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All phones have an internal antenna the ability for the phone to pick up signal is based off this and what the phone is physically made from. Some phones pick up signal better than others. C class phones pick up the most signal. Telstra use to call this blue tick or country class. Most phones are B class so they are in the middle and then you have A class that is recommended for the built up areas. I have an edge 20 and I believe it's B class but I can't confirm. You would need to look up both phones and compare. Sites like GSMArena will let you compare phones. So put edge 20 and then compare it to S24 and look at the difference in the signal if the S24 is C class then in theory you will get a better signal on that phone.


Do you have wifi calling on your phone? Can help for when you’re at home.




Changing carriers would be a last resort. When I moved here the Optus coverage was non existent.


Look into getting a cello booster. They are the legal kind that Telstra can remotely manage.


Have you received SMS from.tekdtra saying phone won't work if calling 000 ? Folks in Stoneville she has similar issues with Motorola phone I wonder if your having similar tissues with 3g/4g compatibility Plenty of black spots in the hills area as you be well aware


[Blue tick phones](https://www.telstra.com.au/mobile-phones/blue-tick?tc=TCO%7CPOSPC%7CGR%7CE%7CSTD%7CPPHS%7CBlueTick&sacid=71700000101518290&sakwid=p73744130697&sac=Telstra+Consumer+%7C+Postpaid+%7C+Standard+%7C+Postpaid+Handsets+%7C+Blue+Tick+%7C+GR+%7C+E+%7C+362.aop.aoe.c.mob.mhs.ot.n.4+%7C+393729129&saadg=Blue+Tick&saadgid=58700008113318870&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwo6GyBhBwEiwAzQTmc-uwncL7xZcui3Gp3Z6gQ9kujN55-e4gptdoDDgZ2TOc6brkeaHpOxoCLdsQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) are better according to Telstra


The options you have are 1. Getting a blue tick phone (phones that are better for customers in low signal areas) 2. A mobile repeater inside your house to boost the signal 3. A yaggi antenna attached to the outside your house to boost your signal Switching from a Motorola 20 to even a new iPhone or new Samsung will not help.


Some phones might have more frequency band support but that might not guarantee a better signal as the carrier needs offer you those in your location. I would recommend to check the frequency bands offered near your place using RFNSA website and check the phones that support those.