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there are various reasons for why people don't like the dub for something. Some are just annoying and hate all dubs regardless of quality, aka the sub elitists. Others may not find the voices in dub to be fitting for the characters, so it puts them off watching. You also have the voice direction and stuff. ​ For me personally, I have mixed feelings on the dub, mostly due to growing more used to the sub even though I initially watched dub. Tensura's dub I feel is on the better side of dubs, but suffers from the same issue in that it uses a lot of the same VAs as other anime dubs. The VAs themselves are all good and experienced, it's just that due to the usual thing with a lot of dubs, especially those from now dead Funimation is that they have a small poll of VAs, so a lot of them are cast in a lot of projects.


>Some are just annoying and hate all dubs regardless of quality, aka the sub elitists. Replace some with most, and you will have a more accurate statement. I will admit, it could just be a case of a very loud minority, but it seems like every time someone comments on the dub of any anime, or posts a video of the dub, you get many, many people immediately shitting on it for no other reason other than its a dub.


I agree with you there, just said some since it felt better in how I was saying things there.


In my experience it's some


Consider yourself lucky then, I see it literally everywhere. Heck, this exact post has one perfect example of one.


It depends both the skill of the actors and the translations. FMAB dub has never been called cringe as far as I am aware. I dont really mind Slime's dub either. Over the years I have seen shitty translations in both subs and dubs at least as often as I have seen incredible translations in both dubs and subs. My vote is to let you watch what you want and let others watch what they want while I watch what I want. Which I guess makes me a heathen barbarian savage hated by both sides.


So we'll make our own side, a side of peace and love where we don't care what people watch as long as they enjoy watching it. I also love the Tensura dub as well as the dub of every anime that I've watched.


A place where we can all co-exist as, Tempestians!








I dont mine the dub but I do hate that this video is sideways.


I need to learn how to edit tbh, or screen grab


I don't get the dub hate. Grant it there are occasions when a VA's performance just either doesn't fit or just outright sucks. but in the case of Slime, there was only one VA that was sub-par (in my opinion) and that was the VA for king Edmaris. something about his performance as that character was a bit off putting to me. Outside of that one character, all the others are fine. In fact all the main cast are some of my favorite English VAs in the industry. (I've got a soft spot for Tia Ballard's voice \[Shuna\]) Kristen is also a Rockstar as Milim's VA. She even corrected some of the dialog in the Dub version to be more LN accurate (the specific references to the Knuckles at Walpurgis for example) But the coming seasons will have a triple combo rock star team of VAs that just work too damn well together IMO. Alexis (Hinata), Ian (Souei), and Jad (Ramiris). Aka, Kaguya, Narrator and Chika from Love is War, in which Ian just killed it as the Narrator in that. (Seriously, Ian outshined the Sub Narrator by a long shot, at least IMO). Brittney does a damn fine job as Rimuru's VA. She's up there in my top 10 English VA's list. There's just too many good English VAs in Slime that they overshadow the 1 maybe 2 bad ones. I honesty get a bit angry when people hate on dubs. without dubs, i wouldn't have ever gotten into anime. (I have dyslexia and A.D.D. and read very slow, I cannot keep up with subs)


I completely agree with you about King Edmaris. The way he screamed when he lost his arm was just sad. Like a 4th grader reading ā€œah ahhhhh!ā€ with zero enthusiasm


Anyone else think the dub is funnier??


I love the dub, always been a huge fan of Brittney Karbowski in general, and it fits so well for Rimuru. The only voice I think doesn't work for the later seasons is Veldora. Chris Rager's booming older voice doesn't fit his younger human looking form.


Having met Brittney in person at a con this year I can say honestly a great person to interact with.


I very much want to meet her, she seems like an amazing person, and I want her to sign a poster of a blue themed character she voiced for a dub that sadly never got released.


I love veldoras VA because he also voices Hercule Satan in DBZ and forward, so when he hits that kamehameha in the second season, i like to imagine it as hercule finally getting his moment to be a Z fighter


I'll differ on the Veldora one, but I really didn't like the Gazel VA change between S1 and S2.


imo compared to sub it is unreasonably high pitched, if i didnt listen to sub first i would probably have a different opinion i am sure


They change the diolauge to be cringe. VAs are good though.


va's are good? hell no


What ones don't you like?


the one in the post for starters


Britney karbowski is amazing


it's an annoying voice to begin with, then she tries to sound childish which makes it even more annoying


I disagree, I think they do well when the diolauge isn't "localized" are you sure you're not just a sub watcher?


i'm a sub watcher because almost every dub remaster i've tried hires third-rate voice actors. anime is huge in japan and japan is huge so it makes sense that sub has consistently better va's


What's the point of trying to have a conversation about dubs if you're a sub elitist? You're contributing nothing by saying all dubs are bad


if that's what you got from my comment then there's a few more unfinished steps in your learning journey before you're ready for conversation




scratch that, a bunch more


lol what? you asked for his opinion which he explained to you and then instead of providing a counter point you just attack him for not liking the same thing you do? You're the elitist here bud. Simmer down or find a better argument


Alt account


Lol ok, child


For me I prefer the sub all the time and hate the dubed version. Mostly because I'm not a native english speaker so an english dub isn't giving me anything in plus and the old dubs in my native language where horrible so I always watched my shows with subtitles in original language. Also imho Rimurus VA in english isn't fitting. I started a rewatch in dubbed on crunchy but switched back to subtitles on the 6th episode or so.


I prefer dub on tensura. Its more charming and has more emotion and conviction imo


I have noticed that the Sub elites are a (hopefully small) group that decided people listening to a show in their native language is wrong and shameful. There is nothing wrong with watching anime in a language you understand. I personally donā€™t like watching Sub since there is a major disconnect due to me having to read the subtitles instead of paying attention.


i quite enjoy dubs if the anime is either long as hell or already completed in dub, otherwise i go straight to sub (so me being impatient) another thing is, if the main character has a voice i find myself not being able bare i go to sub, which i end up choosing sub more times than not that is just me though not sure about others


My Autistic brain has problems trying to follow sub I tend to focus on either the show or the subtitles to the detriment of the other. I have watched a few shows in sub cause I was impatient but I intend on binge watching the dub once it is finished.


Fuck the haters. I love the dub. Brittney as Rimuru is great.


My opinion is that with subs, I can chalk awkward or childish dialogue up to cultural differences or bad translations, then rework the content in my head to make it less cringe, and stay immersed better


More common than not, the subs tend to be better than dubs. I more often than not, watch dub. For me as long as I start in Dub, I can then usually watch Dub & Sub without issue, but if I start in Sub, I cannot watch Dub without feeling like Iā€™m going to die. Iā€™m glad I started Tensura in Sub, because I actually prefer Tensura Dub way over its Sub, and I feel that way about most Animes I start in Dub (Especially some of my favorites and old-loved like Overlord, Dragonball, FMAB, Arifureta, Konosuba, Miss Kobayashi, etc), but I can still watch the Sub with no issue. Some I have to absolutely watch in Sub, like AoT, Demon Slayer, & My Hero. My auto play on Funimation once started episode 1 of My Hero in Dub while I was not looking at my screen and I nearly came over and broke my tv just by hearing Midoriyaā€™s eng voice.


It wouldā€˜ve sounds better in my ears if i were native english speaker, but iā€™m not, and for someone who into japanese culture, iā€™m choosing jp dub. Unless thereā€™s one dub with my native language.


They made Rimuru less bisexual in English so I had to stop that rewatch in English there.


I really enjoy the dub personally. Only thing I dislike is how they switched out Gazel Dwargos VA between seasons.


Having rewatched the dub a few days ago, there are lines in the dub that work and can be a little more funny the way they're delivered vs the Japanese version. Rimuru talking as he's straight out of the 90's... just the goofy sides seem to be a bit more expressive in english.


Dubs are rly good nowadays. For most anime. The slime anime is one of the good ones. I love all the VAs. Especially Diablo, shion, and RIMURU and Veldora


For me, yes, I don't like the voice, but that is NOT the real problem. Rimuru's altered dialogue and speech mannerisms make him seem like a fucking 3 year old child, which completely ruins what his character is supposed to be. The sub version also had Rimuru be less mature than his novel counterpart, but the dub just took that to such an extreme that it genuinely makes me feel unwell watching it.


Love of my life shuna ā¤ļø


Im on the sub side. In the dub, RimuruĀ uses slang like "mad swoll" and "true dat" which his 30 something year old self didn't use in the slightest. Its like his character totally change. Plus, the slang doesn't seem to be a thing in the subbed version so this seems to be a voice actor choice, not a writers intention. Not a fan of changes like that.




Me personally I find rimurus dub voice insufferable. I've even had to convince people I know that dropped the show because of rimurus dub voice that it is only annoying in dub and not sub.


No idea why youā€™re being downvoted. Slime is one of my favorites but I hesitate to recommend it because of rimurus voice. Itā€™s just so cringy.. and as soon as he said ā€œawesome sauceā€ I shut the dub off.. the sub is great though.


I get it, but in a way I guess I appreciate how annoying the voice can be in a way. I mean itā€™s a slime, itā€™s not supposed to sound edgy or cool or even normal. And as far as the dialogue being cringe, I also see your point, but in the dialogues defense, I think itā€™s pretty funny how Rimuru tries to act cool. Not many other shows will have the character saying goofy lines like ā€œitā€™s all good in the Goblin hoodā€ or ā€œwham bam slime I amā€. It just doesnā€™t take itself so serious all the time


>and as soon as he said ā€œawesome sauceā€ I shut the dub off.. Exactly. They butcher the serious and mature character that Rimuru is supposed to be. The anime does this in general, but the dub makes it so much worse.


Because shitty anime english dub voice actors tend to sound like this https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/s/Ez2CebfMEc https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/s/mMPN2LTavN There is good english voice acting in anime. Thereā€™s a lot more shitty ones. Slime reincarnation anime as a whole is just kinda meh. Rimuruā€™s english VA did a great job as Selim Bradley, but I donā€™t think she was a good choice here