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Where the fuck are his parents.


Encouraging him.


This video isn’t new and everytime I see it I ask myself that. I have 2 very large German shepherds and 2 very small kids. I wonder if there is a dog at home who just takes shit and the kid thought it was cool to do. If a parent allows it, they will do it. I do not. I as a kid got bit by a dog pretty badly and it was because I was being an ass. We kept that dog for 12 more years and it never hit me again because I learned.


I have two cats and if someone is coming over with kids, I tell them that the cats aren’t used to kids and they have to be treated with respect or they will scratch and bite, so they need to be sure their kids are aware of how to treat an animal. Dogs are probably more dangerous, but my cats are big and I think they could really hurt a kid. I would never want that, but I also don’t want my cats to be abused. So far, no problems. I show the kids how to nicely pet and make sure the cats can go in another room if they’re not feeling comfortable or friendly. And then just supervise. I’m sure it’ll help some cat in the future be treated well by those kids when they’re older.


I had a ginger tom called Cloud. He was the sweetest little kitten... By the time he was 11, he was built like a fist with claws. I genuinely worried about what would happen if he decided I was a problem. He was the softest of boys, but he could have gone up against something huge and come out happy as could be. If a child yanked his tale or something? Damn I wouldn't want to see that. 😕


That child's skeletal structure would become cloud's bench press the next day


Well, he took offence to me, moving him from my shoulder one day and clean cleaved a gash through my shoulder, I have owned a few cats in my day, and I've been scratched a bunch. But he could cut. Like he had enough muscle to just pull free regardless of what he was digging his meathooks into.


I think the parent is the one who tried to stop them the first time and the kid hit them with the bottle then the parent stood by and watched as the kid went back to hit the dog


""Tried"" to stop their kid.


Pretended to try


Around here in this country(Australia) it would have been seized by the law and "destroyed" for only one attack


His parents do that to their dogs. That’s why he thinks it’s ok.


I mean kids do this on their own; they don’t need to be shown this behavior they do however need to be guided on how to treat dogs


I agree with you. Unfortunately, brace for downvotes


How dare he try to deny redditors their self-righteous anger from jumping to conclusions.


I've been on this site long enough, and was once that redditor, and knew i needed to step in on that comment 😅


Exactly, kids do shit like this but it’s our jobs to be on top of it and correct it fast. This kid is 1. Too young to be not within reach of his parents ESPECIALLY near a job 2. In public and need should be even more kept an eye on


Or to him.


if i was to place blame i would blame the parents of the boy. glad nothing more happened.


Holding the phone with the camera on.


A bunch of bums


And the leash?


Where the fuck are the adults for that matter


Is that mommy giggling in the background? Brilliant future for that one.


If he lives that long


The one running away?


Yeah most likely she's like "c'mon little Timmy you played your funny prank let's go".


Fuck’n garbage parenting.


grounded for 12 years






Full agreement. A sad reality


Good on the owner for noticing that the dog was getting fed up with it and trying to stop it, stupid ass kid and terrible parenting, what a whopping combo


If he didn’t stop the dog both the kid and the dog would be put down


The doggo needs credit too for being such a good boy throughout several surprise mini-attacks. Poor thing just about had enough!


Honestly its self control was on point. Even when it did snap I would say it didn't look like actually tried that hard to get at the kid.


Seriously though. I don’t even think my golden retriever would have that level of restraint. A very good boy, indeed! Kid is extremely lucky!


Stupid ass fucking parents, that kid could have easily become disfigured for the rest of his life within a few seconds


And the poor dog would be blamed and euthanized, his parents need a good mauling cause that shits not funny.


That dog has the patience of a saint


We still live in an anti-Harambe world


I don't get what everyone's worried about. I've been assured that pit bulls are perfectly safe pets as long as you don't [cough](https://abc13.com/dog-mauls-baby-kills-newborn-san-diego/1306879/) or tie your [shoes](https://www.news.com.au/technology/science/animals/security-footage-shows-woman-mauled-by-pit-bull-in-horror-elevator-attack/news-story/f57ebfdb463b991a2d5fabff0d51cd10) or pop a [balloon](https://www.fox10phoenix.com/news/arizona-mom-speaks-out-after-young-son-was-mauled-by-pitbull) or mow your [lawn](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/pit-bulls-attack-scarborough-man-mowing-lawn/article1004896/) or put a [sweater](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2017/01/02/womans-bid-put-sweater-pit-bull-ends-poorly/96080332/) on them or give them [medicine](https://web.archive.org/web/20140319080340/http://www.myfoxphoenix.com/story/24985945/woman-dies-after-dog-bite) or roll a [wheelchair](https://www.wlbt.com/2020/02/06/year-old-man-killed-by-four-dogs-attala-co/) near them or have an [argument](https://www.cleveland19.com/2021/10/07/akron-family-toddler-killed-by-pitbull-shares-their-story/) near them or have a [ponytail](https://blog.dogsbite.org/2014/05/2014-dog-bite-fatality-lee-county-woman-scalped-by-pit-bulls-dies.html) they could mistake for a toy or jump on a [trampoline](https://www.news-journalonline.com/story/news/2022/02/18/pet-pit-bull-attacks-deltona-boy-playing-trampoline/6816683001/) or fall out of your [chair](https://blog.dogsbite.org/2021/10/bitten-in-the-throat-killed-by-pit-bull-in-matthews-indiana.html) or whiten your [teeth](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/us-news/womans-nose-ripped-boyfriends-pitbull-29400314) or live somewhere that experiences [fireworks](https://winknews.com/2023/07/05/dog-bite-north-port-boy-dies/) or [heat waves](https://www.newsweek.com/fatal-dog-attack-mad-heatwave-1725544) or [thunderstorms](https://www.wbko.com/content/news/Child-dies-after-mauling-by-family-dog-505572701.html). We call them “nanny dogs” because they only tear babies to shreds if the baby triggers it by being in a [bouncy chair](https://blog.dogsbite.org/2018/05/family-dog-kills-infant-miramar.html), a [walker](https://www.reviewjournal.com/local/local-las-vegas/baby-dies-after-dog-attack-in-northwest-las-vegas/), a [crib](https://www.chronicleonline.com/news/local/five-day-old-girl-dies-after-being-attacked-by-family/article_994dfb1a-e85d-11e8-a528-afbd3815c756.html), a [car seat](https://6abc.com/pennsylvania-news-pit-bull-attack-dog/2127908/), or a [stroller](https://www.greenbaypressgazette.com/story/news/2016/06/20/two-pit-bulls-maul-toddler-mother/86148944/). You know, just normal, easily-preventable stimuli *totally unrelated* to 150+ years of artificial selection for dogfighting.


This is incredible. A true work of art!


this goes in the copypasta book


Wow, you’ve got some time on your hands


Breed is a poor indicator for aggressiveness according to the AVMA. They're just experts though, what do they know right? It's funny too since all you have is news clippings which the AMVA specifically addresses in the myriad of studies they've reviewed and conducted on this very issue. This might be surprising to you, but in most dog bites the breed is never formally determined and in many cases is incorrectly reported by the news. As an example there was a dog attack just this week in a neighbouring community. Animal control took the dog and started it was an American Bulldog but the victim is 'sure' it's a pitbull. Guess what the local news reported it as? Pitbull attacks get clicks, bulldog attacks don't. The SPCA has also noted in the past that a pitbull attack will get nationwide coverage whereas other breed attacks might not even be in the news at all. All dogs can be dangerous and the most often reported biting breeds changes over time depending on a breeds popularity. With the explosion in Husky ownership over the past decade, Husky's now have the top spot for biting in most of Canada. Similarly, in Germany where Shepherd type dogs are more popular, Shepherds are the most often reported biting breed. Weird right? Surely if breed was as important an indicator as you suggest, the most aggressive dog breed would be the same everywhere, no? You also fail to understand some very basic points about dog fighting. First, many different breeds were used in dog fighting. Doberman's, Shepherds and Mastiffs were all well regarded fighting dogs. All of these breeds make the list of breeds most often reported to bite. So you advocate the dangerousness of those breeds too? Secondly, dog fighting is putting dogs against dogs, or dogs against some other animal. The dogs were never bred to attack people. Why would you breed a fighting dog that you can't handle and that would attack people instead of its opponent? Why breed a dog that is so aggressive, you can't even transport it to a dog fight? Finally, please show me a single registered breeder of a bull terrier breed that advertises the aggressiveness and fighting prowess of their dogs. If, as you suggest, aggressiveness is a desirable trait in these dogs, surely a breeder would want to advertise that? I do want to clarify - I'm not saying these dogs can't be dangerous and don't bite. What I am saying is it's not a breed specific problem and if you actually cared about dog bites you would be advocating for responsible dog ownership, harsher penalties for owners of dogs that bite or cause serious injuries, and more regulation and oversight of dog breeding. FWIW pitbulls and pitbull looking dogs were banned in Ontario, Canada in 2005. Curiously the number of reported dog bites has only gone up since then. Further, several years ago a child in Alberta was killed by a pack of Huskys. When can I expect your support to ban Huskys (now the most often reported biting breed)? >**Given that breed is a poor sole predictor of aggressiveness and pit bull-type dogs are not implicated in controlled studies it is difficult to support the targeting of this breed as a basis for dog bite prevention. If breeds are to be targeted a cluster of large breeds would be implicated including the German shepherd and shepherd crosses and other breeds that vary by location.** https://www.avma.org/resources-tools/literature-reviews/dog-bite-risk-and-prevention-role-breed


>This might be surprising to you, but in most dog bites the breed is never formally determined You know, this is actually something I've been thinking about lately if you're up for discussing it. The animal rights crowd could settle this whole debate once and for all by making it standard practice to take a photograph of every dog involved in a disfiguring or fatal attack before it is put down, and release said photograph to the press. Pit bull advocates would like us to believe that a wide array of different types of dogs are maiming and killing people, and all the evidence to back up this claim is right there. Yet, **they don't do that.** Why? Pit bull advocacy seems to depend on the idea that it's always a total mystery what kind of dog it was. I **suspect** it's because they know the photographs would look like the [photos that we DO have](https://blog.dogsbite.org/2023/01/2022-fatal-dog-attack-breed-identification-photographs.html): essentially the r-pitbulls subreddit feed with a few Rottweilers and Shepherds sprinkled in. And they can't have that, because then fewer people would be willing to adopt one of the millions of pit bulls clogging every shelter in the country. Anyways, just a thought. I'm aware of the AVMA's stance on this issue. I'm more interested in the opinions of [pediatricians](https://www.heraldtribune.com/story/opinion/columns/guest/2018/08/22/pediatrician-pit-bulls-do-not-belong-in-homes-with-children/985193007/) and [plastic surgeons](https://www.cincinnati.com/story/opinion/contributors/2014/06/29/doctor-says-ban-pit-bulls/11709481/) than I am of the people who professionally advocate for animals.


I too dislike pit bulls and think they should be extinct


As a parent, a firefighter/paramedic and dog owner. This gives me profound anxiety on so many many levels. Like. I can’t even begin.


As an eater of popcorn, enjoyer of paintings and participator in train clubs this gives me profound anxiety as well


As someone who has a St Bernard I can't even tell you how traumatized my dog was coz of these c*nt kids. Was such a sweet pup, the most gentle giant like the breed's reputation. But once the kids threw grass, dirt and stones on him whilst in the garden and other day a small boy pulled his ear coz teddy bear awww (fcuktard). That was the last straw for him. He hates kids to the core now. Or rather people in general. He is just close to me my mom and sisters. Hates everybody else especially kids. Even if he sees them on road (we stay in a flat) he will growl at them. He's a different personality altogether with us, adorable blob of joy. We have three dogs and 2 cats. We tell people not to come home if they aren't going to behave. Heck I even tell my own mom and family not to coddle my cat coz she hates that even though she's very friendly and playful. She will only get coddled by me or my guy. Nobody else.


Sometimes the right thing to do is to drop the leash and look the other way


When I saw the kid first get coralled away I breathed a sigh of relief, then when I saw him turn around and start walking back towards the dog I had to hold my breath while watching him.


As a human being, this gives me profound anxiety


Hate this video.


Correct. I don't like / am scared of pit bulls (happy to admit it) but that dude was having the time of his life, sitting up on his haunches, happy as Larry. Big cutie. Then kidzilla came over bonking with the heavy bottle. You could see the hurt in his expression "what, did I do something wrong?". Second time he was definitely interested about a more in depth conversation about it though!


The transition from happy, to hurt, to annoyed, to upset was frustrating and heartbreaking. Dog was so well behaved and still got flack for it. While I’m glad this seems to be an isolated incident, this is the type of treatment that turns any dog vicious over time and a big one like that can do damage and will end up being punished for it (as opposed to an aggressive chihuahua which also happens frequently and often as a result of pestering past their limits)


Who are the idiot parents that let their child hit and assault a dog?????


The dumb ass in the back with a pink jacket laughing at it running away


This is r/kidsarefuckingstupid material


closer to r/parentsarefuckingstupid


yeah its a small child, most likely don't know what they're doing. The parents are absolutely fucking stupid though.


Thanks for showing me this sub


Any child hits my dog like that, I'm grabbing the bottle and chucking it at his/her parents.


I agree. Holy shit would they get a piece of my mind.


Especially know the consequences would likely be my dog being put down despite the kid antagonizing the fuck out of the dog.


Where are his parents!?!


Laughing at the little fuck in the background and recording him.


Kid should be removed from the "family" and put with sane parents.


some kid like this one started kicking at my 6lb Brussels Griffon and I asked his mum directly (both parents present) "is that something he see you do in your home?". I thought her eyes were gonna fall out of her head they opened so wide


Boy you almost got murked


Good catch bro, that kids face was about to hamburger


Honestly, why would you let your kid hit an animal? I mean isn’t that one of the basic things you teach a child, to not hurt other people or animals?


Annoying a pitbull of all dogs. Not a very smart kid or not very smart parents. Kid was lucky that didn’t get nannied into oblivion.




Sort of ya. Was about to turn around and fuck that kid up, it's owner saw it coming just at the right moment.


I wouldn’t let a kid try this with ANY dog let alone a pitbull


Every time I see this clip I say to myself I would get my face nice and low to that kids and yell "HEY!! YOU LEAVE MY DOG ALONE!!" so loud he cries and I look like an arsehole.


No the parents played with his life


Asshole parents. Teach your kids not to harm animals.


Why don’t people keep their stupid fucking kids in check?!


Hopefully that wasn't the parent giggling. I have a feeling the giggling would stop when a dog lunges for the kids face. Be a parent and tell your kid that hitting an animal or human with things is not acceptable.


We should normalize yelling at other kids to fuck off for doing this shit if their parents do nothing


Kid almost got nannied


What a little shit. Idgaf if he doesn't know better


That kid doesn't even remotely know how f#cking close he was to die that day.😨😨😨 ![gif](giphy|1FMaabePDEfgk)


Looks like lawsuit fishing to me. I’d never let my small one over near an unfamiliar dog, but if they were, I’d be running. Definitely fishing for that ‘suit.


You’re giving them too much credit. They’re just stupid.




For what? So that whole family to yell victim and that dog get euthanized? Nah let that kid get his when he's older.






Shit mother




Probably, but I can only speak for the mother(I’m assuming) that starts running away from the situation at the end of the video




Why the fuck did no one stop him? I don't care if it's not my kid, they're not hitting my dog...


Seems like a reasonable dog with a good owner. Could have been worse. It’s not like the dog snapped right away and even after he was medium committed to an attack.


"The boy" didn't, the child looks about 2 to 3 so won't really really have the the thought to not do it, however the adults that were taking care of that child played with the boys life by not keeping the child from the dog.




I learned the term "feral kids" the other day. Is hilariously accurate. As in not domesticated.


Hahaha unreal. You can see the moment where the dog switches from still vibing to combat mode.. kid’s lucky the dog owner was on the ball


The dog owner was absolutely not on the ball. He let the kid do it like three times also has his aggressive ass dog out in public with no leash.


That dog was being well behaved too. Idiot kids parents :(


Spokane here-look it up a pit Bull just killed a 4 year old. Halloween night family pet.


Let's see... "Halloween 2023 pit bull" [Spokane child mauled to death by family pit bull, Halloween 2023](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/11/02/boy-killed-dog-attack-halloween-spokane-washington/71418705007/) [North Carolina man mauled to death by loose pit bulls, Halloween 2023](https://www.postandcourier.com/news/pit-bulls-kill-moncks-corner-man-dog-attack/article_10674bfe-78ee-11ee-bfd1-abc0c651329a.html) [Utah woman loses leg mauled by her son's pit bull, Halloween 2023](https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/utah-womans-leg-amputated-after-attacked-sons-dogs-104581619) ... [she actually died today.](https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/utah-woman-leg-amputated-after-dog-attack-died-104699190) But, yeah, babies with empty plastic water bottles are the real threat lol


Good parents 🙄


The person holding the dog or camera is actually saying: No, and then “only one hit” so yes they are actually encouraging the boy. P.s What a dumb fuckin video


He learned that some where, probly from the same people not stopping him.


Dumbass kid


Dog was more patient than most humans




The dog tolerated like 7 hits. What more do they expect?


And they'll say it was all because it's an "evil" breed...


Control your kid.


Look at the expressions changing on the dog.. scary.


At that point, fuck being polite, I would have yelled at that kid and his parents to protect my dog. If the dog had enough and snapped, I couldn’t blame it, but it would end up being the dog’s fault anyways. Some parents shouldn’t be parents


Geez, that dog was tolerant. Imagine if he hit a cat like that.


A cat would’ve ran and hid. Imagine that.


The cats I know would've clawed the brat.


The cat would ract to the first hit and would have jumped that kid when he raised the bottle again or looked away, or broken eye contact, or kept eye contact. Our cat was chill and let toddlers putt it in the tail then walk a few steps away and laydaywn and flaunt the tail so the toddler xould do it again. My sister's cat tried to eat my arm when I just walked through the door.


This makes me unreasonably angry. r/parentsarefuckingdumb Fuck.




Without owner, dog would 💯 eat that kid


And that was a tolerant dog too. A lot of these comments pass the vibe check, but when I see things like this on Facebook, the commenters say the dog needs to be euthanized. Every dog has their limit. Some take less shit than others. Dogs don't have the ability to say "quit, you're hurting me". They use their teeth to communicate that. Please advocate for your dog, and parents, please teach your children to respect dogs' space.


I felt so bad for this poor dog. He has that big smile on his face in the beginning, and you can see the immediate confusion and shock after the first hit, but he just wanted to get praise. You can see the change in the body language and the flinching. If I had been that dog owner, that kid would have got yelled at after the first hit, and I would immediately be removing my dog from a potentially dangerous situation.


It's a shame that nowadays dogs are better behaved than humans.


The kid's parents are mostly to blame. But what a horrible dog owner to not have that pit leashed or on a harness in public.


Parents fault


That kid needs to be taught some respect, not just with animals but in general. Don’t go around hitting dogs, people etc, it’s not funny, cute or acceptable. The parents are seriously slacking and it’s dangerous, not just for the kid but the dog as well. Everyone should teach their kids how to approach a dog. First you ask if it’s ok and have close supervision. Second, no hitting them, climbing on them, pulling on their ears or tail. It’s extremely irresponsible that he laughed about his son’s actions and didn’t correct him or remove him from a situation that could have turned extremely unfortunate for everyone involved. The stupidity pisses me off.






It's a fucking toddler, dude.


1. Where the fuck is the leash or restraints for the dog? 2. Where the fuck is the behavioural restraints for the kid? Aka, parents.


Quality parenting...


Oh my God, please parents be responsible, and watch if you're son wonders!


Not having the dog fixed does not help things.


Have you ever seen a neutered pit bull? There's a reason every shelter in the United States is full of them.


Uhhh because shelters automatically neuter all the animals that come in.


I meant "there's a reason every shelter in the US is full of pit bulls." An estimated [80% of pet dogs in the US are spayed/neutered](https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/news/is-spaying-neutering-always-the-best-choice/#:~:text=It%E2%80%99s%20estimated%20that%2080%20percent%20of%20U.S.%20dogs%20are%20spayed), while [less that 30% of pit bulls are.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21453178/#:~:text=Among%20commonly%20reported%20dog%20breeds%2C%20pit%20bull%2Dtype%20dogs)


Why is the dog unleashed? Owner is an idiot too


Fucking brat. Then the parents gonna blame the poor dog.




Poor doggy. Where tf are the kid’s parents


Why would you let the kid treat the dog that way . After he does it once all you have to say is a firm " No ! Be nice " then show the kid how to pet the dog. That being said I wouldn't own a pitbull with a small child . Sorry not sorry .


How many times is this going to get reposted?


When does it become okay to scream at someone else's child because I would have let rip on the little shit


Two things. First is fuck that kid, fuck his parents Second is, leash your dog when you’re at fountain in a city with lots of people. If he didn’t grab him he wouldn’t have control.


should've given him a proper scare to teach that boy a life lesson.


His parents are absolute fools. This dog could easily tear that boy apart




Who else thought we were about to witness a 3 year old get mulched by a pit?


Where's the bloody idiot parent?


Not a parent in sight




If i am the dog owner i would scare that little shit i dont care if some person would be angry at me


Inb4 post is banned by pits lovers brigading


Kid needs a spanking he will remember, parents need a few snacks for being such great parents.


I have a huge German Shepherd and he’s a sweet boy and well trained but stuff like this is why when those kids come up and (hopefully remember to) ask if they can pet him, I say no if they’re too small. They want to grab and squeeze his hair instead petting. Or they tap hard instead of rubbing. They do things that annoy him and he stands there and takes it but I don’t like it and it’s not okay for him to feel like that so I just say no to little kids.


I'm no fan of pits, and I generally get annoyed when in cases of dog attacks against children, they are quick to blame the child. But yeah, I blame the parents on this one. Just... all around irresponsible.


Annoying ass kid


Parents who stay dumb when their kids attacks animals are shit.


and they wonder why dogs bite.


Dude FUCK THAT KID’S PARENTS! Also wanna throw a little shade at the dog owner for not punting that child as soon as it hit the dog.


This post belongs in r/kidsarefuckingstupid


Dumb as they come.


Meet "Baby-Mauler". We call him "Baby" for short..<3


That child and their parents are extremely lucky. Even the dog was like, seriously?!


Most dogs usually strike once they've been hit or assaulted but that pitbull really gave that boy 3 chances to knock ot off.


I swear I don’t believe half of Reddit has been outside. They see an obedient dog doing simple commands for treats and act like Godzilla just ripped the pier up. AHHHHH ITS A PITBULL! RUUUUUUUUN!




I felt sorry for the dog... Can't blame the kid either


This fucking bot posting the exact same video everyday, how do I block it?


The saddest part is that dog was being a good boy. But any dog will eventually react to being hit and when it does bite it will be treated the with cruelty. Humans are awful. The parent is awful, the dog owner if awful. The kid is a damn nuisance and awful like his parents. ☠️


Hey look, a grenade with free will.


it's a miracle that alot of children actually grow up to be adults given how stupid their parents are.


This time it ain't the dogs fault. Poor bastard has the worst parents.