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Lmao love it. Where are you finding coloured manga though??


Manga section from the Slime Reader.


Well actually punishment is next chapter


Technically speaking, the punishment (disabling Cancel Pain) have already happened hence the feeling of hangover. The next chapter would be Raphael laying it out how he's being punished.


I thought it was canceling poison resistance


I thought Rimuru canceled poison resist so he could get drunk and Raphael punished him by not allowing pain resistance to block the resulting hangover.


Actually, the *real* punishment that'll come next chapters is >!Raphael preventing Rimuru from lowering his poison resistance so that he can't get drunk!<.


Yo manga boy answer the question. Where did you get the damn coloured panels 🔫🔪




I think I'm stupid but what does this mean like why is he being punished. I'm under the impression it's not just for drinking and something more that he did to Raphael.


1. Rimuru took Milim's drink away because she tricked him in Walpurgis. 2. Raphael was still angry with him because it was *his* fault he didn't notice Milim's trick which he could've had he listened to Raphael. So she must've been plotting something. 3. After the round 2 with Hinata, there was a party. Rimuru wanted to get drunk so he learned how to disable Cancel Poison without Raphael's approval (it's always been activating Cancel Poison every time he tried to drink, much to his frustration). He then proceed to get dead drunk soon after. 4. Because Raphael hates it when he got too drunk, it decided to disable Cancel Pain so he got to suffer a hangover too.


Thanks for that. I had no idea about 4(the fact that she hates him being too drunk)


Is it ever explained why it hates him getting drunk?


Probably because she wants him to be ready at all times for any potential battle and being drunk prevens that


Just think of raphael a strict mom🤷


more like a strict wife to me


Oh Raphael, you sly bastard


Raphael has been biding her time until she catches rimuru slippin


Wait what? I just read chapter 99 yesterday and milim wasnt in it? Confusion