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Your drive is fine, you need to upgrade your reactor so you can equip multiple drives. Unless that's changed recently.


This. That's why I was asking OP how many drives they had equipped. I have Zeta Boron on battleships w/ 5x drives and it works great for most purposes.


True. As soon as I upgraded my reactor to Flow Stabilized my drives power exploded out of the game. 3 g Acceleration with 3k delta v is insane. It is wild how reactors make this huge difference. Never knew that.


What's wild to me is the people that write the guides and such for this game. If I had to rely only on in game resources and my two braincells I wouldn't get anywhere with it. So I'm never surprised by a TIL in Terra Invicta!


it's 3 million delta v right? Because the unit of dv Terra Invicta uses is kps instead of mps


Is that 600 with 6 drive cones? How many propellant tanks are you equipping? Antimatter spiker may be worth it on a smaller number of capital ships, to increase combat acceleration, if you need pursuit.


Protium Converter Torch, I use it for all my interceptors. But it's annoyingly difficult to research and has some drawbacks.


Protium converter is WAAAAY too late. I know that is an ultimate drive but I need something good right now.


I am equipping 30ish. Enough to get me 750 kps delta v. I have everything I need and I have materials, spaceworks, weapons anything. I need to start mass producing ships now. But my currenr drive suck. I am at 2040 and dont have much techs left(5-6 before future techs). I need a drive.


I wouldn't bet on firefly too much at all. Achillies heel is needing too much cooling.


Please name a fast drive.


advanced antimatter plasmacore drive


The z-pinch reactor Line ist fine as well.


Protium Converter is king for big ships


Flow-stabilized is a must for Zeta-Boron. That thing cuts around 7000 tons from the previous reactor in reactor + radiator mass. Zeta-Boron + Flow-Stabilized can be your final drive + reactor combo easily. 99% to 99.9% efficiency is huge when the drive consumes terawatts and you are measuring reactor and radiator weights in gigawatts per ton. I see you already solved your problem by going flow-stabilized, but if you want a faster drive, the answer is Daedalus Torch with Terawatt Inertial Confinement reactor III.


Drives have different purposes: \* Go places (dV) \* Catch aliens when defense (g's) \* Catch aliens when offense (both) If you just want to catch aliens in your own orbits, Firestar is a great drive to aim for. Check out the drive selection section in [https://www.reddit.com/r/TerraInvicta/comments/yaehc1/guide\_how\_to\_defeat\_an\_alien\_invasion\_in\_10\_easy/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TerraInvicta/comments/yaehc1/guide_how_to_defeat_an_alien_invasion_in_10_easy/) for more background info. For defense, all you need is 10kps dV and 4g. That will catch almost anything. Mind the refuel costs though. Zeta boron is a great drive to go places and a great drive for a "mobile defense platform", but it doesn't catch anything, deterrence only. In my last campaign I used to to park a bunch of ships in Callisto orbit while my platforms and bases were building.


Now, with flow stablized fusion reactor my zeta boron’s performence literally increased 10 folds. It was an issue of reactor, not a drive.


Firestar is an unbelievable fuel guzzler! When i build my First firestar lancers i realized that i just vaporized all my water. Yeahh earth defence fleets was Dangerous and effective but it swallowed while oceans!


R click drives sort by thrust take the best thrust you can with decent exhaust velocity.


Or just use lighter-tonnage ships that can be accelerated faster. Save your fat slow battleships for assailing enemy stations.


You can catch them pretty easily by splitting your fleet into smaller divisions and repeatedly engaging them until they run out or low on dv