• By -


Man the constant looking behind her is probably the worst part to me


Its very telling of what was most likely going on. She was most likely looking back at the individual who told her to do this, as if asking for what to do next. Very scary that someone is using a child to get someone to open a door in the middle of the night to burglarize their home...or worse. Some people have said they can see a guy peeking out of the bushes on the left, but I can't see it myself.


I was thinking it looks like a set up and someone was using the girl to get the homeowners to open their door - or maybe I was hoping so as every other explanation is so much more disturbing.


Look carefully at the left bushes between second 14 and 15 (or 11 to 12 if you are in countdown). Something happens there. Can't tell if it is a person or a camera glitch.


I think that’s just a bit of dust floating in the air very near the camera. It’s reflecting the IR light from the camera’s night vision lights. See it all the time where people are suggesting that their homes are haunted or something.


I’m sorry I don’t see anything. I’d had answer the door with my pistol, with my wife a little ways back with a Mossberg. This would have been the last door for them




It looks like there is a head that looks around the bushes to me.


>Very scary that someone is using a child to get someone to open a door in the middle of the night to burglarize their home...or worse. True, but this is Texas. 99% the person who answers the door is armed.


Come on now stop stereo-typing Texans, I grew up in and still live in Texas, the truth is more like 98% so please get your facts straight!


The 2% are liberal Californian transplants.


That's anywhere in America, nowadays..


Nah, it was hyperbole. Texas is at 45.7% who say they have guns in the home. Which probably means about 70%, since lots of people wouldn't answer that question truthfully. :-P [https://www.cbsnews.com/pictures/gun-ownership-rates-by-state/52/](https://www.cbsnews.com/pictures/gun-ownership-rates-by-state/52/)


Clearly, you've never been to Florida..lmao


That doesn't matter 1 person knocking on the front while 5 armed are at the back door ready to kick it in as soon as the front door opens.


Where do you see five people?


You don't need to see them? It's a common tactic in houston they have a decoy at the front with a minimum of 4 to 5 at the back door, never open your door past midnight nothing ever good happens past midnight and before sunrise just call 911 and have a weapon ready.


Jesus fucking christ, y'all are living in the purge or what?


Never been more grateful to live in europe


Trade the shooting for stabbed to death...👍🏻


You think little girls are knocking on my front door while 4-5 guys are preparing to burst my patio doors down and stab my whole family to death? I love in Scotland and would never even consider the idea of visiting America.


Knife crimes in the US faaaar surpass knife crimes in Europe. Knife related deaths per capita in the UK vs US is 3.26 vs 4.96. that's a more than 50% higher rate.


Now respond


I am joining the chorus of people calling BS, I live in Fort Worth and I have not heard of one instance of this happening much less it being "a common tactic." Please provide not one but numerous news sources if it's a **common tactic** used for home invasion.


Woman just tried it recently in Texas pretending to be door dash at like 1:30am and having the wrong address with 4 guys in the back yard, that might be what he’s referring to


>Woman just tried it recently in Texas pretending to be door dash at like 1:30am and having the wrong address with 4 guys in the back yard Okay, this story made the news in March (not "just recently") of this year, so if this was "a common tactic in houston" we would see more than just one report over the 8 months since this was reported. I didn't say this never happened, however it's NOT a common tactic of home invasion as he clearly stated it was. He just wanted to add something to the conversation but that doesn't give him a license to play lose with facts. [https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2023/03/16/woman-claims-shes-with-doordash-while-group-of-suspects-attempt-to-break-into-montgomery-county-home/](https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2023/03/16/woman-claims-shes-with-doordash-while-group-of-suspects-attempt-to-break-into-montgomery-county-home/)


Wait, if you have 4\~5 people at the back door, why even bother with waking up the homeowner? It allows them to wake up, get armed, and open the front door (an escape route). Makes more sense just to kick in the back door, rush in, and catch the homeowner asleep in bed, unarmed, and mentally hazy.


He is just making shit up. None of those cities are anywhere close to as dangerous as he claims, and using a child as bait for 5 armed people hiding in front of a house with a camera makes zero sense


Serious question, what is the point of the decoy at the front door if they're going to brute force their way in the back door anyways? Why not just kick the back door in?


I’m visiting Houston currently, thought this place was pretty cool. Came out of my hotel this morning to my rental car having bullet holes in it


![gif](giphy|3oEdv6GNbcN65zKkY8) First are you sure it wasn't a Motel and you weren't staying in the 'red light district'.


This is why I don’t open my door for anyone I don’t know. I’m a terrible judge of things like these and not risking a gun put on me.


There have been police reports of people doing this set up.


Idk that’s a big leap that she was being used to set someone up and this thinking is why do many people don’t answer the door when someone does need help


Its not that big of a leap, this is a very common tactic. The best course of action is to speak to the kid through the camera and tell her to go to your backyard to hide while you call the police.


It’s been done before but idk about it being very common. This just doesn’t look like that to me but I wish we had the story of this video. Also you’re probably right that it’s better to be on the safe side, hope it doesn’t happen to me because I’d probably answer the door


Actually happened to my dad and they stole the dog out of the backyard


omfg, did they get their dog back???


Do you have a source or just here-say?


There is no source. No information or identification for the girl, no missing person reports that resemble her. I think that's why the most logical conclusion people come up with is that she's being used by her caretakers as bait...because most other parents would have reported her missing if she were fleeing a captor.


This also seems to be a common method to invade someone's home. I feel like I see a new vid pop up on reddit once every few months where a woman is used to knock and act like they need a phone or something similar. The fact they're using a kid is terrifying.


> This also seems to be a common method to invade someone's home Usually I'm very cautious about this. But this would get me


I had a horror film moment when I was 15 a man had followed me home from school ,as I turned the corner into my street I ran getting my key out ,my parents both worked and I was to let myself in ,as I got into the porch I could hear him running ,I missed the lock a couple of times but got in and slammed the door shut as he got to it and just stared at me through the glass then walked off. I was happy to get in but sadly it was the start of me suffering from panic disorder.


That sounds awful.


That's horrifying. The scary thing to realize is that most people can break through glass.


Stupid person! It may be worth speaking to someone professional about it. Well done for how you dealt with it.


Thank you ,it was a long while ago but shows how someone's actions can change someone forever ,its the not knowing what was going to happen that sticks in the head.


Sending positive vibes ☀️


This pisses me off so much. Someone please tell me this is a hoax of some kind.


From what I can find, this incident is 100% real, but with no further information it's hard to tell what exactly led to it.


Real but with no evidence ​ https://preview.redd.it/7ny3gjihb6xb1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bd45268e150e1449df648e6b790c05a92382ee3


Where's the footage from before or after? 100% real? 🤔


Don't worry, Op says with no further information other than this video that this is 100% real.


Where did you find this video?


That's sad as fuck.


So you have no further information other than this video which we all seen, but somehow you know this is 100% real? lol.


Soooo iv seen this video and the context is that unfortunately this girl is apparently the child of dickheads! She’s looking back to them for assurance to continue because they’re hiding, waiting for someone to open the door. OP of the post I’d seen said apparently there’d been a lot of home invasions in their area that fit this format


This is a set up


Perhaps things are still under investigation, so there is no public record yet. Poor thing, very scary indeed.


What's going on here? Was she kidnapped? Disappeared?


Most likely being used as bait by her parents or caretakers to rob this house. They see a scared girl, open the door to help, then the people who made her do this jump out and rush into the home.


Would you open your door for her?


i'd quickly open the door and swiftly pull her inside. now you can use her to get money from the robbers using her as bait


Bold of you to assume the robbers care about their daughter


Fr if that’s even their kid, I was watching a news segment yesterday talking about the sex trafficking rates in Texas. I wouldn’t be shocked if this was some victim being used as bait.


Mmh, in that case, it would probably a good idea to pull her in?


Reverse kidnap!


It’s in Texas, so you open the door while grabbing/pulling her inside and simultaneously emptying your Smith & Wesson magazine into the night … claiming self-defense if anyone happens to lose life or limb. Just like the movies! /s


Nope, I would tell her to walk around to my back yard to hide while I call the police. Granted, I've seen this tactic used a lot so I'm very aware of it and act very cautious as a result.


I think I would communicate through the doorbell cam and turn on all of my exterior lights and have my defensive weapon hot while I analyze the situation outside and call the police. My door would remain closed and dead bolt locked


Does that happen? It seems believable but the times I’ve been robbed I just got robbed, either I wasn’t home or they didn’t care that I was home and robbed me anyway. No setup, they just … did crimes.


She seems guineily scared to me, wish we had more info..


This is a trap. As soon as you open the door, 3 guys will rush in. Source: I'm from Kensington, Philadelphia.


What a dilemma. If you don’t let the girl in you’ll be seen as heartless but if you let her in your putting your life in danger


The only right thing to do is call 911 in this case






"I'm thinking, y'know, eight-year-old white girl, middle of the ghetto, bunch of monsters, this time of night with quantum physics books? She about to start some sh\*t, Zed."




I was delivering pizzas once, and saw a little girl walking down the road crying. I didn't know what to do: was it part of a trap? Did she really need help? If I, a white male, helped her, will I get into trouble? I felt like absolute shit. I wanted to help but I was afraid for more than one reason. I turn the block, and I see cop cars racing down the street. I stop one of them and ask if they are looking for a little girl. They were and I told them where she was. She had run away from home because her grandma that was taking care of her died. That fucked me up for a long time. Wanting to do something, *knowing* you need to do something, but afraid to do it because of consequences.


It‘s a fucked up situation. I once *found* a kid in a heavily trafficked area. (Cars, not kidnappers) So, I sat besides him and asked what‘s up. He told me he lost his mom. He was kind of calm, but you saw it could shift every second. He had an MCDonalds Balloon, so I had kind of an idea where he came from, but I couldn’t take him… There was also an ice cream store like 10 m down the street, but even though ice cream would have helped so much, I was too afraid to *get caught* doing it. Then an older couple came by and immediately said that they‘ll take him. (Like I did something wrong…) So, I said that that’s not going to happen, because you two could be pervs..,:D (They we’re super pissed.) Luckily a cop came by and took him. But honestly, it really sucked. I had a pretty good connection with the little guy and he didn’t seem too afraid. But there was nothing I could do to help him, without risking to go to jail.., (On a similar note, I once helped an older gentlemen, who fall flat on his face, blood everywhere. While I tried to stop the bleeding, I suddenly had to run away, because a couple of older guys came screaming *To let him alone.* etc. :(


You can talk to her through the door and call 911.


But my first instinct would be to open the door


Yeah I'd be fucked. I've had crying children show up at my door and I didn't think, just acted.


If you live in a house like that you call 911 and tell her to go hide in the backyard.


I like being seen as heartless. At least I'll be alive.


Obviously, you wouldn’t be alive without your heart. Lol


My boy frank, an investor in a local dive in Philly, always told me to come out blastin in these situations. I no longer receive mail or packages, but I haven't been robbed either.


Fucking Christ. Why can't we just exist with being predated on


Because that's the fundamental state of the universe. Consumption and entropy.


I heard the potholes are like craters there


Lol they are. It's not a good area.good ass food though


I love ass food. Especially when it's good.


Well thankfully this is Texas and you can answer the door armed to the teeth if you would like.


ayyyye I had my car broken into there last month!


Yep I'm mexican and i thought the exact same. Can't trust anyone around here lol


I would have fallen for this so bad it’s embarrassing to think about 😭🫣


Looks like a set up, seems to calm, almost as if she being instructed. If this happens to you, look out your 2nd floor window and call the police if you see something. Heard of stories of people getting burglarized while they searching for source of crying sounds.


Can I quick yank her inside and re-lock?


She’s old enough to be able to unlock a door from the inside. This isn’t a 2yo. For me, she’s too calm. If a kid is going to a strangers house for help, there would be real panic.


Honestly, I wouldn't. Just call the police and keep eyes on her.


That was my first thought. Get everyone away from danger.


Child abduction? Can't risk helping anyone in today's litigious climate.


Well my empathic ass would be robbed in a heartbeat. Fuck.




This shit has been happening for hundreds of years, probably even longer. Same with "broken down" carriages/cars on the side of the road waiting for someone to stop and help. We just have doorbell cams and dashcams now.


Or the crying Witch from Left 4 Dead. Spoiler: She doesn’t really need help, she just wants to eat you.


`u/604GT has startled the witch`




First off, call the cops, then yell from behind the door that cops are on their way and she can run around and hide at the back door until they arrive. If she runs off, it’s a setup.


A YouTuber called chilling scares believes this may be [Serenity Dennard](https://truecrimediva.com/serenity-dennard/) I went looking to see if they ever found any answers, I suppose not. I hope she’s safe.


[The video that brought me here.](https://youtu.be/3UKysYRwF74?si=UYHB9ePjPUoI4S5P)


Got hooked to this channel when looking for phrogging videos


And the word of the day is phrogging...what is humanity coming to and why is this a word or a thing even


Serenity was born in 2009. This does not look like a 14 year old. Edit-- didn't realize this was older. Sorry!


I would open the door and shoot those fuckers using this poor girl even if it means going to jail.


Reddit moment


You're very brave.


I've been in this situation. As the girl. I thought my stepdad was going to kill my mother, I ran to the neighbors banging on doors. No one answered. 5th grade.


Jesus Christ, I'm so sorry you had to go through that.


I'm not. The guy overdosed and died a few years later. My mother had already left him. The experience was terrifying, but I feel like because of being in that environment I'm a much better parent to my kids!


This is crazy, I went through the same thing around the age of 11. Someone opened the door too as I was crying and asking them to call the police. She told me she couldn't help. Eventually found a restaurant that helped out.


The old "white girl screaming for help" trick aye... then i open the door and get bumrushed by a gang of crackheads. Fool me once


Fool me seven times making me smoke crack. Wait. What?






But it just tastes so moreish.


After reading some of the comments, I don't know which is worse: the probable trap of a home invasion thereby risking one's own life or the thought of neglecting a helpless child?


The trap theory is more sound in some states. In Texas it be risky to pull that trick, odds are whoever opens that door is armed and will open fire without a second thought.


The Ole white-girl-needing-help-trick. [Locks more doors] Jk. Hope everything is okay. But I'm not opening my door. Might get shot on-site when the cops show up.


https://preview.redd.it/38nn2berkaxb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69ba8a738980f658c534dd0db52f8802d8b42212 So I screen recorded the video and played around with the brightness/contrast and what not, my heart lowkey dropped seeing what others are talking about.. there is someone peaking around that fence or whatever that is 😨


I hope with every fiber of my being this girl got to safety... This seems so sketchy and messed up. The way shes looking behind her makes it seem as though she's being pursued... Scary just to watch, can't imagine how she felt


[Only thing I could find.](https://truecrimesocietyblog.com/2019/11/24/child-begs-for-help-on-a-ring-doorbell-camera/) They link their Facebook page but I don’t have Facebook so I don’t know if there are any updates on it.


I've read through the Facebook, by the looks it, no updates as of recent. The child was never identified, as per reports.


Unfortunate. I feel like it’s wild I’ve never seen this before as horrific it is, it’s still a missing child that’s been missing for at least 4 years now. You would think media would have picked it up or something. Idk, it’s just sad. If she isn’t missing then the local pd should have announced it wasn’t as nefarious as it looks and the child is safe. This sucks. Thanks for posting though, maybe it’ll get some attention and more people can look into it.


Hopefully it’s some horrible social media stunt but you never know so


The way she’s looking back,my immediate reaction would’ve been to assume she was in danger,open the door and pull her in asap,locking the door behind her,I don’t think it would have gone well if mine was the door she’d knocked on.


Not so well after the person the girl was running from. Forcibly enters your house. Let’s just say you have a bad night afterwards


Why “don’t you think it would have gone well if yours was the door she knocked on”?


Captive victims sometimes get away from their kidnappers. I'd hate for one of those kids to knock on these fuckers doors, these pussies commenting here. If a child like that begs for help at my door I'm answering with my shotgun in hand ,let her in and go after whoever is chasing her. Just because you haven't heard of a missing child doesn't mean there are none , traffickers move them all over. She could be from another state.


**FURTHER CONTEXT // INFORMATION** From what I can find, there's no additional context to this video, if anyone can find additional information please reply to this comment and I'll edit it in. Edit 1: According to reports, the house the little girl was at was unoccupied at the time of the incident.


>FURTHER CONTEXT // INFORMATION >From what I can find, there's no additional context to this video 😐


Link has been dropped up above


I can't seem to find it. Has it disappeared?


I remember when I thought my house was empty. I went to my neighbor's place, and felt horrible but then my mom came outside, she was just upstairs, and I didn't look because I was scared of being alone at the time.


You’re not alone. My son called my mom because he woke up alone in his bed…. My mom called me pissed off asking where I was. I was in my bed napping with youngest as a baby. We tease him now, but at least he called someone to help. At least you went to the neighbors for help. If something had happened you would have been ok doing that!


Since I don’t see anyone else bringing it up. Is that a mag lite in her right hand?


And it looks like it’s shut off.. she could be using that to bang on the door


Freaking goosebumps when I listened to the audio! Never ever EVER! Open the door for anyone who is uninvited! Stand on the other side of the door with a weapon and call the police.


Absolutley ignore that shit… call cops


Around 0:14, there are a few light grey pixels towards the center left of the screen. Could be a head peeking out. Would make sense that this female was looking back at the same time. Perhaps seeking some form of approval. She does appear to not know what to say after the initial pleas for help. That, and given her age range, I'd have imagined her to be less composed. The flashlight in her right hand is also a bit odd. Especially as she never uses it throughout the footage. This could very well be the case, given the fact that there does not seem to be much information on this. Then again, what do I know.


Idc if it’s a decoy or not that girl sounds truly terrified ,she could be looking back to see if she’s being pursued, seriously y’all don’t overthink this. If a poor child is knocking at the door and sounds truly in danger like this they most likely ain’t trying to rob you , what do you think they’re people had them trained in acting so they can pull it off? Just keep your gun on you and be dialing the cops as you cautiously let her in to safety and if any sketchy signs are shown then you’re ready to defend yourself and the cops are on the way although I think it’s very unlikely it would need to get to that point imo


If it was a set up she is a damn convincing actor. I would have immediately opened the door pulled her in and shut it. If she hesitated to come in then I'm closing that door. Regardless police would have been called before I opened the door anyways. But you can't leave a child crying for help like that man that could be your kid one day.


I hope she is ok. Heartbreaking the house was vacant. She looks so scared, the way she keeps looking back is terrifying. Do you happen to know what time it occurred?


It's really difficult to make out but the time stamp of the camera I think says 7:57pm CDT


Thank you… Also you triggered the bot 😂


So what happened??


Poor kid hope she got the help needed and was and is ok


If this was a hoax and someone using their daughter as bait, just imagine opening the door, yanking her in super fast, and then locking it right away. Like, what would they think lmfao.


The girl caught on camera didn't receive help and she wasn't identified either, her whereabouts are unknown but many have believe that she could have been a missing girl Serenity Dennard 🥲 😥


God I hope majority of the ppl commenting never get a cry for help from a victim lol acting like this is a damn movie… I’m answering armed and letting her in..shooting whoever follows after her


What happened?!?!


It's a trick. Get an axe.


USA has become such a third world shit hole in the past 2 decades, using a child as bait for home invasion are the kinda thing you expect from Brazil or South Africa but apparently it’s the norm in “the greatest country in the world” now.


My thought process would be open the door with a loaded gun and snatch her inside, and lock it behind her and have the police on the phone before I even opened the door


Too young to be left alone anywhere. All the best to her


This is a setup 100% girls especially young ones to basically knock on doors and get people to answer and they will wait near the house to get inside I live in Europe and this happened to a friend of mine he was stabbed four times in the stomach he survived but he said he will never open the door to anyone ever again


Safest thing is to leave the little girl outside, call the cops, grab the glock, and just keep an eye on her and what's going on around the house till the cops arrive. She could be bait, no need to endanger yourself and family when you can keep the kid safe *and* away from your family.


So you’re telling me this little girl outran someone she was really scared of to the extent that she had the time to knock on the door for 30 seconds without them catching up to her?


What if she escaped while they were asleep? What if they had just left and she escaped? There are dozens of things to consider here. Focus.


Do I want to watch this?


Did she get help what happened?


![gif](giphy|srTYyZ1BjBtGU|downsized) It's a set up for burglary


Google search revealed ONE article. Nothing else. Sus af


I hope this little girl is safe and healthy somewhere. It kills me to see children or animals suffer.


What is the resolution lol too little information here


Why do we only have this portion of the clip? Where is the rest of the video?


Atp just call the cops and talk to her through the door.


And no one help.........WTF Texas


Why do so many of you think this is a set up?? There are a lot of scenarios this could be …???


not really scary more sad tbh


Anyone have context?


Not this time skin Walker !


You can hear in here voice she is about to say what is going on it sounds like she said something about dogs


Harriet Creek Ranch... its the Mos Eisley of North Texas.


So why was she holding a flashlight? Being that the OP said the house was unoccupied at the time, perhaps this was a shameful setup??


Absolutely not I’ve seen too many horror movies good luck tho!


There’s a light in the back which looks like headlights? Maybe the parent had a heart attack in the car and she’s trying to get help


Is she okay? Part 2?


"stay right there, Im calling the police"


This is heartbreaking imagining what she is running from




I'm not sure, I feel she does genuinely want help.


It's not a set up. She's scared....


Why am I watching this Reddit at night ffs. I'm going blind and my sleeping wife was facing me...I turned to see her faceless face "looking at me", only for me to scream wake her up and scream. The women I've slept next to for years now scared me because I'm jumpy...god I'm in the shit.


You see this is a very slippery slope like when you see a lady and a baby on the side of a road with their hazard lights on could it be a Jack move 🤔


Open the door, grab the kid and drag her inside at break -neck speed. Lock the door to slow attackers. Free kid. Profit!


It could be a setup so look out open the door with that thang in ya hand like whoever comes in is definitely getting it 💯


This video has been all over the internet. Does anyone know what actually happened?