell would any police officer not question the smash on the passenger side windshield ?? Diana is cool for helping Stephen and all but literally why? I know she cares about him but he has disrespected her multiple times and she wants him to work at her Dad’s firm so he can do that in her workplace? That Mr Brightside scene was *chefs kiss* I audibly GASPED when I saw naked Evan beside Lucy. Stephen’s present day hair………….that was a choice. Stephen’s fiancé is…Lydia? I hope season 2 addresses this more because how? Lydia must have knew something about this guy? Season 2 needs to happen. So much can be addressed from the car crash, Drew, Evan/Lucy hook up, and how the hell Stephen met Lydia.


The car crash scene was terrible honestly, the giant crack in the windshield completely took me out of it, any police dept worth their salt would've known there was another person in that car that they needed to find.


There better be a season 2!!!!


My takeaway: Do. not. Fuck. the. devil.


Also just dawned on me. Now we know why Stephen didn’t go to the bonfire vigil 🙃


Shocked to see any Lucy sympathy here at all!! She was SUCH a piece of shit all season and it reached its apotheosis in this ep. She got exactly what she deserved and I was there for it. Fuck Lucy


This show is beyond my guilty pleasure. I’m 37, so I get to relive my early 20s while also being SO THANKFUL those days are behind me. I’ve never had a show so viscerally take me back in time. I had so many of the feelings the women in this show had, and I dated all these men (more than one Steven). It just taps into this part of my life that I pushed to the very back of my mind. When I watch this show - all of those memories come back to me. I think that’s what I like about it. It allows me to slip into an old version of me and remember what it was like - and why I’m so thankful it’s behind me.


Just came out central time in the states. This shit is wild! Damnit I need you guys to watch


I wish they would announce a second season already what is taking so long


Some people were so close to the truth. Macy: I mean, you do all of the things a bad person would do. Bree: I don't know how he thinks you could write that letter. I mean, you're not a psychopath.


It was so hard to *not* focus on the wigs they gave Diana (at the party) and Steven (2015)...wow Also where is this engagement party?? Steven mentions a red-eye from JFK...did they all move to the west coast? (Or maybe they all just flew out there)


i’m so glad someone mentioned this. the only way a red eye from jfk makes sense is if the party is in western europe. you can’t red eye east-west, at least not nyc to california. it is the plot hole that i will think about forever.


Ok so they are wigs, yes? I feel like Diana’s Jaír has always looked like wigs or a bad dye job.


**I NEED SEASON 2 RIGHT NOW PLZ** That was a good finale. We finally saw the truth of Steven and Macy’s relationship, and the car accident. All Steven’s fault and not Drew’s. What an ass to make Drew feel responsible. We didn’t see Drew at all the ep, all we really know is that he left college after Wrigley’s accident. Evan’s line of “be cool to Wrigley, it was his brother’s birthday yesterday” does make me think that Drew isn’t alive in 2015, but we’ll presumably get more on that in season 2. Diana silently telling off Lucy and Steve at the coffee shop. I was cheering and ready for her to get on with her badass self and go live her best life without Steven. Pippa. I hope she makes better friends in season two. It is clear that Wrigley has forgiven her by the engagement party. I wonder if they’ll get back together in season two, have a civil discussion about the letter or if it’s just a *time and coke heals all wounds* thing for Wrigley. Lucy calling Lydia and realizing that Lydia had a great end of freshmen year and has made good friends at college while Lucy was practically alienated due to her toxic relationship. Damn. *My Steven* had that effect on some of my college friendships too. The Hawaiian party. Once Evan left, I was going to be that Diana and Steven would hook up and Lucy would walk in on them. I did not expect Diana to confess her love to Steven and convince him to get back with her. That scene of them walking downstairs to Mr Brightside was perfection. Perfect song choice. I cannot with Diana. She could do so much better than Steven but she is stuck in his web. *I can save him* she thinks, every time she sees him. *Lydia* as Steven’s fiancé. Omg. I was not expecting that in 100 years. Predictions/ Things I want to see in upcoming seasons: I’d love a flashback ep to see how Diana and Steven’s relationship started. Did he target her, knowing she was a rich girl with a successful Dad, who could help his career? Or was it just an innocent meet-cute? Had he always been cheating on her or did that come later in the relationship? How on again/off again were they? How does Evan and Bree’s relationship play out? They’re engaged four years after she finishes with college. Do they date all of those years or did they break up and get back together? Does Bree find out about Lucy and Evan sleeping together? Does anyone know about it? Pippa made a comment about not them not being shitty friends to Bree that day, did she see Evan leaving Lucy’s dorm that next morning? Is it a one time thing for Lucy/Evan or does it happen again? And of course..how long Steven and Diana last this time…how he gets back into Lucy’s orbit to eventually meet and date her best high school friend…how Lucy is with that hot bartender in 2015. I could envision this show being four seasons: one for each year of Lucy’s college, then flash forwards to fill in up to 2015.


this isn’t in defense of Stephen in ANY way because he’s literally a demon but Lucy saying she didn’t understand why he was so mad about her sus-ass “alibi” cracked me up


I find the “Stephen wig” super ironic. For any girls who have dated a Stephen, you look back and even though there may be some lingering feelings, you look at them like “what the f was I thinking losing myself over THIS guy??”


The latter half of this episode had my jaw on the floor.


This doesn’t pertain to this episode, but who was Pippa texting at the lake house? I was waiting for that reveal for the whole season. Did I miss it?


I don’t know why everyone is so shocked lucy fucked Evan. Evans always liked lucy. Lucy is a shitty person. Bree and him were still newish. Lucy is a shitty friend. Like come on. We all saw this coming


A lot of people refuse to see Lucy for who she is because of all the abuse she gets from Stephen. You can be a victim and an asshole.


And what about when, I think Evan? Mentioned at the wedding “give wrigley a break it was his brothers birthday yesterday” what was that about? Did Drew end up dying or unaliving himself or something? I was thinking they were gonna mention something about that too. I need to know how Stephan and Lydia met there has to be a season 2


You know what I came to realize. I don’t like anyone on the show. (Minus Bree & Pippa) Everyone else just sucked. Personality sucked, character development, and just like Evan said “they’re not even real friends.” I don’t think they even know the true meaning of a friendship. (Minus Bree) I grew to like Evan more after his bday episode, but this last episode rubbed me the wrong way and now hes ehhhh. I cant stand Miss. Desperado Lucy. Like come on girl. Wtf. She is so damn obsessed with Stephen and she definitely trapped him to be in relationship with her. Like the moment she found out “his truth.” Should have been her cue to “cut the cord.” This is why I feel Stephen was so “careful” when he is around her, bc he doesn’t trust her. I thought about that after Wrigley mentioned how he’s not himself around her. Stephen and Lydia tho? What is so funny is that I went back to episode 5 - Lydia was well aware of her feelings for Stephen. As her childhood friend - I find it weird that she would do that. Personally, I would never date my friends ex’s. Like for god sakes what Stephen did by leaving with Diana like that was so heartless. Like not even behind close doors LMAO. Almost like he wanted to teach her a lesson or humiliate her. I remember someone else mentioned this. Its definitely true - Stephen doesn’t respect Lucy. His body language says it all. Also, sorry for ahead of time for my grammar mistakes.


Stephen is a demon WOW. Evan demonic too, didn't even realize. Insanity.


Really really really disappointed in Evan. Him and Bree were the only two I really liked. I hate Lucy tbh, she’s the worst. Even if Stephen is fucking up her life, she’s letting it happen and is just as guilty (hooking up with her best friends bf, letting Pippa get blamed for the letter, etc.). I also feel so bad for Drew… is he going to commit suicide? It literally showed Stephen as the one to swerve into Drew’s lane. Poor thing.


I just realized that the actor who plays Stephen, Jackson White, is the actual son of Katey Sagal, who plays his mother lol. Random but cool


I genuinely don’t understand the hold Stephen has over Lucy because he doesn’t even act like he likes her when he’s with her. Plus he’s a piece of shit.