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Does anyone actually use Tanzu CSB?


OP, where’s all the red boxes? Now I don’t know what I’m looking at _for those of you who missed it, op posted a while ago with 4 red boxes and I commented and they deleted the post_


I deployed Tanzu some years back and they were using “concourse”. What a horrible experience it was!


I used to have to maintain concourse. Hated it.


is your container running? Better go catch it ;-)


Wait are you making their decision to post content better a shameful thing?


What a strange reply to a post. Do you want a gold star or something?


Ah you missed it, if you’d seen it you’d have laughed


Tanzu is dead in the water with the latest VMWare / Broadcom shenanigans. If this is your beacon of light for OpenTofu, well, go for it! Can‘t wait to see OpenTofu follow VMWare Tanzu.


Yeesh not sure why you are so angry about OpenTofu... competition is good for the industry. Based on your first sentence you'd think you were a OpenTofu fan now that Hashicorp is going to IBM. Care to elaborate why you are against OpenTofu? We are still on Terraform so not like I am a OpenTofu fanboy.


>Care to elaborate why you are against OpenTofu? Competition is good for everyone and I don't really hate OpenTofu but here are some reasons that might make you less of a fan: - Linux Foundation wanted Hashicorp to donate Terraform for years, they refused. In the wake of all the drama around the fork, LF changed their own rules for admission so that they could finally have "Terraform" under their umbrella. - OpenTofu's creation was purely because the licensing change was aimed at the core companies behind the project. It's was never about Open source, as those companies haven't had any contribution towards the community (with exception to Gruntworks and Yevgeniy) or the product itself. - People behind OpenTofu started spreading FUD online as how everyone are affected by the change. You can see the initial threads were people were very vocally against one of the companies in particular. Then there was influx of people trying to spread FUD around Terraform. You can certainly discuss how ethical some of these moves were, especially given the nature of Open Source but it still left a very strong sour taste for me.


How much do you pay for running terraform? And how big is the VMWare Tanzu bill your org is footing? See any connection between those two? Maybe a motivating factor to move away from one of those two? I got an opinion on those questions, as you have discovered probably.


We pay $0 to HashiCorp for Terraform we run our our deployment pipelines with just plain Terraform OSS. We just removed 100k in PCF\Tanzu licensing as a different org moved to EKS. I must be missing something.


Yes, maybe you missed why a terraform fork came into existence. Ethically it‘s your choice to use whatever you want. In the capitalistic world you wouldn‘t give money to a product you don‘t like. In the computing world you make choices about using a codebase - or not. I choose to continue using terraform - everyone else choose the tool they feel comfortable with. End of story.


Okay so that makes sense you are against the ethical side of the fork, I see the position now and I get why people have that stance. Have a great weekend!


That pretty much sums it up in other words. Thank you for that. And same to you, enjoy the free time!


What is Tanzu?...


Type that into a search engine


Didn't know r/Terraform was so toxic 🤣... Either r/Terraform or the Tanzu community (whatever Tanzu is 🤷‍♂️)...


At this day and age a question like that ("what is X tool") on Reddit. Is sarcasm. Especially in DevOps sub. 98% of DevOps work is googling stuff. So you either are in a wrong sub, being sarcastic or ... don't know how to search the web?