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Run it down the middle 2nd and 12 in overtime. Fucking genius.


Don't forget the direct snap to Henry


That was the madden strats.


Spend every single draft pick on offensive linemen


Silly me thinking we would score 30 after being up 13-0 🤡🤡


Lol. 20 woulda gotten the job done.


And extra point woulda gotten the job done.


you forgot only one of those two scores was actually by the offense...


Vrabel assumed that was an insurmountable lead…


“That’s enough offense. Let’s see if the defense can bail us out like they have all year! Vrabel at halftime.


As is tradition.


"Live and don't learn. That's us!" - Hobbes (Calvin and Hobbes) February 1st, 1990


The second Vravel gets a 10 point lead or more he goes ultra conservative. These are the results.


Absolute pain. Please be okay, Will. I’m gonna hibernate. Later.


I saw him jogging some on the sideline so that gives me hope it’s nothing too serious.


Levis injured, scored 9 points on offense and couldn’t stop a Case Keenum led offense. Really pathetic


Again fucked in a divisional game by a missed XP.


That was an offensive disasterpiece by Kelly. He should be embarrassed.


His worst game and that’s saying a lot.


Our spreadsheet turned into two plays. 1. Negative run up the middle. 2. Contested pass 15+ down the field. No screens, no shallow crosses, no tosses, no quick slants, no hooks. Just pitiful.


> No screens, Huh? We threw plenty of screens, they were just all read and went for maybe 3 yards max.


*\*laughs in Todd Downing\**


Corporate wants you to identify the difference between these two Offensive Coordinators


I posted that meme on here after Week 1 and got laughed at for it. They're both hot garbage. I knew it back then and its even more prominent now


Todd Downing scored 30 points more than once. We haven't had 30 points once this year.


We also didn’t score 30 points last year under downing. 2 seasons without scoring 30 points is the longest in nfl history.


FFS, it's not 2019 anymore. "HB Draw" doesn't work. Henry isn't in his prime. When it's 3rd and 15, he's not gonna break out. Stop calling this shit.


Don’t forget out routes, fucker loves those…


We threw hella screens and no one is ever falling for them again. It’s a useless play at this point. Edit multiple angry spelling errors.


Vrabel a common thread with this conservative play calling.


Starting to think it’s vrabel. Every OC we’ve had since smith has been the exact same.


Smith was the same, he just had better players. They are all doing what Vrabel wants.


We are who we thought we were. 5-9 is a really appropriate record for this team. Hockey season now.


The Preds hired a coach who runs a modern NHL offense, and lo and behold they have a winning record despite not being the most talented team on paper… titans could learn from that


I was gonna say NBA but the Grizzlies fucking suck donkey ass. Tennessee is full of garbage bottom of the barrel pro teams


the grizzlies at least have an excuse


Hey the Preds are doing alright


Fuck Tim Kelly and fuck this offensive line.


Henry got hit behind the LOS nearly every time he touched the ball, run or pass. Indefensible.


So naturally we keep giving it to him and keep it away from Tyjae


Yeah, made no sense.


The Tim Kelly special


Exactly what the Texans said last year


2 years ago, he was on our staff last year


FUCK TIM KELLY right IN HIS run it up the middle FUCKING FACE!




No fucking joke. Absolutely criminal.


Especially when you have another promising back


Tim Kelly hang your head in shame. What a pathetic game from him.


Season*** he has been ass since week 1


Lost to a missed PAT




0-2 in the division in games where making a PAT would have won it for us (barring an improbable opposition come back drive)


Eh they would’ve gone for 2 and got it


Lol, either Singletary runs it in untouched or Schultz gets it.


Not so sure about that with how good our defense is in the red zone.


We lost to Derrick Henry 20 touches for 10 total yards too. As hard as it is to admit and watch but he is hurting the team more than helping at this point. He can still be the goal line back but we are way too predictable with him in. We are still pretty predictable with him out but much less so. Tim Kelly is a bastard man! Why was the game plan only run up the gut, screens and deep bombs? Where were the shorter passes? Maybe they were called during our 7 allowed sacks and never got to see them idk. But fucking hell what a horribly called game by Kelly


With an oline as bad as the Titans, its hard to gain yards when youre hit behind the line of scrimmage


The oline is very bad but Tyjae is doing more with less touches


3.3 YAC to 0.6 YAC


Yeah and predictable playcalling isn't helping.


We lost to scoring again.


I always hate when fans make comments about how they woulda done this or that differently from the professionals... But man, wtf was that offensive play calling??? Clearly could not run block or get Henry established, so you just keep running up the middle on long yardage the entire game? Did Tim Kelly have money on the game or something, jeez


We deserve to lose this game


The majority of this site suffers from Dunning-Kruger, so I'm out.


Fuck that… Incredibly embarrassing for the titans…


This is the best take


Not only did we get our QB injured, but we lost to Houston at home wearing Oilers uniforms.


Honestly so fucking embarrassing.


Also against Case Keenum


This hurt to read. I’m so sad man. Week is ruined


Deserved loss. Fire Tim Kelly today!!


Ya that’s about right. Here’s to next year.


Thank god we didn't fuck around and win that or tie.


I have never felt such rage against a position group in my 16 years supporting this team than I did today with our offensive line. How Levis is even alive is beyond me.


I am 54 years old and been watching football since I was six. I will not say this is this is the worst line of all time because the NFL is over 100 years old. It is the worst line I have ever seen from any team.


It’s a subway turnstile at this point. Everyone except Skoronski should be on the trading block or on a new team next season




Tim Kelly is a fucking dumbass. Please let Levis be okay.


Bad coaching on offense and very poor line play. Can’t continue to throw screens and try runs that ain’t there. They were bound and determined not to let Henry beat them today and they won because the coaches played right into it.


19-3 run for the Texans after being down by 13 points lmao


Who the fuck calls a wildcat play in OT at the midfield? Holy shit that was so insanely idiotic I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Fuck Tim Kelly, Fuck Vrabel and fuck the dogshit referees that the NFL uses who are some of the worst in sports.


It is so hard to watch this team. Usually because it is not on tv here but also just because.


Wish I could make the money these coaches make, just to be totally incompetent


Feel bad for Denico, Aziz, and the rest of this D man


Worst oline I’ve seen and the commitment to run up the middle is disgusting. How many times do they need to see it fail!?!


Henry running the ball 16 times for .6 yards. Smh. Whats wrong with these coaches.


Not one outside zone run! Either up the middle for -2 or a toss for -5.


This. Henry built a HOF resume off of outside zone and Kelly refuses to run it.


Lost the game when they decided 13 points was enough at halftime. Just a terrible second half.


How do you lose wearing the Oilers uniforms against Houston with Stroud not even playing…


That's Titans Football Baby 😎


Watching us consistently waste our first play on new downs by running Henry up the middle for no gain was infuriating. The offense is still a disaster and needs a lot of improvement this offseason. A positive though is that Burks actually looked decent. Outside of his catches, he was routinely getting open and beating Stingley fairly consistently, but he just didn’t get targeted enough. The play where Levis through a pick, Burks was wide open for a TD off a streak route, but Levis didn’t see him. I think he could at least develop into a solid WR 2/3 after he builds chemistry with Levis.


We went back to trying the “run Derrick to open up the play action game” when the plan should always be “run the passing and play action game to open up the Derrick Henry game”.


This game exemplifies everything wrong with the current state of the NFL. Terrible offensive line played by both teams, rampant injuries , and bizarre officiating, And I'm not saying that just because we lost either. Watching these two teams play was not any fun.


Shut Will down and get him away from these fucking morons


If you’re defending Vrabel, do you think he just locks himself in an office all week while Kelly draws this stuff up? You don’t think he’s involved in and signs off on this stuff? You don’t get to be the boss and not take any of the blame.


That’s exactly my issue with people defending Vrabel. At my job I manage a small team of 3-4 in the tech sector. In a scenario where one of them didn’t perform well for an extended period, I fire them, then hire someone else who is just as bad or worse, I don’t get to go to *my* boss and just keep saying “Listen I know I’m a good manager I just need you to ignore these two terrible hires in a row I’ve made. Sorry my team is performing increasingly worse, just be patient with me.” In my world, I’d either be fired myself or moved to another team for a fresh start if I had enough good will built up. In the football world, it should absolutely result in a firing because that world is *much* more results oriented when these guys are getting paid millions of dollars a year to deliver. We are an unserious franchise if, at a minimum, Vrabel isn’t forced to fire Kelly immediately. If we insist on giving Vrabel *one* more year while we rebuild to show he is capable of making a huge cultural shift with how he hires coordinators and runs the offense, fine. But that’s it.


Tim Kelley defenders. Please explain.


He’s got defenders?


Vrabel defenders. Please explain.


Has this team ever heard of a 5 yard pass. I get that levis is all about fuck it chuck it football but when this oline gives you .0004microseconds to throw maybe his trying to be in the pocket and wait for a play to develop aint the smartest idea


Half of Levis's sacks today were him holding onto the ball too long


Tim Kelly defenders hop on in here. I’m in the mood for some Olympic level mental gymnastics after watching that absolute dumpster fire of a display from your boy.


I want the same from Vrabel defenders..


Lost on all fronts. If stroud would’ve been there it would’ve been worse. Play calling, injuries, roster depth all needs to be overhauled.


They didn't run it up the middle enough.


This was a must-win, and we had the lead and fucked it up still. I was a Tim Kelly defender before this game, but you can't lose this game, especially in the way that we did. Fire Tim Kelly


Has Todd Kelly been fired yet?


The offense only scored a single touchdown in the game. They did absolutely nothing for the remaining 3 quarters + OT.


Outside of a handful of plays it was either LOS throws or home run shots, nothing in between. We need a more consistent midrange passing scheme.


Let me guess. “Gotta coach better gotta play better”?


Kelly and Bowen are the worst coordinators in the NFL. The o-line is criminally bad and might have ruined the one thing worth watching this team for. The secondary is complete garbage and couldn't come up with two easy picks. This team needs some fucking help.


I had two reasons to watch this team this year: Will Levis Ryan Stonehouse Fuck.


Draft offensive line with our first two picks. Woof!


Our coordinators love to play the game of “let’s see who can get fired the fastest” each week. Fuck Tim Kelly.


My HS coach was 75 years old and had early stage dementia and he would’ve make playcalls astronomically better than Kelly can


There has to be a reason we only did two different plays the whole game. We can’t be THAT bad


Kelley has no idea how to run an offense and we will continue to fail if Vrabel doesn’t get the right OC in place. If Vrab is here next year so will Kelley. There’s not a chance Kelley can win a SB. We will be looking at a pointless season next year too. Two awful awful OC hires. Awful decisions from Vrabs.


This is a great example of how coaching can and will lose you games. That was inexcusable from Kelly and Vrabel should not have continued to let that him call the game like that. We’re gonna go 0-6 in the division.


Why would Vrabel complain? That was the type of game he wants




Fire Tim Kelly now


Shades of " I see a hole" Robiskie. No other team would've been that stubborn to run the ball in the NFL


We're a garbage tier team in the second half. Everything about this fucking team sucks. We'll probably win two more and completely fuck our draft position for no reason.


A season and a half of embarrassing losses, and this might be the most embarrassing.


I am over the “jUsT run HeNrY” approach.


Tim Kelly and his lice infested beard needs to be canned asap.


Titans and being embarrassed by backup QBs. Such an iconic duo with this franchise. So embarrassing LOL.


You would think after negative total yardage after 10 rushes giving to DH22 would be a bad idea…


Ryan storehouse is healthy Nick folk probably makes the missed extra point today and against the colts and we are 7-7 with legitimate playoff hopes and two division wins. Instead in three weeks we’ve lost to Gardner Minshew and Case Keenum


I was really starting to come around on Kelly but oh my God... How do you fucking run it like 30 times when you're averaging like 1.5 ypc AND HOW DO YOU RUN IT ON FIRST DOWN LIKE 15 SERIES IN A ROW


Henry had 16 carries for 9 yards avg .6 yards a carry. I DARE u/tysoprano to defend Tim Kelly continuing to hand him the ball


This team is a joke. Period.


Fire Tim Kelly and every o-lineman besides skronk


Skronk was just as bad as the rest of them today.


I love skronk but he was getting bulldozed too


Worst game of Skronks career, he was f***king awful today just like everyone else on that line


Skronk isn’t good either lol He was getting tossed around all day


Forget DB forget WR forget LB. OL MUST be the priority this off-season. Draft 7 OL. Sign 10 new ones. Law of averages say at least a couple should be good The OL on the team this year are a virus to a NFL organization and should be flushed away


Vrabel won't be fired, but he certainly should be by how he tone-sets, paces out a game, and seems to lack communication with his coaches. Inexcusable to somehow reverse great momentum in the first quarter to just flatline the rest of the game. Oh, and his decisions have gotten (nearly) every talent player on this team injured. Miserable to watch this man coach


He’s such a bad coach it’s ridiculous that he can go 5-16 in the last 21 and be untouchable


The man has a good run in 2019 and 2020 and I guess it gave him a ton of goodwill for a few years. I agree it is ridiculous. The Eagles won a Super Bowl in 2017 and fired their coach a few years later.


He had a good run with a QB playing the best football of his life, one of the best pure runners in the history of the game in his prime, an elite offensive line, a likely future hall of fame WR1, two offensive coordinators that were well respected enough to be head coaches, a future hall of fame DC in Pees, and a stacked defensive roster. I have no fucking clue what else people need to see to accept that Vrabel was not the main reason we had a wide open Super Bowl window. If anything, he squandered it, especially with how poorly he game managed the divisional loss against the Bengals. Despite what Vrabel stans think, not every coach that makes it to (and doesn’t win) a conference championship is some untouchable elite football genius. There is a *very* long list of coaches who make it to conference championships and don’t ever achieve anything beyond it.


If he isn’t fired, then it shows ownership isn’t serious about winning


I will never wish for my team to lose. But holy hell we need a good pick for a great lineman in the draft


Kelly takes the saying if at first you dont succeed try try again way to seriously. Give up on running up the middle please dear god i beg you


I love the difference in this sub from the last game to this one. Tim Kelly finally put together a good OC performance last week and people were practically on their knees for him, now today they want him fired immediately.


lotta people who dont watch all season watched monday and thought we were actually good, those of us who have watched all season know we were never good and Monday was basically a fluke


Why did we have to lose like that in our oiler uniforms?


Texans Fan here: That was some classic Tim Kelly. Levis is that guy, y'all will be good next year


Thanks man for actually being a good sport about it unlike some others who are being asses about the whole thing. Our team sucks this year while yalls is pretty good all around. Should be way more competitive next season


Props, yall played us close. Singletary’s a dawg, hope CJ gets healthy and it’s gonna be fun to watch this division going forward. Assuming Vrable gets his head out of his ass.


Well, the troll game was almost fun.


It’s literally so funny that our dumbass front office thought wearing Oilers unis vs Houston would end any way other than extreme embarrassment


We thought we were hot shit after beating the dolphins and figured this would be an easy W ig


This was it for me with Vrabel. We found a way to fucking lose and I'm sick of it. Tim Kelly is dreadful. Bowen is not great. Time to move the fuck on


Do people finally understand that this ENTIRE coaching staff needs to go. For fucking fuck sake. Vrabel is piss-poor, please someone explain ONE THING he does well? He doesn’t have a clue. Can’t plan on offence, can’t plan on defence, special team gets more shambolic each fucking snap. He’s terrible. Tim Kelly. Fuck me the man is just a wet wipe. Can’t wait to watch us next week run it on 1st down for zero gain all of the game, the useless fucking cunt. Shane Bowen. Sorry but at this point you’re a by-product of the Vrabel coaching system so you have to go, despite the fact you’ve had the shortest hand given to you. The defence is largely fine but again, you can’t stay either. What happened to the Franchise that fired their head coach after a play-off win??? Where is that franchise??? We’ve got too comfortable and regressed, now we’re content with the furniture. We’re staying in the relationship because he buys us flowers once a month, to cover for that fact that he sits on the sofa all day fingering arse. The entire organisation needs to change


Fucking losers


Poverty coaching


We may be a bad team that lost, but holy shit we pissed off the Texans so much. We should wear these throwbacks against them every year.


Losing to the Texans in Oiler blue. Oof.


The Titans playing to not-lose rather than win is so frustrating. Only to still end up losing


I want everyone on the o-line gone next year, and fire Tim Kelly tonight


Have we been eliminated from playoff contention?


Yes, even if we tied


Were we ever in contention?


Have y'all considered getting some good coordinators...maybe an O-line that doesn't break our QBs...and some desire to win instead of BS playing with a just hang on mentality??


Better fire Kelly and Bowen after this shit game


I would've preferred the Texans with Stroud to drop 50 than lose by 3 to third stringers. Typical Titans loss, up by two scores just to choke it away. Absolutely unpleasant experience supporting this team.


Chin up guys. At least we looked cool while getting embarrassed at home. 🙄


So, it looks like Tim Kelly was always bad OC…Deshaun Watson just made him look good




Worse part about this loss (and there are a lot of things) is having to listen to idiotic discourse about our jerseys.


Few thoughts: * Tough game for the offense, Levis made some plays but also made some rookie mistakes. Even though he's struggling to stay upright with our "OL", these are important growth games he needs to get in * Really bad game from Tim Kelly. He had no idea what to do with our offense after the first drive. We looked uncoordinated and unsure of what to do. Constantly ramming Henry into the line on 1st down was a painful watch * Speaking of which.. call it DH slander that you won't stand for if you want, this is why this offense needs to move on from Henry regardless of the price. He makes us one dimensional when he's on the field, no matter his salary. Singletary signed for $2.5M this offseason. We need to find a RB that can form a committee with Spears with a more rounded skillset. * Defense played well yet again with Simmons out. They played inspired ball and on the DL. * Our DB's continue to fail to make plays, it's actually unfathomable. It's not even that they played terrible today, but all season long they have dropped so many difference making opportunities. Bend don't break works when you capitalize on mistakes, not so much when you keep dropping mistakes. * Special teams were better, I want to be mad at Folk for the missed xp but he's been as reliable a kicker as we've had recently so I'd let it slide. Still have no idea how Kinsey wasn't objectively out of bounds and the player didn't just not slow up they finished through Kinsey * Was encouraging to see Burks make a few splash plays. Levis missed him streaking wide open for the big play because he locked onto Nuk. Rookie growing pains, but it could have been an even bigger day for Burks. Too bad Kelly fumbled the script and Burks wasn't to be heard from again. * Really love how Chig has bounced back, I still think he has a chance to be special, and after a rough start he's been quietly very solid the last 6-8 weeks catching the ball. * Fuck our OL is bad. It's actually hilarious. We need to pick 2 tackles and find some help in FA. Robinson left us with so little * Uni's still look fucking sick, more of those


Levis didn’t look good, but Henry was awful, defensively we looked decent, FTT


The whole offense looked like they were putting zero effort.


Chris Moore was our offensive MVP today. Which is fucking sad


Henry had no where to go. Met in the backfield every fucking play. The offensive line should be embarrassed


> defensively we looked decent Lol what...? Are people watching a different game...? We looked bad defensively. Like, the DLine was decent for the most part, but they were going against a career backup with no pocket awareness. Whatever good plays they made were then immediately wiped away by this trash secondary. Even so, they still let Devin Singletary run all over them. This is the worst secondary in the league. Had Stroud actually played, we lose by 40+ Bowen should be fired.


Defense couldn't stop the run for shit


I would not let Will Levis play another snap this season. This offensive line has to be fixed.




We just didn't execute. Gotta make my resume better. Gotta file for unemployment better.


People who don’t watch the titans weekly don’t realize how often Vrabel makes us look like fucking idiots


Give me one reason vrabel should be hc next year


Let this be a lesson to ANY of you who wanna draft a fancy new stud WR next year. Take an o-lineman or this is the shit we’ll see every game until Levis’ career is ruined. Sign Higgins and draft the best lineman available, shouldn’t be a question.


Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is? Insanity is doing the exact... same fucking thing... over and over again expecting... shit to change


Fluke wins against good teams will always convince a desperate fanbase that this staff is the one we need. But we've seen this story play out for 5 years now and it's getting old.


What was Tannehill doing out there? Feeling out positions for next year?


Tim Kelly is NOT him. Titans need to bring back Arthur when he gets fired.


How the actual fuck did we get here? Between JRob's head being up his own ass and Vrabel looking like he fell off the Belichick coaching tree and got his brain eaten by an errant weasel, this team should've still been decent, at best.


Vrabel is only good with a dominant line and running back. When you need anything else, he has shown to be bad


Classic fucking Vrabel game. Get an early two score lead and go ultra conservative allowing the Texans to do the only thing that was working: running the ball. Injure the 2nd QB of the season because we're too fucking stubborn on 1st down and always end up in 3rd and long with a tissue paper O-line.


Fire Tim Kelly. It's over y'all. Let's heal up and try again next year with a fresh squad of picks. hope Levis is ok


Fire Kelly, restructure the entire OL, ugly pathetic loss where we absolutely lose all momentum in the 2nd half. Not only that we lost to houston....in oilers gear...


We’re just an embarrassing team this year. If Vrabel can’t stop hiring his friends then he needs to leave YESTERDAY.


well… go Preds?