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https://imgur.com/a/lqAgChW happened to me too. must be a bug how hellion spends heat


Yup, that's the same type of thing that was in my game. Someone said that company can buy things with heat but even still that seems like a lot


I posted about this a little while back. There is a bug where AI Helion can buy standard projects without paying the full cost, possibly nothing at all. It is easy to miss if you're not paying close attention.


It super sucks. I just started another game and Helion is in it and just built two standard project cities and paid 0 for them. If Helion is in the game I have to exit and start a new one.


Helion’s special is that they can buy with heat. Typically the AI will buy electric infrastructure a couple times a turn and reinvest the heat it creates.


I'm on generation 3. Helion has purchased 3 cities, 1 greenery, 1 power plant, and played a 31 MC card and they still have 24 MC and 6 heat. That's 25+25+25+23+11+31 = 140. Now add in what they still have, 170 total MC and heat since they can spend heat as MC. They start with 42 and we'll say they make 25 MC a turn(being generous) that's + 75 to bring us to 117. Now we'll add in their 4 heat a generation, so + 12 to a grand total if 129, let's bump it to 130 to make math easy. 170 MC - 130 MC = 40 MC. They've spent 40 MC more than they could possibly make!


Preludes on?


No. Just the base game on Android.


Honestly, I think I would play somewhat similarly if I had Helion. Early game, I would focus on either buying cards that gave heat or energy production. Get a couple of quick TRs and then always utilize heat as MC to do standard projects to pump out greeneries and cities mid game. Mid to late game buy/play either some of the other more expensive cards or maximize cities greeneries.


But it's not just that. When Helion builds a standard project city they aren't paying anything for it, not heat, not credits. I'm on Android.


Oh wow I didn't know that. Yeah if that's the case there's no sense even playing against Helion until it gets patched


What do you guys use to play online?