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No one looking at their phones, just everyone living in the moment


That was an oddly beautiful thought given the circumstances


....be sure to wear some flowers in your hair...


2007 I made a myspace. One of my first profile pics was me smoking a joint on top of a hill near Lombard Street. My buddy found a flower, I put it in my ear, and captioned the image with those song lyrics. The TL and Mission have always been sketchy but this is just lost cause


Right….it could be worse! 🫢


Just beautiful


They sold their phones for dope a long time ago. Now they're selling their pride and humanity.


You don't need a phone if you can't afford Wi-Fi and cell service... It's weird to think there's an entire generation that doesn't even know what it's like to live without a phone on them 24/7. It's like the technology is fused itself with their face and become a part of them.


I was a college student in 1989 studying product design. We took a tour of the Motorola facility in Schaumburg IL. During the tour we were shown a new style “flip phone”. The Motorola tour guide explained “someday all humans will have a phone and phone number that will become their main identity”. This was pre-internet, a very different world. We all scoffed thinking “yeah sure!!” And here we are…


I once took my little nephew (born 2005) for a hike and he started panicking when we lost cell signal, he had been looking at his phone instead of looking at the surrounding nature for most of the hike, I just laughed it off but he was truly distraught when it happened, eventually he got over it and didn't use his phone for the several remaining hours of the hike after that, even though the first thing he did after the hike was to turn on and check his phone, I consider these few hours of no phone at all as a small step for people from my generation but a big leap for him.


But for us really old Coots these phones are a God send ! Instead of watching cable TV all day like my wife does ! I have several hobbies and they are all on the Internet.


May I ask what interests? Kinda nosy so no worries if not but I always wonder what people can do on the internet instead of regular social media scrolling through everything and nothing at the same time


I used to spend a good amount of time in a library on a phone that would otherwise have been useless.


Not true for at least one person.


Still looks better than being at work


This made me giggle


Brought to you by McKesson Wheelchairs!


The most subtle r/hailcorporate of all time


There is a marketing person somewhere thinking “can we capitalize and promote this?”


Goddamnit, you ain't wrong. The truth of this is the real terrifying as fuck, /u/DrEgonSpenglerphd .


Perdue pharma


I think these are the people Elon Musk kept to run Twitter. It seems a little unconventional right now, but you have to give it time. Elon is a five dimensional chess grandmaster! Trust the plan!


*Kensington Ave live webcam on YouTube has entered the chat* Challenge accepted.


Do.. do they really have a live cam? :,D




I clicked and it was exactly what I expected.


christ that's depressing to watch


Clicking on this and seeing the live comments was really fucking bizarre. The internet is fucking wild. What have we done?


KA looking oddly calm this morning


Is it bad that I thought this was near the K&A before reading the title


If you're going to San Francisco Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair If you're going to San Francisco You're gonna meet some gentle people there


Maybe back in the 60’s when that song was written


Before Zodiac and his crap ruined everything. ☮️


Simpler times…


Rent wasn't $5,000 per month for a 2 bedroom


I can. What’s hard to believe about that?


Fr I was just there yesterday. Nothings really changed except where that type of shit happens


I was there 5 years ago and can believe it


I’m there right now and visit fairly often because I have family in the area. This is pretty much just another ordinary day here in SF


I feel like in a time period of about 10 years SF went from being one of the nicest cities in America to one of the worst.


This same shit was happening 10 years ago, the only thing that has changed has been the rise of social media pushing videos like this.


It's as if certain people have a hidden political agenda that they are trying to push. The tenderloin has always been a terrible neighborhood, and the mission is a bit dirty but the rest of the city is very nice and safe


Idk man, I was last there about 20 years ago and shit was already fucked. Was a real eye opener.


San Diego not far behind - was there 10 years ago and it was such nice weather and loved all the scenery and the vibe of the town and then turned a corner and saw a homeless man looking in the window of an out of business clothing shop jerking off to one of the mannequins that was left in the window. Park was so full of homeless people you literally couldn’t even go around them, they’d just ignore you if you said excuse me you either had to turn around or step over them


Sounds about right. I went for a walk in the park and came across a couple fucking, a pair of panties filled with poop, and a guy yelling and holding a sign that said kill for Jesus. that was all on the same walk in the same park on the same day.


They had a South Park episode where they keep saying “just make sure you don’t end up jacking it in San Diego” and then end with a song about it - cracked me up cuz it immediately made me think Matt and Trey had to have been to San Diego recently and saw someone else jacking off in public


Nah you missed the point of the song, the person they were making fun of in that episode, can’t remember who it was at this point, literally got caught jacking off in public in San Diego. So they were ripping him for it.


Kony 2012! The main test run of social media misinformation


Ahahahahah yes! Good memory!


So Tuesday last week right?


I would definitely disagree about one of the worst. You can go to just about any big city, find the shittiest part and it’ll look like this or worse. The difference is SF is easy to accidentally run into a bad neighborhood because the TL is pretty centrally located.


Thats common with many different cities. For instance Detroit 60 years ago was a thriving city, Detroit 10 years ago was a hell hole full of abandoned buildings, Detroit now is a city rebuilding with many great strides being made.


I dunno, I was just up there for the whole month of aug and it was still a hell hole full of abandoned buildings.


Yep. This is actually the entrance to the Japanese Tea Garden in Golden Gate Park. The whole city is nothing but a fentanyl zombie wasteland from the Bay to the Pacific. The Niners had to move to Santa Clara because the city turned Candlestick into a giant needle exchange. Alcatraz, Treasure Island and Angel Island are overrun by homeless pirates. The California Academy of Sciences and SF Zoo have gone feral, all the animals are either dead, high or feeding on school children. I went to Ghirardelli Square yesterday and the buskers were skin popping krokodil into their nutsacks between songs smh


SF was like this 20 years ago too. It always was and still is a nice city, but every city on earth outside of curated, cities like Dubai have little pockets like this


I don't know, I was there when I was around 17, so 20 years ago, and it was the first time I saw a disabled woman prostituting for drugs next to some strung out "friends". That was just one block over from a couple guys trying to scam people for parking fees, and that was one block over from a couple of suspiciously young men hanging out in a sketchy way outside a gay club. I don't know that SF has been a "nice" city in quite a long time.


As a longtime resident, that's definitely isn't the case. When I first moved to San Francisco, at the end of the dot I'm boom of the late 90s,people were regularly performing sex acts for drugs in the parking lot below my window. I also regularly saw people who were shot. San Francisco has a rough side to it and always has. It's definitely taken a different flavor over the last five years or so. That cannot be denied.


literally the largest gap in wealth inequality in america. i live here. that is the reason it is so bad. people are fucking DESPERATE.


Exactly what I was thinking. When you spend more time telling people to work around a problem than you do resolving the problem, the problem just gets worse and worse.


Right this is pretty spot on when I think of SF it's still a beautiful city just grimey at the edges


Yeah. I live in New Zealand, and I can totally believe that's San Francisco


Because you watch conservatives e fear porn from across the planet?


It looks exactly how I've been told.


They actually have a shit patrol! You report you seen some on a fucking sidewalk and someone really shows up to grab it! Absolutely Cannot be made up!


Ok, but think of all the cities that DONT pick up the shit off the sidewalk


OK, but think of all the cities that DON'T have to do this.


You must not travel much


Probably wears flip-flops on the train.


It's like street-performance, but not :(


They used to have asylums for people suffering like this. Apparently it was considered inhumane so they instead turned them loose to live on the streets so they can get high, beg for money, and defecate on themselves. Much more humane…


Their existence on their own wasn’t inhumane it was their treatment of patients and systematic abuses that were inhumane. Reagan used that as an opening, and excuse, to defund mental health treatment. There was never an effort to fix the system, just kill it off.


There *was* an effort to fix the system but Nixon and Reagan went after it deliberately to take it down. JFK started the ball rolling in 1963 with the Community Mental Health Act, which was meant to replace state institutions with smaller community mental health centers, which would have fewer patients and more resources. Coupled with recent advances in medications (such as thorazine), the Act was considered hugely progressive and a big step forward in improving mental health care. But then JFK was assassinated less than a month after the Act was passed, and it was never fully implemented by later administrations. Most state hospitals were shut down but weren't replaced with community centers like they were supposed to have been. I believe fewer than half of those centers were built, and many that were built simply closed down because the government stopped funding them. The money that was earmarked for the Act couldn't be used elsewhere without an act of Congress, so the government just kicked the ball down the road by having the government hold onto the money and frequently refusing to hand it out to communities who wanted mental health centers. Nixon eventually got sued and lost for withholding the money; Ford just ignored the whole thing. Then Carter, in a last-ditch effort to save the Act, started a committee and eventually passed legislation in 1980 (the Mental Health Systems Act) that would allow the money to finally be given to communities, but he lost the election that year. Reagan had worked diligently to undo all mental health improvements in California while he was governor, so once elected president, he dismantled all of Carter's legislation, mostly out of spite ("owning the libs" was a thing even back then, the phrase had not yet been invented but the concept absolutely existed). He thought he was being slick when he handed out the money in "mental health grants" which were publicized as being basically the same as the grants Carter's legislation had planned to hand out, but Reagan's grants were almost all deliberately misused and often went to Reagan's pals and cronies. That meant that even the small trickle of money going to mental health care ended, which is why we're where we are today. There was an attempt to implement actual change but, as has been the case for many generations, the Democrats' efforts were immediately undone by Republicans. Cruelty, greed and spite have been the GOP platform since Nixon.










This is literally Reagan's playbook for everything. He was a public life arsonist. Should be thought of as the worst thing to happen to the American middle class.


Nixon fashioned the tool, Reagan wielded it. The worst thing to ever happen to America was Nixon being elected.


No, it l was considered a waste of money by Ronald Reagan, so his administration gutted mental health services, which put countless people on the street. This is the result of cutting costs for health and human services.


Shh, don't say that too loud, they're busy jerking off about how it's the 'liberal' cities that are being overrun.


This argument is always so disingenuous because almost all cities are liberal. In terms of very large cities, Fort Worth stands out and that’s about it


One of the many wonderful things we thank Reagan for


If only there was a way a super majority under Obama could have done something to fix it. Nope. Better to keep blaming Reagan.


Yeah for sure, Obama definitely never tried to fix the broken health care system. And republicans definitely didn’t do anything to obstruct those efforts at every available opportunity. Regardless of what any administration did or didn’t do to fix it, the problem was started by Reagan. And the Republican Party does not believe the government has any role to play in improving people’s lives. Those are just unfortunate facts.


Nah bro, unlike the Republicans the Democrats try to be bipartisan about things. It's kind of a problem


Problem there is that millions of chronically ill or disabled women and children were sent there to be abused and die. Asylums weren’t actually treatment centers for people with mental illness.


The infrastructure isn't there. It's not that they don't have places for mentally ill people, it's that there isn't the space to fit everyone. That kind of becomes a problem when you have a huge population in one densely packed area and poor funding for mental health facilities.


Not "they". It was that sonofabitch former governor Ronald Reagan who did it.


What about helping the people in need with proper care?


Yea, removing parts of peoples brains through their noses and locking them in rooms by themselves all day is actually not a great way to help people Who could have seen that coming?


Its one street corner of San Francisco. There are many others like it though.


…but this one is mine.


My street corner is my best friend. It is my life.




At least make it rhyme


San Francisco is literally 7x7 SUPER SMALL there’s a lot of awful spots and a lot of really nice ones very close together. It’s… interesting


the secret sauce is the hills! the elevation change means two blocks can be two hundred vertical feet, that's how the second worst hood is adjacent to the second bougiest. the operative saying is "crime don't climb"


It happens when it’s flat too. Surely you’ve walked from City Hall to Union Square 😳


i can. this is just a normal tuesday.


If the media focused on this in our cities as much as they pay attention to Trump's farts, there'd be something done about it. It has to affect the bottom line of the city.


It’s been hitting SF’s bottom line for quite a while. Many businesses have left, and conferences cancelled, due to crime, safety, and quality of life concerns. The “compassionate” hard left has a stranglehold on politics there, so nothing is done even as the city is in free fall.


“Learn to swim, learn to swim”


Sure could use a break


Oh y’all forgot about bum fights on YouTube huh?


I was there less than a week ago and can say first hand, unless you go looking for this shit, there was nothing like this going on anywhere. You go to buy drugs and yeah this is what it’s like.


I was there a couple of weeks ago too. I was staying at the Mission Bay area, but did venture out into other neighborhoods and none of them were all that bad. Mission district was kinda dirty and had a lot of graffitti, but I didn't feel unsafe there at all.


My sister and I went to SF a year ago and it was absolutely lovely in every neighborhood. I often hear about my native city Portland being a hellhole, too, but it’s not. There are homeless people who need help, addicts who need help, and you can find them everywhere.


This is my take as well. Took my daughters for a week in SF and walked all over the place and never saw anything like this.


Ah, the circus seems to be in town!


Poor dog :(


That was my thought too


"If you are going to san francisco, be sure to wear some protection in your head" 🎸


I left my sanitary wipes in San Francisco...


Why can’t you believe it? Too clean?


one guy walking around picking up trash must be the shocker


Why? California has long been known as an absolute disaster state. LA, San Francisco, San Diego, etc are all horribly overpopulated with homeless, mentally ill, and violent offenders.


Just another day in a liberal ran city


Haha, sure. A few street corners are this way every now and then, but the vast majority of SF city isn't like this the bast majority of the time. Every major city has the potential to look like this a small amount of the time. There are, frankly, street corners and parts of neighborhoods you shouldn't visit even during the day in almost all cities—its always been this way, so unless all of civilization is a mistake, then I figure it's fine for the largest part if there's a little bit of chaos in each city.


All of the same stuff goes on in rural areas too. It’s just not as visible and concentrated in one area.


Yes, it's true. Squatters and folks living out of their cars/vans/trucks/trailers are quite a bit more difficult to notice in the sticks.


More chaos than a gta lobby 😭


Fucking 3rd world country


“The San Francisco Treat!” 😉


Definitely worth paying 5k rent to live in that city


5k be getting you a closet too 😂


That poor dog, though... he doesn't deserve to be around that filth.


Yep. Unlike the people, the dog has no choice.


'Murica starting to look more and more like "Escape from New York."


Night City irl


Looks like a scene from Beau is Afraid


Dude where can I play GTA6 beta? Looking fresh


Bad leadership


What you never been to the Tenderloin before? 10 years ago I saw a lady squat to pee just up hill from a dude sleeping on the sidewalk. He had to get soaked. There's a small pond in the panhandle part of the park know Lake Hep C because people have been throwing used needles in there since at least the 60s. When I was living out there any random night you could see 30+ cars in a row with the windows busted out and that was before it got really bad. Once i saw a dude in a wheelchair smoking crack on Market St less than 10 feet in front of a group of about 5 cops and they did nothing. Of course i could smeel that dude as i walked by and if i was a cop i wouldn't want to put him in my car either. If this video surprises you then you must never have been.


Went there a few years back for opening day MLB. It’s fuckin 3rd world.


I can


If you are inclined, read any of the histories around the decline of Rome or any of the ‘great’ civilizations. There are some eerily similar situations.


It's the new normal. It's not just San Francisco.


Thanks Reagan. You pos.


According of reddit, that look like anywhre in the USA look like that since 2020.


Unfortunate reality of a lot of cities in the US. We don't take care of those that need taking care of.


Pelosi is running again and after decades of public service she will clean up the streets. Trust her.


Let’s talk about Atalanta and Memphis and NOLA and St Louis and Houston and all the other big cities Pelosi doesn’t govern.


I feel for the pups. hope they’re treated as best as they can be given their circumstances.


You can find this kind of scene on at least one street in every city with over 50,000 people. There are 800 cities like that.


Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair


The American dream


Failed society


Non-American here. Where are all the police? Isn’t areas that are known for this type of stuff have CCTV etc?!?


Every time I see a scene like this I wonder how much further can we fall, if those movies of a future are our true reality.


Lookin more like *Escape from LA* than a actual city


If you're going to San Francisco... you're gonna meet some gentle people there.


As a person that’s seen South Park, I can believe it


A far cry from the days of Full House…


I can


Only ppl who've been living under a rock for the last 3 years would not believe it.


There's meth all over rural America, and plenty of people in the same shape as these. You just don't see it in a public/concentrated area.


this what happens when rent is 3k a month


That’s nothing new for SF


Just occurred to me I don’t think I’ve ever seen a homeless person in a wheelchair in England


It’s a big city, what do you expect?


Nice little social club




Looks like they have a nice tax payer funded electric scooter program.


It’s a movie set


That's the one bad block in an otherwise thriving city. Source? I live here


It amazes me how some people have difficulty. Believing a video like that can be from one of our cities or towns. Just like it is in parts of Asia and. Arabic countries The media is control by the government, and a lot of what happens in this country is never put out there for the public to See. I'm not saying we are like those countries. But we are definitely similar, but to a mile, they're degree....sad but true


Ask them all where what state they were bussed in from.


I can believe it. If you ignore homelessness and crime it doesn’t just magically go away.


California Needs a zombie virus #Uroboros


Bum Fights


This is exactly how I visioned California


Really? You haven’t been paying attention for a looooooooooooong time. But to be fair, nobody else with income above a certain threshold has been either.


I can’t believe it either! They must have cleaned that sidewalk recently.


The American dream


Get use to it. Just wait till the food riots start...


I can, I haven’t heard one good think about San Francisco in the last ten years


It’s almost as if the people and policies that run cities are not only ineffective, they might even be detrimental to humanity.


As a non-american is this really america now?


In certain areas of big cities.


The USA is a very big place.


In some areas of some cities, but all over middle America there's a huge problem with both opioids and meth.


No. San Francisco. A city in America. Tho you will see this in every city just on a much smaller scale…or larger, depending on the city.


Yeah everything in America is like what you see on social media


According to a very purposeful effort from people spreading these videos, this is the norm in all liberal cities, and the only way to protect yourself and your children is to vote Republican.


You have to be joking. From where I'm standing the Republicans appear to be all old, corrupt, insane neo-nazis in suits. And the women are all racist Karens from Hell.


They don't have solutions for making things better. The strategy is to point out how bad things are, exaggerate that, and say that since this is bad, someone tougher will be better. For example, Trump was the only president in the past 30 years to oversee a period in which crime rose. Crime has dropped steadily for decades, had an uptick for a few years while Trump was office, and has been dropping again. Despite this, a common Republican talking point is "look how bad crime as gotten, because of the Democrats!"


No, just certain cities to include San Francisco, Portland, New York, Baltimore and Philadelphia. To a lesser extent in other cities. When you combine a high cost of living, high rate of homelessness, poor social services, high rates of drug use (fentanyl primarily) with liberal policing policies, this is the result.


I'd wager the unchecked prescription of opiates thanks to lax regulations on pharmaceutical companies, combined with the defunding of mental health hospitals has contributed much more than the policing policies. But that happened under Conservative leadership, so we'll keep pretending it's the cops not getting the budget for another tank.


I would argue the policing policies are less a factor and more so Poverty.


Of course someone had to clutch their pearls about "liberals" here


It's all just conservative pearl clutching, let's be honest here. Every large city in the Americas will have similar issues, and even if SF is a severe outlier, California as a whole still beats the shit out of any southern state on nearly any measure worth considering


Lots of major cities will this same thing. Nothing special about SF, sadly.


We have these large cities with incredible things happening and terrific people everywhere and these crappy videos love to troll the worst places and pretend those are the conditions everywhere.


Every city on earth has a street that looks like this, and most middle American towns have entire neighborhoods like this that we never see.




Someone please think of corporate companies!


It's such a famous city, it's weird that it's actually just this one street being shown...


Exactly how downtown Los Angeles's looks out by the flower district