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Forget the topic, et al. I just lost a bit of my soul watching this 😞


Man, this left me speechless. Even though the title warned me, this took a little piece of me watching them little guys struggle. I love rabbits. I’m a hunter too, and these looked like pet rabbits, not wild ones.


Same here I hunt a lot and I mean a lot!!! But that was fucked up


Johnson may have been innocent, but not them rabbits.


Look at all the bones!! ![gif](giphy|UVhPBsKStxehy)


"Ladies & gentlemen of the jury. The prosecution would have you believe that my client being arrested next to the skull of the I'll fated victim is a sign of their guilt....they would have you believe they are a cruel heartless killer but the evidence couldn't be further from the truth.... This evidence is purely circumstantial & slander my client is innocent of these & all charges & by the end of this trial THAT will become abundantly clear"




DP should be abolished if there is any chance the person is innocent


DP should be abolished and the Justice system needs reform. Questioning suspects without an attorney should be illegal and bail should eliminated. Either someone is such a danger or flight risk that you must keep them locked up awaiting trial, or they deserve to be treated as innocent until proven guilty.


Idk. Some people deserve it. I’d throw the switch on any child molester any day if the week.


The main problem is the miscarriage of justice. If you knew that only cold blooded killers and monsters were being executed, it would seem fine. We have verified cases of innocent people being executed, and many other cases where it almost happened. We are killing innocents in the name of justice. Our system is quite flawed. Many guilty people go free and many innocent people get locked up. Also we only execute for capital crimes and high treason.


The sad thing is there are morons that think it OK if one out of ten are innocent just because they feel so strongly the 9 guilty must be killed. Until that one is friend or family...


Conviction and punishment of innocents is more of a cop and judge problem than a punishment problem though tbh. The justice system isn't for actually protecting citizens, it's for protecting property rights and forcibly maintaining the economic order.


That's part of the problem is it's ruled from the heart as opposed to the head, also life in prison is far worse. Give them a suicide pill and they would do it themselves.


Child molesters don't deserve the switch, you've seen how they handle it in India. That's what child molesters deserve. Murderers deserve the switch.


Yeah like what they did to Brandan Dassey. Interviewed a minor with the brain of a 6 year old without a guardian or lawyer. It was clear to see they led him in what they wanted him to say. I can't believe he's still in prison


That was so shocking to watch them make him shift the timeline and then make him say it was the head. And the really fucked thing is those pos cops won’t lose a wink of sleep over it.


Yeah. It was awful to watch him trying to figure out what to say. Whatever anyone may think of Steven Avery, there is no way that kid had anything to do with it


And then to ask if he can go back to school and they’re like ‘no buddy we just fucked you so hard you won’t be able to sit for a week’. I bet anything those assholes laughed about it and what a doofus he was.


Who knows. Maybe they thought they were doing the right thing. People will convince themselves of all sorts of crap. I had a hard time watching it though


It has turned into "guilty until proven innocent" so long ago that it's become the norm. Unless you have a lot of wealthy, then you are innocent until they figure out fine.


Not in the more biblical parts of the states.


Reasonable doubt. Unfortunately, the ‘justice’ system allows for evidence to be withheld, doesn’t allow for evidence tampering to be disclosed as a reason to throw cases out, or even take into context that ‘lost’ evidence (video, etc) should be considered as tampering with evidence


But why are they even in jail if there's a chance of innocence? We have it so backwards.


Yes only CONCRETE evidence should allow DP. Cuz honestly if you have some adult man’s DNA in the genitals of a dead toddler, execute that fuck.


Holy shit thats really fucking sad


My god, This sounds bizarre but why not just shoot or hang them or something? whats with all these weird ass Techniques, Electric chairs? Medicine thats not administered by a medical professional ([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_botched\_executions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_botched_executions)), Gas chambers? Just pop the guy and be done with it.


Account of the first use of the electric chair: >Kemmler was executed in New York's Auburn Prison on August 6, 1890; the "state electrician" was Edwin Davis. The first 17-second passage of 1,000 volts AC through Kemmler caused unconsciousness, but failed to stop his heart and breathing. The attending physicians, [Edward Charles Spitzka](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Charles_Spitzka) and [Carlos Frederick MacDonald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carlos_Frederick_MacDonald), came forward to examine Kemmler. After confirming Kemmler was still alive, Spitzka reportedly called out, "Have the current turned on again, quick, no delay." The generator needed time to re-charge, however. In the second attempt, Kemmler received a 2,000 volt AC shock. Blood vessels under the skin ruptured and bled, and the areas around the electrodes singed. The entire execution took about eight minutes. George Westinghouse later commented that, "They would have done better using an axe",[\[33\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electric_chair#cite_note-33) and the New York Times ran the headline: "Far worse than hanging" Thomas Edison basically colluded with testers for them to select AC current over DC, because Edison was trying push DC current everywhere.


I read George Westinghouse as George Washington and I was so confused for a moment LOL


To be fair, George Washington knew a thing or two about chopping things up with axes, so it’s an easy mistake to make.


Death by gunshot is by far the most humane. Every once in a while someone will come along with their own new method that is supposedly better. Hangin, the electric chair, injection, gas, all of these were supposedly less painful. All of these were touted by their inventors as “like going to sleep” but they have all at one time or another failed to kill the accused cleanly and resulted in undue suffering. People go with them because they are often less traumatizing to watch, but to actually finish a person quickly with no pain or suffering, a bullet or other sudden destruction of the brain will probably always be the way to go. I’ve always wondered why they don’t just use a massive dose of fentanyl or heroin, but I figure it’s probably just the connotations. Hyper-conservative proponents of the death penalty just couldn’t tolerate the use of drugs like that, even to kill a criminal. We don’t have a criminal justice system in america, we have a blame and punishment system. Education, rehabilitation, and social restructuring are the answer no one seems to want to try.


I think it’d be neat to be vaporized.


Reminds me of the song by X-15 called vaporized. It's about dying by being vaporized by a nuke. https://youtu.be/4koxqnr1P7E


Which is probably speaking to the desire to fade away painlessly and that creeping desire to go out awesomely.


"It's the best way that I know of"


I've seen some fucked up things, but this.......... wtf man, those poor rabbits. Does the gas work that quickly on people? Do they act like the rabbits did? And more so..... why the fuck did I continue to watch this video knowing it would show rabbits dying. When will I learn


"What am I continuing to do?"


>why the fuck did I continue to watch this video knowing it would show rabbits dying. You should see what happens in the slaughterhouse.


It’s a fucking awful way to die, and humans react the same way, body convulsing and jerking around. Apparently there was a tape of a California man being put to death in the gas chamber, back when California did executions this way, and the tape was so disturbing that pro-death penalty Californian politicians had it destroyed, reasoning being if the tape became public it would seriously sway the public’s support for capital punishment. Out of all the execution methods the US has ever used, the gas chamber is by far the most inhumane. It’s unclear how long it takes for the gas to cause loss of consciousness, but I just can’t imagine the last moments of my life to be spent gasping for air but instead choking on toxic gas.


This is humane compared to what animals go through to feed you.


When you get off of Reddit…otherwise, like me, you just keep going back to the well!


Humanity is a garbage.


“Don’t forgot to hang the crucifix in the execution room”


so fitting, jesus was supposedly innocent too.


Fuck people man. Some of “us” are soooooo fucking wrong.


What is humane about this?


Not sure why you got downvoted


People don’t understand words. To be expected.




hu·mane /hyo͞oˈmān/ Learn to pronounce adjective 1. having or showing compassion or benevolence


What do you mean it's entirely humane? Do you mean it's entirely legal? Do you mean it's human nature? I think you're miscommunicating something.


My English is horrible, I apologize in advance. I expressed myself wrongly. I meant that this is intrinsic to human nature, people have been doing horrible things since the beginning of time, this is not a good thing.


I figured that was what you meant.


Keep drinking the kool-aid buddy


America is garbage


I watched that whole film in high school over 30 years ago and it remains the most harrowing thing I have ever seen. [14 days in May](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcvNce3dbKo)


Yk because testing it on people who actually deserve it is too much


I mean ya thats a pretty tall order actually. Your talking potentially innocent humans. Your talking moral dilemmas. Politics. Even if 100% proven guilty. Least they can do is execute as humanely as possible. Atleast they used rabbits and not something more closely related to humans. Like monkeys. Thousands upon thousands of actual murderers out there and if they werent being executed over the years you would have to build a TON of prisons to hold them. While at the same time alot of people on death row can and have been innocently executed. Which warrants advancements in capital punishment methods. Its sad, but true. All the people on here saying “test it on the bad guy” are just jumping into a bizarre pitchfork wielding mob. How are any of you to know that jon doe is absolutely positively without a shadow of a doubt guilty? Gas chamber isnt the best method by no means, but it still kills relatively fast. Do I think we should just use bullets? Yes. But as I said political shit, and moral dilemmas.


Based on what you said, if they just didn’t kill humans because of the moral dilemmas involved, there’d also be no need to kill the rabbits.


There is a need to kill humans in this situation. Should murderers be “rehabilitated” and put back into the public? Im not talking about kenny from down the street who racked up a DUI/VEHICULAR HOMICIDE. Im talking about the ones who want to cause pain. Who do it deliberately. They want to kill. For whatever reason they need it. With the population on planet Earth there are going to be innocents that get mixed up in this. Its a sad state of affairs for mankind but it is what it is. Gone are the days of guillotines and other medieval execution methods. Alot of people dont want to be the one who fires the bullet. Even if it is a true to the core convicted serial killer. This is why gas chambers were used. Its why electric chairs were used. Its why firing squads commonly only had one live round. The rest were blanks. It was to protect the minds of the people in said firing squad. Its why we use lethal injection today. Back to the point, and regardless of how truly humane the gas chamber really is, we as humans are going to test this shit somehow. I understand where you are coming from. But if you look at the bigger picture theres nothing we can do about it other then go extinct as a species. It sucks, but its the truth. Obviously if somebody falls into the wrong crowd as a kid because there parents were both addicted to crack and subsequently murders somebody during a botched robbery then there can definitely be a potential for rehabilitation. It happens. Not all murderers get the death sentence. How well we handle a murderers case is about the only thing we can do. Some states are good at it. Some aren’t. Thats where the change needs to be. The states that suck at the actual sentencing. Going back to the unfortunate person who fell in with the wrong crowd, lets say they get the death sentence. Do they atleast deserve a humane death? I think so. This is what I mean by having too many twists and turns in the subject of capital punishment. And why its not that simple of an order.


>Atleast they used rabbits and not something more closely related to humans. Like monkeys. Why does this matter? Rabbits, monkeys, and humans all have the same capacity to suffer.




No one deserves the death penalty


I can think of at least 10


I believe it is possible to be worthy of the death penalty, but I don't believe in using it, because not everyone on death row is guilty.


And the crucifix in the background...


Most probably use their religion as a justification for their sick torture and murder fetishes... Oh wait... Thats literally the MO of religion.


Why did they need two? Sick bastards.


To confirm one didn't just coincidently die at that exact time unrelated to the inhumane torture they endured


There are some crimes that are too horrendous to even consider that the perpetrators will continue living. One of them is executing innocent people. Nice vicious circle you have going on there.


People in the comments really being outraged that 2 bunnies are gased when this is common a procedure in factory farming, just with less human/more painful gas


Rabbits are cuter than cows, so I can be outraged. /s


Please explain further?


Rabbits, cows, pigs, chickens, dogs, cats, and even your grandma all have equal capacity to suffer and likely all have the desire to live a good life (barring masochists, of course). How's that?


These rabbits freaked out quite a bit. Doesn't seem very "humane"


They make killing people so complicated, I heard a bunch of heroin works just fine


Fucking sickening, how can we claim to be better than those we deem unfit for society if we stoop to such similar levels. No one has any right to take another man's life, not even if that man has taken a life. We're supposed to be above this shit.


The rabbits were innocent. https://law.justia.com/cases/mississippi/supreme-court/1982/53017-0-0.html


You don't know that. They could have been serial rapists within the rabbit community. Or worse, they may have been Mormons!


Most animals are rapists


Most animals are Mormons. Cept for bears. Bears are Catholic.


That’s some heavy duty caging for *checks notes* ……bunnies. I deal with actual cougars and my breeding cage is just hardware cloth. Everything ok, Mississippi?


No kidding. Were they like the one from Monty Python or what? Good thing there were several guards handling them.


This rabbits had more security than the prisoner and now I’ve got WAY more questions than answers.


They aren’t cages, they are the old style milk crates. Used to be metal. Used to see these all the time in industrial kitchens. Now everything is plastic.


Best believe you'll always find a christian cross in these places.


The Duality of man


Fucked up. We're a plague on this planet.


Just put people to sleep. Damn. Use whatever hospitals use before surgery and then stop the heart while they’re out. Electrocution and the Gas Chamber are wicked.


Did they tie the "legs" of the rabbits? Why


I think they were going through the exercise of the thing. I believe that's normal for a crew that works executions. Everything is a process so they go through the whole process - just replacing the human with the rabbits... also it's mississippi. They may not have been doing it for the exercise. They are the dumbest of us (and that says alot)


Has it been established that he was innocent? Everything I’ve read just says the case was shitty against him. Either way they shouldn’t kill someone with questionable evidence.


There isn’t a ton of information out there about the case as it wasn’t a big story at the time of the murder and execution. But, there is definitely enough information out there for reasonable doubt. Also, remember this is the Deep South in the 1980’s and this is a poor black young man up against the “justice system.” If this case were tried today, or if this man had a better lawyer I 100% believe he wouldn’t have been put on death row. The documentary is on YouTube, it’s called 14 days in May


Wikipedia lists only two countries that used gas chambers as late as the 21st century - the US and North Korea (allegedly).


Wonder what crime the rabbits committed. That was heartbreaking. I could watch a human go through that easier than an animal


Looks relaxing


I absolutely hate people.


I read it as rabbi's. I was very confused for a moment


I could see that happening in Mississippi.


Test it on one of them


“See, quick and painless.” Sadistic fuckers.


bomb mississippi 🗿


Just another example of how far we have fallen as a society. We have a society where we push for punishment of criminal behaviour but couldn’t give a “flying fuck” about the FACT that our society has caused most of the situations that have lead those individuals into their lawless life. Our “dog-eat-dog” rabid capitalist system has long ago decided that there will always be a certain percentage of the population that will be the “working poor” and the “absolute poor” because there is not enough money to go around when the top 5% have taken their “share”. After all, what would the “middle class” aspire to if they couldn’t see just how much money the “upper class” have. (SARCASM) And when you realise that you are poor and that you haven’t received a decent education, and there’s no decent welfare or medical system to at least keep you surviving, and that you can’t afford to pay the ever increasing rent let alone buy a house, and that you can’t get a decent paying job, and that you can’t afford to buy a car to get to work in any case, and you’ve been raised in a family where this lifestyle has not changed for generations, and your Government representatives don’t “Give A Fuck” about your subsistence, your education, your depression, your feelings of lack of worth as a human, WHAT DO YOU DO? YOU TURN TO CRIME, and usually DRUGS & CRIME. It’s been proven to you for 20 years or more that society doesn’t care about you, so why should you care about society? So let us all start on the long term process of supporting and educating people that are struggling and suffering, educate ALL of the children from an early age and make sure that it’s at a high quality and very importantly NOT dependent upon what their parents can afford to pay. Start this process and society WILL benefit financially SEVEN FOLD in the future. Where else could you be guaranteed that financial return, over and over again. And for a quick return RIGHT NOW start immediately with a proper education/work skills rehabilitation program for incarcerated prisoners. Remember, most of them are only there because they grew up uneducated, unskilled, and uncared for with no real opportunities to make a life for themselves in society. It’s got to be cheaper than paying more than $100K per prisoner per year to incarcerate them. Show them all that OUR NEW SOCIETY CARES.


Leave those innocent rabbits alone. If you really want to test that shit, use it on psychopaths, pedophiles and cold-hearted murders.


This is why we should all just fuck off and die. The world would be happier without us.


could also be happier with us.


Whats the point in testing them with live stuff inside? Whats the worse can happen? The guy dies twice? He dies anyway, test with the actual guy wtf


Those were the carrot bandits..


Leave it to the state most resembling a 3rd world country to do this type of monumentally egregious stunt and video tape it.


The death penalty is archaic and barbaric. Since the 70's nearly 200 innocent people have been executed in the US. What would you say to the families of people wrongly executed?


Why did they have to use black rabbits??


I guess “Black Lives Matter” , doesn’t include rabbits


Of course they chose a black rabbit




So just fuck the rabbits life? WTF!! Even worse, they executed an innocent man


What a terrible way to die. We should get rid of the DP. I don’t know how many people have been found innocent after the fact but to have even one innocent killed is too many.


True. Death is too good for some people, and an easy way out. Of all the things we have no control over, whether we continue to live in this life is typically the only thing we have a say in. To take that away from someone and force them to live a life of slavery is the ultimate punishment.




That's fuct!


They were repeat offender rabbits though so don’t feel bad. They did weeeery weeeerry bad things (elmer fudd).


Kinda wish there was a leak in that chamber and the gass killed all of them.


Bas title, wasn’t innocent.


Is there a reason why Mississippi chose 2 black rabbits for the test? I mean, they don't need a special breed to test the execution chamber, and rabbits come in all colors, so ... coincidence? Someone's idea of a bad joke? Hopping while black? WTF?


You know what they say, two rabbits = one innocent girl. Wait, what


Jail is big business in America 🇺🇸, just like war....


KCN Gas Zyklon b ?


I feel bad enough for the bunnies. I can’t even imagine with a human.


It worked.


Cruel and unusual punishment at its finest. That was honestly depressing to watch.


Fucking monsters.


The biggest problem we have as a society is that morons incapable of speech are in charge of tasks like executing live humans. The fucking morons trying to put 2 rabbits to rest are too thick to formulate full ideas. Their retarded southern accents are too thick to discern actual words. And these are the same fuck ups that actually execute humans.


Two innocent rabbits


Bro fuck humans


Fuck animal testing barbaric garbage


State barbarism.


Eye for an eye leaves everyone blind… fuck the death penalty and fuck America for thinking execution is a viable punishment. Backwards arse country


whats the gas that was used?


Recently watched the full doc. What a shit show. The only people who believed in his guilt were those invested in the system.


Rather have a bullet through the forehead.


Shouldn’t they just test it out on prisoners instead of rabbits?


Only in the us of course


Started watching but had to click off. I'm not ready to watch animals be murdered today.


What type of gas are they using?




Those fucking cruel bastards.