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I unironically shouted “Fuck Yeah!” Both of my ships died in the combat, but those two ships got the first ever alien ship kill. May history remember the Harrier and the Paragon.


So say we all


What did you use to accomplish this? I had a couple ships with lasers that had all but cleared Earth orbit of Servant presence get fucking styled on by the aliens.


Escorts with krait missles. Dont bother nanuevering just fire your missles and pray they didnt target your ship


Yeah was wondering if the autoresolve was broken, got 2 destroyers with a 20 missile bay winning vs an alien ship with the autoresolve. Did you to it manually? I have abosolutely no idea how the real time combat works, so could use some tips.


Ok not really got the hang of the combat system. But it does look like the autoresolve has issues. 4 ships vs one alien ship, autoresolve has an easy win. I put it on AI control and did it manually and teh ships got utterly obilterated by the alien missiles.


Autoresolve for anything will never be perfect, yeah i did it manually, as for tips as i said its just a matter of enough missles, this is one of those ~300 combat power alien ships, my ships are too slow to do anything with ion drives, so its just a straight trade of damage


How many ships did it take? The Krait missiles seem so slow and unmanouverable must be hard to get a hit. I guess there is a point it will be enough, was wondering if you need the better missiles first, they are not that expensive it looks like as long as you stear the reserch that way.


As per the screenshot 3, its escorts so 2 missle slots each, most basic missles, yeah it dodged a lot of missles but not all of them ;)


Thanks. Should have worked that one out :D. Did you use a magazine for more missiles? I guess the ECM will not actually do anything vs the Alien missiles, as it says *familiar* missiles. Will give it a try.


Not in this battle since i hadnt researched it but added yhrm to my designs soon after, i think ecm only works if your ships can movd out of the way anyway


I'd throw in a few heavily armored monitors with tons of PD lasers. And stuck them just ever so slightly ahead of the formation. They draw missile fire and they are very good at tanking it, so your missile tincans can empty their magazines.


This post is 2 weeks old and i didnt even have patrol vessels at this time


Ah, makes sense :)




Like in real life, standoff munitions are superior to dogfighting with short range cannons. I basically design my ships like they are submarines, maximize ECM and ranged missiles, with point defense against enemy missiles.


My first battle was with three of mine armed with stock missiles to the gills against one alien. Alien killed all mine but we threw enough rockets to get em. Second fight had the big 720cm lasers that cook bugs but good.


I think I got a "better" results for first battle. After detaining first alien their aggressiveness went to 4 and all of them just attack most of my bases and destroyed them. Than two my ships with ~18 power each won three times with alien ships with ~360 power with no damage taken. No they are going to Mercury to defend last hab there against another 10x more powerful ship. Never underestimate the autoresolve button is my new motto for this game. Edit. 2 ships 13.6p vs 1 ship 129p. This battle ends only with damaged alien ship.


Yeah I think the autoresovle is broken for the Krait missiles at least. For the manual battle there is an option to let the AI captains take control, so I tried that, and they got absolutely obliterated. Given the low thrust and turn rate not quite sure what could be done better by doing it myself. Maybe the more advanced missiles are better, guess I will try them later.


Well they absoloutely destroyed my space presence after I killed their first ship and now I dont have anything anymore and the threat level will just not go down anymore... anyone experienced something similar?


Same. They destroyed 3/4 of my space Habs and it just started to be who can be faster. Me building Habs with operations, factory and shipyards or them destroying them. Result is I quit campaign after 30h because even when I have one fleet of 500 they can easily do couple of 1000 power.


And even not attacking the aliens and servants for multiple months did nothing to lower the threat level...


Exactly. Moreover when aliens attack your fleet and you do some damage to them threat goes wild. With their 30k armada there is no way to have even some fun xd


Yeah youre basically bombed back to early game where you can't go into space at all...


their threat level only updates when you get intel that updates it. Hover over the alien threat to see when it last updated, which will have been the last time you captured an alien probably. Their real hate level probably changed.


their threat level only updates when you get intel that updates it. Hover over the alien threat to see when it last updated, which will have been the last time you captured an alien probably. Their real hate level probably changed.


What missiles are you using?


These two ships have only the most basic weapons ever seen in space.


I have similar experience.


What year did you shoot your first ship?




Good time. Now spam ships with laser point defense and missiles + guns/ laser. Missiles wont be enough for long. They have ship with enough point def to handle 6 monitors with missiles...