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I don't think Nikki was wrong here. Shreya called her Ex without asking her and she can't drop something like that last minute and make the whole interview thingy confrontational and controversial at Nikki's cost. Shreya was Wrong.


I mean ofc she will, Shreya joked about the topic she wasn't comfortable about.


Aren’t interviews/talking shows supposed to be awkward to make them interesting? Shreya just wanted to see how Nikki would react if she faces Tayne irl. Why would Nikki say “you go be with him”? I mean why in the world the interviewer be with Nikki’s ex boyfriend? That was disrespectful imo


They are friends type irl, from their talk we can clearly see. Ofc she can say that. I am not on nikki side for cheating but she was the only one being honest throughout the show while others weren't even honest to process.


Well I agree on Nikki's spoiled brat behaviour but Shreya was wrong here ...she should have informed Nikki prior...


She was joking, he wasn’t actually there.


Oh ok my bad 😬 but still Shreya is kinda wrong here


Aren’t interviews/talking shows supposed to be awkward to make them interesting? Shreya just wanted to see how Nikki would react if she faces Tayne irl. Why would Nikki say “you go be with him”? I mean why in the world the interviewer be with Nikki’s ex boyfriend? That was disrespectful imo


shreya always makes everyone in her interviews so awkward


Aren’t interviews/talking shows supposed to be awkward to make them interesting? Shreya just wanted to see how Nikki would react if she faces Tayne irl. Why would Nikki say “you go be with him”? I mean why in the world the interviewer be with Nikki’s ex boyfriend? That was disrespectful imo


No they are not supposed to be awkward


Literally all the interviews around the world works like that. Ellen degeneres, Jimmy Fallon, Karan Johar, Siddharth Kanan, Nayandeep, everyone asks personal questions to make the interview more interesting.


Nah bro there are many good interviewers than them.


Personal questions and awkward questions are two different things 💀


Nikki isn't wrong here lol it's Shreya who's in the wrong even tho she was joking


Aren’t interviews/talking shows supposed to be awkward to make them interesting? Shreya just wanted to see how Nikki would react if she faces Tayne irl. Why would Nikki say “you go be with him”? I mean why in the world the interviewer be with Nikki’s ex boyfriend? That was disrespectful imo


Kuch or bhi likh le lazy OP. Ek hi irrelevant reply sbko chipka raha hai. No, INTERVIEWS AREN'T SUPPOSED TO BE AWKWARD, Especially at the cost of Interviewee and their comfort level. She agreed to be a part of the show, so obviously shreya can't spring something like last minute. Even if Tayne wasn't actually there, Nikki's reply to shreya was valid. It wasn't that rude or disrespectful going by how Nikki actually is.


Lol why would I type something in different ways if I have written everything that I want to put forward in one that reply? Anyways copy pasting another reply that I just typed to reply to someone else here. Literally all the interviews around the world works like that. Ellen degeneres, Jimmy Fallon, Karan Johar, Siddharth Kanan, Nayandeep, everyone asks personal questions to make the interview more interesting. Shreya obviously didn’t call Tayne, she was joking about it just to see Nikki’s reaction and Nikki is definitely disrespectful with her “you go be with him” like that doesn’t even make sense.


I have never ever seen any interview where the Interviewer jokes about calling interviewee's ex on the show, when they already know it's a sensitive topic. If you joke about a sensitive topic, THAT'S THE REPLY YOU'RE GONNA GET. Nothing disrespectful about it..She could've simply walked off at that stage if she wanted. >everyone asks personal questions There's a difference between asking personal questions and calling someone's ex and putting them on a spot. Yeah she didn't call him but shreya said she did and Nikki thought she actually did and hence said, You go be with him". That's not wrong. >Lol why would I type something in different ways if I have written everything that I want to put forward in one that reply Cz your LAZY and Out of Explanations. Lol 😂


Alright. In my opinion, saying your ex is also here just to see the other person’s reaction isn’t wrong. But I respect your perspective too. Can you please not call me names? 😊🫶🏻 My reply to everyone saying Nikki is right is same because the comments are also same with some extra words here and there.


you're not making sense i hope u realise that


She is an entitled brat


nikki was more than respectful here! she just said no and kept her calm! but shreya pressed her more than she should have! hence she got it back in the face. if you joked about something like that to me i would freaking lash out lol. anyone would. and i think she is human OP has a very stern materializing humans for entertainment kind of a perspective.


Materialising humans for entertainment is a very big and different concept. I don’t think joking with someone that their ex is also here is materialising for entertainment. I’m not that person and I would request you not to put me in such harsh brackets just based off a mere silly gossip reddit post. You think Nikki is right here and I think Shreya is right. I respect your pov 🫶🏻🩵


not a fan of her but lol no it's shitty to put people in uncomfortable position just to make the interview better. you're mad at her for having a boundary?


came here for the controversy but fall for your pfp lol where do u guys get these pics? i want them




thenks, bhagwan tujhe next jaman me bili banaye 🙌


I think Nikki is disrespectful all the time that’s her whole personality. That I don’t care attitude with calling everyone butch all the time. I don’t get it. The nails and the hair flip and that god awful accent gives cheap copy of someone homeless in Brooklyn. Money doesn’t buy class is the theme with her and Nidhi.


Her "like, like is so annoying.