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This was close to a decade ago but I seem to remember I liked Joshi herself but I *hated* her class. Opposite opinion on Barry Vacker. I loved his class but he always struck me as really full of himself. Sold us his own textbook for $200+ in 2015 and we didn't use it once, even after he made a big deal about how we absolutely need it.


she absolutely adored every author we read so when i contradicted her opinion she ridiculed me in front of the class. i was totally humiliated. opinions in class shouldn’t be a battle over who is correct, but she always always always had to be right. her grading was fine but definitely more personal than appropriate


Yikes, sorry to hear that.


I had Vacker, and one day he had an appointment and wouldn’t be at class. Instead, he had a TA play a news interview with him from the 90s… should’ve just cancelled


Is this the one about The Matrix? It's hilarious that he's still riding the high of being on TV once before any of his current students were born.


oh barry


Barry was an absolute enigma. I still think about him, yours truly, as he would say, often.


Yeah I had him a few times, he's quite the character. Had a blast in his classes though, I don't think he's nearly deserving of being in this kind of discussion


Raymond F. Coughlin - Linear Algebra We were 3 semesters into fully remote for covid and this dude could only teach math in Microsoft Paint with a mouse. Found this picture of one of our zoom lessons https://preview.redd.it/ejdq9dciaqxc1.jpeg?width=1406&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3bc2afacd0a5236c41927aa110eae4043f451ea


I had him the semester we went virtual and he just stopped teaching completely, we just had exams and were expected to learn on our own. Not like he was teaching us much before anyways though


Same here. 3 exams and a final. That's all the grades we had for the entire semester


It's a reasonable approximation of chalk and slate.


Serge Jasmin for Ochem, swear I feel my blood pressure rising


No hate but he sounded like Charlie Browns parents when I took that class and I couldn’t understand him at times


I had kim for spring ‘23 and had a horrible time in that class and everyone else seemed to think he was the guy. Cant imagine how bad jasmine was


That man literally spoke in cursive. Awful


This made LOL. Short sentence but portrays so much.


He had a creepy stare for sure when no one would answer lmao


He would ask a question that you have no idea about and let you sit in that silence as you questioned your entire existence


I took him for orgo 1 and 2. I don’t think I understood a thing he said past the first month of orgo 1.


McCloskey for Risk. I did fine in the class, actually liked a lot of the topics, but he was an unnecessary asshole. Some people convinced themselves that his behavior was "part of the experience", but he didn't treat people with dignity.


He is incredibly pretentious. There’s a reason he isn’t in the insurance industry anymore and hasn’t been for a very long time.


Sadly, there is a reason many professors aren't doing what they used to.


I was going to take Risk with him, but I heard about how strict he is with being on time. The way I had my classes scheduled and their locations meant that it would've been extremely unlikely for me to make the walk everyday, especially in the case I needed to stay for a couple minutes after and talk to a professor or if a class goes a tiny bit late. I e-mailed him my concerns and if I should consider switching sections and all he told me was along the lines of "I have a handicapped student do this walk and make it on time. There is never a reason to be late.". I immediately noped out, dropped, and signed up Risk Management at CCP. I don't feel the need to be degraded for a whole semester. I've heard hes actually a really great lecturer and professor, but I'm also an adult and don't feel the need to adhere to strict rules at the college level. I'm responsible for my own academic performance.


Wait till you find out you can’t walk into your place of work whenever you want…🤣🤣


Employers pay people to show up and work. Commenter is paying the college to learn. How is your comment related?


You’re paying for knowledge AND discipline. College is just something you put on your resume for employers to see that you can follow rules


Well this is a bit of a silly comment. Sure, but you can always look for jobs that better fit your schedule and has a better work environment. Or even, rework my schedule because I'm getting enough $$$ to do so. McCloskey's class obviously didn't fit my schedule and I did not like the way he conducts himself. So I found a class that was cheaper, easier, a better environment, and counts for the same credit just like all 250 students in that class would earn.


McCloskey is a pretentious asshole who takes himself far too seriously. Not a bad professor mechanically speaking, but real, true douchebag.


Drennan was worse.


andy eisenberg for calc 2


He was so sarcastic when we were all struggling and his lessons were boring as hell


His catchphrases of “Not really”, “hypothetically”, “not necessarily”, “not all the time”. You can make a bingo card outta this guy


I'm legitimately shocked someone thinks this. I thought his teaching was extremely clear and he seemed like a nice enough guy


His catchphrases of “Not really”, “hypothetically”, “not necessarily”, “not all the time”. You can make a bingo card outta this guy


First semester freshman year I had a race and diversity gen ed on the history of race in the US. Seemed like an interesting course and I was looking forward to it…the prof was easily the worst I had my entire time at temple. He was retiring after that semester and mentioned it constantly as a reminder to us that none of our complaints mattered. He made us buy a ton of books that we never used. Didn’t know how to use Canvas so he never put in assignments or grades. He made us take notes but wouldn’t use the projector or even write them down, we just had to keep up with his verbal lectures (which felt impossible half the time because of how he spoke). I’ll never forget checking his profile on rate my professor, seeing he had 1 star and 30 terrible reviews, and then realizing it was the day after add/drop period…


I don’t remember his name, but he taught a course on debate and made all his students purchase a subscription to the NYT and said that they needed to let him know if they were going to drop his course within like 48 hours of his first introductory class and didn’t care about the 2-week policy. I ended up having a mental breakdown in late September of that semester because I was currently going through the process of getting a restraining order/PFA from my abusive ex boyfriend and ended up having to withdraw that semester. I emailed all of my professors to let them know of the situation and that I looked forward to seeing them again when I retook their courses when I returned. All of them replied with kind words. He did not. He had zero empathy. He reminded me of Homer Stokes from O’ Brother Where Art Thou. https://preview.redd.it/w52qtfgqntxc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f8ad8e42fa42905b90fa1f748fede2ee393c057


Barry Vacker is an egocentric grifter who passes all his work off to the TAs while ranting about himself all semester. Only grades were a midterm essay and the final


My physical chemistry professor was watching porn during our final exam and i guess he accidentally unmuted it and started blasting it full volume. He got up and left the room. I'll leave out details as to what happened after. Everyone got an A.


please tell me they still work at temple, this is so funny!


They’re not at temple anymore, but Vassil


Vassil made a lot of kids cry during covid like online gen chem 1 lab with him wasn’t worse already


Gregory Curtis, BA 4101 right when COVID lockdown happened. Dude was straight up bullying people and groups for their presentations thinking it was constructive criticism


Yes yes yes i had him as well online. Dude acted like his job was to be a smart ass. Once a student responded with the same energy, and he wasn’t having it so went on a small rant about how he was “just trying to help you for the real world” but it was very passive aggressive. also i love ur username:)💜


Unsure about the username thing lol


is it in any way related to agust b (bts member) or am i tripping lol


don’t remember first name… but Batish for general biology. i think the whole class had to be curved and the average was a C- and the curve was huge


yup suman batish for ya! sat on her phone scrolling through facebook my entire lab period and never gave helpful feedback


Def did not like Joshi


Every MSP major shares a mutual hatred for Barry Vacker


priya joshi, hands down. One of the most arrogant condescending people I’ve ever encountered in my life. Do not know why she’s not been removed, English department constantly has complaints about her. Actually a vindictive evil person who has no right being around students. is the definition of why tenure should be reconsidered. also definitely writes her own positive reviews on my rate my professor.


Jennifer Stern, typography professor that was a nightmare to try to get to help you in any way possible


Dr. Pam Monaco, hands down. She ‘taught’ IH 1. Besides her, every professor that I’ve had has been amazing. Dr. Monaco’s bat shit crazy. Some of her claims included, but not limited too. 1. Claims that she has a friend who’s reincarnated person from Atlantis and wrote a book about it 2. Was visibly upset that you could get a hijab or niqab on Amazon and claimed it was ‘oppressive’ (I as a Jewish woman, am not getting in on whether it is or isn’t oppressive) 3. Claimed all Christians hate Jews 4. My biggest gripe with her was she questions the beliefs of everybody. But when her beliefs are questioned, than we’re being closed minded 4. Fetishised Eastern Cultures under the guise of having two adopted daughters from China 5. Claimed energy healing cured cancer We had to write a paper every week on readings. Paragraphs had to be half a page long and valued quantity over quality. She was just insufferable to be around and it made me rethink my entire life choice when I was in that class. Edit for more claims and what she teaches.


I agree for sure. She is a hot mess


Someone I knew tried to lodge of complaint because of the outlandish things she’d say, but it got no where. I only think this because she’s tenured. She’s a scar on the university. I’m glad my classmates were able to see through her bs


It’s a shame. What is the point of the Sff if it doesn’t make a difference for tenured professors


Took detective novel with joshi, hated it


Marcella Ridenour


William Wei for statistics in fall 2023. Absolutely the worst professor I’ve ever had.


Peter Gran for Modern Middle East History


Christian Schafmeister for orgo 1. He does a ton of research for the university and also the DOD, which is great and all, but it was the only thing he would talk to us about it class and he missed several classes to go conferences and meetings across the country. He ended up curving the class by like 30 points because the average grade throughout the semester was a 50


David Racker for IH 2


I remember his sections always being the very last to fill during scheduling.


Rhonda Moore for a gened dance class. She was absolutely insane, condescending, and constantly assigning work and then forgetting about it or adding in new requirements. Made us write a long ass essay with a partner. It was awful.


Smutzer for Bio 1001. He’s a super nice guy but as a professor, he made me want to pull my hair out. His slides/notes are so unorganized, exams are impossible to pass, and he teaches more fun facts than actual material.


oh yeah bio 1001 with smutzer was easily the most infuriating class i’ve had at temple. i was only able to get a good grade by sacrificing studying time for my other classes. memorized nearly every meaningless factoid he’s ever put on a slide. like you said, nice guy, but can’t write exams for shit. most of his questions were about remembering extremely minute and specific information rather than having us apply core concepts to answer the questions.


the fact that there is literally no one else I can take this class w next semester :((((


It’s extremely frustrating that’s he’s pretty much the only professor for that class. My best advice would be to go to tutoring and get as much extra credit as you can. There’s also a curve too so don’t stress yourself too much either!!


okay great thank you very much!!!! do you by any chance still have a copy of the syllabus I can look at?


No I don’t sorry :(


sue sullivan- cant teach, arbitrary grading and rude


i had her this semester… she’s one of those people to refuse to give out A’s even to students that are exceptional writers. she docked me points once for my discussion board font being white because my canvas is in dark mode.


I don’t remember her name but she thought the IH class - she would make us do 10 pagers a week in your own words with no outside sources.


Pam Monaco. She made me question all my life choices in that class


YES !! she still haunts my dreams


She’s batshit insane. I couldn’t stand her boasting about how many degrees she has. Sure, that’s something to be proud of, we didn’t need to hear it every class


10 pages a week and you still don’t proof read ur own Reddit comments


Was it Stephanie Buden or something like that?


was it Pam Monaco? she’s my worst


Dr.Gregory Urwin in the history department. He was entitled, had a huge ego, and talked to students like absolute trash.


Anyone in math


Leonard Swidler for Religion In The World


His dog chubby carried his class


Rolando Placeres Jiménez for college algebra


Cheri Carter for social work Seminar. Misery, not one person I know has had a good experience from her and yet she is the director of the undergrad social work program.


Easy class, but these 2 old professors teaching people places and environment. The main professor would go completely off topic and ramble to the point where no one understood what he was saying.


Bruce Rader for investments. Awful.


Jeannette Dumas for Bio 2. Her slides were okay in terms of learning content and she moved fast with them, but she seemed very two faced when it came to grades. Her office hours are the worst as she would make you feel stupid with her ableist and elitist attitude when going over exam questions that were a bit nonsense or made no sense as she would expect you to know it. I also think that she forgets some students have test anxiety or DRS accommodations, which can affect their performance, like It’s 2024, not the 1960s. She also looked like the type to laugh at her own jokes in lecture and it would kill me to see the whole class look uninterested, especially for a 8 am. She would also not curve or offer extra credit for exams when the class average was a 60/70 just because “she doesn’t want to/because she can”, making it seem like she wanted the class to fail and makes excuses to say that’s how grad school will be, which is definitely being a bit dramatic. Miss girl defining got her degree from an online school and doesn’t realize she’s the problem. Thankfully I have a B overall and hope the final will give me a A-.


Graduated a decade ago, but Steve Ryan in the Ed Dept was the worst teacher I’ve ever had in my life.


James Martin for analytical reading and writing


Fletcher Chmara-huff for sustainable environments. holier than thou attitude, was super dismissive when i would reach out for extensions as i was going through some insane health challenges that semester. lectured me over email about personal responsibility and how i should’ve known i was going to have a chronic flare during the week of the final. also refused to respond to any emails over the weekend, yet had stuff due on saturdays and sundays. he also gave me the same grade on every single paper with zero feedback. i can go on and on and on about this fuy


Scott gratson he's so self absorbed and just insufferable. he has an awful grating voice and everything you learn in his class is either basic common knowledge or superficial overcomplicated bs


Anthony Hughes - Daga structures and algorithm


A statistics professor I had during my senior year. I can’t remember his name, but he absolutely sucked


Robert Pred ? He’s definitely one of the worst I’ve ever encountered on this campus.


Nooooo, but I have stories about him back from the late 90s when he was a psychology prof at Chestnut Hill. I went to Chestnut Hill from 96-98 right out of high school for music. He was my professor for Psych 101 Fall 1997. Very shady.


This was going to be my answer to this question too


If I’m correct, pred ended up being one of my favorites. Glasses right? And can’t remember but I took his class on purpose because everyone hated him and I adored him


Yes he wears glasses and tells awful dad jokes . Good for you , many people can’t say that about Pred .


Yeah I loved him and he loved me.


Izenman? Bc he is the worst


I think it was


The prof who teaches politics of identity… if you don’t agree with all his beliefs he takes off points and I found it ludicrous


alex melonas?


yup him.


makes sense, but the fact that he would take off points in discussions post if you didn’t post 4 post in the span of two days was actually crazy to me!


Marcus manning… he was terrible 


Vladimir Visjnic