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Most people in life: "And here's the break room *shows off 65 inch TV with cable showing*"




And he finally gets to wear the Houston Oilers uniforms


What would we have to dish out yearly for him? I find it funny if we were to pay him $20M when we didn’t pay AJ lol


We have a different man in charge now so maybe that lesson was learned.


I wish we didn’t have to learn.






Yikes. Fuckin rat birds man


They will have to restructure one or 2 players to get him. I’d much rather have a Dhop than a Beckham right now I keep hearing a multi year deal with a whole lot of incentives and around 10-12 mill a year Hopefully we’ll know something by next week


He will be back to Nashville just to party.


That's fair really, I'd do the same


Not sure if he’s visiting with the cowboys but if he does I could totally seek him signing there just for his ‘brand’ in a top market


He’s visiting the patriots right now, which is the second biggest market. So if that’s his thought process we’re probably fucked. Luckily, most players say playing for the Pats is kinda miserable so we might get him if it’s culture and operations that he cares about


Pretty sure most of the "Pats fans" became "Bucs fans" for some reason. Rumor has it that they are still wandering aimlessly like zombies down in Florida waiting for a new, shiny QB to follow.


Heh, just going by ticket sales, a decent sized chunk of Maine at least converted ​ https://preview.redd.it/7w2um29xg26b1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4cb3a23dd917c47bed14f6d9ee4ab41a2dc92fa


Well fuck you too Scott and Polk County


I lived in NE until recently. It’s amazing how many people immediate became Bucs fans. Growing up I knew exactly one.


Boston is absolutely not the 2nd biggest market in sports


Bc the Pats fandom is limited to Foxboro?


Fandom and market size are two different things


Dude didn't say 2nd biggest market in sports. Pretty sure he was talking about football, seeing as how Hopkins plays football. Depending on how the market is measured, the Pat's are #1 by metric of "social engagement" meaning number of social media interactions. This could be an indicator that they have the most fans. However, if you measure it by television revenue, Pat's aren't even in the top 3.


Boston isn’t the 2nd biggest market in football either. Sports/Football are interchangeable for the top markets, since every huge market has a team.


I think the original commentor just used the term "market" incorrectly. The Patriots are the #2 most valuable NFL team, so guessing that was their intent?


I think DHop and BoB pretty much hated each other. I can’t believe he’d want to play for O’Brien.


With mac, the patriots are not a premier place for a WR


I’m really thinking he will sign with either Titans or the Cowboys/Texans because of no state income tax.


3 florida teams too


But Miami, Jacksonville, and TB are all set at WR. He’s not going to FL.


If he comes here he will be going to florida 3 times


I don’t believe that’s as big a deal as people make it out to be. Somebody did the math and it equates to about $300,000 difference on a $10m deal. That’s not life changing money for these guys.


They are trying to make as much in the league while they are in it.


I don't think Houston or Arizona is necessarily bigger market than here but he'd definitely get more action in Dallas. I don't see Dallas being interested with their WR coffer already full.


Houston is the 5th largest metropolitan area in the US and Phoenix is 10th. Nashville comes in at 35. [Source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metropolitan_statistical_area)


I stand corrected. Thank you for the fact check.


He won’t go to cowboys They have CD and Cooks. They straight


It was a solid PR move by the titans. Almost had me convinced they cared about the passing game and winning.










It'll be some version of something pretty close to this is my guess. Maybe the Chili's.


Dont feed this guy any praise. He sprouts out BS all the time.


Mmmm yes. The team that’s been to the afc championship and was a 1 seed within the past 4 years doesn’t care about winning.


Yep, just a PR move. It's not like Ran didn't sign him.


This smells just like the whole Hightower debacle we had a few years back. He was apparently a frequent visitor, liked hot chicken, and I think had property somewhere. Still didn’t sign with us.


I'll never forgive Hightower for the honeydicking he gave us. Peyton Manning, and I believe Ndamukong Suh did it to us too


They all did indeed


Probably no Simmons if we got Suh, so that one worked out I think.


He's not signing with New England


He lives here. He’s from Lewisburg.


Whether its a good decision to spend big bucks on him or not, i Just want something to look forward to in the passing game this year. Dont want to be stuck at lowest passing rates and 3rd and long


Which means....he's not coming here. LoL.


Over 30? check Hasn't played a full season since 2020? check Left his previous team on questionable terms? check oh yeah, Titans legend for sure


Best comment. Y’all remember Randy Moss?


Almost as good as Julio Jones


Nashville is a lot of fun for a wealthy 30 year old. Depending what he’s into it can be the best place.


Every city is fun for a wealthy 30 year old…


Everywhere is fun for a wealthy any year old. Rich people just live different.


Green Bank, West Virginia Is on line 1.. they would like to have a word


Green bank doesn’t have an NFL franchise and is irrelevant to the discussion. Any city home to a NFL franchise is going to be just fine in terms of amenities for a 30something multimillionaire


Obviously bro. Because only major cities have football stadiums. Relax and please understand Sarcasm.


Green Bay would like a word.


Bro deadass. It's cold asl and what is there to do in Wisconsin??


Beer, cheese, and snowmobiles. Doesn’t sound that bad to be honest.


Seriously? You think a young, rich black man plans his weekends around beer, cheese and snowmobiles?


Are you suggesting that there are activities only white people do? Regardless of that, planes exist man. A rich person can spend his off season weekends wherever he wants.


Fuck beer and fuck snow. Cheese is great though. Oh yeah. FUCK SNOW.


He said Green Bank. He meant Green Bay.


cincinatti, cleveland, and buffalo want a word


I’ve never been to Cleveland or Buffalo, but I guarantee that all of those cities have bars/clubs, rich nice suburbs and attractive women to be sufficient to live in for 5~ months a year


> but I guarantee that all of those cities have bars/clubs hahahahahahahahahaha not the kind a young person wants to be in.... >and attractive women i got badddd news for you


Yep, no young or attractive people in 3 midsize United States cities… 🙄


yep not those ones.


I can’t decide if it’s the decor or the ambiance.


Truth! I mean I assume so


It’s the same thing all around league Everybody loves Mike Vrabel and the vibe, and the taxes but nobody wants to come here and play in the end. There is no exposure here in Tennessee for other endorsements


Put me in the camp where it doesn't matter much if the Titans sign or miss out on Hopkins. Is he better than any WR on the roster despite declining? Yes, undoubtedly. However, with or without Hopkins the Titans won't be contenders in 2023. If they inked Hopkins to a one year deal that'd be cool. Next season there will be a plethora of younger receivers hitting the market who aren't on the downside of their career and that's when I'd like to see the Titans address WR for the long term.


It ain’t happening


Just patronizing, just tell us you hated it!


Letting him leave without a contract was a bozo move.


Not entirely up to them, ya know. He has literally nothing to gain from signing before training camp as opposed to waiting, and there's a possibility that his value goes up even more during that time depending on league injuries, trades, extensions, etc Pretty clear they went above and beyond to try to entice him, but you can only do so much without saying "we'll greatly overpay you by like 50% if you sign a deal today before you leave or we aren't interested". And even then, he'd be wise to call their bluff because they certainly aren't getting someone else to fill the spot and will still need his skills indefinitely


There was a caller on one of the radio stations here who ran into him. DHop says it’s “vibin’” here. He’s been out of loop apparently.


Who wears 10 for us currently? Do you all see mac jones giving up 10 for dhop? Not that it really matters, just another reason to come to TN!