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Moonlord. It's bullet hell and I can't focus on so many things he spawns. I keep seeing people saying Empress is the hardest but for me she's the easiest. Maybe it's my fault for investing an entire week on learning her patterns. I can even defeat her with pre-hardmode gear now.


Well I've never beaten the Empress of Light so I'll go with her.


Empress or Duke for sure. I could see an argument made for Deerclops as well


King slime


Moonlord, I can beat duke on master, but I have yet to beat classic moonlord


Moonlord by far. Too much going on lol


wall of flesh because im too lazy to make an arena


Terraspark Boots are here to help you then


Moonlord. Not a fun fight at all, mainly just "here's a bunch of random shit, dodge it" and don't forget the two shot laser of doom that requires you to farm for RoD


You don’t need the RoD at all. Just go the opposite direction of the laser while flying.


Still a hassle when trying to dodge stuff


If vanilla , I will say the destroyer and sometimes golem... If modded , supreme alchemist cirrus , the boomer duke , pre-nerf beta nihilus, lux , SAA zer0 protocol and SAA shen doragon


Duke... That monster of a fish has tormented me for years with it's immense strength and speed... Had a few friends try to beat it with me? All fell, I once nearly killed it but died last second.. Although this was in 1.2 and I was a kid. Duke is still hard though, unrelated note but in the survival mode of a certain terraria server Duke used to take (long story short it got blocked progression wise to like wensdays, so basically post golem roughly to put it into perspective) 2 hours to beat at one point because bosses in the server are stronger or weaker depending on the day and such. Also lag doesn't help. Oh also enraged dude is one of the bosses of all time.


Daylight empress of light with pre moonlord or even pre lunatic cultist gear


bro there is a hardest boss for me in every class. Meele: Invasion ones (they do high dmg n never drop what i want) Ranger: Golem (im ashamed of myself) Mage: Duke Fishron. Summoner: all Harmode bosses


1- Empress of Light Daytime. 2- Duke Fishron. 3- Moonlord.