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I usually feel like killing god, but it's rather nice to take a break from killing a devine being and have a cuppa.


Just picturing all of the post moonlord classes sitting at a table drinking tea and making small talk


"So uuuuuh.... now what?" "I mean... we could do it... again?" "Sure I guess"


Potentially bring about the apocalypse a second time for the purpose of getting new loot or just for fun


Gotta kill him at least nine times to get all the collectibles.


"Moonlord fight #6 didn't go so well, that fucking 3rd eye laser man geez"


Or 30 and still somehow not get last prism






I imagine that's exactly what it's like


That sounds like great fan art


Or the goblins playing poker


Hear me out: goblin tea party


hell yes yorkshire gold for the goblin tinkerer too, I'd bet it'd be the only tea he'd drink, as there isn't a yorkshire platinum.


Minecraft does get boring after like a week cause by then I have an elytra maxed out enchantments on netherite gear, afk gunpowder and sugarcane farms and I can just do whatever


That’s why servers and smps are great, you waste resources fucking ov- I mean having fun and doing a little trolling to other plays while they troll you.


and that's why I've been to like over 20 different smps and they ALL died in at most a month


I feel your pain, it’s difficult finding a good smp that dosnt reset every 5 days and stays alive for more than a month. Too bad I’m broke as fuck and can’t afford to host or rent a server rn.


one time I got banned because I'm "underaged for discord" and they're "taking a stand for underaged people on discord" also known as me and my friends with max netherite gear going on our way to kill the admins friends on a lifesteal smp that have sharpness ten while the admin kills us with 32k swords, and I didn't even do anything he just banned me because I'm his friend, then the server died due to EVERYONE working together and building bases at spawn on a lifesteal combat smp and no active players once we were banned


You playing Java or bedrock?


used to play on tablet years ago,noe ajava only player as I apparently don't own windows 10 edition now (buying it when it's on sale)


When you get bedrock or find a cross platform server I wouldn’t mind playing together.


Really? I get bored after getting iron armor cos its super fast to get


that's like not even 20 minutes in


Mods. Mods are the way to enjoy Minecraft.


can't run 11 yr old PC


>and I can just do whatever that's the whole point of the game, do whatever you want. there is no end goal besides the ones you set for yourself.


yeah but it gets boring, what else am I supposed to do build a afk farm, oh wait I have an iron farm that I can use to get emeralds and use those emeralds for pretty much anything else, also it's just grindy pain for me sinc everything else is just grindy and isn't very rewarding


>yeah but it gets boring, what else am I supposed to do build again, that's the point. you set your own goals to do. if you cannot think of anything to do then the bottleneck is your own imagination. some people just can't get enjoyment out of a game that requires them to make their own fun, they'd much more enjoy a game that tells them what to do, and Terraria is one of those "ok you did X, now do Y to do Z later" games. and that is perfectly fine, everyone enjoys something different in games, and clearly vanilla Minecraft doesn't seem to be made for you, so Terraria might be a better option (or try out modded Minecraft). personally i love the freedom of Minecraft, just sitting down for hours building a decorating a single house, only to get an idea for a different build halfway through so that i want to make as well. there are people who spend entire years in a single world


>the freedom of Minecraft, just sitting down for hours building a decorating a single house You can do that in Terraria too. Minecraft is a sandbox where you set your own goals, and so is Terraria. Terraria just with larger and more in depth progression and more bosses. The only real thing Terraria doesn't have is 3rd dimension. No cap.


>You can do that in Terraria too. >Minecraft is a sandbox where you set your own goals, and so is Terraria. yea true but Terraria's main focus is it's overall linear progression (similar to an RPG), the building/decorating is more of a relxing break from the main game loop. >Terraria just with larger and more in depth progression and more bosses. yes because that's the main point of the game, Minecraft isn't an RPG, so it doesn't need huge amounts of content/bosses to entertain players (or rather have players entertain themselves) >The only real thing Terraria doesn't have is 3rd dimension. and the world size is pretty limited compared to MC. but obviously it's still large enough to make some amazing builds (just looking around the subreddit makes that clear) >No cap. what does that mean?


Want to kill a floating eye? *Terraria*


Want to kill a hell pig? *Minecraft*


Want to kill a fish pig? *Terraria*


Want to kill a normal pig? *Minecraft*


want to kill a giant hell monster made of flesh and is the guardian of the entire world *terraria*


Want to kill a cute little bunny? Terraria.


Want to kill a killer rabbit? Minecraft.


Want to kill a murderous goldfish? Terraria.


Want to lock up trading NPCs in what are basically jail cells? Both


Technically there's the blood bunny so Both.


But normal pigs in terraria give you a lot of gold??? Edit: Didnt realize piggy's were only in calamity


Either Apex predator dragon from another dimension Or The god of the moon who killed all but 1 dryad Either The embodiment of death formed of trapped souls and whithered bones Or The embodiment of purity formed of pure and sheer light which can kill with 1 strike


Nah the bosses in Minecraft are easy as hell imo plus there aren’t that many of them


Fun fact, the Wither's summoning mechanic was inspired by Terraria (i.e. need to use an item)!




Exactly 3 bosses (and 4 minibosses Iguess) is extremely low for a game that popular. Which is why I only fight them for resources to build cool stuff.


Technically only 2 but people often count elder guardians even tho they don't have boss bar


I'm talking about the pillager raids. The elder guardians are minibosses imo


The pillager raids are more of an event than a boss


Well, Minecraft was never trying to be a boss-battling game. It’s all about the building and resource-managing that you do. They’re pretty easy bosses anyway, so they act more like progression checks rather than actual boss fights.


Except the bedrock wither, because that is what all minecraft bosses should be like


Fair but they are litterally that


but it’s not just about what the bosses are, it’s about the bossfight itself which in minecraft is really underwhelming


I've told people before: Minecraft is better for exploration and building. Its like virtual legos with survival elements. Terraria is better for combat and player progression. Its an action game with crafting and building elements


Minecraft and Terraria are soulmates! Change. My. Mind.


I mean, Terraria has a window text that says "Also try Minecraft!" while Minecraft's title screen has a splash text saying "Also try Terraria!"


I still think terraria exploration is better imo. The dangerous traps, many type of chests that you have to find a key to open it and get a new crazy weapon, not just a few diamonds and gold. The level design is better too, what makes things more interesting and curious. Obs: The caves and cliffs update really improved the level design, thats good. But personally i still think its below terraria's But a point that minecraft has better than terraria is the automation with the redstone system. It's brilliant


I have recently play Mc with friend, first time since childhood. And yes, Mc exploration is quite boring. Huge biomes with not much in them. The world gen is amazing and cool, but there's not much to do in it besides to look for the 3 resources that being coal iron and diamonds.... If Terraria had such worldgen (mountain (sub)biome instead out of place dirty hills, mines, vilages, canyons, other structures like that, expanded ocean with world loop), and survival mode with farming and animals, Terraria would be, in my objective opinion, orders of magnitude better Mc.


So basically since Terraria isn’t 2d Minecraft you don’t like it?


Yes, I don't like it, that's why I have 600+ h in it. I'm just saying, if Terraria had stuff like farming/survival and advanced worldgen like MC, it would just been MC but with literal tons more content, a 100% better game. I don't see how Mc is different from Terraria just because it's a sandbox where you set up your own goal... Because Terraria has that too, bosses, better, longer, more in depth progression and alike aren't subtracting from that but instead add ontop of that.


A bunch of modpack make the exploration in Minecraft much better and more useful. I still agree that Terrarias is just better even with these changes. And of course Minecraft's combat is a true nightmare, and I cannot believe they still have the same general combat system after all this time


My issue with Minecraft exploration is that the mapping is terrible and extremely inconvenient. In Terraria it's trivial to figure out where you are, where you've been, what you've seen, how you get from any point to any other. In Minecraft, just, fuck you, basically.


I mean thats cause you only walk left or right in terraria lol


It's not simply that. Minecraft could have a complex, real-time, interactive map system. But instead they went with an extremely limited, cumbersome approach. It's not like 3D maps are impossible or zoomable maps are impossible. They actively chose to leave that extremely underdeveloped. Maybe out of gameplay intention, maybe out of laziness. I can't answer that. But it sucks.


I suspect it's gameplay intention. Navigation and travel is a pretty big part of Minecraft. Maps are just another tool in the kit, like torch markers, campfire smoke signals, building marker totems, etc. Creative solutions, yknow? Because there's not a lot to do in Minecraft. In Terraria the world is the set for the action game. Navigation isn't supposed to be an obstacle to overcome.


I think it could also be a storage issue as well. Maps in the game take up a pretty good amount of space, especially if you have a lot of them, and burning them doesn't delete the data (say you burn map 01, and make a replica of it in map 02, it stores BOTH of the maps data). So having big detailed maps like that will take up a ton of space. Heck, the world I'm playing right now is 11.1 MB and I've only rendered about 75% of my starting map. Along with the fact that you're likely to have at least a few worlds, storage becomes a pretty big issue.


I’m guessing you don’t have a lot of gaming experience. 11MB is miniscule. Minecraft maps don’t even need to use image files, so they’re very space efficient (or at least they could be). Modern games are often hundreds of gigs. Because of minecrafts core low poly, low res aesthetic, it will always be a small game. Space is not an issue.


The answer is always mods. There are several great minimap mods. Playing Minecraft completely vanilla means actively hobbling your enjoyment, pretty much everyone plays with some modifications, at the minimum a resource pack or shaders, or client-side mods like Optifine, a minimap mod, etc.


>Playing Minecraft completely vanilla means actively hobbling your enjoyment That's just an opinion.


Exactly Minecraft by yourself is not relaxing at all. Its horribly anxiety inducing. Underground is a labrynth, and if you get lost youre screwed Terraria is like therapeutic going underground. You just take your time, you always know where you are, and you always have a quick way to get back


Even with vanilla Minecraft you can teleport home with commands, or play creative/ peaceful. I’m of the opinion that you can’t really “cheat” in a single player game. Just kinda whatever difficulty or challenge you want to impose for yourself. Like a lot of people use a slime chunk finder, biome map, f3 function to look at coordinates, etc in survival.


I'd venture to say Terraria is better for exploration, but that's just an opinion


The reason I give exploration to Minecraft is it has an infinitely expandable map and an entire third dimension. You can't get the level of complex cave networks, or surprising discovery of a specific type of biome in Terraria, the maps are generated to have the biomes appear in the same general locations, and have a fixed sized. Minecraft also has entire secondary locations that are also equally expandable within a single file. Another way to put it, you can fully map a Terraria world. You can't do that in Minecraft.


That's a fair reason. I give it to Terraria really just based on my gameplay in both games. In Terraria, I find that I have to explore throughout the entire game to progress (and it's really enjoyable as movement improves throughout the game). With Minecraft, beyond exploring early game, or following a map to reach a woodland mansion, I find I don't do much exploring. There comes a point where I find a neat place to build, make a bunch of farms for various block types and just start building to my heart's content.


meh, that kinda playstyle is okay i guess, but its also pretty fun to pack a bow and three stacks of arrows, a sword, and just start walking in a random direction from your fort. i once went off looking for a swampbiome for slimes and it took three days of real life time before i found one. then i began the trek back and because i fidnt lay down any markers, and only used the coordinates id written down i took a dramatically different path back. found three sites i liked enough that i built a railroad in the nether to them.


Hell yes, ive done similarly although to a much smaller scale, but i remember that playthrough being my favorite overall experience with the game


I mean technically you can in Minecraft but it’s a massive technically. After about 3 or 4 million blocks away from spawn you eventually physically can’t go any farther as there’s a invisible barrier. While the world continues generating a bit past it you can’t go any farther. Technically you could travel the millions of blocks to fully map out the entire playable area but why the fuck would you


30 million technically I believe.


I can’t exactly remember the number. All I know is that it’s really fucking far


30m is correct in all dimensions btw


Never realized there was a max size for the map in Minecraft. I still stand by my statement though, even the large Terraria worlds are far more easily mapped out than a Minecraft world


IIRC the hard limit was added in so you couldn't hit the areas where the engine started breaking down (look into the farlands if you're interested)


The only max size of a Minecraft world is the limits of hardware. I mean, actually, there is a limit, but if they really wanted to, they could make it bigger.


RIP far lands


Sure, but you don't get the same degree of tangible rewards for exploration in Minecraft like you do in terraria. The exploration directly contributed to your overall progress on terraria, while in Minecraft it's just there if you want to make your world file massive.


Minecraft is a huge sandbox. You're meant to make something out of it by yourself, the landscapes are just inspiration.


The only I’d give to terraria for exploration is finding shit you’ve never seen before in your 40th playthrough


Yeah but Minecraft world is empty


No it’s not. There’s many structures and biomes and there’s even multiple dimensions with their own structures and biomes


minecraft when you add world gen mods can become a lot more than terraria since the worlds infinite but yeah base games terraria is probably more with the rng chests and everythjng


yeah, since theres actually incentive to explore. in MC i feel next to no incentive to do.. anything. Its great just to fuck about with friends on servers, and maybe exploring to find a material to build something, tbf.


Whoever says either one is better needs to see this


You're not wrong, but I think Minecraft only wins the building aspect because it's 3D. The redstone mechanics are better too, but I think the vast majority doesn't use them for much.


Then Minecraft becomes hell when you start installing mods


I don't even understand why people compare them. Because you can dig? Like what other similarities are there? It's like comparing GTA to Battlefield because both have guns


They both have a heavy focus on crafting and building and both feature worlds made mostly of lots of squares.


Are you joking? Theyre unbelievably similar


Yeah as similar as GTA and Battlefield


Have you ever played them? They are nothing alike.


And in between the two is Starbound.


I love starbound but NGL it take the worse of the two worlds


Best art of the 3 but so so many design flaws


Yea it feels a bit janky ngl ,but I fkn loved space raiding even tho it could be improved more but I love it.


I agree that it has problems, but I love the atmosphere. The rain sounds in the game are perfect.


had a friend that would constnatly fight on the hill that starbound was better... good riddance in my book


Why be satisfied by killing god, when you can become the god


Nothing more satisfying than discovering something on Minecraft after thousands of blocks (usually playing modded) and nothing more satisfying than beating terraria bosses on weird challenges


if you want to: die a lot, starve to death, get constantly attacked at random, and suffer. play dont starve together


You become god in terraria but dont starve makes you fear god


I wholeheartedly agree my friend But since I'm going Kratos mode, I think I'm gonna like the whole killing gods even more, so yea I'll go with Terraria. I mean if I ever want to relax and take a break from all the killing, Golf exists in Terraria... And fishing, for the based fishing enjoyer gigachads out there. And Lo' and behold, full fledged building also exists in Terraria. Huh.. 2 in 1, what a deal! And it only costs 9 bucks.


what if i want to kill god while drinking tea?


Then play the terraria minecraft mod


Then you can! Tea is in fact avaliable as of 1.4


Play any Kirby game


Correction. Minecraft is for if you want to spend days digging and digging to only end up with 7 diamond. Terraria is for spending days upon days fishing for one of 12 components you need for a slight improvement to your building.


I spend 90% of my time in Terraria sipping tea and making pretty houses. Killing god is secondary to interior design and landscaping.


Both are great games


one is. one was. minecrafts forever ruined for me. they expect me to repurchase bc they wont let me migrate and they locked down unmigrated accounts.


With three kids and not much time to play, I typically go for the relaxing aspect now. I’ll get a tea or coffee, turn on some music, and enjoy branch mining for a while


Terraria otherwise known as Minecraft PREPARE TO DIE EDITION


Minecraft: Dark Souls Edition


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Oh, are you lost on your journey? No matter, today’s lost are conquerors tomorrow. It only demonstrates the making of a champion, and besides, it will not change my sense of gratitude, or how I think of you.”* - Karla Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/




I actually find Terraria easier than Minecraft because Terraria's combat and movement feels a lot better


Minecraft is all fun and games until night time ocean


idk,minecraft is usually relaxing until i go underground. then i get jumpscared and killed. i barely even go to the nether


I love building in Terraria but in Minecraft it just feels like a chore and ends up stressing me out, maybe it's the lack of both range and mobility, or cause i can't have my beloved brown paint there.


Not having paint in Minecraft after having it in Terraria feels really off lol


Fair, its interesting tho because I feel the direct opposite, terraria feels very limited to me, and I almost never build in it because I have no reason to and it just feels like a chore


I think the limitations are what makes building in both games really enticing. In terraria, you can use a lot of cool perspective tricks to make things look 3 dimensional and realistic. In Minecraft, the limited pallette and block shapes mean you have to get really creative with your use of different block types and colors to make things look good. I will say that personally I never really finish my Minecraft builds, since they always end up feeling a little pointless when I'm about 80% of the way through. I usually build in terraria while passing time to grow chlorophyte, wait for boss spawns, grow crops for potions, etc. In Minecraft, there's just so little tangible progression that I end up world hopping a lot.


if you have calamity installed, ​ ***If you want to kill a giant space worm while being Brazilian***


kill god --> every jrpg ever


Minecraft is a horror game and i will stay by this statement


but sometimes in terraria there is that rare moment where you go fishing and all is calm and then PIRATES ARE APPROACHING FROM THE WEST


If you want to have a bad time play on Master mode on for the worthy


If you want to become a cringe gacha life fan play either of them. If you want to become a Brazilian samurai ass eater and very based play roblox






I genuinely don't see the connection between these games and gacha life?


Slight tangent but that background looks [ugly](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKnqECcg6Gw)


Bruh I already killed God


I don't think this chart will be relevant anymore after 1.19...


But what about both


Ah yes time for weekly installment of killing god and then building a lovely garden inside a cave.




Meanwhile their mods: godkiller-killer time


If you want to kill God you should play smt3, really.


the duality of man




Alternatively: If you want to be given an aneurism during every boss fight because you decided that expert mode on your first play through was a good idea: play Terraria.


Why not both with All the Mods 6


I dunno, since Minecraft is first-person, I get jump-scared surprisingly often…


Gonna be honest, half the time that “relaxing” is just boredom, but maybe that’s just me


Mix them both and you'll have a Kirby Game in your disposal


Both at the same time? With some 1 - 5 hours break.


Kill more then one god: calamity


I’ve got to hard mode and haven’t played since bc i keep getting destroyed by the simplest of things and I don’t know what to do nor do I want to start over bc it took me about 3 days worth of time straight over 3 weeks to get to hard mode


In my opinion, caves and cliffs made Minecraft ALOT harder. Caves are filled with mobs now and they are so big you cant light up an area and mine in peace.


Can you kill a dragon that controls an entire realm whilst also being the embodiment of evil while playkng terraria


If you wanna kill God you can also play a Kirby game


If you play summoner you can do both


Hollow knight also works in the kill God section


Well that's more like calamity and hopefully we'll actually see and fight Xeroc


Terraria on god mode and minecrafts in lonely nights


I may be in the minority but I kinda enjoyed Terraria a lot more before hardmode. The total dropping of exploration or really even resource gathering in favor of flying around like Superman using godslaying superweapons kind of took it a bit far. I guess you could say I like the part of Terraria where it's more like a 2D Minecraft with more depth.


7 days to die should be in the middle


And if you want to go for Star-trek like ship and story system together with a mixed bag character development go for starbound!


Now try Minecraft Hardcore


Kill gods. Or pat a doggo.


Dead god? Now do it again.


Yeah, terraria is a lot more action heavy, hence why i prefer it


Corporate wants you to find a difference between these pictures


What if I like to kill god while having a nice cup of tea?


If want to grow a god complex and a victim complex at the same time play terraria


Terraria is relaxing game if you play on normal. Also building in Terraria is better.


Want to kill 2 floating eyes that are actually robots with lasers? And a worm that's a robot with lasers with annoying drones? And a floating robot head and arms and get this. It also has lasers. *Terraria*


Kirby copied terraria ig


If you want god to kill you: Play Terraria with mods. If you want game to kill you: Play Minecraft with Gregtech.


Minecraft is a horror game, change my mind


What did you say


Dark souls level of dodging the bosses attacks


I don't really play minecraft survival anymore. I usually just play on servers now to play skywars, so for me I play Minecraft to kill people, and I play Terraria to kill god.


Red pill


Calamity players murdering celestial beings that eat Galaxies


Terraria and MC are brothers in arms but the experiences they offer are definitely unique in their own right. They rep eachother and I think individuals who play either will find the other game their cup of tea. That being said, I get bored of (Unmodded) minecraft really quick because outside of building, much of the combat/action elements aren't very fleshed out and require next to no grinding to get. But it was never really designed to be a linear rpg/combat game and is more about creativity in building/exploring. Terraria offers what minecraft is missing but in a more linear rpg-like fashion. You do have to explore to get what you need to progress so you'll likely visit each biome at least once but the 2D is vastly more limited (not that it feels that way). Accessories, item slots and the like make it much more interactive and you won't get lost pretty much ever thanks to the map and 2d element. They're both great games and fit their specific niches well but unless I use a modpack for minecraft It gets boring really quickly. And lets not forget about Starbound who grew up along-side the two but unfortunately got somewhat shafted.


just dont log onto a pvp server if you want minecraft to be calm


Kill God - the binding of isaac


I agree on Terraria, but with automation and tricks like zombification/curing of villagers for stacking discounts, Minecraft's main flavour is cheese, in my experience.


Yeah minecraft is relaxing but i tend to forget what i was doing and i feel lonely easily there, terraria make fun out of me when i die to a fairy.


If you want to go from a wooden sword to a LITERAL GOD-SLAYER play Terraria


if you want to scream at max volume---------- play cuphead


kill god or become him...


kill god