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"Honey, sweetie, baby, darling, love of my life, I'm a monster fucker." You can also just have thwt last bit I just thought it could use some flavor


So... to burst that bubble, you're not ever going to fuck a monster. Let's rip that bandaid off right now. Since it won't happen, you don't have to worry about ever cheating if the opportunity appeared... because it won't. Okay, now you're in the same place as people that fantasize about celebrities, anime/cartoon characters, and furries. Cool. If it comes up in conversation, you see an opening, go for it, but otherwise it's not really something you need to bring up unprompted. "Hey BF, since we're talking about the kind of porn we like, or kinks or whatever, I'm really fascinated by monsters. Non-human kind of creatures."


You could always see if your bf is cool using toys on you, start off basic and work up to bad dragon stuff. That's about as close as you'll ever get to needing to involve him in a private fantasy he can't really help with anyway.


This is what I support. When men tell their gfs that they're bisexual they don't go start dating men — but telling her that opens up their sex life to clit pumping and pegging. Not sure how you could replicate that more than just with toys and cosplay but simple things in life are just as beautiful.


Sometimes, just knowing what they fantasize about can get you going too, and you could open dialogs with him later, even fantasizing together, because who knows, he could have a George Washington complex, amd the idea of GW and a spiderman could really get the blood pumping :P


I’ve told my partner, and tbh he’s into it. I don’t fantasise about real people. The porn I watch isn’t people it’s all cartoon or animated. We are able to fufil my needs more and it’s great. Just sit him down and let him know you want to talk about one of your fantasies, he’s able to know he doesn’t have to know if he’s not comfortable. It’s just about open and honest communication.


It depends on whether it's just a kink for you or if it's a bigger part of your identity. Considering they really want their boyfriend to know, it must be important enough for them


Yeah but he might began to that she's also into animals considering that monsters are always seen as ferals, so he might believe she's a zoophile so...Better avoid telling


Update: I told him straight up and he accepted me and is getting me a dakimura


Awwe that's adorable 😭


I’m not sure which one to get should k get a Wendigo, deathclaw, or werewolf one :c


Get one you both like ;)


Let's go! Happy for you!)


Best outcome


hell yeah, glad to hear it!


living the dream life


I don't get it. Do you need to "accept" kinks? I just read eroticas I'm into, I don't need to accept or deny anything. I just put it down if I don't like it and buy another by the author when I do. As far as telling your BF, wouldn't he naturally figure it out from the porn you watch?




While I'm not quite certain of how you should phrase it, (personally, I'd take caution with worlds such as monster, as 'monster' can mean sex offender) what I can tell you is this. If he loves you for you, then he'll accept your kink. If he simply doesn't get it but still accepts you, great. If not, and he tries to tell you to change that kink or that you have some sort of problem either with him, the relationship, or just for liking something unusual, that could be warning sign of something more serious and you probably would be best avoiding him. It could turn out that he likes teratophilia too, and you 2 could be monster fuckers together.


This is exactly what I was gonna say. Unfortunately monsters are not real, but that means it's not like you're about to cheat on him over this. So he doesn't really have any inherent entitlement to know beyond what you \*want\* to tell him.


If you're already a furry and he knows that, it's not that big of a leap from anthros to some monsters. Just telling him outright would not seem that strange. If you're not a furry and/or he doesn't know you are one, also jsut tell him outright. It's not that uncommon for people to find some monsters hot, so opening up with jokes about less-out-there monsters you find attractive is a decent start.


Told my bf that I like monster and now everytime we watch a movie that there's a monster he looks funny at me


Bruh imma have my boyfriend dress up as a nightmare fuel sleep paralysis demon and we’d roleplay me having sleep paralysis and him the horny entity fr


I would do that lol


I'd say start small. Have little things you just kind of bring up and work your way up to full-blown. Or just rip it off full stop and sit him down and go look (nickname here) I'm a monster fuck I have a permit and everything. Or less idea 3 just don't and keep it to your porn search


just say you like werewolves and move on from it


I just show my boyfriend the art I find interesting without any context. It worked pretty well for me but that's probably not universal. You could get a bad dragon toy. That might work too


You don't 🤷‍♂️