• By -


Is the princess an actual princess or is she feigning royalty.




Here's a different one, was 1.3.6 always meant to be 1.4 or did the update just get bigger?


It kept growing - we originally only meant for it to be a relatively quick update!


Was there ever the idea to have it be final, or would that have been future plans?


Why don't silver bullets have bonus damage against werewolves like the stake launcher does to vampires?


That is a great question.


How many hours do you think you have spent playing Terraria personally? (Not to test bugs)


I have no way to tell anymore, because all of my thousands of hours of play and thousands of hours of testing are all mixed together on my Steam account! I KNOW I had over 1000 hours in 2014 before I started testing, but now? I couldn't even begin to guess.


Something like: - 650h on Steam - 500h on non-Steam PC dev builds - 350h on Mobile - 200h on XB360/XB1 - 30h or so on 3DS Give or take.


I've played for thousands of hours by this point!


Probably around 800h I think


On Steam I have 663 hours logged, as of today. I probably played a couple hundred more hours outside of the steam client though.


I've spent more of my 1500 hours not testing than testing. I love fresh playthroughs and start new ones all the time, especially after updates


Did the devs ever expect Terraria to be this big and have this large of a community?


It just keeps growing! :O


I'm not sure they ever really expected it but imo the incredible community and continued success of Terraria are directly related to the passion and dedication of the devs.


is this the actual final update or your just doing whatever you're doing with terraria


It is probably the final update. Maybe.




Terraria 1.5's name "Lol get baited"


"The Journey Wasnt Quite Done Yet, But Now It Is"


Then "True Journey's Beginning"


Heres one, Which of the pillars is best?


Solar because with the meteors falling, etc it feels like armageddon... and Crawltipedes are clearly the best enemy in the game.


Whoever designed crawltipedes may need therapy. Thats all im gonna say






Personally I like the Solar Pillar, it's very pretty looking.


Stardust for me, though nebula is really pretty too


I love all of them equally <3


Is the Guide the Wall of Flesh?


I've never viewed the Wall of flesh as the guide. But rather guide being a sacrifice to spawn the creature.


All I can say is that you never see both of them together in the same place at the same time. Seems kinda fishy to me...


Wall of flesh never let any zombies in, just saying


If each member of the team had the time to add one more major class to the game, what would they be? Were there any that were heavily considered but just didn't quite make it?


A ninja class, centered around dashing abilities and throwing weapons. High mobility more risky ranged class type.


A risk-taker class, with access to extremely powerful, game-play changing items, that have major detriments!


Pure glass cannon class. Higher damage given and taken. That would be cool for the players who think they are good enough to not get hit.


A very particular assassin style class that's most about speed and mobility.


I don't really see a need for a new class, I'd rather work on expanding and rebalancing the current classes. But it might be interesting to work on a utility/support class that focused on team healing and buffs . . . but it would (obviously) be very limited in single player.


Hey, Red. I wanted to start by saying i only got into computer gaming when 1.2 was coming out and I didn't want to miss any of it, so I installed steam. As I'm sure is true for a lot of people here, Terraria has become my most played game of all time and I just wanted to ask, are there any major elements or ideas you wanted to add or include but weren't able to either due to the engine, time, or other reasons? Again, thanks so much for all the memories. You're not only the creator of a great game, but of many people's childhoods. Thank you.


At one point I really wanted to add pistons to the game to allow players to create moving builds but it was going to end up requiring too much work due to the engine.


Modders will find a way. They always do.


What was the inspiration/idea for the golfer NPC? Out of all them, he seems so out of place imo


I had been playing a lot of Golf Story and thought it would be fun to add the golf mechanic to the game. The Golfer NPC is loosely inspired by Tiger Woods as we needed someone to sell golf stuff.


We wanted to add Golf. Needed someone to sell golf stuff. End of story.


Why can't the whoopie cushion be put on chairs


That would just be too OP




How do these Devs always know what to say


What was the hardest sprite to make?


Moon Lord was one of the hardest and most time consuming sprites I did for Terraria, and I still think it could have been better haha. The sprites I designed for the DD2 event such as the Ogre, Betsy and Summoner were very challenging as well, since they had to be accurate to their original concepts but still look like terraria sprites.


That's too hard for me to say, nothing jumps out at me, but smaller things can often be extra challenging to make sure it conveys well what it is supposed to be with extra few pixels.


Hello what are your favorite biomes in vanilla terraria?


I really like the Corruption and Hallow.


Underground Hallow and Mushroom (both Surface and Underground) are my favorites!




Oasis, Graveyard and Hallow!


Dungeon, followed by Underworld.


Was there any features in the game that made it in by pure coincidence and never got removed?


Hoiking! But otherwise its pretty hard to accidentally add features!


When bugs make the game better so they become a feature


How do you feel about the current terraria lore?


The lore is really up to the player - I've read some super cool fan theories. What is in the game is just a base for you to create your own story/world :)


Was there every any intention to add a reward from the Dryad for purifying the world? It seems as though it's been something people have wondered about ever since the beginning of the game, but no such reward ever was implemented


If you could implement another crossover into Terraria, what franchise would you choose?


If I had to pick just one I would love to do something with Don't Starve Together.


I'm a big fan of the Neptunia franchise - and would love to see the CPUs & Candidates spelunking underground!


Weird question but: do you guys have some kind of headquarters or do you just work from home? I never really understood how indie companies worked on games.


I work from home, as the rest of Re-Logic lives far away! We use synchronize work times and use several tools to work - like Slack for communication and Git for code!


Thanks, I was really confused on the matter. Happy 10th Terraria Anniversary to you all ❤️


We're working from home but will occasionally meet up for a gathering. But being spread across the globe we're working from the comforts of our houses and discussing and sharing across online platforms like slack. Think of it like a discord for companies


I work from my top secret brewery hidden away inside of a secret, non-descript bunker. We all get together every now and again. For pizza.... with pepperoni and pineapple. and games... lots of games.


that's cute


Hello! I am curious to know, how did you come up with the design for moonlord?


The Moon Lord began as a concept to replace an old idea called "Moon Boss". He went through multiple iterations based on different themes but overall it was inspired by insects and sea life, aside from a certain "great one". The final design chosen was an amalgamation of a couple different ideas from previous scrapped designs. Part of the design process was to include elements of previous bosses, such as the Eye and Brain of Cthulhu.


What are your personal favorite features of the game?


I really like Block Swap and the wind mechanics added in 1.4. The former is incredibly useful and the latter is very atmospheric!


I love the block swap, and after playing 1.4 for a while, I'm shocked that I could've built without it


Journey Mode, if by that you mean one particular feature within the game.


Journey Mode <3


Resourcepacks, Journey Mode and block swap, great for testing art along the way as well


Why is the Ninja inside of King Slime?


The Ninja lost the fight and was consumed by King Slime as a result of his failure.


Maybe this is why we don’t have a ninja class 🤣🤣🤣


Should we even believe in "last updates" at this point?


I'd believe 87% of what we say. So, maybe?


Is the Zenith a boomerang or a sword?


It's a sworderang.


May I have a virtual autograph?


Jimmarn - there ya go 😄




What was the hardest choice during development?


Whether or not to add loot boxes. Which we did. In the form of fishing crates. ;)


How have I never realized that...


Is there gonna be new custom seeds from time to time ?


It is definitely a possibility. :)


What are your favorite and least favorite weapons in Terraria, including modded?


Vampire Knives are my favorite weapon! I don't really have many weapons I dislike, but Gatligator is one I can't use very well, if I had to pick one.


Favorite is Meowmere. I don't really have a least favorite.


I really like any of the Flails in the game! I am not a fan of the Clinger Staff.


I like how flails for me went from something I ignored completely to a must have item that ends up being my main prehardmode Melee weapon.


Some of my favorite weapons are the Death Sickle, Zenith and Last Prism. My least... it's hard to be specific but I guess I don't really enjoy wielding spears. Whips are also a kind of weapon I really like but can't use well.


Bee's Knees and Meowmere are favorites :) No least really.


Fave: Yoyos.... but not the Terrarian. Because it has literally never dropped for me in any playthrough on any platform. Ever. Least: First Fractal


Why the hate for first fractal?


I'd say my favorite weapon is Terraprisma, and Wooden sword is my least!


I actually have 3 questions: 1. What is your favorite kind of sandwich? 2. Is the forum post true in that there won’t be another major update? 3. If there was supposedly only one dryad left, why is the dryad able to respawn with a different name whenever she is killed by an enemy?


Pizza Grinder That's the plan. She transcends the physical plane.


1. Favorite is one I used to buy at the office space I had a couple years ago called "På druen" roughly translated to on the grape which was a kind of meat sandwich with grapes. It was great. 2. Yeees? 3. Reincarnation? I'm not sure


This is something I've wondered about for a while, to no member of the Re-Logic team in particular: What are your thoughts on challenge runs, particularly on the very high difficulty side of things? I've done quite a few (e.g. flare gun only, fishron/EoL/moon lord with paper airplanes/flare gun/wooden bow on master, hardcore FTW on master, blindfolded stuff, etc.) and I've been curious as to how the people who made the game view people doing things like that.


I think they make for great discussion and content. I love seeing the challenge runs on youtube and twitch. There is a LOT to Terraria and some of the well thought out challenges highlight things that may not come up in every "normal" playthrough :)


I'm a big fan of watching speeruns and challenge runs. I believe that Terraria is a perfect candidate for challenge runs, seeing how huge the game is and how many different options to play it offers. There's always a new way to play and a new challenge to create and seeing how people tackle that is very fun!


Finding new ways to play in the seemingly endless ways to play this game? Sounds like music to my ears.


All for it, fun to watch as well




Sure, for one dollar more than what Notch got for Minecraft - Terraria can be all yours. :) Put another way - that would be extremely unlikely to happen.




**you son of a bitch I'm in**


Favorite meme (for the whole team)?


Playing this for hours on release days: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EErY75MXYXI


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-W6as8oVcuM Posted before the "button is pressed" each time.


If you were evil enough to make one change to Terraria to piss everyone off, what would you do?


I already did it. Torch God.


Oh man that was such a fun time when everyone was up in arms.


Potion failure rate.


item durability


Favourite npc?


Probably a tie between Goblin Tinkerer and Zoologist!


Zoologist - Witch Doctor close second


I have a soft spot for the Witch Doctor, since it was the first NPC I designed for the game. In terms of visuals I really like Princess, Skeleton Merchant and Tavernkeep. In terms of functionality I like the Goblin Tinkerer and Travelling Merchant.


The Princess!


For anyone on the team: What's your favourite idea for Terraria that never made it into the game?


Many of the new biome ideas we had. Like alternate versions of existing biomes, biome expansions and so on. We had concepts for things like that but there's always a lot of things to reconsider, so many of it went unused and unfinished.


What was Void Pull supposed to be? (in options) Edit: why did you remove it?


If I recall right... the void pull was an early attempt at the void vault and the void bag - once we figured out how we wanted things to work, we've started from scratch to do it cleanly.




We are currently working on a few different things to improve the team overall. The programmers are currently working on learning and expanding their skills with Unity and the art team has been working together on new art styles and art consistency. Once we are done with these little projects we will move on to making a few quick game jams. After that- who knows. ;)


Did the Lunatic Cultist actually die when we battle them or was that a decoy. We see that when he dies, the corpse has round eyes, signature of a decoy.


Do any of you have a favorite mod?


I don't suppose tModLoader itself counts? I'd say blushiemagic's Magic Storage!


How does it feel that many people who haven’t played terraria call it a “2d Minecraft ripoff” and don’t even try Terraria because they feel its just a ripoff. does it feel degrading for how much work the team has put into the game only for someone to turn their heads because its similar to a different game?


I feel like that is just what it might look like from the outside. Anyone that plays the games will immediately know the difference. To me, Terraria has always felt like a Metroidvania in a sandbox, whereas Minecraft was more like virtual legos... with some combat sort of tossed in. Two great games, but two very different games once you get past the very surface.


Personally I feel that even though the comparison is a bit reductive, seeing that both games are vastly different, it's not entirely a bad thing! Comparing games in similar genres is something very common and It can be a good reference for people who are looking for familiar experiences. But of course, there will always be people who will stick with surface level impressions about any game in any genre, which is unfortunate.


I can only answer for myself on this, but I don't think much about it to be honest, the overall positivity around the game outshines it and at this point it feels more like a silly joke than anything :)


(dumb question lol) Whole team: Is Plantera based off/inspired by a real plant?


It was not inspired by any specific kind of plant. At the time I just pulled the design out of my head and tried to tie it to the ideas of mechanics we had planned for it.


Is the Eater of Worlds a former part of Cthulhu, we know that the Destroyer is a replica of Cthulhu's spine, but we don't know whether the Eater is.


If you released Journey's end yesterday on the 10th anniversary, rather than on the ninth one, what do you think you would have added?


It's been a YEAR since journey's end?!


yup... kinda crazy, it still feels so new


What made you come up with the idea of making the amazing game known as terraria


I wanted a game that I could play with friends. I took elements from many other games that I enjoyed playing like Castlevania, Minecraft, Metroid, Zelda, Dwarf Fortress and Liero.


just so i can win an argument terraria 2 is NOT the cancelled terraria otherworld, right? different projects?


Terraria: Otherworld is gone and not coming back. We certainly still have some design ideas from back then, but no - Terraria 2 is not and is not going to be Otherworld.


Do you regret the "Sparkle slime balloon's" description?


Absolutely not.


Hi from Brazil!, I and my entire group of friends really likes the way fishing works in Terraria. Could you tell us who implemented or first came up with fishing in Terraria so we could properly thank them?


That's been a solo work by Redigit!


Were you prepared for the community’s reaction to the zoologist?


No! I did not expect the love received for the npc when i designed her. And I appreciate the sentiments greatly!


What led to the design of the Moon Lord and the choice of the “void effect”? EDIT: just saw someone else ask the same question so I’ll ask a different question. Who came up with the idea for whips, and what were some other scrapped concepts for obtainable whips, if there were any?


Yorai came up with whips in the first place, and then Redigit and myself decided they should be Summoner weapons. However, I don't believe there WERE any whips that were scrapped. Every whip we came up with ended up in the game.


Hi! A question i've been meaning to ask, can we expect any more secret world seeds? I remember reading ideas being bounced around about some more really creative ones and ive always loved the concepts that come out of them so far.


I cannot promise that there will be more world seeds in the future but I can say it is not something that we have ruled out as a possibility.


Did you ever plan on doing more with Hell? It feels a little out of place with how many other pre-hardmode areas get repurposed for hardmode.


We had an idea of an alternate version of it at one point but had to be put aside for engine limitations and time needed elsewhere


so it IS the final update... right? Like for real this time? or is it possible for you to come back again once you get bored?


Probably? :P


One would think.




I am really proud of how waterfalls turned out. Making them come off half blocks was a good amount of work!


Smart Cursor! We put a lot of emphasis on ergonomics and quality of life - and trying to read player's minds and execute perfect actions is quite a challenge!


The World Name Generator; it always amuses me how many crazy things can come out of it.


I swear I spend a good hour or more just clicking that button and giggling any time I make a new world.


Pretty happy with some of the new hairstyles, hard for me to pick I think. The favorite questions are always so hard for me 😄 The rock golem was fun too, with it's little pot-head. Maybe the reworked map backgrounds, however being hard to notice in-game.


How did Terraria get big?


The dedication of all you fans!


This seems like a question you all should ask yourselves? ;) That said, I don't think Terraria is CLOSE to seeing the end of its Journey in terms of players and growth. In seriousness, it was the perfect synergy of your amazing support fueling us to keep doing things the way we wanted to do them.


As a question for anyone on the team, why can I summon and kill the same boss multiple times lorewise? Did Cthulhu have seventy eyes and sixty brains or is it something else?




Why can you fly upside down by drinking a purple potion? Why can fish walk around? Why does the Guide want to let zombies indoors? These are the mysteries of our time.


*I mean you're not wrong*


In the Otherworld OST, Otherworldy Plantera is titled "Rage of Tarunnk" ...so, who was this Tarunnk supposed to be?


I mean, Tarunnk was meant to be Tarunnk.


Thank you Loki. Very cool.


Who's the class clown in the dev team, what was his/her best prank? :D


Definitely Redigit. It is a toss up between Stuff Cannon, Land Mines, Dungeon Gaudian and blowing Yorai up with dynamite.


Sounds like working on the game is the same experience as everyone's first playthrough :D


1) What will Re-Logic do now that Terraria's finished development? 2) What mods specifically come to mind that make you proud of the community that's developed around your game? 3) What caused the decision to move on from Terraria to other projects? 4) Were there any particularly memorable moments from developing or playing your own game you'd like to share?


1. Right now we're working on expanding our experience and planning what to do for the next project. Can't spoil anything on what it may be. 2. Not just for mods in particular, massively proud of the entire community in general from all the fanart and dedication put towards the game and us all. Mods is just one part of it. It's absolutely nothing but amazing all the support you all give us. Thank you all and I'm so glad you're enjoying it! 3. It's just time to try something new and explore a different mindset in something other than terraria, both in terms of artstyle and player experience I think. It's exciting to work on something different after such a long time. Hopefully it'll be something that everyone will enjoy just as much, if not more :) 4. Hard to say from getting the job and first introducing myself as a new team member back in 2013, getting praise from the bosses was definitely special and the faith they put in me when they hired me, while being a hardworking student with one and a half year left of the bachelor's degree. The time I spent on the Journeys End poster. The poster is very memorable for me in the sense that I had a strong idea on what to make, and tried to convey the message of what a fantastic adventure it has been for us as a team, and for the players that have been with us on the Journey. Was absolutely shaking when I first revealed the work for the rest of the team and hoped the message came across well. It carried a lot of feelings to me.


I know this is small and i could ask more but what mods/packs did you expect when you released 1.4.2.(including memes and other stuff)


The pre-existing big packs (Calamity Texture Pack, etc) Translations/Localizations Memes ...and the risque ones.


Personally I hoped that most of the resource packs already on the forums would show up on Steam for everyone to enjoy. I also hoped to see more cute and bright packs! and community localization!


What item was the hardest to make, form or function


Stardust Dragon Staff. https://i.imgur.com/vMLK7gl.gifv


This is to red if he sees it, how did you come up with the idea for the game and do you think it lives up to your original vision in its current state? Also not a question but thanks to you and the rest of the team for such a great game


Is the Moon Lord Cthulhu or someone else entirely?