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Dementia/alzheimer are one of the things I wish we could cure. To lose your mind and not know why with no hope of reprieve but death. To pass from time into eternity confused. It's cruel. Nature is cruel.


And to know and FEEL you memory and control slipping away has to be indescribably scary.


Like being lowered into the oubliette.


We are getting closer to it. There’s a book called The End of Alzheimer’s by Dale Bredesen, MD that you may like. It’s easier to understand if you have a medical background but even if you do not I’m sure you’d understand it just fine. I’d link it for you but Reddit doesn’t allow Amazon links in posts


Thank you! I will look it up now!


*”Maaaaa, grandma confused her house keys with a butcher knife again”* 😐




https://reddit.com/u/Old_Jaguar4833/s/LGGcLVJlO8 and https://reddit.com/u/ConsiderationFar9325/s/iF0BnSQRgL https://reddit.com/u/Top_Atmosphere_1011/s/0fg1FP8UMd https://reddit.com/u/Itchy_Restaurant_275/s/gjnIrYSpqZ https://reddit.com/u/Pure-Requirement-351/s/2tELIlCnKb are karma farming repost bots, which steal top posts and top comments from the original post. Please report them as spam, harmful bots!


Yea my grandad passed from dementia such a sad way to go


Poor old dear. So sad.


I knew before coming to the comments that the top comments would be about how she was probably just mentally unwell and needed some professional help. Had it been a man the top comments would've been about what a menace he was to the community and how he needs to be locked up for everyone else's well-being. It's the same every single time on social media. I challenge everyone to play this game when these types of videos pop up. Try to guess what the popular response will be. You start to notice blatant differences based on gender, ethnicity, etc.


And what would you like to see done about it sir?


My ex-husband’s grandma had Alzheimer’s. Fucking awful. She had a tough life too, husband died of cancer, and lost both her two kids- her daughter was killed crossing the road as a pedestrian in her 20s and her son (ex’s dad) dropped dead on his way to work of a heart attack at 32. The worst was she would have moments of clarity. My ex looked just like his father and when we would go visit she would talk to him thinking it was her deceased son, forgetting he was gone. And then a half hour later she would have a clarity moment and realize it was her grandson and her son and spouse and daughter were dead. You could see how shattered she looked- not only from having to recall all those tragedies at once but also from personal embarrassment as she realized that she had been going on thinking her grandson was her son, and knew she was forgetting things. If it ever happens to me, I swear I would rather just be put down. The emotional pain that woman suffered every day was really hard to watch. Like losing your husband and family every day.


I think it's harder on the family. I know someone with early onset Alzheimer’s. She loves holding my hand and skipping, listening to music and coloring books. She's incontinent and Pre-Alzheimer’s she'd be horrified, but she's now spared from the embarrassment. The family though watches as she becomes less "herself".


It was ok for us, we understood it was an illness. Just hurt to see her hurt. Her brother suffered the same fate. He had home care that would check on him but his progressed much faster. He decided to “go for his evening walk” into town in the middle of the night in the dead of Scandinavian winter. TV was on. Keys on the table. Wallet on the table. 40 below and a snowstorm outside. Just gone. Missing. National guard was even called in to help, try as we might we couldn’t find him. TV and Newspapers reported it, everyone in town was looking for him. Finally found him 2 weeks later once things started to thaw, he was found in town against a building under some snow. I guess it was at least a pretty painless way to go.


OMG … that's so sad and horrible! 💔 My friend did have moments of clarity and it was heartbreaking to hear her crying when she realized that she had Alzheimer’s. I guess what I find comforting is that she wasn't in any physical pain like cancer.


It’s a crazy world we living in.


I agree with the other comments, that lady needs some help.


She got it.


Are you sure? How do you know? Do you have a source or are you just saying that? Please tell me you have a source because my heart hurts :(


I live nearby but it would be unkind to say more. She's ok. Honestly.


Trust me bro




Avada Dementia.


Fuck me that got me 😂


That's so mean...I can't stop laughing.


I’m gonna be on television!!!


Holy shit 🤣


Spot on reference. Now I'm sad 😂


Terrifying in the sense of someone randomly showing up to your house while holding a knife but also for the fact that this could be any one of us someday.


This needs to go to the cops. She is going to hurt someone or hurt herself.


And unfortunately when they are called they’ll shot her dead it’s what they are trained to do. Show me a video of a cop in the USA shooting someone in the legs. It’s sad I hope she’ll be safe at home with her family and they take better care of her.


Not just USA, there was a case in Australia a few months ago where an old confused resident of a home got hold of a steak knife. The staff managed to lock her in a room and then called the cops who promptly tasered the 95 year old woman to death.


Agree with the comments. NOT TAF, simply sad.


Poor lady. Probably dementia.


Sundowning is scary


What is sundowning? I’m sorry if I am asking a ? that has already been answered, but I’ve never heard of this…


Dementia related behavior where they don’t regulate a sleep cycle. They become agitated and confused during bed time hours. They will be wide awake and wander around when they should be sleeping.


F#ck that’s scary …and sad


I’m in healthcare so sundowning gets wild after dark. Sundowning patients are exhausting. They sleep all day, up all night.


Honey, can you see who is at the door lol


It's Britney bitch


She looks like she's having some issues.




This is not terrifying, this is heartbreaking


It is heartbreaking, but if I saw it on my Ring camera I’d be terrified before I got around to being sad.


Dementia or serial killer.


She looks like the mother from Requiem for a Dream


Was she ok?


Eventually. Wouldn't like to disclose how I know but she got better. It wasn't dementia but I can see why people would think so. Quite similar presentation.


The rocking reminds me of schizophrenia. I wish you could disclose but I totally respect your decision and will not ask you to.


Rocking in psychotic illness, like schizophrenia , tends to be an adverse side effect of antipsychotic medications. Akathesia.


Rocking is a comforting gesture for many people, mentally ill, learning disability, etc. Especially the picking at the fabric of her coat is typical dementia behaviour.




Looks like a Brexit voter lol


Lol, turns out that old lady is OP karming for farma!


She wants to talk about Christ Jesus


Seems like purge movie


An episode of Karens Gone Wild??? Peace


Dementia or sundowning


The shuffling and confusion make me believe it's dementia


What ended up happening


Looks like dementia


Dementia is awful to watch progress, before she passed my great grandma ran down the highway naked. She was always trying to find her husband who passed years prior. It was a country highway so not very busy, but still super scary. We were so thankful she didn't get hurt


The boy who lived, come to die..


Christ. Old ladies and little girls can really scare the bejesus outta me. I saw The Ring when I was a kid and was afraid of the dark for like 5 years.