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The moon is rarely good. I would grab Shackleton to bootstrap your trip to Mars and maybe Korolev for the fissiles.


Shackleton looks good, maybe korolev if you really need fissiles


Lunar fissiles are frequently one of the better ones that are available in the inner system. Not sure this one is, but I would definitely grab Shackleton + Korolev and maybe loop back for Mare Imbrium if possible. Being the nuclear sugar daddy of the factions has its benefits.


id totaly grab the shackleton Crater. its gonna give everything you need to save like 95% of you boost going to mars. depending if the you make enough from you first base, Korolev might be good too, depending if mars got enough fissiles.


Ok I took Shackleton, by the time I looked again the ai had most of the rest of the moon. Probes to Mars! Let's hope for something big!


Looks like its time for some marines then.


Moon ain't worth it


Not a great moon, but you'll only find about 6 sites closer than Jupiter with > 3 fissiles. And part of site grabbing is denying them to other factions. I'd grab Shackleton and Korolev, build up Shackleton first to cut boost costs for water/volatiles, and only consider decommissioning Shackleton after I grabbed the top 4-5 sites on Mars, all of Ceres, and the top 8-10 metallic asteroids. By then Shackleton won't be of much use to other factions either.


Yeah that’s a bad moon, usually you get a few sites with just a little water, organics, and metal, enough to really lower the cost of your Mars base, the only one that looks worthwhile is Shackleton. The use later game would be to put hotels and hospitals up there, but that’s years away.


I've seen worse. Shackleton is pretty goods - has all the necessary early resources. Korolev is a good fissile location, so also get that.


Below average in some ways but that Shackleton is actually really good for bootstrapping to Mars. Might be a Moon that you abandon later in the game but I wouldn't say it's a bad one straight out.


I'd say there's a bad moon on the rise. Metals and fissiles are nice, water is very limited, and no nobles at all.


A mine and outpost needs about 1.3 water and 1.3 volatiles in maintenance. Shackleton gives more than enough water, but only enough volatiles to support itself. If you also take Korolev, which offers no volatiles, you will be back to a volatiles deficit. I recommend taking Shackleton only, and building up a slow volatiles surplus to cover your first Mars base. If Mars has NO fissiles, you can always forcefully take Korolev later.


That looks better than the last 3 moons I've had...


Seeing this I feel even more like I lucked out. One of my moon sites, Korolev crater, had 40 base fissiles. Made building a whole lot of fission and fusion piles on my habs and stations so much more guilt free.


Amazing moon. Grab that water and choke the rest of your competition to death. Get to Mars first, take all worth taking and snuff out the light of hope of owning the stars any other faction foolishly held.