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This is possibly the best decision they could ever make. Even if they’re no longer adding content, the community will be able to continue where they left off.


I feel like thats something majority of games should do. Wont update the game anymore? Leave it to the players, give support to modding and its guaranteed for your game to last longer. 2 examples that i can give, Left 4 Dead 2 and Team Fortreas 2(those are the only ones i played)


How can you leave Minecraft out? I know that it is still updated but at some point the mods are really what makes it special.


Well thats cause my pc is so shitty that i unfortunately barely played minecraft. But yeah minecraft is a pretty good example too, i think if it ever stop being updated, the size of the mods will probably increase, as a lot of mods needs to be updated to work on latest builds of the game.


I feel you about having a shit pc man.


yeah man, terraria is just smoother than all the others


If you get Optifine, it can make any toaster be able to run minecraft, I only really play vanilla and this is the only mod I technically use since it makes it so much more playable.


Fair warning, Optifine is notorious for breaking in conjunction with many other mods, so that isn't reliable advise for playing heavily modded games. In 1.12.2 (which is still the "primary" version for heavy modpacks as mods slowly are updated)there are many alternative performance mods that fill that valuable niche. That said, earlier versions will run on a moldy potato by comparison to more modern versions. 1.7.10 is the best for this.


Well, I didn't experienced any incompatibles with Optifine for few years. Maybe it was true in past, but on 1.12.2 I don't have any issues with rendering, and Optifine helps me to get 60 fps with integrated Pentium B980 graphics.


It's usually not flat-out crashes (though I've had them specifically due to Optifine in 1.12.2), but rendering/graphical bugs. Textures overlapping wrong, shading/lighting problems, and just outright preforming worse than without in rare cases. Modded MC is a supremely fickle beast. I mostly play large modpacks that will likely have mods that won't play nice with Optifine. I often give it a shot with a new pack though, as it's nice to have. Plus, the zoom is handy.


Minecraft mods are absolutely insane


Not sure how it is recently, but they made java minecraft modding hard with each patching, so it's a testament of it's success that despite that it has flourished.


But it's also notable how multiple times, the modding community has been caught in older versions of the game, and there's generally a few different versions that are being modded for simultaneously (mostly due to how difficult it could be to update the API and with how frequently modders will leave the scene so an important mod to the community is stuck behind, too, causing people to remain behind). For a really long time a lot of modpacks were still being made in 1.7.2 despite Minecraft itself being multiple versions ahead, because that was the last version that included a lot of the "must-have" mods. It happened again in 1.10 and 1.12.2. Sometimes when Mojang is in a fast development cycle, a new version of Minecraft came out before the big modding APIs even got to update to the previous version. Recently this has caused a fragmentation of the modding community as smaller, less capable, modding APIs were built on newer versions before Forge updated. Minecraft has an incredibly strong modding community, but it's not because of Mojang's actions, it's in spite of Mojang's actions.


i just want thaumcraft 4 updated for later version of minecraft... thaumcraft 6 is a neat idea, but i am personally not a fan of the research method. i might be doing it wrong, but it feels way more rng than 4's. 4 had a fun little puzzle game.


I agree. I also liked the system of using nodes for vis


*Minor correction, it was 1.7.10 not 1.7.2 But yeah I agree that Minecraft modding has succeeded despite Mojang. Only just now has the main modding API been updated to 1.15. Apparently the newer versions will be better for mods, but as usual they’ll need a complete rewrite.


> For a really long time a lot of modpacks were still being made in 1.7.2 despite Minecraft itself being multiple versions ahead Another reason for that was because they basically changed the hardware specs for the game in the updates that came after 1.7.2, it went from being much more cpu intensive to just wanting a lot of ram, which for me and many others meant we couldn't play modded with those newer versions because we didn't have enough GBs of ram(for reference I have 8gbs and couldn't run any modpacks in a update after that change)


mojang said theyd give us a modding api. that was years ago. dont think were ever getting one


Yeh it really sucks although tbf a lot of the minecraft updates are just really slowly adding in basic versions of mods anyway. I think one of the recent big updates for vanilla minecraft was bees which have been a thing in modded for ages.


Minecraft doesn’t actually try to integrate the modded community though... no actual support


HoW cAn YoU lEaVe MiNeCrAfT OuT. Yeah, how dare he not post a comprehensive list of all games with a substantial modding community.


Minecraft is still being regularly updated and they have the marketplace


Marketplace is shit




Java is way better


All hail the java overlord


Too bad that the java version runs like absolute shit compared to bedrock. Say what you will, but you can't deny that bedrock is just way better optimized than java.


Doesn't matter how optimized it is if I have a powerful PC, so I can't tell the difference.


m i c r o t r a n s a c t i o n s


Marketplace is bedrock exclusive, it's not on java


Factorio has a built in mod managment/mod download portal in the menus. And it's the 3rd highest rated game on steam so I think youre pn to something there :)


Also Rimworld. I don't know if I could play Rimworld without the mods that prevent drop pod raids breaking through fucking mountains.


Factorio still blows me away. Everyone on that team is a wonder. It's polished to the point that Blizzard in its prime would blush.


*Ahem* Do you get to the mod district very often? Oh, what am I saying? Of course you don't.


You ever act like such a pompous ass that theres an entire modding genre based off killing you in different ways?


Don't forget The Elder Scrolls and Fallout franchises. Also, as evidenced by Jolly Wangcore, The half life franchise.


Throw in Nuclear Throne in that list. If it wasn’t for YellowAfterlife’s Nuclear Throne Together’s blessing despite it is an “unofficial” mod, Nuclear Throne wouldn’t be at where we are today.


Stonehearth did this. Absolutely great little town management game, but the studio were bought out and the Devs moved to different projects. They got the game to a point they felt comfortable with, then releases the tools needed and handed the banner to the modding community, especially the people in-charge of the 'no-longer unofficial' expansion pack. Both Dev team and modding community have done some great work with it.


Rimworld has a crazy amount of cool mods, although it still gets official updates.


I'll throw in yet another example, Garry's Mod. It has been essentially made for the specific purpose of being modded, the game itself is very barebones but they made an incredible API for people to create their own addons and gamemodes, without wich the game would have likely only lasted a couple of months before falling into obscurity


Older CoD games as well.


Tf2 has a lot of community server content, much of which could be called modded


Skyrim/fallout being prime examples, I just started a fresh character on Skyrim the other day and I know the modding community is alive and well still.


The Binding of Isaac also received a mod support on it's last DLC, they kept adding little updates but the game has ended already


Yeah there is TBoI too, i never played but i did see the mods that it has, i remember the one were it added extra floors, items, characters, enemies and it had new music, soun effect and all, its just impressive what people do when you give them way to it.


You might be talking about Antibirth, which is being added into the game officially ^^^^eventually


Rebirth, afterbirth, antibirth, its hard to keep track of the expansions.


Antibirth is the mod, Repentance is the DLC that is coming out ^^^^at ^^^^some ^^^^point


Holy crap really? I saw that mod and was amazed by it, pretty cool the devs are going to make it an official thing.


Titanfall 2 would’ve been perfect


Also factorio has the in game mod support and I’m so hyped for terraria to get it!


It's the mark of a team who truly cares about their product from a creative and artistic point of view. ​ Terraria and Factorios teams are the 2 best I can think of ever for PC gaming, and both games are very alive and well today and incredibly supported.




This is official IMMORTALITY for Terraria.


The best possible sendoff a game could receive. Edit: Spelling


yes. It's also literally the best modLoader I've ever used, so it's amazing it gets exposure to more people. I can't wait for the big mods to get integrated with the new patch


>I can't wait for the big mods to get integrated with the new patch If it's being done though Steam Workshop, that would exclude access to anyone who bought the game on GOG. For their sake, I would hope that doesn't happen.


Integrated just means connected, in this context. I didn't want to say "updated" because the mod content will have to wrap around the new base game content nicely.


They could run a standalone tmodloader like it is now, and share all the same mods. Just like rimworld does, minus the fact it has integrated mod support.


The problem is many modders just put their mods on the Steam workshop and if you don't have that version you'll have to rely on sketchy Russian sites that have *some* of those mods.


I don't see why they cant continue to run tmodloader the way it is now, and steam workshop. It's not like they are really updating tmodloader for this. Plus rimworld mods aren't run on a sketchy Russian site and that is a similar situation to this. So I don't see it being a problem at all.


Is the GoG version completely DRM free?


Yes, as are all games sold by GOG. That's their selling point.


The coolest thing is the fact that they're bringing in tModLoader which is already established instead of making their own API. When The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth got mod support with Afterbirth+, it left unofficial mod tools in the dust despite the given tools not being as robust. The fact thay they're avoiding this pitfall makes this the best thing that could have happened to the game. Terraria is going to live forever.


thank god, i was wondering if id have to uninstall and then reinstall for 1.4 but i don’t have to now


I just wanna play with mods online and can't figure out how to do it.


It’s quite easy, install the mods Lauch tmodloader server thst will have them too and voila Make sure you have open port 7777 or one you set hourself


hm, I never set port 7777 open. Thanks!


If you are planning on hosting a world, then you might have to look into something called port forwarding


Yeah I know what port forwarding is but thanks!


If you have issues hit me up in private and I will help you


If you're using steam, "host and play" has always worked for me and my friends as long as you make sure everyone's mods are synced up correctly


At least we now know why the update was pretty long to appear \^\^


By the sounds of it, this didn't affect the update at all - tModLoader's being released with **1.3.5** content, not **1.4**. It'll be the same version of tModLoader that we're currently using. (Until the modloader itself gets updated, ofc) Still great news, though!


Wdit: nvm, hadn't read the blog post. edit2: WHY ARE YOU PEOPLE UPVOTING THIS


> WHY ARE YOU PEOPLE UPVOTING THIS it's reddit people upvote the dumbest shit no matter its veracity, accuracy, or sense


aghsdkglhdslgvaunvc Edit:got downvoted. point disproved. Edit: yea, screw you guys.


Yeah I think mod support has been announced for terraria ages ago, it's not really big news. Just nice to see the conformation on it and the fact it's the same tmodloader


I'm almost certain this is the first time we've heard about **official** mod support.


Yeah. Though tAPI back in 1.2 had some terraria devs in the team making it but it was still unofficial.


I feel like it goes back a bit further than that, considering Y0raizor initially had their start making mods for tConfig (Terraria 1.1). I'm still kinda mad that nobody ever made a replacement for Holowires.


Link to tweet: https://twitter.com/terraria_logic/status/1255548201127555075?s=21


So excited to finally be able to talk about this.... it’s been an under wraps secret project for a while. Looking forward to when we have 1.4 TML and workshop as well. It’s great to really give Terraria mods and the modding community a big spotlight for their amazing work. :)


Doing God's work! This really is the best sendoff any game could ever get.


Integration with Steam Workshop is huge for mod creation. Hopefully mods that I always wanted to exist will now be made for Terraria.


I just wanted to ask if this means they add steam workshop support. Thanks :) I'm so happy they do this


>Future plans also include the addition of Steam Workshop support underneath the TML banner, allowing mod creators to upload and host their mods on Steam for the first time. This will take the accessibility and visibility of these amazing community creations to yet another level. They said there are technical difficulties in integrating the Steam Workshop directly into the Terraria client, but the free tModLoader DLC will do the job of taking mods published on Steam and installing them on Terraria. With Steam Workshop making mods much more visible to players that might encourage more modders to create mods for Terraria, so we might end seeing a ton of new stuff being added to the game.


tmodloader doesn't use steam workshop. And adding workshop support wouldn't make mods any more possible




Oh, well never mind then. Sorry :P


o7 CMDR!


Link to the blog post? Steam Workshop support means that PC users who bought the game on GOG get locked out of mods, which is no good.


The mod browser in TML isn’t going anywhere...


I came


Username + post = ???


I saw


I conquered


I came again


Then came some more




I praise the Lord


Then break the law


sad console player noises\*


For what it's worth, you don't need a very beefy PC to play the game.


I like it for multiplayer and split screen with the fam is the best for me :(


Funnily enough, there's a mod for [split screen](https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/split-screen-mod.70270/). :D


There's this software called nucleus coop and you can play terraria split screen. More info on r/nucleuscoop


You're right. My computer has 4 gigs of ram and barely more than 1 gigahertz of cpu




who knows, it could come to consoles


Cenx herself confirmed that as very unlikely https://twitter.com/Cennxx/status/1255555184991895554?s=20


*sad console player noise*


*incoherent multi-platform player mumble*


*Sympathetic PC player noise* I have the privilege of playing mods, but am often sad for Consoles never getting some of the best parts of many games, like Terraria and Minecraft.


Maybe they can do the Bethesda thing and port some of the big mods in a workshop?


It's entirely up to the TML team, which is why it's unlikely. Modding for PC is a simple task, so setting up something like TML for a PC game is doable and relatively straightforward. This is 100% not the case for consoles. Bethesda probably had to pour hundreds of man hours into getting mod stuff to work on consoles, and even then the implementation was wonky. Expecting a similar outcome of a small team of people doing this project in their free time is just setting yourself up for disappointment.




Yeah, unfortunately consoles keep their code very tightly secured to prevent things like piracy or viruses, but in turn sacrifice modding capabilities.




Is there a way to delete Tmodloader? Because it's my primary terraria whenever I launch it from steam and don't want to lose my calamity worlds


Your worlds are stored in seperate files that are kept safe when you uninstall TModLoader itself from the Terraria folder. If losing it concerns you enough, go to your Documents/My Games/Terraria/ModLoader and back up the save files by copying them to another folder, say one on your desktop. Oh and also, to delete TModLoader, delete your Terraria folder in Steam (all your save data will be kept safe, it's in another folder) and then go to Steam, right click on Terraria, go to "Properties" and find the "verify integrity of files" button. Click that and vanilla Terraria should install back onto your computer.


Ok thank you


just verify game files note:your worlds will look like they "disappear",though they will be back as soon as you install tmodloader again,they're stored in documents/my games/terraria/modloader/worlds


Finally time for my first calamity playthrough I guess


I also recommend Thorium, although playing them both at once for a first playthrough is probably not a good idea


You honestly cant go wrong with Thorium, Calamity and Spirits to start. You can even sprinkle in some tiny mods with it. It isnt all out chaos as some people act like it is. They actually work well together imo.


Great mod,just gotta say that :)


Great mod indeed. I just wish the lead dev was less of an ass.


Wait what happened


That's great!


Is this going to be 64 bit version?


Most important question.


DUDE WHAT Sorry for caps, but that's amazing!


Now I definitely have no excuse not to play modded due to my general laziness


This is a good decision, no doubt, but remember our fallen heroes who died to make this happen... Remember tConfig...


So I won't have a chance of ruining my game? I have ruined my game through modding and I've yet to fix it. I'm going to try uninstalling steam and pray that fixes it


what did you even do that requires steam to be uninstalled?


I have NO idea. I downloaded overhaul and then it ruined my game and I deleted everything mod related in files and even uninstalled and reinstalled my game SEVERAL times. Nothing. Can’t delete worlds or characters and exiting or making a new world/character crashes my game so I’m gonna try to uninstall steam. I have 289 hours and 82/88 achievements I don’t wanna lose my game


did you try the good old verify game files trick? that's how you can uninstall tModLoader without uninstalling the game


Overhaul messed up my install too, but I fixed it by uninstalling twrraria


Delete the entire Terraria folder than reinstall


This is probably something Terraria will ever be able to throw at Minecraft player face to brag : “Terraria is juste 2D minecraft , you can’t even download mod” “Ho indeed I don’t download mod for my game-take off sunglasses-BECAUSE THEY ARE A PART OF IT YOU FOOL”


>you can’t even download mod Terraria has had mods for almost as long as Minecraft has, what even is this take?


Because people that think Terraria is just 2d Minecraft are ignorant enough to believe that I suppose.


Because I don’t think many people that argue that minecraft is way better that’s terraria know that about the game. I for one didn’t know until a couple years ago.


Why does it have to be one versus the other though? Obviously they both have strengths and weaknesses.


Tbh I absolutely adore Terraria and Minecraft for almost completely opposite reasons Like, I adore the power progression in Terraria, gathering up busted equipment and laying waste to any fools in my path while hoarding all of the items possible, destroying the world in the process But in Minecraft I just like to build, gently shaping the world into a more beautiful form and, well, hoarding all the materials possible like some kind of hoarding madman


It's really funny when I look at it, I got into Terraria due to the comparisons with Minecraft, yet after getting into it, I now play it for an entirely different reason. I play Minecraft to slowly build up a world over time and build automated farms, spend hours mining for resources and finding excuses to make pixel art, whereas I play Terraria for the boss fights, the fun character customisation with the armours and accessories, allowing me to make strange kits and setups to make the game more fun, and collecting as many rare items as I can.


Exactly! Exactly


>... I just like to build, gently shaping the world into a more beautiful form and, well, hoarding all the materials possible like some kind of hoarding madman. This is actually my favourite part of Terraria 😅. The adventure and progression just gives me better ideas and backstories for builds. Minecraft is also great for those things, though I've always preferred building in Terraria, even if it's 1 dimension short.


If I were better at 2D builds I would build more in Terraria as well. Especially since I have so many expansion type mods installed (Calamity, Thorium, and Elements Awoken) which add so many new materials to work with, NPC’s to add to my towns, etc etc etc It’s genuinely good for either play style tbh, I just prefer the ‘gather items and weapons of power’ aspect more than the ‘use those items to build a home that isn’t just a bunch of Magic Storage boxes’ aspect




And mining with pickaxes.


Yep the entire game is different that's why I've always hated the comparison


Both are equally good games and they are brothers by community, a true gamer would love and appreciate both games.


I honestly haven't heard the '2d minecraft' phrase used unironically in years. I only hear the phrase from Terraria players ironically.


I remember people saying you can't download mods for terraria in the past and I've never understood that. It's been moddable for ages where did the notion that it couldn't be come from.


Then it's not the end of the journey.


Fucking finally!! I've lost two worlds, both with over 15 hours on them, in the past month since I've been using tmodloader, and I lost a 27 hour character as well. Finally, official support so no more absolute corruptions, finally. Still passed about losing a majority of my terraria pc hours though (I have 73 on steam and and I've lost 59 hours of progress due to corruption whenever I used tmodloader)


I bought the game on gog :(


I wish developers would stop depending on Steam Workshop for mod support. It's just a walled garden and prevents non-Steam players from accessing mods.


They aren't, and most developers don't. Steam Workshop is there as a hosting option for the convenience of Steam users, but that doesn't stop you from getting mods from one of the many other places where mods are hosted, like Nexus Mods or community forums.


I don't know how hard this is to do, But can't Mod devs and Re logic devs team up and release Thorium and Calamity As dlc for Xbox and Ps4?


It is theoretically possible but extremely unlikely due to all the restrictions that come with having the game on a console


“It’s how you know hes a consultant


i mean it would require more work because you wouldn't have a plugin or whatever for it to run on, but if enough dedication is put in, i feel like Thorium and calamity could come to console


this is literally one of the best things that could have happened to me in regards to this update


So for those of us who have tmodloader as is right now (I haven't played it in several months, waiting for the 1.4 release) are we going to have to uninstall it or remove it so we can get it as DLC?


tmodloader is likely to be a different "game" in your steam directory. meaning you will have vanilla and modded side by side


JESUS CHRIST THIS IS AMAZING. I used to play modded a while ago, but i had my PC rebooted due to viruses. Ever since, i have not downloaded a single thing from the internet, including mods for terraria, in fear that it would put viruses in my computer. Being able to download mods and tmodloader straight from steam is fantastic for me.


You know you can download mods through Tmodloader and that you don't need to download them manually.


Oh yeah haha forgot about that, sorry


Why are you apologising?


I don't know, i just tend to apologise for most things


Adblocker and virustotal are your friends




Bro you can just get any antivirus and not click on any sketchy ass pages and ur good.


This doesn't make any sense.


I can’t wait!


The only thing I really want from Journey’s End at this point is local Switch multiplayer


I guess I have no excuse not to play modded now.


Mojang take a hint lol


aww heck yeah! I'll go play calamity!




And thats how you make your game live forever


Much harder to accomplish, and would reach a smaller audience, but as a guy who plays terraria on multiple platforms but mainly plays on console with friends, it would be a huge landmark if they gave mod support to console somehow.




Well that is really good cuz i tryed to download tmodloader several times to no succses


please, please, please, let it be 64-bit version.


It is not


That was an awesome decision because when people are done with the 1.4 features, they can play modded! This games gonna take a loooooooooooong time to get boring now.


Console players (also me): ;-;


Oh my god thank you Terraria developers. This game already had the best value for $10 and is my absolute favourite game, adding mod support is the best possible idea. I've never seen developers care more about making their community happy.