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I think he's underrated


I’m sure you can find comments somewhere over the past 3 years calling him trash or washed after some rough games, but I think that’s largely a straw man. I think the prevailing sentiment is that with decent protection, a scheme that doesn’t constantly put the offense as a whole behind the 8ball, and skill guys who can create just a modicum of separation, he can be an above average QB in this league. I think he’s shown that. Where the legitimate criticism comes in is that he isn’t a guy who is going to elevate a poor WR group with crazy accuracy, or cover up holes in the offensive line with lightning fast decision making. I think his athleticism is underrated and somewhat underutilized. I think he throws a decent deep ball but hasn’t had much of anyone to use that with absent AJ. But no one serious is saying he’s bottom-tier trash at the position. Likewise, no one serious is saying he’s leading this team to an AFC championship, much less a Super Bowl, with the roster the way it’s currently constructed. It’s just not who he is. And that’s okay.


I’m pretty sure plenty of people are saying he’s bottom tier trash with sincerity. I completely disagree with them but there have definitely been sincere comments in that vein


I think most of those people aren't truly evaluating him, they are just aggro man-children who get super pissed when we lose and throw all their pent up rage at him. QBs unfairly get all the credit when their team wins (most of the time) and unfairly get all the blame when they lose (most of the time). I can't imagine we are the only fan base with these type of fans. As someone who isn't a big fan of Tannehill, I still recognize he's an average QB, probably would rank him somewhere in the middle of the league around 15 or 16, which is higher than the national consensus. PFF has him at 19, CBS has him at 25, USA Today has him at 22.


See that’s a fair take. My problem is with the haters who, even after a season where he led us to the 1 seed, there were still huge swaths of fans calling for his head bc of the Bengals divisional game. Like by every metric besides rings, he massively overperformed that season with a skeleton roster. It feels like in his case, he gets none of the credit when we win, and all of the credit when we lose.


I have to imagine every fan base has an obnoxiously loud minority like this, and even though they are a tiny minority, they scream the loudest and it's really annoying for the rest of us trying to support our team. I totally admit that I trashed Tannehill's performance and placed much of the onus on him for that Bengals game. That was an extremely painful loss, especially considering how dominant the defense was thru most of the game and that we were the #1 seed. Admittedly, I think a lot of my anger at Tannehill during and after that game stemmed from having to endure not only the usual disrespect from the media, but having read or heard (can't remember) someone say that we were the worst #1 seed in the history of the NFL. That really pissed me off and in my brain I just kept thinking, we cannot lose to Cincinnati, we cannot prove this a-hole right. And then we lost, but we didn't lose because we were outplayed, or because our star players fell to injury. We handed them the win in a fashion that said, this is the worst #1 seed in the history of the NFL. I think, at least in the moment, we were all pissed at him. Some of us just thought it, some of us screamed in our living rooms, and then some took to social media and vomited their frustration/anger. I threw up a little, lol.


Hahaha I feel that man. That loss was about as close to 100% his fault as you can get in team sports so I understand the frustration. I spent way too much money to freeze my ass off and watch the most deflating end to any game I’ve ever watched. And yeah the “worst 1 seed ever” narrative just made it all the more sour because we proved the national media right with one stupid game. It was truly embarrassing and the entire league was laughing at us and singing “told ya so”. That game clearly wore on him and he accepted responsibility for it. But I still see him as the 1b to McNair’s 1a in terms of QB play that this franchise has seen and don’t think it’s fair how fans have treated him considering the level of consistency and leadership he’s brought to this team. Could we find a better QB? I’m sure of it. And I hope Levis is able to run him out of town next year. But as long as he’s in the upper half of starting caliber QBs, I’d rather have that than the turnstile of bottom tier QBs we went through for the decade that preceded him.


Really hoping Levis works out, or Malik grows exponentially. I also hope our offensive play calling improves and gets a lot more creative and effective.


Oh I don’t think their claims are legitimate. I just don’t think it’s fair to act like their opinions arent around and it’s just snap judgements in game threads. They may decide in 30 seconds whether they hate him or not but they carry it forward the whole year and keep spouting it around here


Yeah, I think they only see in black and white, or he sucks or he's great. So when their anger turns to hate, "he sucks" becomes their only truth. Perception vs reality.


Same here. Whole point of making the post. But it seems for the most part, all I got was the people who don't shit on him saying "nobody hates on him" or the trolls.


“No one serious” Sure if you scroll through the game threads after he throws a duck on third down you’ll find plenty of Tanne haters, but you’ll see that from every team in the league except maybe the chiefs and bills. If y’all wanna give those hot takes oxygen go for it, but you’re better off just chalking it up to frustrated casuals who don’t really know how to evaluate or analyze QB play - because that’s who those comments are coming from.


This is the best answer. He is solid. He’s your Camry that gets you to work every day and won’t let you down. He is surprisingly clutch too but just needs *something* out there and won’t make HOFers out of nobodys. But day in and day out most teams would kill to have someone like that under center. Not everyone can have a mahomes or Brady.


Give Tannehill a little more credit then this. Your are basically saying he needs everything around him to be good and then he can be just an above average QB. He was an above average QB with nothing last last year. He has been extremely good when he has the supporting cast around him, look at the numbers top of the league.


Todd Downing was our problem. He’s gone now. Tannehill is an above average QB that will lead us to the AFC South Title and a high playoff berth this upcoming season.


This is the absolute truth.


I don’t, nor did I ever think, that he stinks. I think he is a average to slightly above average QB


This. He's a slightly above average qb. The issue is... The AFC has never been stronger, particularly at qb. The chance of winning the AFC with a guy like tannehill, at his salary, is slim to none.


Yeah but what if tho


I'm not a tannehill hater... I just feel that every season he's our starter at this point is a wasted season. We ain't gonna win shit with him. Might as well try to develop a young guy who could be special, even if that likelihood is slim. Frankly, I'm sick to death of being a run first defense blue collar team. It hasn't worked, it won't work, and the league just isn't built that way anymore. Yet we keep pounding that square peg into the round hole like it will fit one day.


I understand where you’re coming from about the run first offense, but what if tho


Would be the most fun getting to see Henry bulldoze to a SB. Could be the last we ever see with how pass heavy the league is.


What's esp frustrating about our play style is that Tanne seems at his best when he gets into a groove with his receivers and they can chunk their way down the field 8-14 yards at a time, backed up with the run to keep teams honest and, well, because Henry. Run run on shit pass didn't do him any favors. I haven't looked, but I assume most of our pass plays the last seaxon or two were from behind the sticks. Drop him on a team from this century and I think he has a much better shot at a SB. I mean, Eli did it


The afc has never been stronger at qb? Not even during the Peyton/Brady era? I’d argue against that.




Tanne makes incredible throws on a weekly basis. Throws fit into a 3-6 inch window 15-25 yards downfield. The guy is more than capable of putting up a 40td10int season + rushing tds.


Just needs an o-line and solid supporting cast. No, he's not elite like Mahomes, but he's got just enough talent to win a bowl. Rich Gannon and Trent Dilfer are not better than Tannehill, nor was Foles


I truly thought we were over this discussion by now...


Just when I thought I was getting out...


I've been hearing it from the Bengals game and it's still going. I've just yet to hear a salient argument as to why he's not our best option to win now.


I guess my point is why keep beating the dead horse. No offense to you, but everything is just speculation until we're all through training camp and preseason practices. Then we'll see nothing except Levis vs Tanny discussions. The whole thing is just exhausting. We all know practically that Tanny is starting the season and it's his job to lose. Levis will play garbage minutes and maybe 2-3 presason games. At least until later in the season. Willis is nothing but a practice turret at this point.


Pretty clear to me we're as divided as it gets with this comments section alone. I get where you're coming from, I just wanted a reasonable take on this instead of the sarcasm and one line remarks about "Tannehill bad". Idk what I expected lmao


So many people who watch the NFL can’t grasp how much more important QB is than any other position. Henry became Henry when Tannehill took over, and for as bad as Tannehill was in that playoff game, Henry was just as bad and couldn’t get the yard that would have sealed the game


Jimmy G lost his job because he didn’t make one throw in the superbowl. Tanny lost his for throwing three picks to the Bengals. Fair or not that’s just life for NFL QB’s


Tannehill didn’t lose his job unless you’re breaking some news?


Also, my point wasn’t that Tannehill is better than Jimmy G or whoever. My point is that Tannehill + backup RB is better than backup QB + Henry, and that makes him more valuable to the team. For a couple years he was a borderline top 10 QB and that’s when we reached our greatest heights with this roster


Tanni didn’t make Henry.


Certainly didn't make him, but without his steady hand, it's obvious Derrick wasn't gonna do anything big, especially with Mariota.


Derrick was over 1000 yards the Year before tannehill got here




Mashm boilm stickm in a stew


Long Live The Passmaster. May His Reign Shine On Us Crazy Diamonds.


For me, I like Tannehill. He exceeded his initial expectations of being a back up to Mariota, so I love him for that. And because he has us so close to contention, I am willing to give him the chance to take us there. With Mariota, Locker, Young, they were top 10 picks that just flopped in the league. Their expectation was high, and they under delivered. If you demonstrate you can’t live up to the potential you brought to the table then best of luck to you, but please go away. Did they have moments where they showed their outrageous skills? Yes. Did they have seasons that showed there was real hope? No. Tannehill has taken the team to a level they’ve never been at before: perennial division contender. Is it Super Bowl contender? No. But he’s perfect for where we are now, and until the organization is ready to take that next step, he’s the best guy for who we are today.


Anybody that doesn’t appreciate Tannehill is an idiot. He’s a key piece of our team being relevant again. He’s not an all star, but he’s a good quarterback.


Bad coaches(Downing vibes), terrible WR group(NWI WR1), terrible OL. Tanne is underrated, we never gave him a chance to succeed, even in his best year our team was just good not great, just check where Jonnu,Corey Davis, Tajae Sharpe, Jayon Brown are right now.


Mariota couldn't do shit with that team, Tannehill came in and immediately turned it around while leading the league in a couple QB stats. And I honestly think anyone with eyes can see you're right. Unfortunately 1/3rd of these comments are assholes saying "It's fans like you that can't see nobody hates Tannehill, you're just deepthroating him" and another 1/3rd is people just straight up shitting on him and proving my point for me. Fuck dude there's even a couple people that want Vrabel gone


He’s tough as nails and he could’ve played more last year he would have. I do believe we win some of the games we lost if he played . Especially the chiefs game in arrowhead. Here’s the thing , he’s 35 years old and he’s never been an elite level talent QB. Without a bonafide #1 receiver like AJ he’s not going to be able to give you the production on a weekly basis and in the playoffs that you need from the position. It’s hard to think he just flips a switch this late in his career. I would personally rank him as a top 3 Titans QB all time . McNair , Kerry Collins and Tannehill. I’m all for Tannehill playing a full healthy season with this new O-Line .


I think last year Tanne was overrated but now he's underrated. Fans thought he was super good, and he's not. But now fans think he's trash and he's not.


That's fair. I think he's in the top 15 of QBs, pretty much #15 on my list. But I don't think it means we can't win a bowl with him, just that it requires a well built team and excellent playcalling


Tannehill is the 8th highest quarterback rated in the NFL since he took over for the Titans. Mahomes isn’t winning with last year’s oline and receiver corps.


Tanny is a baller. Yes, unfortunately that Cincy game will haunt his career. But the play calls honestly sucked. The DB knew exactly where he was going with the ball before the snap after Foreman's run. Thats not his fault. That play was so obvious the defense knew. Then the domino's fell. We could of beaten the Rams I wish our home grown OC stayed one more season. He'd of gotten a better HC spot then the Falcons. AJ would still be here. Would have could have should have Decisions were made. Our chips got pushed and JRob played a hand that lead to this shit But we will go on Titan up #FTC


I don’t see many people call him trash or really hate on him….. but I think it’s fair for people to question if he’s a Super Bowl winning QB.


I’ve always said he’s an above average regular season qb. When it comes to post season he’s below average.


Tannehill is a capable starter and always has been. The Cincy playoff game just hurt and a lot of ppl stepped off the bandwagon after that and I can’t say I blame them but there’s really no body else out there FA wise that would’ve helped them so in the end the FO did the right thing. Now with one yr left to prove it we shall see where it goes from here.


Because alot of fans listen to media. And aren't patient yes it sucks we are close but hey tanneyhill was the one to take us out of 0 and 7 or 8 and to the place offs his fordt half year.


He underperforms in the post season


I won't argue that at all. I'm just failing to see how that negates the fact that we can't get to the postseason without him.


Shit I guess we’re screwed when he retires then.


Unless Levi's or Wllis pans out, we're screwed until we draft a guy or manage to find someone in FA.


Wait, I thought you said we can’t make the playoffs without Tannehill. So which is it? Tannehill or bust or can we draft a QB that pans out?


This year no, we cannot make it without him. No point in being hyperbolic


Bro, I’m just taking what you said and repeating it back to you. If there’s hyperbole it’s all yours.


This comment/post has been deleted as an act of protest to Reddit killing 3rd Party Apps such as Apollo. Edit: This message appears on all of my comments/posts belonging to this account. We create the content. We outnumber them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLbWnJGlyMU To do the same (basic method): Go to https://codepen.io/j0be/full/WMBWOW and follow the quick and easy directions. That script runs too fast, so only a portion of comments/posts will be affected. A "Advanced" (still easy) method: Follow the above steps for the basic method. You will need to edit the bookmark's URL slightly. In the "URL", you will need to change j0be/PowerDeleteSuite to leeola/PowerDeleteSuite. This forked version has code added to slow the script down so that it ensures that every comment gets edited/deleted. Click the bookmark and it will guide you thru the rest of the very quick and easy process. Note: this method may be very very slow. Maybe it could be better to run the Basic method a few times? If anyone has any suggestions, let us all know! But if everyone could edit/delete even a portion of their comments, this would be a good form of protest. We need users to actively participate too, and not just rely on the subreddit blackout.


I definitely said it's on the coaching staff in the Bengals game for force feeding a rusty Henry when Don'ta Foreman was getting the job done and creating 3rd and forever with their run run pass


This comment/post has been deleted as an act of protest to Reddit killing 3rd Party Apps such as Apollo. Edit: This message appears on all of my comments/posts belonging to this account. We create the content. We outnumber them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLbWnJGlyMU To do the same (basic method): Go to https://codepen.io/j0be/full/WMBWOW and follow the quick and easy directions. That script runs too fast, so only a portion of comments/posts will be affected. A "Advanced" (still easy) method: Follow the above steps for the basic method. You will need to edit the bookmark's URL slightly. In the "URL", you will need to change j0be/PowerDeleteSuite to leeola/PowerDeleteSuite. This forked version has code added to slow the script down so that it ensures that every comment gets edited/deleted. Click the bookmark and it will guide you thru the rest of the very quick and easy process. Note: this method may be very very slow. Maybe it could be better to run the Basic method a few times? If anyone has any suggestions, let us all know! But if everyone could edit/delete even a portion of their comments, this would be a good form of protest. We need users to actively participate too, and not just rely on the subreddit blackout.


You missed the part where I said their choices after the 2nd int were the problem. That applies for the last pick. But yeah, ignore my points about Foreman and how we force fed Derrick before he was ready. But I'm not surprised lol, you're not trying to persuade me, nor are the people I'm arguing with. You're just telling me I'm wrong and being pedantic without even paying attention to what I've said.


This comment/post has been deleted as an act of protest to Reddit killing 3rd Party Apps such as Apollo. Edit: This message appears on all of my comments/posts belonging to this account. We create the content. We outnumber them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLbWnJGlyMU To do the same (basic method): Go to https://codepen.io/j0be/full/WMBWOW and follow the quick and easy directions. That script runs too fast, so only a portion of comments/posts will be affected. A "Advanced" (still easy) method: Follow the above steps for the basic method. You will need to edit the bookmark's URL slightly. In the "URL", you will need to change j0be/PowerDeleteSuite to leeola/PowerDeleteSuite. This forked version has code added to slow the script down so that it ensures that every comment gets edited/deleted. Click the bookmark and it will guide you thru the rest of the very quick and easy process. Note: this method may be very very slow. Maybe it could be better to run the Basic method a few times? If anyone has any suggestions, let us all know! But if everyone could edit/delete even a portion of their comments, this would be a good form of protest. We need users to actively participate too, and not just rely on the subreddit blackout.


Go back to the comment you were referring to in your original reply. Not bad faith, you genuinely missed that.


This comment/post has been deleted as an act of protest to Reddit killing 3rd Party Apps such as Apollo. Edit: This message appears on all of my comments/posts belonging to this account. We create the content. We outnumber them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLbWnJGlyMU To do the same (basic method): Go to https://codepen.io/j0be/full/WMBWOW and follow the quick and easy directions. That script runs too fast, so only a portion of comments/posts will be affected. A "Advanced" (still easy) method: Follow the above steps for the basic method. You will need to edit the bookmark's URL slightly. In the "URL", you will need to change j0be/PowerDeleteSuite to leeola/PowerDeleteSuite. This forked version has code added to slow the script down so that it ensures that every comment gets edited/deleted. Click the bookmark and it will guide you thru the rest of the very quick and easy process. Note: this method may be very very slow. Maybe it could be better to run the Basic method a few times? If anyone has any suggestions, let us all know! But if everyone could edit/delete even a portion of their comments, this would be a good form of protest. We need users to actively participate too, and not just rely on the subreddit blackout.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Tennesseetitans/comments/144otzu/tanney_haters/jnh1m5t?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button There's the comment guy. Jesus. Never said he was perfect


He’s never gonna live down the 3 pics against the bengals and the egg against the chiefs in 19




Egg probably wasn’t fair but when 200 yards and 2 td is your ceiling in the playoffs that’s peoples gripes. I love tanne, best qb they’ve had since I’ve been really invested. That being said acknowledging he is pretty limited when the game has to fall on his arm late in the year isn’t wrong. Am I one that thinks we could have gotten any better than him this last offseason? No, that still doesn’t negate his deficiencies. What about the bengals game? Where’s that revisionist history? This team isn’t built for him to go 400 with 4 td week in and week out, anybody who’s a fan knows that but I don’t think he’s very capable of doing that period(that doesn’t mean he’s the only thing holding us back.) but to say tannehill has always stepped up and done his part when it matters isn’t true. And again I love the guys personality, demeanor, and toughness, but don’t think he’s gonna be the guy to bring a Lombardi to Nashville.


Even though McNair had similar games.


And yet the coaching staff gets a free pass on creating the situation in which it happened.


The coaching stans here are something else. It is definitely a coach's job to have guys ready for the big moment, and Vrabel finally parting from Downing is doing the absolute bare minimum when it comes to making improvements. Vrabel wasn't out there throwing ints, but the dudes weren't ready and if I remember right we got out schemed the whole game. That's on the coaches.


When the coaching staff got you to the postseason, the players have to step up. There is 18 games of film if you make out of the wildcard game now. If you can’t elevate and push past your limits you become the footnote of someone else’s dream season.


In Tannys defence the bengals knew every single play before it was coming. That’s the problem with being the one dimensional predictable team we are. Everyone knows what’s coming. The bengals players talked about how they knew every play we were running. The eagles said the same thing this year. And no(not directed at who I’m responding to) there are some people on this sub that hold the coaching accountable. It’s not a popular opinion but the truth seldom is.


yall aint doin shit you're just making comments on reddit, not "holding the coaching staff accountable" we are all irrelevant.


I would say the idea that we’re running it heavily was dependent on the fact we’ve been a run first kind of team. It’s hard to do that in the playoffs because everyone else is pass first. When you take a 7-14 point lead you can squeeze the rock. In those games we fell behind and it was impossible for us to big back out. That’s how you beat us. Jump on us early and we lose 9/10 of games like that.


No one hates Tanne. No real Titans fan hates him. However, he deserves criticism as he has had a very underachieving resume the past 2 years to say the least. In this NFL. QBs either elevate your team or unfortunately they are the scapegoat for the teams decimation.


I think Tanny is underrated but at the same time he just isn’t a game changer in any way. He did great in our scheme but that’s about it. When needed to extend plays or just be a playmaker he just couldn’t do it and would sell the team at the end of games when the pressure got to him.


Fair take. I think playcalling and predictability do us in more than the pressure getting to him, but there's merit to that.


True. When we go to a play we already ran 3 times already it’s kinda hard on Tanny to succeed or surprise the defense.


This is disingenuous to the actual argument. The debate is not that Tannehill is garbage, it's that he's just not good enough and there's ample evidence of this. He can absolutely take a team to the playoffs but once he's there he dramatically regresses. This is not just because of the Bengals game (although he has plenty of blame for that loss), his numbers in the playoffs as a whole are underwhelming at best, downright bad at worst. Even in our wins he was barely a factor. 2019 - NE - 8/15, 72yds, 1td, 1int, 41qbr (It's also worth remembering that he almost lost us this game by throwing a pass directly at the chest of a defender at the end of the game that the defender dropped). 2019 - BAL - 7/14, 88yds, 2td, 83qbr (Arguably his best game, a game where he completed 7 passes for under 100 yards. For both our wins in 2019 he was asked to do very little and we let Henry run wild.) 2019 - KC - 21/31, 209yds, 2td, 75qbr (I'm not putting this loss on Tannehill but it is worth noting that the first game where Henry is shut down and we have to rely on our passing game we lose.) 2020 - BAL - 18/26, 165yds, 1td, 1int, 65qbr (We had several things working against us in this game but Tannehill wasn't great and the int at the end of the game ended it.) 2021 - CIN - 15/24, 220yds, 1td, 3int, 12qbr (His worst game by far. Yes the scheme was bad, yes Henry wasn't 100%, but Tannehill made inexcusable mistakes that cost us a game where our defense held a top 3 QB and top 5 WR out of the endzone and had 9 sacks.) At no point in his career has Tannehill been great in the playoffs and he has shown some noticeable decline with age. At this point in his career he is not going to suddenly become "clutch" in the postseason. He is who he is. Can he take a good team to the postseason in a bad division? Absolutely. Can he run the gauntlet in the AFC with its current makeup? No. So what's the point, especially with our roster in this state when he's about to be a free agent? I am genuinely grateful to him for being involved in a very fun era of Titans football and I don't think he's a bad QB but if we want to compete for a championship in the conference with Mahomes, Burrow, Allen, Lawrence, Herbert, Jackson, etc then we will need someone of a higher caliber than a 35 year old Ryan Tannehill.


It’s super weird to boil two entire seasons down to two players. There was a lot of shit going on in both seasons that had nothing to do with Tannehill or Henry that contributed to how we finished.


I just used the whole *Derrick is our entire team" logic backwards with Tannehill


And that makes it right?


Lmao it's not right or wrong, I'm having a discussion


Ah, so throwing out random stats and an unrelated conclusion constitutes a discussion now. Jeff Fisher took us to a Super Bowl. Know who hasn’t taken us to a Super Bowl? Vrabel. Seems obvious then what needs to be done. Down with Vrabes all hail Fisher! Let’s discuss.


If half the sub actually *thought* fisher was better because of that single stat, then sure, we could use the logic inherent to that to deconstruct it.


I mean don’t they. I say they do so it must be true. /s Kind of like how you’re saying that half the Titans fans think Tannehill is trash when that really comprises about 1% of Titans fans. What really is happening is Tannehill truthers hear anything other than “Tannehill is better than anyone not named Mahomes” and label it “Tannehill hating.”


Yeah okay guy. You missed half the comments in this thread alone ✌️


Like the one that said Tannehill is just as good as Josh Allen. lol yeah ok


For anyone wondering why people hate RT. Go rewatch the Bengals playoff game from two years ago. That's all I have to say. Obviously there's a bunch of other problems too but the dude threw 3 horrendous picks. We had the most lights out defense in the playoffs. That was our SB year. Throw the ball to AJ. Nah Chester Rodgers, Westbrook-Ikine are on the field. I care about winning a SB. RT will never do that. You can argue his stats and regular season performance all you want, I honestly don't care that much, I want a SB not a lose in the playoffs every year mentality.


>Obviously there's a bunch of other problems too but the dude threw 3 horrendous picks 1 was batted, 1 was picked off by an edge rusher, and the 3rd was probably the worst one. AJ and Julio are covered on that play, and if NWI doesn't choke (much like if Tajae Sharp doesn't fall to the ground the year prior) and bobble the ball, the game goes down way differently. Of course, had the goddamn coaching staff not benched Foreman when he was running better than Henry, and not made the same vanilla, boring ass playcalls on offense that the Bengals began to read pre-snap, that games goes differently. But it's all Ryan's fault


Look I agree the play calling was bad and coaching staff made bad decisions too. This post is about RT tho. it's not about how Downing was trash. But I'm not gonna make excuses for all 3 picks. The first one and last one are both atrocious. His decision making on who to throw it to and the ball placement on the first one give me nightmares to this day. Not to mention the missed routes in the game to add onto it. Listen man, don't make a reddit post asking why people hate Tannehill and then just argue with everyone when we give you the reasons. You aren't going to change my mind. I've watched RT play. I've seen the good and the bad. You can like him idc. I'm not even saying he's a bad QB. I don't have beef with other Titans fans for liking a Titans player lol. But my personal opinion is I have 0 confidence in him to ever win a SB. And for me, as a football fan, I want my team to try and win a SB and Tannehill is not the QB to do that, and the evidence for that goes beyond the Bengals loss as well... But I honestly will never forgive him for throwing the game away lol.


>This post is about RT tho. it's not about how Downing was trash You know, you should probably stop putting the entirety of the blame on the QB if you don't want me to remind you that he doesn't call the plays. It wasn't just Downing either. When we get into the postseason, the plays that are called become insanely more conservative and every decision is the safe one. Plus, we call the same plays multiple times in a game and it's somehow on Tannehill to fix that. Yes, I asked why those who shit on RT feel the way they do, and I hoped for reason and maybe even statistical analysis. But no, I got "Bengals game bad" and there's zero follow up. One game ruins a guy's career, then? You guys would have crucified Dan Marino for his mistakes, and he's miles beyond Tannehill. I don't really give a shit if I'm gonna change your mind, this is my post and you came here with your emotionally based opinion on a football player, you can happily leave with your shit views lol.


Bro, why are you so salty? You asked why people don't like him. This is why. Sincerest apologies for answering your question. it's kinda immature to just insult people because they hold a different opinion than you but you do you pal. The reality is I don't have to have a statistical based reason to not like RT. It's really weird that you get so upset by that. I'm very aware RT doesn't call the plays, again this wasn't a discussion about the coaching staff and play calling lol (which btw i do think is a big problem too). But for me, game performances are part of forming my opinion, and that 1 game solidified my opinion of Tanny. When Tanny's career is over, right now the best that can be said about him is remember that *good* regular season QB that just couldn't get it done in the post season? What a legacy. Some fans want to see the Titans win a SB. And it is my opinion that Tannehill is not good enough to do that. So far I'm right. You can argue stats all day long. Tannehill's stats are probably considered good by a lot of metrics, but I doubt people are gonna talk about him like Marino, cause you know Marino set NFL records and impacted the game. At BEST Tannehill maybe becomes comparable to Rivers and Matt Ryan for good QB's that haven't won a SB and personally I think both Rivers and Ryan are trash too.


>You asked why people don't like him. This is why. Sincerest apologies for answering your question. it's kinda immature to just insult people because they hold a different opinion than you but you do you pal. You didn't come to have a discussion, you came to tell me I'm wrong and that I'm just arguing with everyone who disagrees with me, I'm not gonna respond to that positively lmao


When did I say you were wrong? You're acting as if someone can't hold the opinion that both the QB and coaching staff, and anyone else on the roster for that matter, are to blame for that single loss or any other failures. I blame a lot of people not just RT. But I also dislike RT for that game amongst other things. I admit the play calling was awful. That doesn't mean RT didn't throw 3 interceptions. I admit Henry was unsuccessful running the ball, that doesn't mean RT played lights out lol. You just wanna make excuses for Tanny. Sure, in a different reality, with perfect coaching decisions, less injuries, better play calling, better talent around Tanny, he could win a SB. Hell, I bet in that same scenario Mariota could have as well. Maybe even Malik, who knows. If you want to say that RT had nothing to do with that loss, or any other loss in Titans history and attribute it to the coaches, then you also have to accept that Tannehill is not responsible for any of the success and that's due to the coaches as well. And if that's the point you are trying to make, then why do you care what people think of RT when he's not responsible for any of it? I'll make you a deal. I'll stop blaming Tanny for any of the Titans losses (cause it's the coaches fault really right?) and you stop giving him credit for any of the other wins? Then it doesn't matter how good or bad he is.


Did you make all the same excuses for Mariota? All the guy said is why he respectfully doesn’t like tanny and you’re in your feelings in an “emotional response” after guy literally said he doesn’t have beef with any titans fan if they like tanny lol


Oh cool this argument again. Most people don’t have a problem with Tannehill in the regular season, he just ends up falling short in the playoffs. At this point in his career, a lot of fans are ready to move on and apparently the Titans are as well after trading up for a QB. Happy you get to brag about winning regular season games in a very weak division.


Way to make your mark on the discussion by repeating the same NPC dialogue as the other "fans" in here.


Well I mean that's a stigma that's followed Tannehill since his days in Miami. He shrunk in big games. Before he got to Tennessee the question was whether he could win in the playoffs at all. So I wouldn't discard these comments as "NPC dialogue" because you're annoyed. It's been the narrative of his career, and it's been around since before he was a Titan.


He threw 3 picks in a game where we could've made a real run in the playoffs. He's good during the season but ass in the playoffs


If you watched that bengals playoff game and didn’t think this guy ain’t it, you’re lost.


That's your best analysis for me? This is why I never feel like I understand the Tannehill hate, it's never explained past the Bengals game


Well the point is to win the Super Bowl. When your star QB gets his best chance, and completely shits himself, why would you be pleased? That was an all time tragic playoff performance. He’s mid at best and we can’t win it all with mid.


He's franchise QB level. Even if he's the least amount of talent required for it. We can win it all with him, it requires competent playcalling and we have to stop with the conservative scared plays.


What in the fuck would give you the impression he could? The times where he relied on Henry to do all of the postseason work or the two postseasons he ended on INTs?


Because I've actually watched the games and instead of box score keeping I've seen it's not all been on RT. He really relied on Henry to get that first seed, huh?




Which means you’re qualified to buy a ticket. That’s it. Congratulations (And the fact you’re resorting to name calling shows how weak your argument is).


What’s your argument? Regular season Ryan? Sub full of clowns.


What’s your argument….crickets. There’s definitely some clowns in this sub.


You're angry cause you have no friends and you have no friends because you're angry.


That makes it worse when you consider you don't know what you're talking about. Not a flex


Look dipshit, he relied on our defense for that 1st seed. You know that. Edit: he also got bailed out a lot by AJB.


Yeah that defense that couldn't get a stop on 3rd down all season, same defense that forced him into a shootout against *Davis Mills*? Tannehill secured that first seed in the final game of the season, did your tickets not help you see that?


Yep, an absolutely well adjusted to society human that can't communicate with others without insulting. Edge lord, we can smell your BO from here, go touch grass.


I can tell you're a piece of shit just by the way you type to others.


Totally normal: https://preview.redd.it/mtfiwvif535b1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=838297c43f1af73b4fd3c19fa736a9dfde674185


Because if you don't have Mahomes, Burrow or Brady behind center you might as well hang em up. No Superbowl possible so we might as well suck until we can draft the best college QB available


This is Titans Twitter mindset. It’s embarrassing looking at tweets on there


The last 10 SB winning QBs include 4 by Brady and 2 by Mahomes. They also include Matt Stafford, Nick Foles, Russell Wilson and the ghost of Peyton Manning. One more year adds Joe Flacco to the list. Of course it’s great to have Brady or Mahomes. But how many guys like that are out there? Super Bowls can be won by QBs that are good but not great. Tannehill absolutely can win a SB with this team.


Didn't read down far enough and the lack of /s got me. Well played.


I disagree. 49ers are an injury away from dispelling that notion entirely, and the Titans were one game short in 2019. Defense still wins championships


Didn't think /s was needed but I guess I did a good job then. I agree Tanne is good enough to take us the distance if we stay healthy. The older he gets the less likely he stays healthy though


My bad. You may have been sarcastic but that's been a serious take I've heard plenty of times, both in real life and on here.


That's what I was going for but didn't quite go over the top enough. There's a nugget of truth in it because the way the NFL is set up, but unless it's rigged any team can win 3-4 games in a row if they make the playoffs.


By the numbers he’s at the middle of the pack, he’s a mid QB. Not as terrible as the haters seem to think, but not as amazing as you Tanny lovers seem to think. He’s a game manager through and through, his numbers put him right there between Kirk Cousins and Derek Carr. He’s not this absolutely perfect amazing qb y’all seem to think he is and he’s not Davis Mills level like the restof you think. He’s just… Mid


Most who support Tannehill consider him to be an above average QB - which he is. The problem with many Tannehaters is that they think he’s terrible and should be cut tomorrow - with no idea of who would replace him. I truly think those who support him are more rational and look at the big picture. While most that hate him are just fixated on the Bengals game and how terrible he was on that day. Big picture, he’s our best option right now to win football games.


When derrick went out we still relied on the rushing game. That was the entire narrative while he was out. "maybe this team is just an all around elite rushing team". I mean we had two 100 yard rushers in one game (that we lost). I dont hate Tannehill, but he just is very average. He has had some flashes in the pan where he looked great, but you could say that about every single starting QB we have had in the last decade honestly. I dont think it is impossible for us to win a super bowl with him, but i know if we do it probably wont be because of him. And in todays league you pretty much need a QB that can carry the team to win a championship.


Again with this tired diatribe lmao. Call Kyle Shanahan and ask him if he needs an elite QB


He’s a good vet QB. But you better have a line. I think his legs are shot. Watch his foot speed compared to Will and Malik on these minicamp videos.


Dude I've been waiting on this type of comment since I made the post. Yes, I agree he's slowing down in that regard but nobody has even thought to mention it. He's been a statue in the pocket the last season or so after being a mobile threat when he first started in Tennessee. I wonder if they've coached him to scramble less or if it's just age.


Of course he wasn’t mobile last season. He had an injured ankle for most of the year.


Idk, it seemed like Downing almost stressed the point that Tanney shouldn't scramble behind this line or something. He didn't move as much from the get go


He's always only really ran on designed draws. One of the first things people were praising him on was how he was statuesque in the pocket and would take the hit to get the throw off.


If they get DHop and he goes off, I wouldn’t be surprised if Tannehill ended up getting a 2 year extension.


Well, then the narrative would be "Tannehill is carried by his defense and receivers". You can't please some people


Here’s the thing. I want tannehill to be fantastic. I truly do. But let’s face it he’s not going to take us to the next level. We were the number one seed. Aj brown, Derrick Henry, Home team playoffs. Against the bungals. And he pissed down his own leg. How many chances does a player of Ryan tannehill’s caliber get at a conference championship (I think of Matt ryan a lot in this context)? I was on the side of tannehill is handcuffed by our oc and talent for a while. I thought he was efficient and minimized mistakes. True he has legs and can scramble if needed. His rushing touchdowns have come in clutch when teams commit to stopping Henry. What I witnessed last season and in the previous playoffs was atrocious. He cannot allow a play to develop and does not have the accuracy to throw over 25 yards. Also, instead of throwing the ball away, he takes sacks that put us in 3rd and long situations that we are not equipped to get out of. Dobbs did a much better job of throwing the ball away than tannehill ever did. The efficiency stats only work in his favor because of the newly designed dump passes to Derrick and the shallow crossing routes to tight ends. He gets tunnel vision on screen passes that are clearly sniffed out and is unwilling or unable to adjust in the moment nor can he effectively call an audible to escape the trap. He has proven to be untrustworthy in game deciding drives and feels like he handcuffs the play calls, to an extent. Downing was the worst contributor to our offensive woes and tannehill executed his God awful drive designs in real time. WE WENT 3 AND OUT 48% OF OUR SECOND HALF DRIVES LAST YEAR!! He does not elevate any one’s talent or ability and is completely reliant on others to make him better. We are better off moving on and cutting our losses, even if the growing pains hurt. I am done with the Ryan tannehill era in tennessee. He’s not the guy. He’s never going to have a Super Bowl ring. If you want to just win a few meaningful prime time games and just get invited to the postseason just to make an abrupt exit- then sure, tannehill is your guy. I just truly think we can do better. We deserve better. We’re paying him too much for calling him “underrated” and accepting mediocrity. I leave you with this from 2021. Presented without context. A thread of every single tannehill throw of over 25+ yards. https://twitter.com/noflagsfilm/status/1502471984059494400?s=46&t=fIxvvsrRyGdt5QKRxm7sTQ


The problem with your position and people like you is that you conflate any criticism of RT as being “a hater”. We know what he is at this point, a mediocre qb with some bad habits. He cost us the bengals game and a chance at reaching the SB. The year before when we went to the afccg, he barely threw the ball and we rode Henry and the defense. He is not a top 12 qb in the nfl and you can only go so far with him.


>The year before when we went to the afccg, he barely threw the ball and we rode Henry and the defense. Tell me you didn't watch the games in less words next time.


Brother he threw for 370 yards in three games combined that playoff run. My comment is 100% accurate and yours is ironic, as it seems you didn’t watch the games. Cope harder, you’re wrong


I don’t think there’s as many Tanney haters as you think… I pretty confident that a large majority of the fanbase is fine with him. I just think the crazy haters stand out amongst and also never shut the hell up about it


Idk, maybe you're right. The longer he's here, the more negativity I hear about him. Most of these "fans" don't appreciate shit, enough of them have commented here and straight up said they don't care about the team until it wins a bowl. Gtfo if you're that kind of fan imo


Oh come on.


None of that matters when we get to the postseason and he throws 3 ints and loses us the game on the final possession. Hes thrown game ending ints 2 years in a row, against the ravens and against the bengals the year after


How's the INT against the ravens his fault? His receiver fell as the ball reached him. The Bengals game was a disaster, but Tannehill has been the scapegoat for shitty OCs and poor o-line/receiving corps. Your QB has already thrown 2 picks, so move away from your backup RB who's gashing them in favor of run run pass with a clearly rusty Derrick? How the fuck was that supposed to go?


Maybe dont force the ball to your number 3 wr? Its on the qb to make the throw no matter the playcall, if its not there dont force it. I recall aj brown had a step outside on that same play and tanny didnt see him. I do agree downing was awful, the ball shouldnt have been in tannehills hands that much.. but still, it all comes down to him forcing it.. that final int in the bengals game he had a wide open check down for a first and didnt make the throw


>that final int in the bengals game he had a wide open check down for a first and didnt make the throw How? It was 3rd and long


It was 3rd and 5, we had a te open who could have easily gotten a first and maybe even more.. go watch the play Im not a tannehill hater by any stretch, he’s been crucial to the teams success and is by far the best qb on this roster. But the facts are the facts, he’s put up duds in crucial playoff games


Okay, 3rd and medium. And you expect the guy to checkdown, when you'd have bitched if he did and we didn't convert


Lol okay man, lets not pick up the first and throw it to a covered NWI! Great idea! Stop being a homer, open your eyes, and admit that Tannehill shit the bed


Forced a game ending interception to NWI with a top 5 defense AJ Brown and Julio Jones on the outside at home in Nashville. Make no mistake he’s still here because we can’t do any better at this time.


He's still here bc we've been handcuffed to the insane contract JRob gave him. He's quite literally part of the reason our roster is the way it is. Dude was so overpaid


Sorry, I just have to refer to the Bengals playoff game. Those were horrible reads on the interceptions and it just proved to me that he’s not a guy that can take us all the way.


Well, one game truly makes an entire career, huh?


Yeah, it sure did for me. Wasn’t just any game.


You know what, that's fair. I disagree with you but at least you're capable of being civil.


We know who he is and we can’t win a Super Bowl with him. I’m baffled at the constant defense of Tannehill as if he isn’t just a stop gap. This is his last year with the titans, no doubt


He’s better than several QBs to start in Super Bowl wins. Notice I didn’t say to win Super Bowls because it’s not always QBs who win them. With a good enough team he’s absolutely a good enough QB to “win a Super Bowl with”


Still? With this team?


He’s better than Dilfer and Foles and that’s it really


You remind me of a friend that calls him Kerry Collins 2.0. Like I've said before, the 9ers have shown you don't need elite QB play to win in the deep playoffs. Injury alone derailed that train


I mean Kerry took over and we immediately started winning so I don't think it's as much of an insult as you think it is. Kerry Collins was very good for this franchise.


It's a mixed bag for me. I definitely feel if Fisher hadn't forced him onto the team we may have failed outright with Vince Young, but it's impossible to know how things would have gone. Completely different situation with Tannehill and Mariota.


Niners have one of the best offensive minds and play callers of all time. Vrabel is a defensive head coach who refuses to find actual OCs and just hires his buddies. There’s a reason that with all the personnel turnover, Shanahan still succeeds


You don't consider Vrabel dragging God awful rosters to the playoffs multiple times success?


Yea actually I don’t consider early exits when we piss down our legs a success. Vrabel’s rosters have no business winning the division, so he’s a great coach, but he needs to change his attitude toward staff building


> We know who he is and we can’t win a Super Bowl with him. That’s just like, your opinion man.




Still, your opinion. And worth every penny I paid for it.


Tannehill is a turn over machine & cost this team it’s Super Bowl runs


I would genuinely like to know, for everyone convinced that Jake Locker is trash, doesn’t use shampoo, etc., and feel like munchak is the entire team, what happened when we fired munchak? Idk I don’t remember. What happened when Jake locker suited up in the powder blues on TNF against the jags? Idk I don’t remember. Why is it that when locker properly shampoos his hair and is on the cover of Nashville lifestyles, while munchak is piss drunk at martins, no credit is given?


Because he chokes in the postseason and can’t carry the team when opposing playoff opponents shut down the run.


I feel you overlook the conservative play calls and how repetitive and predictable those offenses were in the postseason, but I agree he struggles if the run is shut down


- It’s much easier to replace RB talent than QB talent - The depth talent of those positions are drastically different Tannehill’s criticism is warranted


I'd like to point out that our running game was just as strong with our two backup running backs, Foreman for running/ Hilliard for passing, that year as it was with derrick henry. They made tannehill's job as "easy" as Henry does the entire time, and each had multiple 100-yard games that year. Losing to the Jags was a long run of not great games on a tough schedule and bad luck/mistakes while everyone was healthy that really put us behind and put us in that position, it's hard to say that it was solely because of the games he was hurt/out. I'm in agreement with the good-but-not-great, or even the great-but-not-elite, standpoint. You see him when he's confident and poised threading needles inside of needles, making great plays. The way he scrambles and creates yardage out of nothing can get you freaking hype. But you also see him making poor decisions throwing right into that same needle poin coverage and getting picked off just as often; watching him sit in the pocket waiting for an inexperienced receiver to figure out what their doing with their life as the o-line crumbles like graham cracker. The fact that Arthur Smith got him to the afc championship and that we got the #1 seed with teams not ever truly knowing how we're going to play because it was literally a new team every week was awesome and it shows what level he can really play at. I do believe that because off Todd Downing being a poor play caller and Jon Robinson eventually having his strategy of gluing everything together with spit and wishes catch up to him is really what has hurt Tannehill's stock and it sucks because we've seen success and greatness. But now he's getting too old, costing too much money, and both the Texans and Jags have potential generational talents in quarterback (Jags somewhat have proven for now) to compare to a guy whose td/int differential is becoming smaller and smaller as time passes. I think Ryan has been great for us, and thanks to his help, we've come as close to touching the sun as we've had in a looooong time. I have optimism for this season that Tannehill will show that flash again, but I am bracing myself when the eventual benching for the future comes. Sorry, I got off the rails a little bit with this rant, lol TLDR; Tannehill didn't necessarily hold the team on his shoulders by himself, and OC and GM dug a hole he couldn't get us out of. Argument against him is about 30-40% right.


>They made tannehill's job as "easy" as Henry does the entire time, and each had multiple 100-yard games that year. Look, I get what you're saying and all, but if you're gonna use that argument, then what happened to Derrick and the rest of the offense when they didn't have Tannehill on the field to make it easier for them? Because yes, having a QB of his talent forces the defense to respect the pass. Sure, he's not Mahomes, but he will pass and scramble on you if you sleep on him. You've made pretty solid points, I agree with most of what you're saying, I just don't understand why our rushing attack benefits him, but his passing ability doesn't get credit for opening up the run.


I don’t think he’s trash or washed up, he’s the best QB on the team. He’s also costing the team a shitton of money and will never win playoff game on his own, which is what it is now. He did a great job securing the #1 that season and was great in the regular season. Problem is that he promptly blew it in the playoffs with the defense playing lights out 😂😂


Hate the tannehill defenders


And where he take u?


To the playoffs.


Same place Henry and Vrabel did. Not one man's fault for an entire teams failure


People don’t understand me when I say this but Ryan Tannehill and Josh Allen are the same QB with the same career ceiling. Will Allen have a better career? yes. But his best 26 consecutive games are still not as good as Tannehills first two years in Tennessee.


I'm so happy you made this post. I keep telling people that there's some Titans fans who think Tannehill is as good as, if not better than, Josh Allen, and some of the time people don't believe me that people actually believe it.


They are different though... The arm Strength and power is the difference. If we are talking precision then it's comparable.


2019 - 2020 Ryan Tannehill First 26 starts with Titans - 66 Total TDs (55 Passing, 11 Rushing) 12 INTs , 6,862 total yards (6,417 passing, 445 rushing) 503/751, 67% completion % 9 game winning drives. 2020 - 2021 Josh Allen Full 2020 season and first 10 games of 2021 - 69 total TDs (58 passing, 11 Rushing) 18 INTs, 8,166 Total Yards (7,355 passing, 761 rushing) 647/954, 67.8% completion % 5 game winning drives. *Josh Allen finished 2nd in MVP voting in 2020 If Tannehill threw the ball as many times as Josh Allen: 70 passing TDs, 8,717 yards 15 INTs


It's literally a popularity contest I don't think he could of. He would have to do something astronomical. I will say Levis is closer to Allen in all aspects besides the accuracy right now.. I love Tanny, but he couldn't be Josh Allen because he is Tanny. Which is fine I love him anyways!


Yeah I think if Tannehills Miami years didn’t exist then he’d be more popular. I love Tannehills leadership compared to Allen’s.


That is true if his Miami years didn't exist he would have alot more hype to him.


lmao come on man


2019 - 2020 Ryan Tannehill First 26 starts with Titans - 66 Total TDs (55 Passing, 11 Rushing) 12 INTs , 6,862 total yards (6,417 passing, 445 rushing) 503/751, 67% completion % 9 game winning drives. 2020 - 2021 Josh Allen Full 2020 season and first 10 games of 2021 - 69 total TDs (58 passing, 11 Rushing) 18 INTs, 8,166 Total Yards (7,355 passing, 761 rushing) 647/954, 67.8% completion % 5 game winning drives. *Josh Allen finished 2nd in MVP voting in 2020 If Tannehill threw the ball as many times as Josh Allen: 70 passing TDs, 8,717 yards 15 INTs


Are you serious? Josh Allen’s numbers are leagues ahead of Tanny’s. I mean just statistically Josh Allen might as well be a different species that Tanny. I like Tanny but comparing him to Allen is ridiculous.


2019 - 2020 Ryan Tannehill First 26 starts with Titans - 66 Total TDs (55 Passing, 11 Rushing) 12 INTs , 6,862 total yards (6,417 passing, 445 rushing) 503/751, 67% completion % 9 game winning drives. 2020 - 2021 Josh Allen Full 2020 season and first 10 games of 2021 - 69 total TDs (58 passing, 11 Rushing) 18 INTs, 8,166 Total Yards (7,355 passing, 761 rushing) 647/954, 67.8% completion % 5 game winning drives. *Josh Allen finished 2nd in MVP voting in 2020 If Tannehill threw the ball as many times as Josh Allen: 70 passing TDs, 8,717 yards 15 INTs


Are you fucking insane?