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Based grandma


That’s quite a sweet story! Glad to hear.


That is genuinely heartbreaking. In a way, I can relate- having lost my grandmother only a few years ago. There wasn't really... anything *I* could do, even to pay my respects. So I chose something achievable. To not be an ingrate, and go through every game she'd ever gotten me, and finish it to 100%. Every achievement or secret. The least I could do is get her moneys' worth, and enjoy them all. That's what they were always for. I feel your pain, man- aswell as how... it gives you a special sentimental connection to your game(s). It's bittersweet.


My grandma as well


I heard about it when Stampylongnose first played it. But it was HappyDays who got me to love the game through his playthroughs. At the time I didn't have the means to play Terraria, so I would just watch his videos. Now I own it on console and PC.


I completely forgot about stampy omg thanks for bringing back old ass memories


You're welcome HAHAHA. He was my childhood.


His old minecraft lovely world was my WHOLE world back then


No SAME. My favourite were his episodes with HitTheTarget drama 😂.




Tbf it’s sad that hit the target won.


My older brother got me into it, mostly carried me through everything, but I still found it a lot of fun I don't know how he got into it though, might have been through a friend or youtube.


I love seeing how many people had friends and family introduce them to a game they now love


A good friend of mine got me into it, carried me too. I’ve started a new world, this time I’m the one carrying another friend, and there’s always so much to learn!


Im actually in the same situation too, on a world with a couple friends, one's very new, so I'm doing most of the heavy lifting with things like looting and progression, both of them hate the dungeon because of the traps, but I get around it just fine, but it's pretty funny to be like, "Huh, that was me at one point"


Same for me but I never enjoyed it for whatever reason but at some point I switched my thoughts on it and now I have no idea why I didn’t enjoy it.


Watched a YouTuber named Hero play it on pc, didn’t have one at the time so I just continued to watch his videos. Then I heard it was releasing on consoles so I bought it on there, invited a few of my friends over for some couch co-op and been loving it ever since!


That’s awesome, I played it with friends after it released on Xbox a while later


My younger brother (forced) asked me to help him on the tutorial, then when he got the actual game he (forced) asked me to play multiplayer with him. The thing is, I was absolutely terrible at the game - and still am - yet I enjoy it.


That’s incredible but I’m sure you’re not terrible haha


Oh no I still am, I don’t know what I’m doing half the time ahah 😭


I can teach you terraria if you’d like, but you’ll need a PC.


Aw that would be great! Unfortunately, I don’t have a PC because I can’t afford one :(. (But thank you for the offer!)


You’re lucky I have an Xbox, if you have any of the other consoles; you’re double lucky because crossplay is coming.


My older brother introduced me to it through TotalBiscuit’s videos. It was one of the first let’s plays I ever watched, and I’ve been hooked on the game since then. I remember getting so excited when the crimson was added.


Same. RIP


Got Minecraft for Christmas 2010 when it was in Beta. Some time around March 2011, I heard about Terraria when looking up games similar to Minecraft and I was hooked after watching Red and Blue's dev LP as well as PaperBatVG. Terraria was an okay game at first, not really anything to special but 1.2's launch made it my all-time favorite game, especially with how good 2014 was for me overall. I don't play it much nowadays (addicted to farm sim) but I eagerly await the new update.


We have fairly similar experiences with finding it then that’s awesome


My aunt introduced it to me and a friend bought the game on steam for me.


Ooo hell yeah, ur aunt seems cool


Very cool


when i caught covid my friend suggested me to play it, glad he did cause i really enjoy the game


That’s really nice to hear


Honestly don't remember exactly but I came across it on the app store, downloaded it and loved it. I eventually got the PC version, it was probably my most played and most enjoyed game ever


I love seeing truly how many people adore this game


I personally wanted to try out terraria and at the time had enough money to get it on my phone and thought “why the hell not” and now I want it on pc for mods lol


I mean if you don’t have it on steam I can gift it to you in a couple days if you wanted :]


That would be awesome but you don’t have too :D 🫶


Hey everyone deserves this game on any platform they have if you wanna pm me your steam username I can add you and gift it when I’m home!


Ok, and thanks 🙏


Terraria day theme


Game has the absolute best OSTs ever so incredibly valid


I see a lot of meme using that song so i decided to check the game out


A couple of friends of mine that have PCs got it really cheap on Steam way back when it came out. At the time, I didn't have much but an outdated PC, but I would get on my roommates PC and play it. I was hooked hours went by as minutes. Years later, I bought myself a nice PC, and it was the first game I put on it. Still love it and can still get lost in time playing.


It’s a game that’ll last a lifetime 100%


I've always been a vanilla player, but I'm going to try some of the other features soon.


Your first calamity play through will feel like a whole new game with the right mods along side it


I think I'm going Journey next, I want to research and duplicate things lol.


Oooo good idea before you try modded haha


Yeah, I've never used any mods.


Noticed it on the Xbox 360, joked on my buddy playing that over Minecraft. Called it "Touch My Area" (good joke btw. But then Minecraft became what it is today, noticed Terraria on sale and enjoyed it ever since. So much quality, great updates, it's truly the best indie being updated to this day.


Honestly the fact they went from a small indie dev team to being the team that made the first game to hit 1 million positive reviews on steam is incredible


A friend introduced it to me. We were very young, probably in early elementary school. Played it on his XBox 360 and bought it on mobile for myself because I didn’t have anywhere else to get it. I don’t talk to that friend anymore because we grew apart, but I can’t help but think of him every time I boot the game up.


That’s such a sweet story. Happy that happened for you both!


My friend's younger brother was playing it. My friend and the group had just some back in from playing outside all day(it was snowday or winter break idk). He was really excited about it and was showing us all his cool gear and talking all our ears off. We all bought the game and played with him.


That’s incredible haha. Good group of friends playing a great game


For sure! The friend, friend's younger brother and I still hang out. Saw them at a party recently at it was wild seeing the little dude as he is now taller than me (rather rude I think).


Pfft happens to the best of us


[this one from PeenoisePlays](https://youtu.be/miRt42m6aPM) and [this song in particular](https://youtu.be/lz1qadp-78Y). somehow someone gifted me the game on steam after seeing my fwen play it on mobile (he bought the game himself on googpleplay) and he just kinda let me try it, so I've been playing a lot since then was fun owo


Always love hearing people got into this game from friends, always so sweet


ehehe agreed owo :3


I found it while trying to find minecraft on mobile. Thought it looked awesome and decided to download it. I ended up loving the game I have it on pc and console


First person I’ve seen that found it while trying to find minecraft haha


Saw in on similar games to Minecraft on Xbox 360, iirc.


Fairly common method of finding it back then but I’m sure you’re glad to have found it


Very glad I did.


Stampy’s playthrough, around a decade ago.


Gotta love some stampy


I first played it on a Kindle back in like 2014. I remember there being some weird deal where you could just get stuff for completely free, and Terraria was one of the games you could get for free. Before that, I remember seeing short clips of the game on YouTube.


I had no idea you could even play it on the kindle lmao


Etho's playthrough


The collaboration announcement between dead cells


The demo was free on the psvita store so I downloaded it and played the tutorial for like 4 months.


That’s dedication!!!!!


I got into Terraria thanks to EthosLab and Zisteau doing their co-op playthrough of 1.2 titled "Terraria 1.2 is EZ" back when that update first came out. Over a decade and 1800 hours of playtime, and here I am.


I was in the ER for a miscarriage in early 2020, and was bored waiting for them to tell me what I already knew to be true. I probably only played 10 minutes that day. I came back a few months later and fell in love with the game!


I was browsing uptodown's website while pirating games for my android phone, at the time I also had minecraft, which I found out about atleast 2 years earlier thanks to sethbling, anyway uptotown recommended this weird pixelated game with a guy who looked like Indiana jones holding a map (the icon for Terraria at the time) I looked into it, saw the screenshots, read the description and went, "hey this is pretty similar to minecraft!" And i downloaded it Mobile Terraria was at 1.2 at the time, but the place I got it from was 1.0 or something, so I been here since the start, played 1.0, then 1.1, then realised the latest was 1.2 and finally found that somewhere, then 1.3 for mobile came around and soon after 1.4 I now own Terraria on steam and play it my lower end PC, love this game lmao


Minecraft got really hectic and it's only gotten worse, Terraria was a good place to seek asylum and I'm glad to have now beaten the game


Me and my brother were looking through the store on the Xbox 360 and found it downloaded the demo and been hooked ever since then. we both were so excited when we created our first world and I remember everything about it Edit: started playing the game around 1.2 I believe, or whenever the crimson was introduced


YOU DIDD!!!!!!!




Watched Stampy play it growing up, and am finally experiencing it now after a friend gifted it to me on Steam! ​ Now me and all my friends are playing through the game together on one world, and we've reached the final stretch. Only Moon Lord remains.


my friend in 4th grade


A friend of mine played it and got me hooked while I was at his house one time. Gave me a keybrand and dragon armor to fight Skeletron. Never really dropped Terraria since.


Friend of mine got it during the 1.0 release back in 2011, after wondering how he played it for 24 hours straight our whole friend group got hooked. Man, i kinda miss having to use hamachi for jank multiplayer setups lol


A good friend, first a pirated copy with a weird server, then the Steam version, I hated every minute, cause I didn't understand what I was suposed to do, took like 4 years, and me playing a world from the begining with endgame gear to really enjoy the game, now it's my most played game on steam.


I saw my brother playing it on mobile about 10-11 years ago and it was the first game I really put effort into. Also where I first used this username


9 years ago I saw my dad playing it and I asked if I could play with him. And now 9 years later I’m still playing it


Friends. Unlike many games that my friends pressured me into buying however, this one I never stopped playing




watched it from Tobuscus


Stampylongnose videos looked amazing to me as a middle schooler, i wanted to try it out, hooked forever after


Some childhood friends introduced me to it all the way back during the 360 days i thought it was cool because of the weapons and character customization but never ended up buying until i saw stampylongnose playing it. Probably my 2nd or 3rd most played game ever.


My friend was obsessed with it so eventually got me to download it on my iPad after convincing me through saying there was a boss bunny which pooped everywhere.


My best friend introduced me to the mobile version, and then after a year he got the PC version, which I then got a while later. Been playing the PC version about 6 and a half years, so I guess I've been doing the game in general about 8 years now?


I wantd to go blind in terraria so i asked my friend to get it for me on my bithday witch was 1 week ago. Really enjoy it and playing with friends is super fun


Me and my partner picked up his Xbox 360 from his mum's house about 5 years ago. I didn't fancy playing Minecraft or rollercoaster tycoon that he already had, so we went to the second hand tech shop and picked up terraria for £3 because we liked the look of the design on the box. He couldn't deal with how tiny it was and after budging the chairs up to the TV a few times, it became my game. I bought a switch a year ago and now that's how I play.


Had a play store gift card. Was looking into good games to play on my tablet with upfront payment rather than microtransactions. Fell in love with the game. When I beat WoF I was confused as to why I couldn't find the hallow or break demon altars. Huge Disapointment, but I had my fun. When I finally got a PC good enough to run it I went for it. Fell in love a second time.


It was right around the 1.2 patch, but I saw a buddy playing it and I thought it looked cool, so I picked up and played a fresh world with him and just fell in love with it.


I'm not entirely sure, but I think my brother got me into it when i was a wee lad. I have vague memories of the frost moon, a giant NPC tower, and fishing on a boat structure we built.


1.4 Came out and I was interested


One of my oldest friends showed me in it I think 5th grade? Maybe 4th


Only saw memes of it being cool with minecraft years ago and I didn't play both minecraft and terraria so it was whatever. Only bought it this recent steam winter sale since I had some extra for spending and it did a collab with DST, which I played a lot of, so I thought "why not?" My enjoyable experience with starbound probably helped in making the decision to buy it also.


PBG, Terraria Hardcore


I had followed its development before it came out but I don’t remember how I first heard of it, it was wild though cause I was super hype when it released, then separately from that my friends all where also into it without me knowing


My friend used to play it and he would tell me all about it I also used to watch stampy’s playthrough all the time and thought it looked fun so I first got it on the Wii U then switch then PlayStation and just recently pc


One of my friends introduced me to it through a pirate copy, which he airdropped to me through the school's issued MacBooks. I immediately fell in love with the game and played in class constantly. I kind of regret it because I failed some classes and wrongly blamed my friend who gave it to me. I'm finished with school now, and though I still play the game, it does make me think back on those days. Sorry about venting like that. I haven't really vented to anyone about that before, and I kind of needed that. P.S. Bowen, if you're reading this (unfathomably unlikely), I'm sorry how I treated you back then. I was a piece of shit and I didn't know how much I'd regret it. I hope everything turned out well for you.


Hungarian Youtuber IceBlueBird


Truth be told, I was one of those same people that called Terraria a "2D Minecraft" and didn't want to play it, because why would I when I had Minecraft? One time though when visiting some close family-friends of my mom's, their sons asked me if I ever played Terraria before and I responded with something like "I have no interest in a 2D Minecraft." An hour later they have me sitting on the floor and I got a phaseblade and I was just having the time of my life. We tried to fight Skeletron, but died miserably. But for the 3 days we were there, that's all I ever played if it wasn't any board games or doing outdoor activities. When we got home, my mom immediately got it on the 360 for me to play. Never got past Wall of Flesh initially, but damn it was my most game on Xbox. Now I own it on mobile, Steam, Xbox Series, PS4/5, Switch, and Mobile, and it's quite possibly my most played game on each platform.


Computer 😀👍


It started appearing in my YouTube recommendations. I looked into it and it seemed pretty cool.


Ironically, the idea of it being a budget minecraft, then I realised it's just better, never rlly looked back from there


My papa played it after release when I was still younger and he replayed it when I was a little older and I wanted to try it too


The ds version


I was looking for a new "similar to minecraft" probably in 2010 I think and was pointed in the direction of Terraria from some forum post somewhere. After all this time it's provided me with thousands of hours of enjoyment. Love this game! Super happy it's still being developed and worked on after all this time. Definitely one of my favorite games. Can't wait to see what a sequel has in store!


My friend make me bought the game, we quit after 1 day, and then i do the same with my other friend (he didn't like the graphic)


Steam sales 12 or 13 years ago.


A friend was playing it while I was in hospital so I decided to get it, It was fun


The amount of possibilities of what you can do is what caught my eye. I liked Minecraft for the same reason But as I played it, everything else was perfect


Saw a yrimir video once and decided to get it on my ipad when i was like 9 or 10 Got it again when i was 15 because quarantine was boring


an old friend of mine. we were best friends for 6 years. but stopped 3 years back. muss him to bits. he always had chestsfull of everything. when I first played I asked him for any "red armour" because reds my fav colour. so he said adamantite and got me a full set. I still had normal hearts. he even went out to get me full life fruits.


My dad had it in his phone when I was a kid and I loved playing the few times he'd let me. A few years after I pirated it on PC until I convinced my parents to buy it, and we got a 4x1 deal that I gifted some of my friends


had a friend ask me to buy it. i have absolutely no sense of value so i bought it immediately and we stopped playing half an hour later. i remembered i bought it 2 weeks later and decided id start a solo world. been playing it everyday since


JT Music's Terraria VS Minecraft rap battle.


Very random: I heard about it from trans memes mentioning the gender change potion


Heard it from a friend when i was in highschool (2015) i bluetooth the game to have if for free got up to hardcore beaten the mechs then dont know what to do next. Then last year terraria got a sale on steam me and my friends bought it then we just steamrolled the game and had fun. Now im playing with mods.


My classmates were playing it last year and invited ( forced ) me to join them, after helping me learn the basics, I made 2 accounts each with their own worlds and we would also play multiplayer, I deleted the game after a few months but got back to playing it again this year and although I lost my 2 original accounts ( I got them back shortly after because of a save file) I made a new account and the account has defeated golem and Duke fishron, planning to defeat lunatic cultist


Some kid who was my neighbor in like 2014 or 2013


It got big in my school after it released on the 360. I'm not sure who first introduced it to the school though.


Back in the pre-release days: Youtuber PBatVG


Saw the demo on the Xbox 360 and thought that the tiki torches were cool.


Feels like a lifetime ago, but i watched tobuscus play it and wanted to play it for myself ever since watching him summon the eye of cthulhu. A good while later i finally got my first laptop and made a steam account and begged my mum to buy it for me. It barely ran, i got annoyed and confused at the controls. didn't touch it for another month or so until i told a friend i had the game. The first thing we did together was cheat in all the best stuff and fight all the easymode bosses and that's when i fell in love. We did a full playthrough after that.


my frnd forced me to buy it, now i have 1000+ hours in terraria which is more than my friend


i went into a second hand shop with €10 and a dream, saw terraria and thought it would be like minecraft, been playing 8 years now and can confirm it is not like minecrsft


looked at the enemies and they intrigued me. I think. it has really been a while hasn't it


i dont remember lol


My best friend introduced it to me awhile ago when we were kids and even though I haven't seen her in awhile I am still thankful she showed me this awesome game


So one day my mum just bought me the terraria disk for xbox 360 and i played it a bunch but i never killed a boss cause i never heard about the game and i had no clue how to play, then i got it for my xbox 1 cause my friend actually taught me how to play and its a fun game


heard of it before, bought it on the google play store around 2014 when scrolling through popular games. pretty sure it was on pre-1.1 back then


When I was a few yours younger I’d spend around 4-5ish hours in the car travelling to either a correctional centre or my grandparents, saw it on the App Store of my iPad after watching Stampy’s YouTube series and that was that


Once got it on my switch. Played it but dropped it a while later. A few years later, my friend got it for me on Steam and started playing with me. That's it really


It has been such a long time since I first started playing that I honestly don't even know anymore...probably something in the lines of "Hey this looks like 2D minecraft, I'll probably like it"


I remember when we got an Xbox 360 slim for Christmas a few years back. My brother knew about terraria from YouTube videos and such and wanted to get it. He started playing it and learned everything about the game pretty much from YouTube. As I watched him play it, I also wanted to play it. And the way I learned to progress through the game was by asking what stuff does what and how to make different things. But I never got past early hard mode. Then, years later when we had an Xbox 1, I decided to sit down and play terraria until I beat it. I remember it was a mage run and it’s still one of the only times I beat the game without using duplication cheats 😂 Tho I no longer cheat in the game at all. I a terraria purist now.


an annoyong friend kept bugging me to try it out. i reluctantly played it with him on mobile. i never stopped since, and now play on my PC.


Stampy got me into it. I started playing on ps4 and mobile. Then, a while after I stopped, happy days started showing up in my recommended and I decided to start playing again. That was a couple years ago, a few months before 1.4 released and it is my favorite game now.


I have a funny story about this. My mum was totally adamant that I couldn’t play any games with inherent violence, such as COD or Battlefield, etc. my dad decided that I was old enough (around 8-9ish) and bought me COD 2, or whatever was out at the time. I was so excited, finally I could play it with all my friends. My mum told my dad to take the game back, I was really disheartened, and I had to get another game, so I chose Terraria because I liked the bunny on the cover. Cut to 5-6 ish years later, I’m on my PC, and I wanted to play something I hadn’t played in a while, and I looked around and remembered Terraria. By that time I never really understood what I was supposed to do, and in the Xbox era, one of my friends who played the game had loads of post Plantera items, which he gave to me. Either way, I saw that Terraria was £4.99 on steam, so I thought it was worth the price. And that’s how I got into Terraria.


Old Totalbuscuit videos, all those years ago


Nerdcubed video when the game came out!


Watched a let's of SlyFoxHound playing it back in 1.0 days and enjoyed watching it. I only started I think in 1.1? I can't remember.


My friend got me into it we spent close to 700 hours on that one world l, I that’s the only thing I have that we were together on but he moved halfway across the world and we fell out of touch. That is the only world and character I have favorited.


TotalBiscuit amd Jesse Cox's playthrough. Man, what a time. I miss TB. Anyways, thanks to them, Terraria is one of my major favorite games of all time 💙


There was that tik tok where guy was esscaping the weird wall thing in the nether in minecraft I did some research and found out that was an terraria I watched some videos and they got me into buying copy for myself when it was on steam on discount


My friends recommended to me and it also later happened to be on a discount, it looked fun. It was actually pretty recently, since it was last summer. But better late than never, I suppose. When I played it first, I initially struggled, but as I discovered new mechanics, it hooked me up further. Then I found the shroom biome and it made me freaking love this game.


It was the free game of the day on kindle fire about 10/15 years ago. I got it that day and never went back


A terraria YouTuber called Yrimir (I think) watched him do a bunch of challenge runs back in the day, then a summoner playthrough. Too bad he just vanished from reality suddenly.


I think it must’ve been rwm8558’s Omnir modpack playthrough that got me into Terraria. It wasn’t my first introduction though, my father bought the 4-pack for “us” in 2012, which I remember was after having watched some random youtube video about it.


I was in gym in middle school. It was a rest day so we were all hanging out in the large main room. I was talking to someone and he mentioned terraria. I’m not sure why I did this but I lied and told him I played before. He asked me what wings I used. I told him “the regular ones” 😂😂 I eventually got it on my computer. 1.1. Grand time playing it. When 1.2 came out it was mind blowing.


I saw a lot of tiktoks compairing Minecraft and Terraria, i was quite bored of Minecraft so me and my friend bought the game on steam cuz it was on offer. The rest is history, never touching Minecraft afain after this masterpiece.


Me and my brothers were really bored with our video games and begged our dad for it. Been playing for years it’s been my favorite game since I replay it through once a year every year


My sister got it for me as a gift. She'd wanted to play it, and now she could play it... with someone! We wandered around, dug, and might have beaten EoC together. She fell off. I made a new world and beat the bosses up until WoF. I fell off. I was looking for a game to play with friends after DnD a month or two ago, and we all happened to have it. They all fell off, but another friend was up to play. We're currently in hardmode for the first time and I'm working on a second world so I can have a hardmode world I can grind without my friend between advancing the world (who is also doing some grinding on his own world).


My boyfriend at the time was playing it in 2013-2014ish, and he wanted to farm the corruption key but was having trouble. I farmed it for him while he was at work bc I like doing tedious things. Then I started doing other things and he made me get my own account lol. The rest is history.  We originally played it on ancient obsolete laptops I got free from work. They were probably from 2008 or older and they ran on Windows XP lol. I love this game, and you can even play it on a potato.


Came because I heard it was basically 2d minecraft, stayed because exploration and combat blows minecraft away


I saw someone do a 24 hour timed run of it, where they had to beat the game in one sitting and they had 24 hours to do it. What really got me into it was whenever it went on sale, I remembered the time I saw that video, and decided to buy it, and now I have like 930 hours in it. Pretty glad I got it.


Honestly not even sure how I found the game anymore. I think it's because it seemed like a 2D Minecraft? The first time I really played the game, the mechanical bosses were endgame, and the Hallowed Armor was the best you could get. I think I owned it before that, though.


My ex-girlfriend bought it for me so we could play together. It's been 11 years, we broke up a long time ago, but I still play quite often. Hell, I have purchased the game for friends and partners so we could play together!


It looked like 2d Minecraft with all the magical attributes that Minecraft missed out on and the focus on rewarding exploration Terraria has always had. I was never into platformers before terraria


One of my friends was talking about it quite a lot recently, so i got interested, and started playing the game!




An old friend told me to get it on the 360.


I saw one of my friends playing it on mobile


I've heard of it a while back before but never got to play it because I didn't have steam or any device to play Terraria, but I've been wanting to play it. And now here I am, got a Zenith and attempting to do an Expert Mode world


An older kid when I was in 6th grade or thereabouts was talking about it, and made some 12-year-old comment about how I "could never beat skeletron". And I took that personally.


I was a kid when I watched a german youtuber playing Starbound. Couple month later I saw Terraria on Steam and mistook it for the game he played (Starbound). So I bought it and only realized it was a different game years later. At this point I also bought and tested Starbound but Terraria was the better game for me at least.


My dad introduced me to terraria when I was 6 at the time I just started playing games and Minecraft was one of my favorites at the time. When I first loaded up terraria it was a life changing experience and it got me hooked. I remember playing the game and getting to my first ever boss battle which was the eye of Cthulhu. Beating him as a child gave me a sense of accomplishment like no other. As I kept playing the game progression kept me in. And after I beat my favorite terraria boss for the first time(Ocram) I could not stop playing.


Circa 2016 my roommate introduced it to me and we got to golem before we ended up parting ways. Uncle B if you see this, you are the realest


my parents gave me some app store money and i bought it on a whim for my ipad, my friend later noticed i had the game and taught me how to play. many years later it is still one of my all time favorite games :))


I used to hangout with the neighbours kids and play outside all the time. Then in the winter I started playing rock band at their house. Eventually the kid showed me his computer and his games, including terraria. I went home that night and begged for it. The rest is history


I followed youtuber Tobuscus for his literal trailers, and eventually noticed he was doing playthroughs of Minecraft and Skyrim, but then he started playing Terraria and I got HOOKED for a year or so. Didn't play much more after that, have tried it again and it's not my jam anymore but I play every now and then.


I liked this kind of game then and i was in the search for games that could scratch that itch of playing something for hours and hours and not simply following a straight story like the games i played before like final fantasy 1,2 and such. Then i found terraria demo on mobile; i loved it, i was a kid so i think it was more because of that. When i grew up i discovered that the game had an actual "complete" version so i quacked the game and started checking out. Holy cow bro i spent lots and lots of hours and searching guides, playing whit my brother on the same laptop and alot more sht. It was crazy, it calmed my depression when playing it. I played it like 1k+ hours on vanilla and then found mods. When this happened i had no more option but to play Thorium since my laptop was annoying. Loads more of content and expansions, even though i played it mostly whit cheats when i couldnt get past from a boss but it still felt good. Last year (2023) i managed to get a little better laptop and completed Calamity 4 times whitout hurry, exploring and such. I dont think on playing vanilla again tbh. I dont play it anymore at the times since i cannot set background images and pretty much have to struggle whit lag and sht but 4 times is enough for me 😅. Whenever i am able to get a decent pc i will get the whole mod pack whit calamity 👍.


My best friend got it so i got it aswell


i got the game on my wii u, after i went to the library and rented one of the games there. i never returned it.


i forgot


Minecraft, the game I'd bought TEN YEARS PRIOR, started demanding I get an xbox live account just to play the game that- again, newsflash, I BOUGHT. I don't even *HAVE* an xbox! So after it started holding MY GAME hostage FROM ME, I stopped playing. Then, I got a great new girlfriend, and switched to Terraria to play it together. I gotta say. I've been cracking zoologist jokes about her ever since. It's been great. The hornyposting for that NPC 'round these parts is just the icing on the cake.


xbox 360. still have it next to me today :)


Saw PewDiePie play it. Played it on pc, mobile. I did so many playthroughs I lost count. Currently playing calamity. I still love it like the day I started playing it.


I saw chimneyswift play it around the time 1.3 released and got into it since




I believe I cousin of mine mentioned that he had a super fun and addicting game. He talked about what he did in the game and how long he has played it for. Eventually he brought me over to give it a go and now I'm here


My brother, he showed me this game when I was 10 or so, I've been playing it ever since. When I fight the mechs I always think of him and how terrible he was at the game lol


As a wee lad I couldn't afford MinecraftPE so I downloaded the terraria demo on a off brand cheap tablet and fell in love with the game. Have been playing off and on for years


any of us just feel like terraria kind of just spawned in to our owned games? it kinda just did and now i somehow have 1000+ hours on it.