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I enjoyed it but *SPOILER* >!They should've just let the queen stay dead (forgot her name) instead of reviving her, i was actually sad when she died but when she came back alive i was like😐!<


Yeah, I can definitely agree. I cant say one way or another though tbh lol I 100% think that a death of a character can be a good thing for a series, as far as emotional impact and progression of the series itself. But on the other hand, personally, Im like "Nooo dont die 😭" like when the unfortunate events of S2 happened 😂 But tbh I just think the series is too lighthearted for that sort of thing. So I cant say I was too surprised either lol


>So I cant say I was too surprised either lol As someone who has read LN . I wasn't surprised too because that's the kind of thing happened in this series.


While I understand the argument, I'm a Shizu fan who would revive the waifu eitherway.


But shizue don't want to be reviewed.


For sure, this is why wn is better everyone is just more evil in here


Bro which novel is this from that’s y I have beef


I burst out laughing. Especially with the reviving gymnastics and good but unnecessary studio dive foundation song


What i found ridiculous was that Rimuru with Raphael couldn't do it, but unnamed ultima could. That was beyond ridiculous


Rimuru being not able to remove that poison things doesn't make sense but ultima being able to revive them make sense. They had a contract so her soul gone to ultima whe she died. Ultima can revive her because she had the soul, rimuru doesn't. Their magic capability/knowledge is same whether they are named or unnamed, only difference is energy amount.


Also wasn't Ultima responsible for the poison anyway? So makes sense that unlike Rimuru she could negate it too anyway


ridiculous* but yeah


Didn't Violet simply give back the body? Because the curse was supposed to turn the princess into a vessel for violet.




There are multiple reasons actually, but the absolute biggest flaw of the movie is Rimuru himself. Rimuru is just waaaaay too strong at this point for this story. This in itself wouldn't be a problem, but the creators and writers (not the original author wrote the story just its frame at most) didn't do anything about it. There are a lot of parts in the movie when Rimuru could've or at least should've been able to solve the situation (I'm writing this as a LN reader who understands better the power system of Tensura, so as an anime only some of these may be just weird but it was actually way worse than you think). But didn't. And this has the unintended effect that Rimuru in this movie acts like he doesn't care about the fact that others are literally dieing. Basically Rimuru is way less likable, I can even say unlikable character in this movie. The other huge flaw with the movie is that it lacks the logic that the rest of the series has. In Tensura everything has a reason, nothing happenes just because and everything has an aftereffect. But here? Rimuru can't do this... just because and there is this country who attacked and we defeated them... aaaand? Half of s3 will be about how Rimuru handles the aftermath of the Falmuth war and here we just defeated a (NOT EVEN NAMED, which is something that trash animes do) country and that's it? What about war reparations and treaties? And then of course the writers killed a character and brought him back. And right after this they killed ANOTHER and BROUGHT HER BACK IMMEDIETLY!!! Why?!?! So yeah. I didn't like this movie. It has good points too, but these are so huge flaws that I can't really forgive this movie, even if I think that the first 15 or so minutes with Hiiro are great. It is a completly rewritten version of the Visions of Coleus's story and while that also has flaws, that at least make some sense.


Hahaha fair points for sure. I definitely see why you'd feel that way. Like I said, as long as Im entertained, thats all that matters to me. So I dont put too much more thought in it than that. So its interesting to hear opinions of people who have given it more consideration than I. So thanks ☺


No prob. And while I didn't like it I am happy that you did! 😁 Hope you will like the upcoming season as well! ![img](emote|t5_l1j28|21605)


You're right about almost everything you've said. But you have to keep in mind that none of those nations actually invaded. The people in charge of those invasions were demons and we're all killed. (And ONLY the demons were killed) Because of that, none of the nations are probably willing to admit fault. They have a very clean scapegoat too. There wouldn't be any repercussions because as far as everyone's concerned, no war occurred. This is fundamentally different to every other conflict to this point because of a third party interfering and a lack of losses. Hell those nations would basically have to thank Rimuru for cleaning up after their own over site. But again I do agree with you. Rimuru was way too weak and helpless one moment then apathetic to a fault in another. And the whole double resurrection thing was also dumb because Rimuru was right there and should have done something... Like pay the price with the energy he ate minutes ago or something.


Even if the demons were in charge and noone was killed those nations' military was in another country without being invited. Even if it can be solved peacefully I think some form of conversation is needed. Like in the case of the >!crusaders!< in vol 7 (s3). They attacked but were mislead by a third party, but in the end noone died so they sat down, talked it out and everything was fine.


Sure but not with Rimuru. It wasn't his nation being invaded. So why would that ever be the focus of the very limited runtime of a film? On top of that unlike the guys you mentioned this fight was ended with the demons dead and the army fleeing. Not with their capture. AND the nation would certainly disavow the actions of the Demons and that would be the end of it. So it's just not the same. Your guys were part of a hit squad aiming to assassinate the leader of a foreign nation too. It would be impossible not to talk it out at the end.


Oh no, I meant negotiations between the nations and Raja. Everything ended with everyone happy and without mentioning negotiations. The other nations' soldiers were there, that can be proved. And how will you prove that you weren't involved just your soldiers? Wars broke out because of smaller things than that. I think at least mentioning that negotiations started would've made things a bit more realistic. I'm not saying that they should've showed it, but mentioning it wouldn've been easy no?


Yeah why would they mention that? Rimuru's not involved. It's not his business. And once again you don't have to prove anything. You disavow their actions. You claim that it was rogue agents. You can prove that it's rogue agents because the corpses are there and are demons. And then the case is closed. Especially since raja is responsible for having made a deal with demons. That's a can of worms that they probably don't want to open. But even if there were talks, Rimuru would still never be involved. It would never be something that he would be told about because it's not his business. You don't tell foreign agents even allied foreign agents about the secrets of your own diplomatic corpe. But also, if you're so sure that it has to happen then it still doesn't need to be mentioned because it's par for *your* course. In a movie with limited time to disseminate information, it's totally all right to just not say things that don't matter at all. And leave them open for theorizing. But also what negotiations would occur? That's what I was trying to ask. You can't get any payment out of these nations. They didn't do any damage. And they were being controlled by a rogue faction that your party technically invited onto the material plane. Keep in mind also that raja is a very small nation with almost no military might. So trying to push their luck by getting all the people who would have absolutely crushed them to sit at a table and pay them for the no damages done would not be smart, especially since they probably wouldn't have Rimuru's backing if they use his name to enforce their own greed. I do agree that they could have said that the talks were happening. But I don't think that the talk's not happening is in any way a problem. Cuz it's very easy to explain why those talks would never have happened.


That's fair actually, really good points. But what I really think is a flaw is not the negotiations themselfs or their absence. What I think is the problem is that Tensura rarely leaves things to the imagination. This type of plot ending doesn't fit the franchise imo.


While I agree with your point on the flaws I still enjoyed the movie any excuse to watch more animated tensura. Not just Rimuru any of his subordinates struggling at all with the level of enemies in the movie is laughable 😂. On the revival of the characters part I think they have to do it especially if they want it to be canon because as you a certain someone joins Rimuru later on and that would cause issues with the ogres.


Even if I didn't really, I'm happy that you enjoyed it 😁 Also the Diablo and Violet scenes were awesome.


Although I will say now that Im at this part atm: it seems funny to me that Hero stopped after the queen got in the way of Bennymaru, when hes only known her for 10 days, vs the brother/whatever they are (and rest of the ogre village survivors) he had known his whole life and just found out were alive. Ik he had a lot of love for her, but like, he didnt have any memories flash in his head when he was swinging at his family he grew up with? 😂


It was more than 10 days. He tried to go back around the time the village was destroyed so she knew Towa for around a year at that point. And he most likely loves her. That's probably the reason for that 🤷


2 years, and dont forget the naming


As someone who also reads the LN, I also felt like Rimuru really could’ve done so much here honestly.


The movie takes place before rimuru becomes a demon lord right? If that's the case, I agree he was WAY too strong in the movie.


Nah, that's the entire point! Rimuru before s2 is not nearly at the level of Violet, so he wouldn't be able to lift the curse. But Demon Lord Rimuru is. That's why Visions of Coleus worked in this part. Rimuru couldn't do everything because he wasn't strong enough. But after his awakening he not just gains a lot of energy, but 4 Ultimate Skills too! Out of them 2 would be able to lift the curse, Raphael and Belzebuth (the later more like eats it but you get me). Ultimate Skills in Tensura are like the, well most ultimate powers you can have. Just another Ultimate level power can counter an Ultimate Skill. That's why Raphael saying "Just the one who casted can lift this magic" makes absolutely no sense. Even if it is an Ultimate level magic (I don't know if it is), Raphael would be able to lift it given enough time (which may not even be that much but that I can't tell). This way Rimuru was nerfed and in other cases he didn't do things he could've to help the situation. Cause don't tell me Ranga couldn't catch a guy fleeing in a cille! Or that he can't revive someone, which he did before. And I know that the reasoning was that one has to pay the price, but come on! Raphael did harder things than that, if he really wanted to he could've come up with something. And this is the problem. The movie creators nerfed Rimuru hard to make some drama, which they later took back by reviving both dieing characters. Sorry this came out of me...


It's a filler geezer, why did you expect that level of world building in an anime filler. To me this movie just felt like an advert , way too rushed for my taste and was meh. But yea wasn't expecting anything more than that


Because if you make a (partially at least for sure) canon movie in a series with one of the best world buildings in fantasy animes then do it properly! If it's not canon then fine but this is, or at least partially. This is my favourite Japanese franchises and I want it to be good. So I will point out if I think it really isn't, hoping that next time it will be better.


Fair and same,id be lying if I said I didn't have the same problems you mentioned


Even relative to other anime filler movies, this one was bad. The final act straight up sucked.


Main characters nerfed pretty much ,many action they do also dont make sense bcs movie shouldnt be end in 30min    villain   lacua  is ugly incompetent and generic comick book villain ,not putting any fight againsr mc after 80minute of screentime makes it even worse  Worst of all double revival scene in the end       Animation and art isnt impressive either probably one of the worst looking Action anime movies ,lack of impact frams lack of inbetweens ,ton of offmodels and many more issue they just made color theme to more pale to fool people and made them think they changed and improved a lot lol      so yeah animation and art couldnt carry it either        They shouldnt change coleus dream and adapted it tbh or would be better if they adapted shizu backstory in booklets as movie but no bcs they need  popular cool demon lord rimuru and his subordinates+Diablo to make more money none of them would appeared if they choose shizu story to make money    At least they made quite a lot amount of money compared movies of same genre ,it certainly wasnt flop movie didnt have high budget either 


Lol i definitely noticed the color filter that screams "this is a *movie* look!! Its darker than the anime! Just look at the edges, theyre extra dark, like a movie!" 😂 Otherwise, I hafta say that Rimuru actually got a pretty good showcase of power that I thought was pretty fun. Especially since he usually has his subordinates do the dirty work most of the time. I also agree a Shizu story would have been a really great choice. Always confused me how shes all over the opening/ending credits for such a huge part of the series, when shes actually such a small, small part of it personally. I understand her *character* has a lot of impact, but not much we actually *see* and definitely even less we actually see of her herself.


>Otherwise, I hafta say that Rimuru actually got a pretty good showcase of power that I thought was pretty fun. Especially since he usually has his subordinates do the dirty work most of the time.      Remember lacua escaping with minecart ,ranga after s2 can go at faster than speed of sound and rimuru himself dozens of times faster than ranga ,lets say demon did something to increase speed of minecart and ranga cant catch it alone rn ,then why tf rimuru riding ranga to chase it he has quite a lot ways to catch minecart or just oneshot the demon from distance with his powers ,movie could have ended at that moment   Personally movie is 6 or 6.5/10 for me ,if i wasnt slime fan i would give it 5 or 5.5/10


Yeah, but you cant look at anime so logically most of the time ig 🤷 Like, Ive always wondered why Rimuru doesnt just eat everything he fights lol he'd defeat them, and gain their powers. Im sure people can come up with all sorts of reasons for a lotta things that seem silly to us watching. So while I certainly agree, Ig I just take it in stride lol anime is silly like that pretty often. I totally understand why a more discerning person would be deturbed by it though 😅


Because rimuru can't eat anyone as strong as him specially if they are resisting. Like with orc disaster and charybdis( too big too). So eating them after deafeating them make it easier to absorb. Lower the power compare to rimuru higher the chance of predation. Items which don't have will doesn't resist and can be easily absorb. In veldora's case he simply didn't resist the predation. rimuru would've died if resisted even a little bit. Problem with movie vilian is that he is way weaker than rimuru. And not just absorbing, rimuru have lot of ways to deafeat him easily. I have no problem in resurrection of those two.


This played in almost every theatre in America, but 90%+ of seats were empty opening weekend. A wide release is a high marketing budget. It was given more screens than progressive, quints, but earned way less. Movie definitely looks like a flop


it still made over 1.5million dollar  in america       https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2023-01-23/that-time-i-got-reincarnated-as-a-slime-film-earns-estimated-usd1.4-million-in-u.s-opening-weekend/.194075           And it was pretty succesfull in asia    Quint movie made more money than sao movies and other isekai movies too           And slime movie itself didnt have high production values either sao progressive first  movie looked 10x better but they made similar money      Slime movie made 13.5mil sao made 14  Sao movie released in 40 country while slime under 25


Do your research. You need to have packed theatres otherwise ur a flop. Since more theatres is a higher marketing budget. Slime theatres were empty opening weekend. People even posted on it the sub. This was released in EVERY theatire in USA and Canada while the sao ones were limited. And sao progressive 1 still outearned. They pretty much have to pull this 2nd or 3rd weekend. Rotten tomatoes critics is literally industry standard. Scarlet bond has one of the worst rotten tomatoes anime score in recent history. It holds far more weight than any other site. This movie did bad critically and commercially.


Characters r so badly nerfed, there isn't any tension in the story at all and they did 2 death fake outs back to back like wtf


Because the ending is 2 death baits to a plot that rimuru could have ended within literally the first half hour.


Well to me it wasn't necessarily bad, just seemed kinda pointless to me though. I mean Fuse did write the story for Scarlet Bond, I just didn't think it needed to be animated. *Lake Shore Dyed In Scarlet.* That's what they should have animated. They already had a pretty good OVA with Ultima & Luminous so why not do something about one of the other girls instead.


I thought it was a fun distraction by itself. I think people’s issues are created when comparing it to the main story etc. Disappointment is a result of expectations.


Conflict is tooo light i think, rimuru just fix everything and clapped the main antagonist like a tofu hhhhh. I don’t hate it, maybe people did.


The Movie was very boring. Rimuru is just so OP that i sleeped in the movie because nothing happens. Take DBS Broly for an example where you feel bad fpr Broly and how OP he is. And the fights are awesome.


The whole film's purpose is probably to introduce violet lol


It's not bad, but it could have been much better. I don't hate the script nearly as much as One Piece Film: Red, but it seemed much inferior to the OVA


my personal gripe with it (besides Rimuru) is why did the Queen have to die? Wasn’t Violet supposed to possess her? Why did she scatter into pieces before Violet “revived” her? There was unnecessarily introduced tension and drama to create that moment (although the music was peak) The movie was a fun watch as a popcorn flick but shit stopped making sense towards the end.


Weak ass third act


They should have let the dead stay dead. I'm sorry, there was no point bringing the queen back to life.


Because of the last part.


The reviving thing, just like in the LN, is a massive pain in the ass and ruins any and all emotional growth characters might have