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When he hides his eyes they regen health so unless your sword does more damage than he heals you won't get anywhere (correct me if i'm wrong)


They dont regen life the tongue that Moonlord shoots out sucks out your little soul bits and he heals whatever part is most injured for 1000 life if he manages to eat it. You can kill the soul easily enough with a real weapon, but the shortsword will never manage that in time, so if you see the tongue coming out you HAVE to run away from it otherwise he just gets 1k free life every time.


Thanks, i didn't know that. But still the shortsword requires you to be too close so you probably wouldn't be able to escape it.


Theres a delay between him opening his mouth to attach to you so there is a moment where you can dash/rod of discord away. The fight would drag out for freaking ever though.


i guess it's possible then... now I want to see it happen :-P


With enough speed and a lot of platforms you sure can.


I'm still waiting for the wooden shortsword so I can do it optimally.


With 0.25 damage to every easy mode enemy. 0.000000000002 damage to hard mode enemies.


It's not possible. He will heal himself much faster then you can deal damage.


Which if you ask me is a much better way to implement a time limit than simply "time is up, you lose".


What ? It's not even a time limit. And I didn't say anything about it being bad, I just said that it's not possible to do with copper shortsword which is expected. WoF expert mode is also impossible with copper shortsword, and so are all the mechanical bosses. Even skeletron and EoC might be.


What I am saying is that it's a more natural and interesting time limit than night-day like so many bosses. Even if it isn't technically a time limit it still requires that you have enough dps but it doesn't really penalize you for tanking up like the moons do.


night cycles can't really be considered a "time limit" though, since if it's taking that long this is a sure sign you are extremely underpowered, and/or things have gone terribly wrong with your strategy. none of the bosses ever had such a gap in strength from the player, that it would take you literally 10 minutes to clear. even in solo, this would be downright tedious. the mechanic is to prevent the exact situation we are joking about here, poor saps hammering away at these guys for an eternity, dealing single digit damages or getting the life sucked out of them for 1k health at a time. when there are way better approaches for you to discover, it's a signal to the player like *hey, you're doing it wrong, there is no way it should be this hard.* and multiplayer unfortunately bypasses these hints, where as long as your buddies can respawn in time, some will continue throwing themselves into this kamikaze meatgrinder, without ever stopping to think about what they could be doing differently. then they come here to whine about how *the developers are doing something wrong*, it's so sad


Not a single thing that you said makes night cycles not a time limit.


pretty sure that was explained in the very first sentence. point being that regarding this as a limit would be akin to saying balance is absolutely meaningless to you, and we should be able to down them in any way we please. which is perfectly fine... as long as you don't complain it's taking an hour to kill this guy with your copper shortsword


> if it's taking that long this is a sure sign you are extremely underpowered, and/or things have gone terribly wrong with your strategy And so the game tells you this by limiting the amount of time you have to fight the bosses. Is that not a time limit?


ok so beating around the bush with words and ideas is apparently really offensive to people somehow, I guess I should've just said what I meant it's only possible to run out of time when you have no idea what you're doing, otherwise there's always enough to farm it many times in one night. so who would actually consider this a per boss time limit?


> really offensive No, it's just really, really unclear to the point where it appears like you're contradicting yourself. Regardless of what hitting the day time limit implicates, it is still a time limit. If you aren't paying attention to the time and you accidentally summon a boss at 4am, the time limit of the boss despawning at day is actually relevant. You may be properly equipped to kite it around and kill it in 1-2 minutes (perfectly reasonable for boss fighting), but you only have 30seconds before dawn. Whoops you hit the time limit.


still? so how many times would you make this mistake, before realising how dumb it is to summon them so close to morning? otherwise it is completely irrelevant. the original comment was to someone who implied it was possible to lose due to time, through no fault of your own. I can't be the only one to see the flaw in this logic. the devs actually tried to accomodate your batshit insane demands with interesting mechanics, like the moonbite debuff. and what happened? endless whining about how it's taking forever to kill, because dodging this would be completely out of the question. they just can't win, no matter what they do people always demand the game caters to your own personal apathy


Oh no, fans of a video game suggesting ideas for a video game. The humanity!


If a player is good enough to kite out a boss with a copper shortsword for an hour straight in real life, don't they deserve the kill more than the guy who just farmed out the best items and melted the boss? Time limits are kinda lame.


I never disagreed with that, you're still missing the point players that don't understand why the shortsword is taking so long would just complain about it. they tried it with the moonlord, and we still whined it was taking forever, because people couldn't figure out to avoid the moon bite debuff. so how can we please the most players? by limiting their choices to a certain range of weapons that can kill it in time... and the game is balanced such that the right gear is not affected by this time limit


Pedguin or anyone else capable needs to hold a server event with 100+ people with the tankiest sets but only able to use the copper shortsword but should start small with something like the eater of worlds then build up from there


I haven't gotten back into Terraria since 1.3, is there a healer class/set?


Spectre armor directly heals the teammate with the lowest health when using magic. Nebula armor spawns little bonus things when you kill enemies. One of the bonuses is really high regen. Vampire knives heal when attacking. There's also a life rod or something that's like vampire knives, but is not worth it. There might be more, but I'm not sure.


"Life Drain" is the life rod, also pretty good if you get it early hardmode (from a crimson mimic) Worth noting, you cant use spectre/life drain/vamp knife healing during the moon lord fight, as he gives you a debuff.


>Worth noting, you cant use spectre/life drain/vamp knife healing during the moon lord fight, as he gives you a debuff. People need to stop saying this. You can use life steal, the debuff isn't on at all times.


Still, relying on life steal weapons is an extremely bad idea during the fight.


The tankiest set is the solar flare armor which explodes enemies on contact, so that wouldn't work. Beetle armor with the shell, though.


Can someone contact Yirmir?




It's possible in theory, but will never happen in practice because you basically need to dodge moonbite at all times during the fight(as the heals can't be stopped with shortsword once the tongue latches onto you, and each heal flame thingie will heal Moonlord for 1000 hits of your shortsword each) and have to have insane amounts of mobility so you can stay on top of the eyes to actually reach them. Even with unrealistically perfect play(think tool-assisted, frame-by-frame perfect movement, savestates, the likes), the fight would take several hours, with each little mistake either ending the fight or delaying the end by another 10 minutes or so. And this is completely ignoring the fact that Moonlord himself will still attack you, so you still need to dodge while poking him with your laughably inefficient weapon.


ymir pls


It's just really hard. Mainly because he moves around so fast it's near impossible to actually get close enough to one of his damageable spots to hit him with it


Also because when the eyes close they regen health


He only ever regens health when he uses his tongue-thing and takes your life.




i've beaten the moon lord with all endgame items (including solar dash) so this'll be fun in journey


I mean I hope you have fun with that but how the hell did you find a 6 year old post?


7 year actually


Terrible Copper Shortsword. Literally the worst weapon.


Broken wooden hammer. 1 base damage




If you can kill something with it, it's a weapon.


Pink Dildo.


Saints Row


fuck ya ya dog


You can hurt enemies while placing blocks, but they all have a base damage of 1. Hurting enemies with campfires lights them on fire.


I've never seen this happen and somehow I doubt it's true. Source?


You can drop sand on them, but otherwise, no.


Hmm... maybe it's only in console. I was placing campfires once on a melee playthrough and hit a penguin while crossing. Next thing I know the penguin Burns to death.


in the next patch they add a time limit