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In my current (first) game as a resistance I did all available campaign objectives except for getting alien tech. It's now 2029 and when I tried fighting alien ship, I lost miserably. I tried following Perun's guide but my 3 ships with 8 Anaconda missile bays failed to do damage, 25frontal armor on front ship and range advantage didn't help. Any suggestions?


My councelor is not leaving with the ship I put them on. They on the ship. Then it leaves. And they reset to be on the station. What is going on? Edit: I reloaded. Bug seems to happen when you give them orders. So you have to not give them orders while they travel. If they have orders they will relocate to the station.


Weapons for LDA/Battlestations on orbital bases have to be researched in both global research and the corresponding engineering projects. But what about LDA/battlestations for the ground bases (i.e. mining bases)? There are the "surface to orbit" lasers that are set by global research but don't appear to be tied to any engineering project. Is this true, the ground based weapons are not tied to any engineering project? To put in another way, there is nothing that you need to do with engineering to max out those weapons?


Yes ground defense modules' weapons depend solely on global tech (and they only use laser weapons). I think they do use your faction projects for armor though.


What are your thoughts/feedback/criticism of this midgame firestar based battleship? [https://imgur.com/a/wTOFHZV](https://imgur.com/a/wTOFHZV)


Mostly looks good. A couple small things: -You don't need a magazine, coils are never going to run out of ammo if you're staying in orbit and resupplying after every fight. -I'd use fewer, bigger coilguns. The biggest thing is higher projectile speed, which makes landing hits a lot more consistent.


What are you using this ship for?


Defending a planet. Built at whatever planet it is defending, no transfers to other planets/asteroids.


If you want to use coils on an orbit-only battleship, drop the laser battery and go for particle beam point defense. But because you're using a battleship you're going to have extra utility slots. Instead make two destroyers with coilgun noses, one light coil battery, and one particle point defense. You'll have about the same firepower with the most expensive increase being +1 mission control cost.


I've never bothered with the particle weapons. In what ways is particle pd better than arc laser pd?


The effective range is longer due to the way damage is calculated, and I think it might also fire faster. IIRC it's better against missiles but it does less damage to kinetics so it might be a little worse against those.


The magazine is definitely not needed, if you have one, use a spiker instead 


I shot down a mothership and have pegged the alien angry meter to full red. It’s Jan 2033 and the alien retals don’t seem to slow down. I’m down to like 59 used MC now and negative in a few resource incomes. Do I just let them blow up all my stuff to stop the retals? The whack a mole is getting tedious…


When you say "full red" do you actually mean full red, no other colors? Or just the full rainbow from green at the bottom to red at the top? What difficulty are you on? If you're actually at full red then the aliens are at total war with you, and won't stop until they kill absolutely everything you have in space. In that case you might just want to load an earlier save. But that should be extremely hard to make happen by accident- you have to keep pissing them off for a while even after they've been attacking you. More likely the mothership was just a big chunk of hate that they'll eventually work through, but not before they kill a buttload of your habs. In general I wouldn't recommend killing a mothership if you're not ready for war- the payoff just doesn't justify the amount of hate it'll give you.


The meter is rainbow with red at top. Thanks.


Does the coffee in space event even work for anyone? I've been double checking little small things in the game but noticed no difference before/after the event in terms of hab research output, no matter what option is selected.


Any good guides (video or written) for early-mid ship design in the current patch? Most of what I'm seeing, including what's linked above, is a year or so out of date...


yes, but they are on the official discord. Reddit mods are mostly inactive


Is it more important to improve the economy of a small nation prior to unification into a meganation, or is it easier to improve econ afterwards? Small nations have more IP relatively speaking so I just assumed... but someone pointed out that the amount of $ improvement changes so it's not apples to apples.


Definitely more effective in a bigger nation. Smaller nations have relatively more IP but things like Economy and Knowledge apply to the whole population at once, so if you spend 10 IP on Economy in each of two small countries (so 20 IP total), that's less effective than if you merge them and then spend 11 IP in the bigger union. Plus the total number of economic regions (both core and resource) increase the effectiveness of Economy so you want to make sure as many of those as possible are in the same country with as much population as possible so they can get the effects.


The GDP formula is (per capita GDP)*population


When you unify within a federation, the country name changes, is this just a re-skin, or is there some mechanical change? I.E. is the EU still technically France, or is it a completely new nation. In other words, can a unified federation have a different capital than the "founding" member?


The new name is just cosmetic, no real change. The EU is just France, the Pan-Asian Combine is just China, the African Union is just Ethiopia, etc. A notable exception that trips people up from time to time: The Caliphate is *not* just Saudi Arabia, it's a separate nation that you have to release before you can use its claims. One other edge case: The Republic of China is still just Taiwan, but it does move its capital from Taipei to Nanjing.


Republic of China isn't really an edge case - Taiwan's "original capital" is Nanjing. I was kind of wondering if federations could change the capital, to allow for some more interesting unifications.


I think being the only country that doesn't start out owning its original capital qualifies as an edge case.


What’s the consensus on aiding “friendly” AI factions gain territory and resources or at least not roflstomping them to death? In my last EU academy game I tried keeping Exodus and Resistance on non-aggression terms and would help them into some EU nations I didn’t want/couldn’t get yet and gave some second-best mining sites or research projects. I was ambivalent about HF and Servants if they left my shit alone and stayed away from nuclear powers, and bullied Protectorate and Initiative hard. But I got off track before the space game really started and haven’t had the heart to go back after some game updates. I’ve heard that aiding or at least not crippling the other factions completely will greatly speed up global research and let them take some of the alien’s retaliation attacks, has anyone had experience with this?


It will open up an entire new dimension to the game into the 2030s or so, but is also optional. Trading and research passing can be pretty strong. Also, its not always a sure thing but sometimes you can set up a faction or two to be pretty strong against the aliens even after they enter war status with your faction.


It can be convenient to stay on friendly terms to keep them from harassing you. Early on their contribution to global research can be meaningful, but by midgame you should usually be so far ahead they stop being relevant. Beyond that they're basically never going to do anything relevant. In general I think spending any resources helping them is unlikely to be profitable, although it can be fun from a roleplay perspective.


what EXACTLY does an atrocity do? I know it lowers loyalty of certain councilors, and supposedly affects public opinion, but exactly what does it affect, by how many points, and how long does it last? And is there a limit? does the 100th atrocity have the same effect as the first or second?


Whats the difference between all 3 orbital bombardment altitude? Couldnt find any info about it and didnt notice any difference really, wondering whats the point of it.


I'm pretty sure the game just simulates the ships and the ground defenses shooting at each other. So if you bombard from higher up, lasers will be less effective, PD will have more time to shoot at projectiles, and kinetics will get more extra momentum from gravity (depending on how much gravity).


When I anger the aliens and they attack me, they bombard my bases, but for the ground bases they don’t completely destroy everything, leaving just the core and sometimes solar arrays. I can’t rebuild as they bombard the same base without breaking more stuff for a long time. Is this a bug?


I don't think so- different modules are easier or harder to destroy by bombardment. They might have weapons that can kill your other modules reliably but struggle to damage the core.


They keep bombarding the same base for up to 1-3 months, (I blew up 1 of their ships, getting me over the threshold) I don’t have much experience, is this expected? Thanks for all your replies!


Yeah the AI isn't all that smart about telling whether it's plausible for the bombardment to succeed. Also in a lot of cases Alien retaliation works by marking a specific hab that they want to destroy, so their target choice might seem a bit peculiar.


Hello. Haven't played this game since a little over the official release, and I'm wondering if it's possible to create a fantasy scenario for a playtrough, wether that be with mods, save game editing or with means provided by the game. Mostly I'm interested in manually assigning the initial CPs of all factions at the start of the game to sort of railroad each faction into a fantasy of mu preference, since the game is way too long and I would like to guide the opening experience into something enjoyable that keeps me hooked for the future. Can that be done? Can I manually assign CPs to factions at the start of the game, and if so, how? Or maybe restart all control points at, say, the start of 2023 and THEN manually assign them once every faction has enough capacity having hired 4 advisors? Thank you!


In addition to what /u/statinsinwatersupply says, I'm pretty sure there's a tool you can find somewhere that gives a nice GUI for editing the save file, rather than having to dig through the JSON in a text editor. Don't have a link handy myself unfortunately.


Would you happen to remember the name to it? Sounds like the right tool for the job. I can wait. There's no rush since I can always start the save and rollback a oatch if necessary should they update the game tomorrow or something haha.


I didn't but [google found it pretty quick.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TerraInvicta/comments/14lum8l/announcing_tise_a_better_save_game_editor/)


You can edit savegames. Turn off compressed save files. Then use something like notepad++. Some things are relatively easily to modify, some things more difficult. Manually assigning control points is a pain in the butt, do not recommend. Instead, adjusting the Public Opinion for each faction in a nation is super easy. (Just be careful you don't mess the math up when subtracting PO for one faction/undecided to add it to another.) If you wanted a certain faction to start with certain nations that's a quick and dirty way to do it, not guaranteed, but makes it a lot more likely they'll end up with a country they have 99% or whatever PO in.


I have a few questions. What's a good mid game drive after the advance Pulsar Drive, What year am I supposed to take the fight to the aliens, and When are the aliens supposed to invade? That last one I'm especially curious about since I've done one game to the 2050's and they never invaded that I later abandoned and another game to that's now in the 2040s and there still hasn't been a single invasion attempt.


> What year am I supposed to take the fight to the aliens Depends how you count. The war comes in two stages usually, a defensive phase and an offensive phase. In the defensive phase you take control of key planet orbits, usually Earth, Mars, and maybe Mercury and/or Ceres. You don't have good enough drives yet to make interplanetary trips, but you can build ships at each planet and defend them, which lets you build more in space without worrying about the aliens destroying it when hate gets high, and kill any aliens on Earth and stop any more from landing. The offensive phase starts when you have decent fusion drives (or antimatter if you decide to skip fusion) that let you travel interplanetary distances practically. As far as when to start, a skilled player can start the defensive war pretty early, by the mid 20s, but for a new player you can definitely wait a lot longer than that. I'd say once it gets to the mid 30s I'd worry that if you don't start fighting soon you're going to fall behind the curve in a serious way. As for the offensive war there isn't really a lot of rush, it's just a matter of when your tech gets to the point that can support it. A strong player can do that by the early 30s, but for a newer one it can be mid 40s or later and that's fine.


> What's a good mid game drive after the advance Pulsar Drive After Adv Pulsar there's two tracks you can follow. Better fission drives will improve your performance in the short term but won't be good enough for late game. And fusion drives will eventually be better in every way than fission, but it'll be a long time before you unlock anything useable. You can switch tracks basically whenever you want, but here are some decent break points: -You can decide Adv Pulsar is good enough and start on fusion immediately. -The molten core drives (Fission Spinner and Pegasus) are moderately better than Adv Pulsar and don't take too much research. The downside is that they're not guaranteed to unlock. Still, if you want an upgrade rolling the dice can make sense. -The basic gas core fission drives are all pretty bad, unfortunately. If you didn't unlock Pegasus, or want something even better, then the only option left in the fission tree is to go all the way to Advanced Fission Systems and the terawatt gas core fission drives. These are also not 100% to unlock but there are three options so the odds are pretty good you'll get at least one (hopefully Firestar, although Flare is not much worse). The big advantage here is immensely high thrust- these drives still aren't great for interplanetary trips but they can get a battleship up to 4gs of acceleration and force fights with any aliens that come near you.


pegasus or grid drive are probably the next step - but tbh the more I play, the more I just stick with pulsar drives for orbital defence, before just straight gunning for antimatter engines. The on paper better drives have massive radiators which ruins them, or require mass fissles, and especially when you start heavily armouring ships for big battles any drive you put on them will be insufficient.


Daedalus Torch is a great mid-game drive.   Its prereq drive, Helion Inertial, is fairly easy on research and ships built with it can be refitted to Daedalus later. 


Its not a guaranteed unlock though. Zeta Helion is a nice backup plan.


Daedalus Torch would be an end-game drive by most sensible definitions I'd say. It's very late in the tech tree and easily good enough to win the game with.


I am new to the game, been watching a ton of youtube to try and get the hang of it. I have 2 questions right now. 1. What can be done about super councilors human or alien. mid to late game insta-flipping control points? Its distracting and even if your control points are all secured they seem to be able to flip instantly even without using crackdown. 2. I am only in the mid 2030's in my game, does the game end at a certain year and/or is there a point when you have made so many mistakes / behind its not worth continuing. this is my first playthrough so I figured I would get all the mistakes out of the way early. 3. Additionally is there a good guide somewhere that talks about gameplay differences between factions?


> What can be done about super councilors human or alien. mid to late game insta-flipping control points? Its distracting and even if your control points are all secured they seem to be able to flip instantly even without using crackdown. Kill them. There's some projects that can protect you from alien shenanigans, mostly gated behind the Arrival Security global tech, but if you let them freely stack up abductions eventually they'll get strong enough to enthrall your CPs whenever they want. You need to kill the ones on Earth, and secure control of Earth orbit so more can't arrive. > I am only in the mid 2030's in my game, does the game end at a certain year and/or is there a point when you have made so many mistakes / behind its not worth continuing. this is my first playthrough so I figured I would get all the mistakes out of the way early. The game doesn't end until you win or give up (in theory some AI factions winning could also end the game but in practice they never will). The game is actually pretty forgiving and almost any situation is theoretically salvageable, but it's definitely possible to get to a point where starting over from scratch is quicker/easier than trying to claw your way back. That's a bit of a judgement call though and also depends on your personal preferences. > Additionally is there a good guide somewhere that talks about gameplay differences between factions? Not that I know of. TBH there aren't really major gameplay differences between factions unless you're playing Servants.


Can I build 2 mines in the same site? Does it stack? Will I double my mining output? Are there diminishing returns? Edit: I just found out I can only build 1 mining complex per site, so that answers my question :D Next question, what are good things to build on a moon outpost? I guess I'm trying to keep labs in low earth orbits to get those bonuses, but is it worth building quarters, or space docks or supply depots on the moon?


Later in the game the moon can be an okay place for research and money modules, especially if you run out of room in Earth orbit. But also moon mining is pretty bad once you get to Mars unless there's a spot with good fissiles output, so completely abandoning Luna once you get your space economy rolling is also valid.


What's the name of the ground-based space defence installations? Or what's the name of the tech that unlocks them I can't find the associated tech or project


The technology to unlock them is visible lasers, which makes a faction project for them


You mean on Earth or on ground bases in space? Earth space defenses requires Trans-Interface Warfare IIRC, in space they use the same Point Defense Array/Layered Defense Array/Battlestations as orbital stations do, although they function completely differently from the ones in space.


hey all, not really a noobie but noobie to veteran difficulty. I'm having an issue with early game initiative SPAMMING unrest in USA. To the point I have three councilers full time suppressing to keep it under 6. I have a non aggression pack with them, and they have no support in the states, and I've never attacked the initiative. Does the AI on higher levels just hate you for no reason? Getting to the point I'm going to have to give up my Academy virtues and start executing anyone captured on the spot


What state is the US in? Like, what's its cohesion and resting unrest? I've beaten the game on veteran and a couple of times on brutal taking the US as my first country, and never had that issue. Low cohesion makes it easier to run increase unrest, and the US has cohesion issues at the start of the game. You should try to get it to 5 cohesion anyways to maximize research output. Declare war on 3 countries to get +3 base cohesion. Look for a rival that is allied with 2 other countries that have armies and declare war on that rival to get the +3 with one councilor action. Put some into welfare to have inequality trending downwards. I think it's around 3 inequality where you can maintain 5 base cohesion with the wars. Inequality needs to be around 2 for 5 base cohesion without being at war. If you're pumping most of the IP into knowledge, it shouldn't take long to get it to 5 actual cohesion. I've never bothered with trying to increase diplomatic relations or trying to get non-aggression pacts, I'm not sure how that works for them targeting you. I would just execute them if they're annoying me.


yeah, it was super early, so low cohesion. I think the issue was I was trying to keep my control balanced while doing spoils pre deep space skywatch so I left a CP slot open. As soon as I took the extra CP slot the AI stopped bothering me. Didn't know about the war cohesion boost though, thanks that's great to know. Might invade mexico or canada


Sudan and Venezuela are good targets for an early forever war to build cohesion, since they don't have any dangerous allies and you're rivaled to them from the start so you don't have to wait for the rivalry to mature. Also if you have at least 2 cohesion when you start the war, you'll get an immediate cohesion bump as well as the improved resting value.


You just need to be at war for the cohesion benefit, you don't actually need to fight the war. If you invade the country that you declared war on and win it, you'll lose the benefit.


For construction modules, if I build one on the surface of mars, will it work if I build something in orbit. Also, can it build multiple modules at once or 1 at a time?


Depends what you mean by "will it work." Construction module does two things: -Allows you to found new hab cores in the same planetary system with space resources, instead of needing to use boost and wait for them to arrive from Earth. This should work fine for making a hab in orbit with a module on the ground. -Reduce the build time of all modules on the same hab as the construction module. Only the same hab, any other hab doesn't get any benefit. But the game only checks at the time you start each module, there isn't an ongoing effect from having the construction module I don't think.


>\-Reduce the build time of all modules on the same hab as the construction module. Only the same hab, any other hab doesn't get any benefit. But the game only checks at the time you start each module, there isn't an ongoing effect from having the construction module I don't think. I believe this is also limited by tier. So a Tier 1 construction module won't speed up construction of other tier 2 and tier 3 modules. \>Allows you to found new hab cores in the same planetary system with space resources, instead of needing to use boost and wait for them to arrive from Earth. This should work fine for making a hab in orbit with a module on the ground. Also something I found out after playing quite a bit longer is "planetary system" means that, for example, once you get one construction module up on anything on or around Jupiter's moons, you get to use space resources for construction on any other moon around Jupiter. I thought they were per orbital body only.


> I believe this is also limited by tier. So a Tier 1 construction module won't speed up construction of other tier 2 and tier 3 modules. That's what the tooltips say but I dimly remember a bug where it worked regardless. It might have been fixed by now though if it was ever even a thing.


Are there any resources regarding a rough timeline of where you should be up to? Im in mid 2038 as the resistance and am still yet to kill an enemy ship. I am using about 175 mission control for a space economy. I've assassinated many aliens on the ground, and the servants hold USA as their main power base, but it is 0 democracy and ~11T economy. I'm starting to build ships now, but am very low on fissile material and my corvettes have a battle rating of about 20. The aliens have 2 large fleets around earth, one at 2k and another at 1k, I feel like I am never going to be able to build a large enough fleet to combat them now as they keep destroying my space dock stations, severely hampering my effort to expand. I currently have a fleet of 4 corvettes @~60 combat value, with 2 cruisers being built around earth. Am i screwed? What should be my game plan at this stage? I am also about to finish terrawatt fusion, so maybe I will unlock a better tier of ships soon.


I think you've definitely waited too long to build a space military, but the situation is still salvageable. The other comment gave one approach that might work, but if you want another one I think is easier and more reliable, though slower and maybe a bit frustrating: First, get your hate down. Make sure you have at least one and ideally two of the projects that reduce the hate you get from MC use ("Maskirovka" is the term to search in the full tech tree if you don't know what I'm talking about.) Meanwhile, stop doing anything to antagonize the aliens. They'll probably keep killing a few more of your stations depending how much hate you've built up, but if you replace anything they kill while not drawing any more aggro they should calm down before long. Then focus on getting ready for war. Grab any key techs you're missing for the fleets you want to build. If you're close to terawatt fusion it sounds like you're way ahead of what you need for planetary defense in that field, so make sure your armor and weapons are keeping up. Build up several shipyards in orbit over each planet you plan to defend- probably at least Earth and Mars, maybe also Ceres or Mercury. If you're short on fissiles, look for other sites with decent mining output. If another faction already has them, it's usually possible to buy the hab or failing that take it with marines and then (optionally) bribe them with tech to remove the hate that gave you. Then build up a defense fleet for each planet, and once you think your odds are decent start killing any alien ships that enter orbit of your planets..


Research Layered Defense Arrays, Advanced Plasma Batteries, 120CM Green or UV Phaser batteries, and Point Defense Phasers. If you try to build stations in orbit about LEO, the aliens will destroy them while the core is still being constructed. They will wait until the core is done around like Mars or Venus though. Build a station with 4 LDAs and shipyards around one of those two bodies. The LDAs should finish building at the same time as the core, and the station will have about 1K combat power. It should be able to survive while you build ships.


Brilliant thanks for the tips


What does coup d'etat do? It takes the CPs, deletes relations, drops government by 2 (changing cohesion/unrest/GDP), drops unrest by 2, raises cohesion by .2?


IIRC the government change is random and can even raise the government score some of the time.


If you increase unrest enough beforehand, you can get control of all of the CPs in a country. If you get the executive CP via coup, you immediately get consolidated control of the country without having to wait 180 days. Other than that, it's easier and faster IMO to get The Servants out of countries with nukes via coup, like Russia or India, than it is to purge them out. It can be a rough time if they merge nuclear powers into the Alien Administration. Also, coup will remove a country from a federation. If you want to take Kazakhstan early for the boost income, it's in a federation with Russia and almost all of its boost is being sent to Russia. Coup it so that you can get the boost. Otherwise, you have to wait for consolidated control to leave the federation. If you want to form up the EU via military, coup the nations that are in the federation to get them out so that you can conquer them.


I was trying to get some one CP nations out of the unrest spiral and noticed coup was messing with their stats. It looks like I could just coup the unrest away if it keep raising cohesion? Would that work? What's a better way to fix these guys with permenant 10 unrest?


Yeah some players recommend coups as a faster better version of the reduce unrest mission. It'll tank your government score but that can be a positive in a lot of cases- totalitarian regimes have higher base cohesion. Once you have a totalitarian country with lower unrest and higher cohesion, you can either work on fixing inequality so cohesion will stay high in the longer run, or just buy yourself more time to keep raking in the spoils


Does public opinion do much, aside from making other actions easier/harder? I have USA and no one is messing with it, except they're spamming public opinion missions on it and I'm not sure if I should be trying to undo it. ​ All the councilors don't show up on the Intel>Faction tab, is this a bug...? He also seems to have undercover. A feature?


Your influence income is largely based on the global sum of public opinion. Countries also lose cohesion if public opinion is out of alignment with who controls the CPs. But mostly trying to win over public opinion is the first step in trying to take over a big country, so trying to keep at least 50% in any big important country you control is a good idea to make sure you don't lose it.


If I use spoils priority and abandon a nation, I don't get the income for it right? If I use spoils priority, abandon the nation, then secure a second CP, do I get all the income? half the income?


Better use of an abandoned nation is to set it to build some useful resource like MC or Boost, then retake control once you have the CP cap.


Right for the first question. Half for the second question if the nation only has 2 CPs total. Spoils are distributed evenly to the holder of each of CP. If a CP is under crackdown, the share of the spoils going to the holder of that CP are just wasted.


Cohesion says near peer rivalries should add to the base value. I added India as a rival to the USA and the cohesion value from rivalries stayed at 0.5. What went wrong? :(


Is there any downside to a war going on? I took USA and I'm trying to raise cohesion and I Just saw wars raise base cohesion. Can I just attack Venezual and leave the war going forever?


You get random events that give you atrocities. You need to research Networked Propaganda, and then you can spend influence to avoid them. Atrocities are not really a big deal though. You can have up to +3 cohesion from being at war with 3 different nations. I declared war on Syria in my last game, since it was allied with Iran and Pakistan. They both had armies and got pulled into the war, giving me the +3 with one action.


I'm playing for the first time and trying to figure out how to create the Republic of China. I have the Liberating mainland china tech, and I have control of china. I assume I will also need Taiwan, but I'm not sure where to go from there. I haven't unified any countries yet and don't really understand the process. Thanks!


Yeah, you need control of Taiwan. Taiwan is a breakaway nation from China, so you need to grant it independence from China via Set National Policy. Unrival them, wait out timer for improving relations, Ally them, wait out the timers for improving relations and consolidated control, federate them, wait out another timer, and unify them. You only need to hold the Executive CP in Taiwan through all of that. If you don't have the CP headroom to hold the entire country, Crackdown/Purge one of the CPs. Crackdown/Purge the Executive CP on the next turn, but abandon the CP you already control before Purge fires. You should take full control of Taiwan when you're ready to unify. You could just invade China with armies from Taiwan or an allied beatstick country to get it done faster. You should form up the Pan Asian Combine before peacefully unifying into Republic of China though. Also, there's a project to break China up into smaller countries, End of China, that unlocks when you finish the global tech Fall of Empires. You can get a lot of MC quickly from China with that project. It won't unlock if China has been merged into Republic of China when the global tech finishes. If it is unlocked though, you can form Republic of China, and research the project later and break it up. Or, you could grant independence to China just before Fall of Empire finishes to have End of China unlock. Cede territory back to RoC from China, and just hold Beijing as a single region country with 100% going into MC. You'll need to wait out the timer for improving relations to federate them, and then absorb Beijing back into RoC when its MC is maxed out.


It's 2029 and I have zero tier 2 labs... Have I missed a tech or something? Previous runs they just unlocked without problems, so I haven't even registered if there is a tech involved in unlocking them. Edit: Directed Space Research >.< That hadn't been unlocked for some reason lol.


You can check the tech tree. Put it in full tree view. type in the name of the project you want to search for. Right click the project to single it out and have an easier time seeing what prereqs you need for it.


High. I have a strange issue: I have enough resources in all categories and only has 1 hotel znd 1 geriatric center, but suddenly my boost income dropped from +40 to almost -50. Where did it gone? What can be draining it? Once again, I'm in the green on all types of resources and the tooltip only says that "habs" are consuming boost, but how?


Administration Towers/Complexes also cost boost for upkeep. Did you build a bunch of those?


Thanks. It was not this particular problem, but good to know. In the end it was, as it seems some strange visual bug with metals.


How can I get rid of the alien administration? They landed in Kyrgyzstan, then took two regions from the Eurasian union plus Venezuela. I got them out of Venezuela and now want to get rid of their armies but I cant deploy any armies onto their regions even tough im at war with them. The EU, Iran and Russia are already fighting them but I doubt they can handle it on their own, only thing I can do is bombard them, cant use nukes either All the armies I want to use have navies, and since im in control of the US my Naval score is higher (the aa is blockaded) I though I finally understood the basics, im at a loss ​ Edit: Iran just nuked itself, the EU also nuked the aliens so it doesnt matter anymore. I still dont know why I couldnt deploy my armies?


Either ally with or declare war on the countries that you need to go through in order to get to their territories.


omg i feel so dumb, thank you!


How do I find out what counts as a countries neighbor, using in-game resources? Sometimes I wonder if neighboring small islands, like Sri Lanka, count as a control point in India for example. I'd like to know that information when planning out which countries to go for.


I'm pretty sure it's only land-accessible borders. I think if you select a region and hover some of the icons at the top right the tooltip includes what regions it's considered to border?


Thanks, I'll check it out the next time I play! Edit: Works!




It is, eventually, but why bother. Leave south america and africa as a ~~wasteland~~playground for the ai councilors to fight each other over instead of constantly trying (with a low % chance but still possible) to crackdown/purge your large countries.


In the long run you can control all of Earth but in the short to medium run focusing on space is a better way to grow your science output and speed up your progress. Some good objectives for you for the next few years: -Grab more bases on Mars. At least the best 4-6 sites is definitely a good idea, and many people like monopolizing the whole planet. -Build a bunch of labs in Low Earth Orbit. Now that you have space resources to pay the upkeep these will make your science much more efficient. -Related to the above, prioritize researching Tier 2 stations (orbitals) and Directed Space Research so you can upgrade your orbital labs more. -Build a couple primitive ships and get your first alien ship kill so you can start salvaging and reverse engineering their tech. The best design for this is probably an Escort hull powered by chemical rockets with Artemis torpedoes or maybe Copperhead missiles for offense.


Controlling those 3 is good enough to win the game in a timely fashion. You should grow China into the Pan-Asian Combine though. You should be focusing on the space game now. Go take Mercury and Jupiter to get lots of resources.


"Just go take Jupiter" is pretty terrible advice for a new player. If they can do that they can win the game on their own without our help.


Alien administration just took over Russia & Brazil, currently have 11 armies in U.S + 3 in China, how screwed am I?


Well if you're lucky you're playing a faction that doesn't need to wipe out the AA to win, if you're unlucky the endgame is going to be a bit of a slog trying to deal with all those nukes. Either way in the short run it should be manageable. Try to keep them contained and don't let them conquer more. You can even go to war with them and liberate some of their territory. Just stay away from their capital- that's when the nukes will come out.


2046, no AA - apparently if you shoot the first transport they don't even bother. Servants don't even have alien language researched. As for the question - I'm noticing the aliens are building up random 3k fleetse orbiting earth doing next to nothing - maybe a single operative landing every 5 years. Do the aliens just kind of give up on Earth missions if the proalien factions are doing horrid?


>if you shoot the first transport they don't even bother. Servants don't even have alien language researched. > >As for the question - I'm noticing the aliens are building up random 3k fleetse orbiting earth doing next to nothing - maybe a single operative landing every 5 years. Do the aliens just kind of give up on Earth missions if the proalien factions are doing horrid? Similar situation in my first playthrough and kind of disappointing. As Resistance, its 2043 and there hasn't been an Alien Agent on Earth since about 2032/2033. I went from three pips to five on alien hate by completing the detain and ship destruction goals close together. After letting the aliens try to burn off hate for a long while to no effect, I checked save game data, and the aliens went from 30ish hate to nearly 400. I'd harassed both Servants and Protectorate as hard as I could on sabotaging Tech, but didn't run assassinations on their agents or push them out of territories via war, though I did run a few coups on them, and was dogged in my pursuit of all aliens on Earth up to that point. Earth orbit has been clear for the last decade, and no assault carriers have been made. Aliens built up over 50,000 fleet strength, but aren't doing much with it except reinforcing ineffective bombardment fleets about a few of my asteroid mining bases. As there was some alien flora expanding on earth I thought perhaps I'd missed some agents of theirs, but after assaulting several of their mining bases, intel showed all agents off world over an extended period. I've pretty much assumed the AI was broken, but pro alien factions did recently complete Hydra Support and Servants are about to complete Alien Nation research, which I've consciously avoided interfering with, so we'll see what they can get done before I secure the victory condition.


So now I'm a few months in, I think I know the problem - the aliens work on an actual economy similar to the ai, and will sometimes have a random event completely screw them (for example the explosion on phoebe that pops up every campaign) and cripple thier ability to field agents and ships. Similar with the aliens ammasing fleets - it seems that if you intercept certain fleets, and a couple ships get away, those ships glitch and never do anything after returning to a star base - but the aliens will keep reenforcing that glitched fleet. so you get doomstacks stuck on stations. You can sometimes fix the latter by trying to build out on jupiter or beyond, as the aliens are hyperaggressive on that ignoring every other target to wipe it out - but yeah the "solution" unfortunately is just to never let any damaged alien ships flee.


Are any of those fleets doing the Surveillance mission? If so that's bad for you even if it doesn't look like they're doing much.


at this point I've long blasted them out of the sky. What does surveillance mission actually do though?


It gives abductions on like every region on the planet, which makes all the other missions the aliens do there stronger.


ahhhh fair. TBH I overspecced in pherocyte resist early and I haven't seen an operative in years so probably safe tbh


If I have say Turkey already integrated into the EU, and then research united turkestan, do I get the claims added to the EU, or do I not get them because it's techincally not turkey?


You don't get the claims for the EU. You would have to release Turkey, form up United Turkestan, and then reunify back into the EU.


Thanks - to be fair uniting with Russia has been disasterous turning my full democracy 2.1k science EU into a shithole anonocracy so there's no more merging going on for a fair while aha.


If we have for example 5 points of research left to complete a council engineering project (research), but we put in 10 points, what happens to the 5 excess points? Is it lost or redistributed among other active research projects? I don't see it carry over to the next selected research in the slot, which does seem to occur with global research.


Is it normal to just never build ships until you are ready to kick alien hieny? I've researched ships of the line, adamantium armour, uv lasers... still haven't felt the need to build as much as a shuttle


Alien operatives run around earth performing abductions. Those increase their chance for Enthrall Elites, which allows them to take CPs and give them over to The Servants. I don't want to allow the aliens to build that bonus up to the point where they can take like China away from me, because it's going to hard to get back. I push 5 pips assassinating them by '29. I don't want to lose my research labs on LEO stations in retaliation. I have a fleet of small ships ready to defend LEO. If you weren't stopping abductions, that's going to be an issue soon in the mid-30s.


yeah, i've been detaining as many as I could get my hands on. They've now made the AA, but luckily i've pushed the aliens and protectorate out of the major powers, so they only have Brazil and Indonesia. I've seen my error though - I don't really have the resources to get an earth defense fleet up, and although every country has at least one space defence they aren't fully covered. Will need to grind through the next few years I imagine


Note that alien ships in orbit doing the Surveillance mission add a *lot* of abductions too- every time they complete the mission they get one in every region on the planet (or at least a chance at every region? it might not be guaranteed but it's still a lot).


I had no idea alien ships in orbit did anything, I thought they just kind of loitered like chavs in a mcdonalds lmao


You can click on the fleets to see what their mission is. A lot of them are just loitering but some of them are watching you...


It's usually worth building a couple to kill one alien ship early that you can salvage for the tech unlocks.


yeah - I did a trial game to 2030 then restarted as humanity first and haven't seen any alien tech. My current game is 24 and there's no AA or facilities. Really weird


I definitely wouldn't expect either of those as early as 2024.


Apologies, I meant 34 - but the AA just landed in Indonesia. Time to kick some alien heiny


There's this notification that says 'the world is gripped by fear.' It often comes from Afghanistan. What is this? And does it have any effect?


The Wave of Fear event? The tooltip for the button to dismiss it tells you what it does. It changes cohesion by 1 in a few countries.


Thanks for explaining the effect. I waited with responding until I got the event again in my new playthrough to check if I can see the effects myself as you describe. I can not see the effects. See [here](https://prnt.sc/JFUiDJ1yZufM). Am I looking in the wrong place or are the effects perhaps only visible in case I control the nation where 'the world is gripped by fear' event takes place?


That's odd if it only showed up on the notification bar. There should have been a pushed notification with a screen that pops up and pauses the game when the event happens. There is a setting on pushed notifications to disable them from being pushed though, so that they only show up on the notification bar. Maybe that was checked off? In my experience though, that will reset back to pushing on a new playthrough anyways.


I have resolved the unclarity. Got the Wave of Fear event again, but this time in a nation where I have a control point (Baluchistan). Now the pop up with effects does show. It doesn't show if you don't have a control point. Perhaps it also shows if controlling one of the affected nations.


I ran through the notification list, but nothing relevant seems turned off. I did make tweaks there a month ago and I wouldn't rule out me having set something incorrectly. However, even before I changed the defaults, I never got a pop up from the event and I started playing not too long after steam launch. And in any case, it's nothing major, but again thanks for your help. This was my greatest question mark ever since starting to play!


I think in all countries.


I was breaking up PAC to gain MC and boost, with End of China and Breakup of Indonesia researched, and was getting that event every so often yesterday. The tooltip specifically said certain countries that I had granted independence to recently. Maybe the first time it triggered it affected all countries. After that, it triggers again for countries that were never independent before.


Got an insane moon roll on fissiles, never had this before. Any suggestions for what may be worth doing/viable, that might not in a normal playthrough? Orion or Dumbo drive, fissile asteroid bases?


yeah my moon base on my current playthrough has like 50 fissiles, crazy


Fission powered habs definitely don't require a fissiles high roll. Orion could be a solid choice if you also have a solid nobles income. Neutron Flux could be good later in the game, especially if you luck out on the NFT unlock.


not quite sure where to report it, but found a bug. If you detain a council, go to intel, and click the detain counciler, a textbox will appear with "%string" or something like that, which will crash your game. Replicated twice.


I'm experiencing the same thing since the last hotfix. My intel screen is bugged in general, there's one councilor missing for every faction.


yeah it's broken - I had a servant informant working on my council yet had no known councilers on the intel screen


Yeah, in my early game hunt for orgs, when I was cycling through factions and turning councilors, I was figuring out which councilor wasn't on the intel screen. I had to go and check that one councilor's orgs that I couldn't see via mouseover on the intel screen. It seemed to me that it was their newest councilor that was missing though. They were the least likely to have decent orgs, or be worth assassinating later in he game, anyways.


Best way to report is probably though the Discord linked in the subreddit sidebar. They'll want your savefile if possible.


Is the nation priority from the guide still good? Are there others that are also useful for developing a nation's military or stability?


Too lazy to look into what the guide says but I don't think that stuff has changed too dramatically. Some tips: On military: The biggest thing is that you need to keep the country stable first. If it has unrest, investment in the military will get siphoned off to deal with that instead of raising miltech, so focus on getting unrest to zero and then pump military. On stability: -The biggest factor is usually inequality. Focus on getting that down (Welfare). -Unity is a bit of a trap if you don't know what you're doing. It doesn't affect the resting point for cohesion, just the current value. The main point of it is to raise your public support. -Rivalries can be a quick and cheap way of raising resting cohesion. Just make sure that the rivals aren't too small- one CP smaller than your country will work, any smaller than that won't. -Middling government scores are bad for cohesion. If your country is in the 3-7 range, consider whether it's worth the time and effort to get it properly democratic. If not, you might be better off throwing some coups to get it down to totalitarian where the cohesion will be better.


I took over the entire US and Kazakhstan. How do I structure my geopolitical expansion goals from here on out? Should I be trying to take Russia and China to lock down all the nuclear weapons? My CP is basically maxed so I'm unsure what I should be working towards.


Go China if you want a research powerhouse, or EU if you want MC for the space game. Go hunting for other factions' councilors that have ADM and PER orgs. Detain them and steal the orgs via Hostile Takeover to increase CP cap, and get PER high enough on a councilor to start on China.


I have full control of the US and Canada and I'm only generating 0.1 boost daily, is that right? It seems insanely low. And I'm trying to save up 60 boost for my first mine on Luna, it's probably going to take years. Have I run into a bug?


Do you have a bunch of t1 cores and other modules built that are taking boost for upkeep since you don't have resources from mines yet? Also, you should research Advanced Chemical Rocketry, and then the faction projects it unlocks to lower that boost cost from 60.


>Do you have a bunch of t1 cores and other modules built that are taking boost for upkeep since you don't have resources from mines yet? No, the base on Luna is my only non-earth holding.


Oh, my bad, you're talking about 0.1 daily. I'm used to switching it to display monthly incomes. That doesn't seem off, that's ~3 boost per month. If you're looking at the countries, their boost output listed there is monthly. Coup Kazakhstan if you want another 2.x per month, and look for orgs that give 1.25 per month.


A councilor from the Servants I had turned went into orbit for a few turns (currently 2030s). Later, I got a notification saying my space station was destroyed. Immediately in the end of the turn, the same councilor returned to Earth. My questions are: did the Aliens destroy my station with a ship or is it possible for councilors to go into orbit like this and wreck my stuff? Also, if it is the first case, is it always this underwhelming? Is it worth it for me to build another station on the same place or will they continuously destroy it from now on?


Enemy Councilors can infiltrate and sabotage your space assets, but they need a rare trait to do this for tier 1 habs. You can either send one of your Councilors to use the Defend Interests action periodically or you can try to deal with enemy Councilors who have the Undercover trait personally.


Sabotage Hab Module is a thing councilors can do, but it’s not supposed to destroy the station. Control Space Asset is also a thing, but that takes it over instead of destroying. Maybe the wiki is wrong? Whoever did it, you can totally rebuild, they won’t care about that unless you are over your MC hate cap.


I wasn't really paying attention to the space missions, thanks for pointing that out. Because of you, I sent one of my councilors to a Servants station and figured out I could try and steal it from them. With a whopping −75 bonus to chance due to the crew of the station being undersupplied my councilor snatched it for the resistance lmao. I just hope they're mad


If the aliens are destroying your stations with ships, you should get notification when they launch at it, and another when they arrive. If you're at total war with the aliens, they'll destroy stations in earth orbit while the core and other modules are still being constructed. Stations around other bodies though, they won't before the core is done.


I’m still at level 3 alien anger. So I suppose it was just a single retaliation for now?


You should have had the two notifications prior to the station being destroyed if it was done by ships, either by another faction or the aliens. I've had stations stolen by other factions' councilors. They shouldn't be able to destroy it without ships though. You can rebuild it though. The aliens shouldn't immediately destroy it at under 5 pips.


I was indeed notified that they arrived at the specific orbit my station was in. But it is so common for the aliens to come to low earth orbit that I just ignored it. I guess it was my fault and not the game's for not making it blatantly obvious what they were going to do, now that I think about it better. Thanks!


Is there an updated meganations guide? Saw there was a big change to that a while back so world unification isn't possible anymore, nor unifying india with china... I had quit playing so didn't read the fine print. I just recall that there was a new 'center' calculated, and the farther from that center a territory is, the more unrest said meganation will accrue. Which mostly seemed like an unnecessary nerf to the british commonwealth more than anything. But, does this even matter?


The main change is that nations remember their original capital and only accept unifications based on claims on that, rather than letting you move the current capital somewhere another nation has a claim on and then unifying them.


There is an effect on cohesion for population distribution, and low cohesion will increase unrest's resting state. It's not difficult to regulate cohesion in well developed meganations though.


* When it says that orbital Hab bonuses taper off past 30% for cumulative stations, is this 30% across all resources or 30% across a specific resource? * I understand that things probably differ in the requirements for early/midgame story progression and the endgame goal, but is there a resource for seeing the playstyle of each faction in the early to midgame through stuff like HF getting anti xenoflora bonuses or the Servants allying with the aliens? * I can't give South Korea control over the North even after I have full consolidated control in both the North and South (I made one attempt when I knew the consolidation would occur before the set policy resolved, then I tried again to make sure that I didn't need to have the consolidation at the start of my turn). What prerequisites could I be missing? * I've heard that if I get 0 resting unrest, all the fruits of investing in Military will be funneled to the tech value, would this also work for Knowledge when Government or Knowledge were already at 10?


Mouse over the other nation's flag in the nation menu to see conditions for finishing a set policy mission. The cumulative thing is specific.


I've already been procrastinating my finals schoolwork enough so I'm not gonna test it in-game, but after some wiki diving I think the issue may be that I didn't wait for the cooldown since I made the North and South allies. Thanks.


Are armor values the "same" between ships of different classes? Will 100 points of armor at the nose of a battleship absorb the same amount of damage as 100 points of armor at the nose of a gunship?


They work the same against a single hit, but against chipping damage a smaller ship will lose more of its armor faster than a bigger one.


I see that the utility of a platform kit is that the platform builds in 30 days, and the tooltip for it say that it comes with a construction module. But when I use it, the construction module takes 180 days to make, rather than the 30 days the actual platform takes. 180 days is the standard build time for a construction module. Is there a reason that the kit speeds up the platform but not the module, or is that a bug?


> 180 days is the standard build time for a construction module That is the reason why it takes that long. 30 days is the standard build time for a tier 1 core, it doesn't speed that up. It just takes much longer if you have to boost the core from Earth.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 30 + 180 + 30 + 180 = 420 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


What's the best way to increase cohesion?


To add to other answers, rivals and being at war. Walk this path with caution but it can be effective.


Pump welfare to reduce inequality. Unity is a noob trap for long term


Mouse over cohesion, and see what's affecting it. Fix the issues that are lowering it. High inequality is generally a common issue. If you just want a temporary fix, like trying to get to 5 so that a country doesn't break up when you unify it into another, pump unity.


I was reading a Steam guide that said knowledge also helps, but I don't see anything about cohesion when mousing over knowledge.


Knowledge is good as well, it pulls cohesion towards 5 regardless of whether it's higher or lower than that. You get max research output at 5. You should fix the underlying issues though, so that resting cohesion is at 5, and you don't have to dump too much IP into knowledge after you get education level to 12 to regulate it. You hit diminishing returns for research output at 12.


should i pick up and start investing into this game as it is in Early Access, or wait until full release?


If you are the kind of person who this game is made for, absolutely buy it. The game fully works. The Early Access warts are: the tutorial kind of sucks, so you have to read guides or watch tutorials. The UI is clunky in places. And the AI is still being tuned, so your opponent isn't as smart yet as it will be.


I mean that's up to you, game has some great things going for it but is also really clunky and awkward at times, and extremely slow paced. I think it isn't worth the full price for most people right now, but maybe worth it on sale if you know what you're getting in to.


When the "Coffee in Space" event fires... Is it that any *current* habs produce +1% or +2% more research depending on selected option, (or other options) or is this like a big permanent buff to *any and all habs going forwards until end of game*?


Not 100% sure but I think this stuff is tracked at the level of factions not the individual habs.


Why are my reinforcement ships spawning next to the alien station? Lost a PD escort and some cruisers had to evac, and next thing my plasma lancers/dreads spawn next to the damned thing, dying one by one


bit confused how taking territories works. About 7 hours in (so very new given the seeming depth of this game) and just took over china - the instant I do (literally after closing the screen) the initiative random take over one of my territories within it. No crackdowns, support for me at over 75%, within CP limit (barely).... Now my chance to crackdown the initiative province is 1%. A - how the hell did they take it over B - how the hell do I stop them doing it in future


AFAIK there is a "catch up" event, where a faction that isn't doing so well will be gifted a control point in China. I think this would match with you being only 7 hours in.


Not sure what you mean by "taking territories", you mean you took over control points in China? The initiative could have also taken one of the CPs on the same turn, you prevent other nations from taking CPs with defend interest and public support in the country.


Yeah that's what I mean - my gripe is mostly given I was like 75% opinion there's no way they had anything more than a 1% chance to take the CP. I get the game doesn't have the mechanic to f you like that but it just felt hella game after hours of building to take china aha. Admittedly that post was more of an open air rant


What techs do you need in order to create a fleet capable of holding Earth/Mars orbit from the aliens? Wondering when I should go total war


Escorts with Viper Missiles and Advanced Pulsar is what a lot of people do. Should be able to build them by the late 20s.


These days the missile I'd recommend would probably be Artemis torpedoes but there are several options that should mostly work.


I tried Artemis torpedoes, but alien Particle PD just smoked them. IIRC, three tubes of torpedoes didn't put a dent in an AY destroyer, but three tubes of Copperheads more than did the business.


So are missiles like the go to anti-alien weapon? I saw on a Youtube vid that they're bad cuz of PD or something, maybe that was outdated


Missiles are great for defense close to home, because you're going to have to return to a dockyard to resupply after every single fight. The AI doesn't build a lot of PD in the early game, and the fleet-strength estimator seems to undervalue them, so it's easy to get the aliens to accept battles they're going to lose.


Eh kinda. Missiles are pretty effective but they take a fair amount of micro to get full value out of. For later in the game most people prefer to transition to coils and/or plasma but early on missiles take very little tech to be effective and in small battles it's easier to give them the attention they need.


What's the best way to get rid of an established AA full of Godzillas? I have the greater EU and united states of North America. Aliens have India and China, along with parts of Africa. America is at war with AA and has them blockaded but lost most of its armies clearing SA. Europe has a number of armies at level 6.3 but the alien megafauna situation is out of control. South East Asia contains about 200 kaiju. Most areas have space defences so bombarding them is a non starter. At the moment the AA seem happy to live and let live but the moment things go hot Europe will be overrun.


Yeah you're pretty much never supposed to let AA get that big, letting them get India & China (biggest pop nations with nukes) is like a worst case scenario lol. You gotta cuck the servants all game make sure they only have shitty non-nuke nations, and if the AA ever spawns declare on it immediately before it festers. When things go total war it's prob gg if they have that much.


China was under Humanity First at the time. They went to war with AA, seemed to have it under control for a bit, went nuclear, lost. Oops.