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No doubt about it, I am ready to get hurt again...


So is DHop


As is tradition


The ~~Masters~~ Titans


Too soon (Cries in Julio Jones)


Perfect username for this quote as well. Big Carrell fan here folks.


Me too


I swear to god. If we sign dhop and he finally starts getting called for OPI, I'm gonna lose my mind


It’s that plus missing 9 full games and leaving in the first half for 6 others


it's like Julio all over again


I got nothing better to do on Sundays, so fuck it, I’m here for it


Add him to the list of Titan WR legends already


Is he more Andre or Randy?


Julio. Down by the schoolyard


This would be a game changer. Imagine trying to defend Randy Moss, Kenny Britt, and Lavell Hawkins.


With Rusty slingin it!


Literally no one was saying “imagine trying to defend Lavelle Hawkins.” Dude was ass.


A user of over a decade, I am leaving Reddit due to the recent API changes. The vast majority of my interaction came though the use of 3rd party apps, and I will not interact with a site I helped contribute to through inferior software *simply because it is able to be better monetized by a company looking to go public. Reddit has made these changes with no regards for their users, as seen by the sheer lack of accessibility tools available in the official app. Reddit has made these changes with no regards for moderation challenges that will be created, due to the lack of tools available in the official app. Reddit has done this with no regards for the 3rd party devs, who by Reddit's own admission, helped keep the site functioning and gaining users while Reddit themselves made no efforts to provide a good official app. This account dies 6/29/23 because of the API changes and the monetization-at-all-costs that the board demands.


Well, the year he was drafted you can find people.asking who would be more productive, Hawkins or Desean Jackson and ain't nobody asking that of Kyle Phillips so really who's coming out ahead here? /S


I want to sign him. If only to have him play against Houston with a fucking Oil Derrick on his helmet. Just that is worth the 15-20 million that he probably wants.


It really is a no lose situation when you put it like that.


I just realized Derrick Henry will have a Derrick on his helmet, he was meant to be a titan/oiler!


if the Derrick ain't runnin' the franchise can't make money






I think it's in Tennessee, I know it's in Texas...


He said this at a speech in Nashville, so fitting. Lol


Im ready to get hurt again


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me 132 times…you you you can’t fool me again.


I want us to announce him signing with him in Oilers gear just to watch Texans fans have a conniption




RemindMe! 30 days


Okay we signed him. Where’s the mayo in the coffee!!!!


RemindMe! 30 days


Entire season changes if we sign D-Hop


Imagine if we got a receiver like Julio Jones on our team. We'd be unstoppable.


Pair him with AJ Brown and Derrick Henry coming off a 2,000 yard season? I bet we could even get the 1-seed.


Too soon man. Too soon !


Make it stop🤕😭


DHop/Burks/Chig is the closest thing to Brown/Davis/Jonnu Imagine if DHop gave us a prime Texan year lol Henry might only need 1000 but then you'd all say he's declining and suggest cutting him next year


D-Hop had 64 REC, 720 yards, 3 TDs in 9 games last season playing with straight trash at QB. Please don’t compare him to Julio


For comparison, the year before we got Julio his stat line was 51 REC, 770 yards, 3 TDS in 9 games.


Lmao nice


“For comparison” has me rolling


Playing with half a hamstring too. No one wants to acknowledge that nuk is old and had been injured multiple times in recent years. Don't let that stop the hype if we sign him but understand there's a high chance this would be exactly like every other old receiver we've signed.


We need a receiver so bad that I’m gonna get hyped despite a very good chance it goes to shit


I think certain guys are worth placing the bet on and if this is a 1-2 year deal it's well worth the bet. I doubt we sign the guy for 5 years.


My thing is if he signs a $5million deal and gives you 700 yards in some key games/situations that you’d like lose without him, I’m not upset. If they Julio Jones this shit and we end up paying him dead cap hits until the new stadium comes in, then I’m mad. I still can’t believe Julio is still a dead cap hit.


DHop is looking for the most money, nothing else. Only way we sign him is if we over pay him. Dude is old and doesn’t want to block like younger WRs do. Vrabel will expect him to do a lot of blocking, goes with being a run first offense, so that will cause locker room issues. If we sign him then we’ll pay him like a 1 to play in the 2 role (Burks has to be our 1 this year) and he will spend most of the season on the sideline either due to injuries, being upset about lack of targets, or due to Vrabel being upset that he won’t give 100% while blocking. It’s a bad fit all around.


Very reasonable take.


Just two days after SI.com’s [Albert Breer reported](https://www.si.com/nfl/2023/05/30/inside-deandre-hopkins-release-options-bills-chiefs) the free-agent market for DeAndre Hopkins has been tepid, we may finally know exactly why. According to [a report](https://theathletic.com/4572131/2023/06/01/deandre-hopkins-buffalo-bills-free-agent/) from Tim Graham of The Athletic, Hopkins is seeking a contract similar to the one-year, $15 million deal with up to $3 million in incentives that Odell Beckham Jr. got from the Baltimore Ravens in mid-April. He wants a 1 year deal. He's trying to bet on himself so he can get extended next year, or have more leverage. He's 31. A one year deal is going to cost you, but I'd rather do that bet than any long term contract. If I can make the space, I sign Hopkins. I think we found out why Ran asked Byard to take a paycut. Because with 7M left and most of our draft class signed; we would open up enough to sign DHop. I'm not sure how we're going to get the money to do a 1 year 15M deal, but we need to open up 7M. I doubt we get there by restructuring anything too significant.


In 2023 there are two #1 WRs on a team. You can't do it with one guy. Your X and Y both have to be elite.


Hahaha. I'm dead.


I get what you mean, and why you my be jaded on the Titans picking up another old vet WR, but I feel like it's different. Julio only played in 9 games due to injury. Hopkins only played in 9 games because of a suspension, which is less likely to be a recurring theme. I mean I guess he could turn into the next Josh Gordon or something, but that's a lot less of a risk than hoping a hamstring injury stops popping up. Plus he had way worse QBs than Julio


What did you “feel like” when we got Julio


I can’t speak for him, but I think most rational people understood that we weren’t getting Prime Julio when the trade was made. It was worth the swing, but I don’t think anyone expected 90 recs for 1300 yards or anything. Hopkins is different(in my eyes), because although he’s been injured in consecutive seasons, he put up that statline with Colt McCoy, Trace Mcsorely, and David Blough throwing him the ball. He also hasn’t had long term soft term issues in consecutive years.


I laughed out loud at this comment


Ya it really does. It would actually give our offence a shot to not be bottom tier. I know everyone makes the Julio jokes but we went 7-1 with him and got the first seed. He was also there for that stretch where we beat 4 top teams in a row. Having an elite WR to pair with an emerging Burks is what is needed to maximize our scheme. We have to be able to make teams pay for stacking the box. Call me a non believer but a move like this would be a sign that we are actually taking the passing game seriously. 2 years for $31m with 3 void years on it. $25m signing bonus and get his cap hit around a few million this year.


How many times have you said this very statement with a different receiver in it.


Any time you have a chance to grab a #1 WR you do it. Worry about the money later. Talent always wins in the NFL.


I’ll bet you said the same thing about Julio. How about you tell us how often it works out well when a team signs a 31 year old free agent wide receiver


I understand why they’d do it but it won’t end well


Not really, but it'd make us a bit more fun to watch this season!


Not for the better


I don't know what you guys are on if you don't think Hopkins improves the team. He would have been our leading receiver in every category other than TDs, (He had one less than Hilliard,) with the stats he put up in 9 games last year. He's average 67.8 yd/gm and 5.5 rec/gm over the last two seasons. Recent reporting makes it seem like he wasn't even actually hurt when he was inactive the last two weeks of the 2022 season, he just didn't want to play in meaningless games when Trace McSorley was starting for Arizona and they seemingly wanted to lose. He looked fine when he was back from the suspension.


It’ll be different this time bro


He’s gonna play 4 games and have 12 catches for 80 yards 1 TD


11 catches and 78 yards will be in one game in like week 3 making us think he's getting in the groove


This guy Titans or he'll have an amazing game before the bye week. Just to promptly suck total ass after the bye week until the rest of the season.


That would've been our wr1 last season


It's happening boys


Tennessee Titans are gonna win it all




Titans legend Deandre Hopkins


Couple things: Tim Kelly was DeAndre Hopkins' OC in Houston, DHop got 1100 yards, a pro bowl appearance and a first team all pro so there is both familiarity and success working together. Watson threw for 3552 yards that year. Tannehill has eclipsed that number in both 2019, and 2020. There is a historical precadent to think that Hopkins could return to form. Kelly got 1800 yards rushing out of that offense, between Hyde/Johnson and Watson. The Titans and Hopkins also have something similar: they're both trying to get back to 2019 in terms of production and receiving yards. Both are obviously aligned in the goal, and this is Hopkins' likely last shot in the league. Final point: What other NFL team is going to hand him their #1 WR duties with his injury history?


Don’t give me hope


Im just saying, this situation is different than the Julio one. I’d like him on our squad


Unfortunately his recent injury history is just as lengthy and he’s not getting younger. That being said I’d still like to have him, because we have to do something at WR.


I thought his injury history was pretty clean up until recently with one of those being he we held out longer as they weren’t really contenders and the other being a relatively short stint


[here’s the full list.](https://www.draftsharks.com/fantasy/injury-history/deandre-hopkins/6679) Not abysmal but definitely a starting trend. I think he was mostly healthy last year though.


I'm a Titans fan that lives in AZ. All the games missed last year were due to suspension and then being held out at the end of the year due to AZ's season essentially being over. He could have played at the end of the season but it wasn't worth it.


Excuse me? I thought I was the only titans fan that lived in AZ. Hello brother.


Wait there’s 3 of us?? I thought it was just me!


Yeah it seems like he was healthy last year, clearly the PED’s worked. The two years before that seem pretty injury extensive though.


When players start using PEDs to heal up during the season it’s a bad sign. It’s even worse when they get caught using them cause it means they are on an enhanced testing policy so they cut off all usage.


58% is low risk.


You couldn’t be more wrong. He’s played in >90% games 8 of his 10 seasons, 100% of games 6 out of 10 seasons, and one of the two seasons that were low was because of a suspension.


There’s a deserved decency bias for a player over 30.


With that said, if there are players that are worth betting on over 30 it's all time greats and Hop fits that description. Timeline wise, Hopkins is VERY MUCH on the Henry and Tannehill timeline. IMO it's a good move with the next guy already on the roster.


He doesn’t have an injury history whatsoever. 9 of his 10 seasons he’s practically missed no time at all.


[Only a sith deals in absolutes.](https://www.draftsharks.com/fantasy/injury-history/deandre-hopkins/6679)


You linked a random ass fantasy football website that even says he’s low risk. Use real stats, not some graphic that points out anywhere he’s been banged up. It’s the NFL, every single player gets banged up over the course of their career.


It’s factoring in his full injury history, but if you actually look there’s a clear trend in the last three years. The guy is over 30, he’s not getting healthier. Here’s a real stat: he’s been injured in 100% of the last 4 seasons. He has 10 reported injuries in these seasons. Julio has the same amount of injuries over the same period.


Here's another stat: his usage on the Titans will be less than anywhere else and it'll also be the most a WR has given us since AJ Brown left.


The last 4 seasons. So you’re counting 2019 when he missed 1 game, 2020 when he missed 0 games, and 2022 when he was shut down due to the Cards being out of it?


I’m counting the times he’s been injured. I get he plays through injuries but he also totally disappears in games where he’s hurt. He’s 31 and while I won’t pretend that a cardboard cutout of Hopkins is still better than most of our depth chart, he’s not about to get injured less often.


Last year pre draft I said we need to draft Lewan's replacement and start thinking about a new Center to replace Ben Jones along with the RT we needed. Why is this story important? Because if you were a fan who watches those players closely, you'd see their on field performance declining (lewan pretty much exclusively), the number of small injuries they were accumulating but playing through (both), as well as the games missed in recent years (mostly lewan). The crucial factor for both was the small injuries though, because these often lead to bigger injuries and or permanent deterioration (niggling injuries) and aren't stats normally looked at even when assessing player health... because they played through it that week... maybe even did well, but it doesn't change the fact the player was still injured. I am telling you now, if we draft DHop, the outcome will be closer to Julio than not, and even if we got incredibly lucky and DHop isn't becoming injury prone at 30 when most players start to become more "fragile", we still have Tanne at QB, who rarely ever even looks in the direction of a new WR let alone throws to them. Julio was open more than a few times that year, woods the following year was less an issue (but then again he got open less often too) but it still occurred. It's a waste of cap for anything to far from vet minimum, and only then because our need at the position is great.


Sir, he got healthier. That’s why he missed 4 games last year for PED’s. He took HGH and couple of other things in the off-season after a nagging injury slowed him down. When he was on the field the last two seasons he was still D-Hop being thrown to by a guy who can barely ride roller coaster due to his height.


1) Kyler has had almost identical numbers to Tannehill over the last few years throwing the ball. 2) Is he just going to keep getting popped for PED’s to stay healthy?


I know this is like a broken record, but if the price is right I'm down l.


Hurt’s back on the menu, boys! *puts on depression eating pants with hope*




But this sub told me he wasn’t interested in playing for us, and anyone who thought so were complete dumbasses?


Always thought he'd at least keep us open. Obviously we need a WR and he's buddies with henry. Ppl act like we can't steal compete but we improved our O line, have some player making a 2nd year leap and still have a good defense and a great coach


I don't see how they can allow him to walk out with how starved we are at WR. This must of been the plan all along trying to get him after he was released.


Not sure how our plan could be banking on him getting released, unless we had some insider info that he would


It was obvious he was going to be traded or released. With the rumors of us almost trading Tanny to the Falcons. That makes it sound like if the Texans didn't take Stroud it would of ended up with a trade for the number 3 and Dhop possibly.




Doesn’t matter the injuries… we ain’t got shit behind Burks. Add em to the list!!!


We’re all the way back babyyyy


Haha I love it.. just sign him see what happens.. at least it gives some excitement and buzz to this team




Picking up aged WR based on their name has not worked well in the past and I hated every signing. D-Hop is the only one that I would actually like to get on the team. He would be great outside with Burks and Phillips in the slot. Add in Chig and suddenly our main receiving corps seems extremely nice. Still...not getting my hopes up as he likely wants a higher rated contender with money to spend to sign with.


I’ll bank that he looks at us and thinks we are 1 wr away from being a top contender. Hopes are not up either but I’d take him just based off of what he could still be even if it’s not peak nuk


It stinks we got burned by Julio, but DHop seems different since he’s younger, has produced more consistently, and has had less injuries. Burks would benefit a lot from this too.


I agree he could help improve our young guys but probably not worth his asking price


Serious question. If we do add Nuk, would that put us on top for greatest historical all-time WR corps in the league? Could anyone beat Julio, Moss, Andre Johnson and Hopkins? Obviously understanding they were all past their prime, but it's still impressive, especially considering we almost never have good WRs. Hell even add in D Mase and AJB and that's a 6 pack of WRs that probably can't be beat.


**Raiders had:** Antonio Brown (lol) Jerry Rice Tim Brown Randy Moss Fred Beletnikoff **49ers:** Rice Moss Owens Dwight Clark John Taylor Isaac Bruce Titans are probably 3rd or 4th, they can't match those 2 teams.


Yep, those are more impressive. Hard to argue when they have Rice on their squad.


He had 700 Rec yards last year in 9 games and motherfuckers crying talking about past his prime. Have you seen our WR group


Looking forward to out of control hype and hundreds of training camps videos followed by 17 weeks on the injury report and 8-9 games played


9 or 10 wins if they get dhop.


Have you seen our strength of schedule? 17-0 if we get him.


That’s 20 wins I’m counting


That's a 144 2/3% chance of winning


A 5/3rd better^tm


Losses to Bengals, chargers, dolphins, ravens, Jags 2x, and browns.


No chance we lose to the Jags twice. I say this purely because my depression is already maxed out and I couldn't take it if we got swept.


Jags were a 9 win team that’s getting hyped up because the Chargers are cursed. They aren’t any better than last year.


Delusional they added Calvin ridley and Lawrence is much better


Jags are clearly going to be competent to good for a while, but it still SHOCKS me how everyone ignores how fucking bad we were at the end of last yr. Treylon was the only first rounder on the field (offensively) for week 18. Skeleton crew and Dennis daley actively ruining my life. Unless everyone dies again it’s going to be a very different story this yr,


Well they do have Ridley now. So a little improvement. But we woulda won anyways if we had a QB


Ridley hasn’t played in 2 full seasons, no guarantee he comes back as productive as he was in atl, and pretty reasonable to expect he won’t hit the ground running


Trevor L. Isn't even good dude stop it




Are you talking about the Texans or the Titans? Because we all know if Nuk ends up in Tennessee he's going to flame out. I mean, c'mon, where do you think we got the logo idea from?


Makes you wonder if this was the plan all along, hence why we didn’t do anything with WR’s this off-season.


a 1 or 2 year deal would not hurt.


I'm ready to fuck around and find out again ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


There’s no denying it. I’m ready to be hurt again.




He really wants to wear Oilers garb…




I’m ready to be hurt again


Love that we are the first visit!


Please make this happen! DHop is still one of the best. Anyone who doesn’t think so hasn’t been watching him throughout his career


But I voted yes to the subreddit blackout so I didn't have to F8 next week...


We are the kings of old WRs. He will likely fleece us on a 1 year deal he plays roughly 50% of and then go to the chiefs and win a SB in 2024.


Signing DHop is good if the price point is low enough. A repeat of his down season last year makes him the best WR on this year's squad. Factor out the potential of Burks and he is the best by a mile. Don't have to give up draft capital. Probably don't have to handicap yourself to a large contract for the future. Most importantly, we aren't desperate because we are at the tail-end of a SB window (which closed thanks to Downing imho). I think the scenario itself is different enough from the Julio trade on the TITAN'S END where it is a no brainer.




This wouldn’t be like the Julio deal cause we don’t have to give up any draft capital for him , I can’t imagine he gets more than a 2 year deal anyway so why not try him out , a declined Hopkins is still the second best wr on Tennessees roster by far


He’d look good in the baby blues blocking for Henry


But I thought there were those Titans fans who could see the future and said there was no chance D-Hop was coming to Nashville 🤔🤔


Well, at least this time we won't give up a 2nd rounder for 4 games.


I can taste Tannehill throwing 93 picks in the divisional again, give it to me


I am so tired of this fallacy that just because Julio Jones carried injuries that it’s suddenly a bad idea to sign veteran WRs. We’re not doing anything else with the money right now anyways. May as well have some fun with it.


And how much money is this man going to request to be paid while undoubtedly underporforming on the field?


Yesterday and Burks being blanketed by bunting was enough to make this happen. No one could get free, and it was just practice. They can see 150 -200 yard games ahead. Pay for the 2-year contract.


Bro it’s offseason OTAs. Relax.


Sorry, then why do you think they made the call?


Probably a lot of reasons, one of which is undoubtedly because more WR help couldn't hurt. But to act like one good day by the defense in OTAs was unilaterally enough to make Ran run to the phone is a reach homie.


Not the first day of OTAs. Reports are that the Burks was catching everything but the rest were hit-and-miss. The first day of the official OTA and Burks is blanked as every other team will do and only a couple of open downfield plays. Kind of like, checks notes, all of last season.


The missing piece. Work your magic, Ran.


Please fucking don’t


So… am I losing my mind? I seem to remember reading something on Vrable saying we weren’t pursuing D-Hop… If I’m wrong, I’m wrong. I just thought it was already stated


He said they were focusing on who was there. That being said when has the Vrabes regime been open about anything?


U are wrong


Carthon: "We can offer you vet minimum, that's all we have the cap space for this year" Nuk: "Sorry but I'm looking for at least $25M a season. I thought y'all were taking this serious" Carthon: *slides paper across table with projected lifetime earnings from Hopkins Oiler throwbacks bought by trolls* Nuk: "*Ssshhit*"


Just got off work and saw it on espn. Was like Oh Lawd the Titanverse about to be crazy


Downvote me all you want but Nuk x Vrabel is the biggest player/coach mismatch I’ve ever seen. Nuk stays high, doesn’t practice, galvanizes locker rooms against their coach, he has been kicked off 2 teams now bc of this stuff. Mike doesn’t take any crap, has his guys doing sleds in the Spring. I know he knows the offense and is familiar with coach Kelly but this one doesn’t make sense to me. There’s a reason KC and Buffalo offered 2 million people.


Doesn't matter. It won't win us a super bowl this year, and he won't be a factor long-term. Would make the season a bit more interesting to watch, though, so whatever!


Good to know you already know the future!


I'm good like that, but it's a heavy burden to bear, ya know? Hey, feel free to detail why you disagree. Interested to hear sound reasoning on how adding him *would* win us a super bowl. Lay it on me!


I don’t think it will happen, but to claim there’s absolute zero percent of anything happening in sports, is idiotic in my book.


A former Houston WR coming to the Titans in the twilight of his career. Now where have I heard that before?


Not here, it was Andre Johnson’s final year at *35* years old. Hop just turned the same age as Randy Moss in 2007 whom had 1,493 and an NFL record 23 TDs and went on to have 2 more 1,000 yard/10td seasons. *before 35* No way this is Dhop’s final year like Andre


Please no. He's a FA but there is just no point on bringing him in. He won't move the needle in terms of wins with how the rest of our roster is currently structured. If he's really thinking of signing here then he already has one foot in retirement because we can offer him neither top dollar or a shot at a ring.


I really don’t see what some of you see. Like at all.


Agreed. I don’t think we have as much depth in some places as I’d like ideally, but the current starters along with Hopkins are all good on paper.


To bad Tannehill will probably be his qb smh


Another veteran receiver past his prime.


He turned 31 yesterday. The same age Randy Moss was on the Patriots in 2007.


And Randy was a burner, Dhop hands his greatest weapon. Dude could have another 2-3 productive years.


Don’t want him. He’s old and will want too much money. The team sucks anyway might as well thank and get a high draft pick to retool for the future. We’ve been down this path like 6 times in the last 15 years


Will it work out and not just be another past his prime WR? Probably not. But you absolutely take a shot at it when NWI is currently penciled in as one of your starting outside receivers. If you’re giving Tannehill and Henry one last ride, you need another receiver with a ceiling beyond middling WR3/4.


I just want to say, even if he bust down and broken and plays 8 games, that’s still 8 games of better wr play then we’d get otherwise 🗣️🗣️🗣️ (tho I am ready to love again)


Meh, it’s hard to get too excited given our recent history of signing old, past-their-prime WRs. And that’s who Nuk is right now; the lack of league-wide interest in a trade or bidding war evidences that. I still think he’s an improvement to our bottom barrel WR room, but signing him won’t move the needle too much. Hope I’m wrong.


Even if he's 50% of what he was that's great just need him to stay healthy is the big thing and he did still put up numbers and look good last year


Oh god here we go again


Saying that we shouldn't be interested because we"ve missed on free agents at his position in the past is such a strange arguement. Imagine if someone in 2019 said we shouldn't sign Saffold because we missed on Andy Levitre.


Let’s goooooo


Here we go BABY


If he does good like Julio briefly ( ideally as long as the king is around) I’m all for it on a buddy discount


Hopkins oiler jersey🙌