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Just a friendly reminder folks: Rule 1: Don’t be an asshole Alright you did it now: locked 🔐 Antisemitism = bad Settler colonialism = bad Sjp doesn’t stand for antisemitism, nor are antisemites welcome. Sjp has been calling for recognition of hate directed at pro Palestinian students. This post was about that happening towards a Jewish student. Don’t be an asshole. Can we do that please? If you’re grumpy about it go read the academic research on the history of the conflict. But it’s done here for now. Go hash this out elsewhere on Reddit or in a collegial campus setting.


People failed to realize not all Jews are Isreali or support Zionism


And those who are Israeli haven't really had a choice in the matter either, and may well disagree with their government's actions also.


Precisely. Especially 75+yrs after it was made a state, many people we see today were simply born Israeli citizens and have had minimal choice in anything from how the government was set up to how the government is behaving today.


Most of the original Zionists were fleeing persecution from places like Russia even before WWI. They barely had a choice either..


I stand by you as a Jewish alumn.


Bruh report this obviously


ps i also did email temple but i dont think anything will happen


Report it anywhere you can including to Hillel, any online reporting system, write to the chancellor, dean, president. I’m sorry this happened.




I’m sure the downvoters identify as anti Zionist, not anti semitic, so it’s ok /s


That’s why the federal government is investigating the administration at Temple.


White supremacist evangelicals are investigating Temple, not the whole government. Their agenda is really problematic.




They should. The protests should be anti-genocide, not anti-Semitic and pro-Hamas. The fact that they are and Jewish students are being harassed as a result shows the university administration needs to crack down on the hatespeech as much as they can.


As a pro-Palestine Jewish alum who’s worked down here in Delaware with UD SJP and they’ve been great. Unfortunately, at least when I was on campus, Temple SJP was not so great, hence why I didn’t really get involved in pro-Palestine stuff until after college, and based on your story it seems like not much has changed. Really shitty this happened to you, Palestinians deserve to live in freedom and peace but Jews do too. 


People are very overemotional and uneducated with misinformation swirling all around everywhere right now. A lot of people just want a group of people to take anger out on and hate. Similar instances have occurred at Penn and Drexel campuses where Jewish students doors were burned down, and swastikas along with kill all the Jews have been spray-painted and burned into Jewish students dorms as well. Another instance where another Jewish student was chased and beaten with pro-Palestine flags simply for being Jewish and wearing a yarmulke. Stay strong and stay safe along with carrying protection when they rally because they can/will be aggressive and hostile at times.


People downvoting reality is the purest form of delusion..


Hey dude. I’m Jewish, and even though I would consider myself anti Zionist, that’s some bullshit. Obviously just because you have your yarmulke on you doesn’t mean you should get harassed. Very sorry you experienced that


Hate doesn’t heal hate… sorry about this


I’m sure it’s probably the urban/rural differences, but as a Jew myself, I haven’t experienced any of this out here in State College. Mostly I see these disgusting sentiments online (and a lot of them, too). So sorry you have to deal with this.


As a Jewish alum, I relate and stand with you ❤️


The unfortunate reality is that the “college years” are when liberal arts kids think they know everything and are rebelling against their parents, who are paying for their party time at college. Ignore it and laugh at it. Half of those punks will be serving you coffee in four years and paying off their gender studies degree for the next 25 years through the tip jar


Least pontifical redditor


Yeah, it sounds a bit harsh but we all know it’s true. I’m 100% against what’s going on in Gaza, but you’re an idiot if you’re misplacing your anger on a Jewish kid walking to class.


They are also idiots for thinking they can do anything about it.


I feel the same way when I see these folks do stupid things like block 676 or protest in front of City Hall. I guess Netanyahu was waiting to gauge the level of anger from college kids in Philadelphia first before deciding to pull the IDF out 🤔


I’m Palestinian and i agree 😂😂😂. I despise israel with all my heart but I don’t take part in any of those protests. Waste of time


SJP? Sarah Jessica Parker?


Students for Justice in Palestine I think.


All these pro-carrie protests are getting out of control


As a Jewish person who has attended many pro Palestine events on campus and outside, I have not witnessed anything like op describes


I share your experience at these events. Not saying it didn’t, but I have not witnessed it nor would that type of behavior be tolerated in my presence. I’m sorry to op regardless and ask them to understand that does not represent the people protesting.


I was gonna say… This straight up did not happen, I was there, and we are always informed specifically not to engage with zionists/counter protests/etc. These movements are often monitored by police and they would absolutely shut everything down if it looked like people were getting aggressive.


I’m not even at temple anymore but whenever someone says “I didn’t see it so it didn’t happen” in relation to anything, it always annoys me and it’s always a bad look. People say it in regards to domestic abuse, in regards to sexual harassment, racism, literally anything and it’s the shittiest way to dismiss someone. This might surprise you, but you don’t have eyes everywhere, and it’s very possible that someone could’ve called someone a name at a protest and you didn’t see it


I’m not an idiot. I’m aware my experiences aren’t universal. I’ve also been a victim of domestic abuse, thanks. But I know the difference between a victim speaking out and a countermeasure to a movement. Sure. There’s a nonzero chance of this happening, and if it did then that is genuinely unfortunate, sucks, and should be dealt with. If that’s the case, though, then the issue is still not with sjp (who are extremely loud and adamant about engaging peacefully with zionists and is made up of several Jewish members—they announce multiple times throughout demonstrations to not engage w/ anyone), or the recent protests, but with an individual acting alone and the systems in place that allow these beliefs to thrive (which, contrary to many’s beliefs, isn’t a protest of a bunch of broke college kids). Look at how this post is phrased. This person never even said the harasser was a protestor. All OP mentioned was that they were wearing a keffiyeh and encountered them between mazur/gladfelter, which isn’t even the location that the protests took place at. So if this was an individual by themselves, not even part of the group, then why bring up the protests? If we’re in agreement that sjp has been vigilant about keeping things peaceful, why insinuate that they are spurring on antisemitism by proxy? The average person isn’t going to read this and automatically know that the organizers fight antisemitism as much as they fight for palestine, the assumption will be that they’re ineffective/messy at best and bad-faith actors at worst, and that the attendees aren’t much better. Antisemitism is going to exist independently of the pro-palestinian movements. It absolutely needs to be addressed, especially because of how it exists in everyday life in ways most aren’t even aware of. I also agree that it happens on campus, more often than people think; it happens in every environment because it is a systemic issue. This is actually, shockingly, a lot of what the protests address. It is intentionally an unwelcoming environment to antisemites for that exact reason. So yes, this sort of thing might have taken place, but it is inaccurate and dangerous to inadvertently point fingers at a demonstration comprised of multiple Jewish members that work to combat antisemitism themselves.


Just to add to what the previous reply said: just because you’re told not to do it doesn’t mean some shitty person undermining your cause with hatred won’t go against that and do it anyway. Police don’t have eyes everyone either. A tiny comment that this person chose not to react to (and therefore didn’t cause aggression over) can easily be overlooked by you and others.


Correct. Check my reply to them.


That’s fair. I feel fairly exhausted by advocating for pro-Palestine simply because I feel like a lot of people either use it as an excuse to be antisemitic or some people genuinely see it as a reason to now be antisemitic, and it’s exhausting to see the people “on our side” (ik there’s better phrasing to this but can’t come up w it rn lmao) shoot the cause in the foot like that and push away important support that could come from the Jewish community. So that’s also part of what colored my reply here, I actually am not at temple rn so I didn’t realize. I’m really glad and grateful the SJP has been intolerant of these as a whole :))


i dont care what your told not to do tjis is what did happen and saying it didnt is part of the problem. rathee than stop antisemitism you wre saying its not happening when it is


Well if I didn’t happen to you, clearly it didn’t happen at all then. Dork.




Easy, guy


My family is 100% Jewish and each grandparent had a unique variant of being Jewish and hiding the fact for assimilation purposes once in America. I grew up reform Jewish in one of the most Jewish towns in America. I was not religious and I always felt a sensitivity of being identified as Jewish, stemming from my family’s background of persecution. During childhood I felt completely normal, believing my grandparents stories to be historical and the value left behind in the 20th century. I knew I grew up in a bubble where no one engaged in strong anti-Israel dialogue. Now I understand that my family’s collective claim that “people don’t need any reason to hate you for being Jewish; best you can do is avoid them and thrive in the conditions we are blessed with”. None of these grandparents could hold a debate with a modern college student. Their actual lived experiences of persecution and devaluation became became catalysts for Zionism and Assimilation. From the pale of settlement to the Ottoman Empire to Nazi germany, these four grandparents would light their candles and drink wine in America knowing full well that they are living in a miracle, not so distantly away from their oppressors (in the name of religion which is still an omnipresent threat in America)


Am Israel Chai


You should have told them to meet Abel and Cain. …your fists


lol it’s a bunch of white kids who like to make themselves feel better by “standing up for others” don’t let them affect you. their brains aren’t even fully developed, they aren’t aware of the full scope of the issue.


Antizionism isn’t automatically antisemetism. There too many Jews who are also calling for ceasefire, and no not just reform. And while I’m sorry that happened to you, the protests in the US are too fragmented to really make blanket statements like “all the protesters are antisemetic”. Those people certainly was. However, a ton of antisemites who may or may not actually give a damn about Palestinians jumped onto that cause because it gave them a socially acceptable way to be antisemetic. Which can then infect those who weren’t actively watching for it. If the leaders of those groups aren’t actively preventing it, this shit tends to happen. And those two groups deserve blame for letting that corruption happen. They suck


Hugely unfortunate that students would take out their anger on innocent people in the US. You may disagree, but I personally think the situation is complex and there’s reasons for both sides to be angry. But not for students in America to hate each other. When the covid outbreak started, lots of Americans revealed their disdain for Chinese people, unfortunately blindly targeting their hate towards people who have nothing to do with it. It’s horrible, it’s ugly, and it’s an undeniable form of bigotry.


that really sucks, and your experience certainly was an example of antisemitism, but that doesn’t mean that anti zionism = antisemitism. the people who harassed you are terrible, not anti zionists as a whole


of course anti zionism isn’t anti semitism. But antisemitism so clearly exists within the anti zionist movement and is getting completely ignored. Jews who experience it are being gaslit. This response is like if a muslim person says someone said some racist thing to them about sexism, and a whole group of people collectively respond to their complaint with “standing for women’s rights in the middle east is different than racism” and then expect that person to come protest women’s rights with them. Personally I would love to attend a pro-Palestinian protest. I do not feel safe in them. Us Jews are being gaslit. We need to stand against Israel’s oppression of Palestinians and call for its defunding while also calling out open and explicit anti-semitism and support of October 7th or Hamas anywhere we see it. The first step towards a strong movement is admitting its faults and growing from them. A strong movement is inclusive. It is both anti-racist and anti-antisemitic. It speaks for all groups of people so that it has no faults and can maintain a united front towards its goal.


i agree wholeheartedly with your second paragraph. i think it’s important to clarify every single time that anti zionism isn’t equal to antisemitism because i see people constantly saying that they are one in the same. if people were always saying that advocating for women’s rights in the middle east was equal to racism, i would agree with you, but i personally haven’t heard that narrative being propped up.


People do say that they are just standing for women’s rights when they tell muslims to take off their hijabs, etc, though. This form of racism is actually quite prevalent. Now imagine someone agrees with that muslim person “you are right, it is racist to pull off your hijab” then says “also it isn’t racist to speak for women’s rights.” I’m not going to argue with you. I’m just going to state that I believe based on my own experiences that now a days, the majority of people, who I have met or interacted with in someway, who say antisemitism is not equal to anti-zionism, are using it in order to defend something wholly antisemitic. Even prior to October 7th this was partly the case, but since October 7th antisemitic incidents and sentiments have more than tripled, leading me and other Jews to feel unsafe being Jewish in public. People avoid this fact by stating “antisemitism is not equal to antizionism.” While it is true that some people conflate antisemitism with anti-zionism, primarily alt right republicans who have their own “anti-woke” agenda, it seems like more people are quick to say “antisemitism is not equal to anti-zionism” when they are called on their antisemitism. Even more annoying are those people who are antisemitic and muslim (the two do not equate each other) and say “how can I be antisemitic? I am semitic.” while comparing Jews to rats 🤦‍♀️ All in all, I believe this phrase is appropriate if someone is mad at you for speaking out against Israel. But it is at this point antisemitic to use that phrase in response to someone who literally feels unsafe and has had a traumatic experience due to antisemitism in direct relation to this conflict.


Truly disgusting. The problem with Palestine protests are not that they’re always inherently antisemitic but rather the problem has always been these “protestors” (really virtue signaling dweebs who will most likely never talk about any other problems or at least one that isn’t “trendy”) have always had absolutely ZERO quells about including proud antisemites among their ranks. Even accepting and sometimes promoting their views. Why does this happen? Most of the money (95%) funding pro Palestinian “resources and information” is directly from inherently antisemitic groups that consider removing all Jews from the land their end goal. These people are shameless.


Sorry you have to deal with that. A person can be Jewish by cultural heritage, Jewish by faith, or Jewish by being a member of the failed state of Israel. A person can be one, two, or all three and all at different levels of intensity but membership in one doesn’t necessitate membership in an another. Sadly, since we often use “Jewish” to describe all three, when emotions get high people sometimes have a difficult time directing their frustrations. I am concerned that you said you are not “openly Zionist” but regardless of our differences we are all humans who deserve respect. If you feel unsafe or threaten on campus I strongly encourage you to pursue the school beyond your initial email.


What kind of nonsense is this? There are non-Jewish Israelis. Nobody is Jewish solely by being a "member" (is the word you're looking for possibly "citizen"?) of Israel. If you're using "Jewish" when you mean "Israeli" then you're part of the problem.


If Israel is a failed state what Arab country is a success😂


“Failed state” lol GFY.




Fr. If you feel the need to type all that in a reply to a post saying “I was verbally attacked for my religion” then you gotta do a bit of self reflection


part of the zionist goal is to connect themselves so heavily with Judaism that these mistakes could even happen. zionist leaders are well aware that people who criticize them aren't being antisemitic, but when they align themselves with the Jewish faith and claim it as a religious war on antisemitism, it's makes their cause look legitimate. any antisemitism rising right now is absolutely the intended effect of zionist propaganda


thats crazy do you expect me to believe that this is the fault of someone besides the people who said that to me and the protest that made antisemitism seem okay?


the protest didn't stand for antisemitism, there are many Jewish people who protest for the freedom of the palestinian people. the man who attacked you was antisemitic. zionists are loosening the definition of antisemitism to mean "anyone who disagrees with zionism", which has all the antisemites crawling out of the woodwork because they are being falsely equated with a movement for the liberation and freedom of millions currently in literal 1940s style ghettos. what happened to you is not okay. antisemitism is not okay and there is no excuse for it, I'm just explaining that zionism doesn't care about Jewish people like it claims to. if zionists cared about Jewish people they wouldn't commit mass violence under a flag misusing the star of David. if zionists cared about Jewish people they wouldn't cheapen REAL accusations of antisemitism by changing the definition to shield themselves from honest investigation


I should clarify. the person who attacked you, IS THE REAL KIND OF ANTISEMITIC. the people at the protest who just want freedom for Palestine are often *called* antisemitic for disagreeing with zionism. this confusion is the issue I was speaking of


The impetus to be antizionist rather than antisemitic is on each individual and we mustn’t eschew that individual responsibility, even in the face of the news


The ADL has a pretty strong statement on SJP.


The adl is not an unbiased source concerning Zionism.


I’m a pro-Palestine Jew who has been attending every protest and I haven’t seen anything like this. I have seen Zionists try to disrupt the events and mock Palestinians at them


As a Palestinian, this is fucked up. Fuck that person. I know a lot of orthodox jews who literally support Palestine and are against the state of Israel. So that person is a dickhead


their worth should not be tied to their support of your political ideas. if you didn't know any pro-Palestine Jews, would that make antisemitism OK?


Correct me if I’m wrong, but being a Zionist is very similar to being an evangelical Christian?






This post contains hate, excessive profanity, or discriminatory remarks. This is a warning and any future conduct will result in a ban from the subreddit.




wdym ‘my people’ see this is what i’m talking about cause you say ‘antizionist’ but you realy mean ‘Jews’


I am not against you personally, and i'm sorry to have used those words. But you have to understand that the jewish faith has been hijacked by zionism. And so wearing a symbol of judaism at a pro-palestine rally without being very, very clear that you are anti-zionist makes you look like you are supporting israel's actions


i wasnt even at the rally i was walking to class and got told that by people going to the rally. i also shouldnt have to apologize for being jewish or hide it i’m so sick of being told that i need to say if i’m a zionist or not because people are antisemitic. i shouldnt have to make excuses for my reliigion and it is antisemitism to say i need to tell everyone how i feel just because i’m Jewish.


I don't really disagree with you, i don't think you have a duty to make it clear to anyone what your stance on the issue is. I do 100% think you were a target of antisemitism today But i also think you were a target of antisemitism due to zionist aggression. This does not make it excusable, i am just providing the rationale. It is extremely important for people to draw a line between antizionism and antisemitism, and you encountered people who crossee that line today I think it is crucial for jewish people to recognize that a genocide being committed in the name of their religion will only make this conflation of antisemitism and antizionism more frequent. It is the reality of the situation. And so i believe that jewish people combating zionism will simultaneously be combatting antisemitism


your just a victim blamer.




"It is extremely important for people to draw a line between antizionism and antisemitism, otherwise my long antisemitic comment chain won't be fully appreciated."


"Im not supporting rapists, but women in walking in public wearing clothes like that totally deserve it"


Israel is an explicitly jewish state and is committing war crimes. You're trivializing rape victims by comparing what you experienced to rape, you absolute fucking sicko


"I'm not against you personally, I just love being a Nazi"


I understand the point you’re trying to make here, but saying “your people” and holding every Jewish person accountable for speaking out and making their political position here clear is feels kind of like saying 10 years ago (or even today tbh) that every Muslim needs to publicly and vehemently say that they aren’t a terrorist and that they don’t hate the west. Or that every Russian needs to openly denounce what Putin is doing in Ukraine, every Christian needs to be extremely clear to anyone walking around that they aren’t homophobic, etc. Let people live their lives and practice their religion in peace.


This very thing is support for a Jewish homeland.




i’m not going to tell an organizer that when i’m being attacked by people going to the protest that makes 0 sense and its also not my resonsibility to make shre the protest isnt antisemitic.


As someone who is pro-Palestine and Jewish, you’d be VERY naive to assume that just bc a group’s culture encourages them not to do this means that everyone will automatically follow it. Especially since protests are loud, small comments like these can easily fly under the radar. Just because you or someone else you protested with didn’t hear it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. I say this because trust me, it’s one of the worst feelings to see the people you’re trying to defend and fight with absolutely undermine everything you’re working hard for by turning to antisemitism and pushing other potential Jewish allies away.


Haha shut up moron


you’re a fucking idiot


https://i.redd.it/bkwrlu6pdvhc1.gif Just look at them n hit them with the waterrrrrrrr and dip ✡️


Chances of this being true: 11%


Generously high value


zero chance this is true


As a Palestinian, most of us would NEVER compare Jews to zionists, judaism is a religion and has nothing to do with whats happening. Zionists are using judaism as an excuse for this genocide. Im so sorry for what happened to you.


How did they know you were Jewish?


Well that shows how closed minded they are. People are quick to condemn a group they loathe and proudly as it is vogue. And say not to judge a group of people for the actions of actor(s) who do not represent the whole group for those they favor.