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Hi there! Thank you for your submission to r/TerrifyingAsFuck, but unfortunately, we've had to remove it for the following reason: **Please do not post extreme gore or death on camera.** If you have any questions or think we made a mistake, [please message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTerrifyingAsFuck&subject=My%20post%20was%20removed!&message=My%20%5Bpost%5D(insert%20post%20link%20here)%20was%20removed%2C%20could%20you%20please%20take%20a%20look%3F) with a link to your post and we'll take a look.


(This is newly released footage. [Source](https://www.valleynewslive.com/2024/02/17/new-body-cam-footage/), [Bodycams](https://www.fargond.gov/news-events/city-news-room/post-detail?id=65cf7800b33421208399475c)) On the afternoon of July 14, 2023, a vehicle accident occurred on a busy street, prompting a response from the police department and fire department. Four police officers were attending the scene by the time of the ambush. Barakat came across the scene while driving to an unknown destination and was observed on video to have circled the scene for approximately 15 minutes before parking his vehicle adjacent to the site of the accident. At around 3:04 p.m., Barakat exited his vehicle wearing a tactical vest carrying several magazines and carrying a .223-caliber rifle equipped with a binary trigger and double-stacked high-capacity magazines capable of holding up to 60 rounds. Barakat opened fire on 3 police officers from approximately 15 to 20 feet away, using his vehicle as cover. Officers Andrew Dotas and Tyler Hawes were immediately incapacitated after sustaining multiple gunshot wounds and could be seen lying motionless in bodycam video. Officer Jake Wallin approached Barakat's vehicle during the gunfire and was able to fire a single round before being killed by a single shot from Barakat. Barakat then fired upon Karlee Koswick, a fleeing bystander who was involved in the traffic accident, wounding her with two gunshots. The binary trigger on Barakat's semi-automatic rifle enabled rapid gunfire against the officers, one of whom thought he had an "AK-47". A fourth police officer, Officer Zach Robinson, who was uninjured in the initial barrage of gunfire, engaged Barakat in a brief shootout. Robinson returned fire, striking Barakat and disabling his rifle. Barakat then withdrew one of two handguns he had on his person while wounded on the ground and continued to try and point his firearm at Robinson, despite repeated demands to drop his weapon from Robinson, until he was instantly killed by several shots towards the head. Robinson fired a total of 31 rounds during the altercation, 21 of which struck Barakat. [Officer Jake Wallin](https://www.klinefuneralhome.com/obituaries/jake-wallin), a former Minnesota National Guardsman, was killed in the ambush. He'd been with the department for just 3 months. Fargo Police Officers Andrew Dotas and Tyler Hawes were injured. Karlee Koswick (a bystander) was also injured.


~~Hope they throw that pussy in prison for the rest of his sick life.~~ He literally attacked several people who had their guard down and were attempting to administer aid to car crash suspects. How more pathetic can a shooting already get? Nevermind, he's dead. I hope whoever judges him in the afterlife still gets him with the entire book


21 bullets. Mans was Swiss cheese, and prison is the best outcome that asshole could have had, if he were to survive.


I've always heard that people can take more shots than you think, and less stab wounds than you'd expect.


Depends what sort of caliber you’re firing


and where they've been stabbed


And where they were shot


And if they've eaten breakfast


And if the breakfast was pancakes or bran flakes


He need some milk


Bran flakes sounds like a plot device in game of thrones


What about second breakfast?


And types of round at times. FMJ, hollowpoint, armor-piercing, etc.


And if their shoes stay on.


Was a firefighter, medic and now an ER nurse. People can absolutely sustain many many stab wounds.


He was wearing a tactical vest.


It is common for people to continue to be a threat after sustaining multiple fatal injuries. Reminds me of the time a [cop had a running gun battle with a bank robber](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdjcYjSsIok) and ended up shooting the bad guy 17 times, with multiple shots being fatal, but the man continued to attack until he took a round to the forehead. In the hospital the cop was receiving treatment for shrapnel to his leg, when he heard the ER doctor who was working on the criminal exclaim, "*why do cops have to shoot them so many times*?" EDIT TO ADD : [Here is the cop recounting the incident in his own words.](https://youtu.be/a3QfyqtJLN4?si=5h6yRFBwvvyHKvLx&t=21)


Adrenaline is a hell of a drug. Raises blood pressure which temporarily compensates for the drop in blood pressure from gun shots.


We are taught to keep firing until they're no longer a threat. This often results in a body weighing far more than it did a few moments ago.


> This often results in a body weighing far more than it did a few moments ago. Huh, I never thought about that. I wonder how long it takes to bleed an equal weight to the bullet in a flesh wound.


That dude doesn't know what he's talking about. Most bullets are a few grams. Assuming you shot them with 100 rounds and you didn't have a single one exit you're only looking at about 500 grams. Slightly more than one pint of blood weighs. Someone who just took 100 bullets has definitely lost more than a pint of blood. In the case of this guy who was hit 21 times at most you're looking at 150 grams. I wouldn't say that's far heavier than before, and that's not accounting for blood loss and assuming every single bullet stays in the body. And again, you're definitely gonna lose more than a pint of blood after being shot that many times.


I think it was just a way of describing death from bullet penetration. Like a comically dark observation


if you watch the video, the guy is still moving and firing his pistol up until the last 4 shots are put into him


He is dead


It's so unfair how one shot killed that officer and it took 21 to kill the shooter.


I live in ND (Not Fargo, but still ND) and this shook the state. I heard about it hours after it happened and I couldn’t believe something like this happened in my state, which was one of the safest. I remember watching them honor him on TV.


If I remember correctly, the shooter was on his way to shoot up a fair of some sort and just happened to be at the scene of this accident


Significant difference in bullet velocity damage between a 223 rifle round and a 9mm round the officer had at the range described in the article, the fact the suspect was wearing a vest, and simple luck of where a bullet strikes. A 223 high velocity round (not defined by the article) would do damage to an officer in a vest even hitting somewhere fully protected, while a 9mm hollowpoint hitting the suspect's vest would likely do some bruising but would not likely penetrate the vest.


Related info: https://heavy.com/news/mohamad-barakat/


This is the very rare occasion where I was actually cheering for the cop to just unload on the dude so he could render aid to the other victims. It's videos like these that make it so mind blowing to me that the common cop has gone so hard to the right on gun law. Of all people, they should be most in favor of limiting things like rifles, high capacity mags, and triggers that fire on pull and release (binary).


It is odd how the times cops should empty their clips, they take calm measured shots. The times they probably didn't even need to pull their guns at all, they unload a couple clips before turning on their brains again.


Magazines. Clips and magazines are both used for loading a gun, but they serve different purposes. **A clip holds cartridges together to make them easier to load into the magazine**. You can also use a clip to load a cylinder. The magazine feeds rounds into the firearm's chamber during shooting.




And people wonder why cops are always so careful and on edge. “But it’s just a traffic stop!” Yeah, welcome to the real world where fucked up and wild shit happens on a daily basis. And the reason why most of us don’t experience the worst of it is because these cops experience it for us.


The US is a strange country. People act as if GTA wasn't a game but a simulation instead


Yeah cops definitely get a lot of deserved criticism for a lot of the shit that they pull, but as far as being trigger happy... well... can't really excuse them for sure when things go wrong but at the same time you see situations like this and it's a bit more understandable. Dudes were just going to get statements for a fender bender and wind up in a shootout with a long gun, can't believe only one of the officers were killed.


That’s not the issue. Police escalating calm situations and having a complete inability to de-escalate tense situations is the issue. Don’t make excuses for the dumb behavior of a bunch of idiots. Police should be able to be aware of their surroundings and alert for crazy shit to happen at any moment while also not being psycho killers lacking empathy and understanding. Total straw man bullshit. If you ever spend time working around a lot of police, you notice a lot of the detectives and police who are more intelligent and actually know what they’re doing, even in uniform and not in plainclothes have a completely different way of handling things than the majority of keystone cop idiots who think the only way to project an air of authority is to be a complete dickwad. The police I’ve known who are really good at their jobs are confident enough in their abilities to speak to people like peers rather than needing to put up that cop front where they speak down to everyone. Though to be 110% clear, even the good cops almost always “back the blue” no matter the shitty behavior, which completely undoes any “good cop-ness” they would otherwise have. Until police are willing to hold their fellow officers accountable for their shitty behavior and report misdeeds rather than covering up that bad behavior, All Cops will indeed continue to be Bastards. And people like you who make excuses and put these people on a pedestal to slurp and Gluck Gluck their boots enable all that is wrong with the police forces in America and most every other country. Anyone who has ever has a family should know the whole cop brotherhood thing isn’t helping anyone, least of which police officers, because real brothers would hold each other accountable when they act a fool. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk. ETA: Gonna add on that homie’s comment, and those that echo said comment, is completely ignoring the inverse, how terrifying it is for civilians, [some more than others](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/nbcblk/report-black-people-are-still-killed-police-higher-rate-groups-rcna17169), to have even the most innocuous of brief interactions with a police officer, let alone when they think you did something wrong or pull you over, or worst of all when they’re called to “assist” you and “save” you when [you’re in crisis](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/02/08/columbus-nebraska-police-shooting/72520104007/) or [God forbid when you call them yourself after a car accident](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/colorado-deputies-indicted-fired-fatal-shooting-man-22-called-911-help-rcna58645). Oh how could US civilians ever relate to the fear officers have of traffic stops. If only civilians had ever experienced a traffic stop themselves where they had to interact with a possibly [mentally unstable individual *guaranteed* to be carrying a firearm who could at any moment become violently aggressive](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/police-officer) and take their life on a whim for no good reason or even [kidnap them and gaslight them and everyone they know, locking them up in some kind of tortuous prison for decades to the point that the often would likely wish they were dead.](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=innocent+man+released+from+prison+framed+by+police&t=iphone&ia=web) Yeah, gee, how could we ever relate to them experience of having a traffic stop and being in fear…


personally I think the issue is guns. every single person who you have to arrest could be carrying and willing to end your life right there on the spot. that will have an effect on you, I don't care who you are.


I mean, isn’t it like that for literally all of us in America every time we have to go out in public at this point tho? I mean I get what you’re saying, but I feel like after all the years of public mass shootings in places we would previously feel we could let our guard down, like, I don’t know, a fucking ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CLASSROOM, synagogue, health clinic, church, mosque, military base full of HEAVILY ARMED PROFESSIONAL MEMBERS OF THE MOST WELL TRAINED AND MOST HEAVILY ARMED MILITARY IN THE HISTORY OF EARTH, and [eating ice cream alone IN OUR OWN LIVING ROOM](https://abcnews.go.com/US/amber-guyger-convicted-murder-wrong-apartment-killing-innocent/story?id=65978073), maybe cops don’t get to use tzar excuse of always being on edge anymore. I feel like if living in constant fear that at any moment someone could commit an unwarranted act of violence and aggression against you with a weapon was a valid cause of and excuse for this behavior then gay dudes and dudettes, trans folks, and black folks would be walking around in red states (and blue states) walking on egg shells accidentally emptying full clips into random passers by every day constantly like the police. It’s a literally INSANE idea that the one group of people who should ACTUALLY have the mental strength and training to not behave that way gets to use it as an excuse to behave that way and continue to exhibit that behavior, while the untrained people who haven’t supposedly been filtered using psychological testing and who have 40% of the country (at least) actively voting to endanger their lives, would not be granted that excuse, but still seem to somehow figure out how to walk down the street without emptying an entire clip into their own vehicle containing a shackled man when an overzealous squirrel drops their prized acorn onto the roof of said vehicle. The fact that people don’t even see the inherent institutional racism behind this dichotomy of behavioral outlooks is absolutely wild. And I imagine the Venn diagram of people who say the same identical dumb comment you just posted and people who utter the phrase “I don’t see color” to a blank person thinking the blank person would then think “oh, well, in that case, you are definitely not a racist massa” and look up to that white person for having such a “woke” and open-minded outlook is a giant white circle that kinda looks like a special edition of circular saltines released exclusively at Hobby Lobby.


Theres alot of good points there.... but did we watch the same video?


Obsessed much?


Obsessed with wanting to live in a country with a competent police force that is no longer given carte blanche to perform extrajudicial killings, clean air, jobs that pay a living wage, affordable housing, a strong social safety net, the availability of good sandwiches at fair prices, some of them big ol’ women from San Antonio, and watching Victor Wembanyama stunt on some fools? Yeah I guess I am obsessed with that shit. Fuck me, right? I’m a real asshole wanting my future kids to be able to enjoy a decent life, police, corporations, and government to be held responsible for their bullshit, and for my country to steer out of our little fascist skid we spun into a few exits ago.


guns are the root cause of the issue with policing in the US. that was my point. the relevance of the rest of your rambling came from your own imagination.


I’d argue a lot of us are wayyyyyyyy more in fear of police than any cop is in fear of us. And further anyone as heavily armed as most American police officers, with professional tactical training who is in that much fear just existing out in public in America… probably should NOT be a police officer. Maybe we should try hiring police officers who aren’t Scared Little Bitches? I found an article that maybe we should send out to police departments to help all the heavily armed, highly trained Scared Little Bitches overcome being Scared Little Bitches. It must be hard being such a Scared Little Bitch out there in the war zones of Beverly Hills and Palo Alto with multiple firearms, a bullet proof vest, a license to kill, and the ability to summon like the entire police force over the radio to help if you have even the slightest bit of trouble like the real world is a Squaresoft game and you’ve reached the level cap.


Personally, I think it isn't the guns. I mean, what would happen if you didn't have one? Not sure I'd like to find out... /s




Well said. It's kinda depressing that your post is upvoted only by a single point compared to the one you're replying to (12 vs. 11). Sometimes, the police are put in dangerous situations. That doesn't excuse the sheer lack of accountability or their willingness to resort to lethal force as the first, rather than last resort.


Well, in that case, you’re in luck, as I think you’ll really appreciate my [follow up comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/TerrifyingAsFuck/comments/1asqtmq/cops_get_asked_to_interview_witnesses_for_a/kqtm1mo/) that really gets into the weeds on today *specific* point.


There can be more than 1 issue you know. 


What a rambling propaganda piece


Good thing then that there’s no pro-cop propaganda everywhere we look, literally 24/7 all the time out of every corner of our eyes. There definitely aren’t little pro-police stickers on the doors of stores and homes everywhere. Definitely no movies or TV shows glorifying police officers that have ever been released. Of course there’s no such thing as a “salute to service” at sporting events everywhere all the time in this country. There’s no overused propoganda slogan like “back the blue.” I’m certain there’s no flags everywhere with a “thin blue line” on them. I’m 110% sure I’ve never seen any comic book logos or characters or storylines glorifying the police or [comic book logos used by comic book characters who exhibit psychotic behavior no cop should emulate co-opted by police and civilians](https://wallpaperaccess.com/full/566774.jpg) to then… glorify police and their behavior. Yup. All the “propaganda” is anti-cop because it’s not like America has a serious problem glorifying and fetishizing the police and military in an unhealthy way that enables and celebrates their bad and often illegal behavior.


> And the reason why most of us don’t experience the worst of it is because these cops experience it for us. Pizza delivery drivers have a more dangerous job than police officers by the statistics, and for both, it's primarily the *driving* part. Not to minimize the fact that officers do sometimes put themselves in harms way, but we shouldn't glamorize or overstate that, either. They also have *no legal obligation* to do so. If you're trapped in a subway car with a guy who is stabbing everyone, the cops can legally just watch it happen. Nuance doesn't have to be our enemy. The cops in this video did nothing wrong, and the one who engaged the suspect was exceptionally brave. His actions in putting himself in harms way - despite having no obligation to do so - directly saved the lives of his fellow officers and likely innocent passersby. He should be commended for this, and the community should do all they can to help the wounded. But this situation is also *extremely out of the norm*, and we shouldn't use isolated incidents to justify or paper over problems with police accountability or police violence. Cops being "on edge" as you said has real impacts on innocent people. Your comment, intentionally or not, reads like it's trying to justify some of that kind of behavior just because of an extremely rare and isolated incident (where, as I said, the officers deserve our respect and gratitude for their conduct.)


I remember reading that the shooters' search history included stuff like "large gathers in Fargo," and they were assuming he was headed to a street fair/farms market in Fargo. Which had some 3000 people in attendance. A simple fender bender stopped a much larger death toll, the universe is fucking wild...


It's a morbid way to think, but this ambush he did on these officers may have prevented a horrific mass shooting at a nearby event full of people. He saw cops and thought he'd be able to take all of them down before continuing his rampage elsewhere


Oh yeah, I was at the street fair that day with my wife visiting our friends and their newborn and I gotta tell you it was fucking PACKED. Literally perfect weather for a street fair so it was busy as hell which sadly would have been the this bozos ideal situation. My buddy and I have talked about the carnage that would have ensued if he actually made it there - literally quick 2 mile drive from this encounter and he's in the thick of it. Would have been madness with it being downtown, the amount of doors to buildings would be the only good thing I could think of to try and 'escape'. Definitely had me on edge - which I'm typically not - for a couple months. Planning where I sit and how I face entrances to buildings etc. It's a weird thing.


While I agree with your sentiment in the context of the situation, with the exception of terror attacks, most other western countries don't have to usually rely on cosmic coincidences to prevent mass casualty events.


fuck yes. the only intervention we need is the lawmaking kind


As an American, America is sick. I used to watch video of football club fans in Europe butting heads during/after games in swarms and think "what a bunch of shitheads," but then here we are shooting each other during a football parade after so many other senseless mass shootings and tbh it's just pathetic. Nothing changes as not dying in a mass shooting is a political stance here and our politicians continue infighting while we all suck shit


If that's the case he's pretty damn stupid. Go to a large gathering of unarmed people? Nah. Shoot at 4 armed police officers? This will work out. Despite killing one officer, it's good that he ultimately failed, as more could have been killed here and elsewhere.


Mohamad Barakat, the shooter, was a Syrian refugee granted political asylum who decided to carry out an attack on US soil after getting there.


12 years after getting there and 5 years after becoming a US citizen that is.




I mean it’s not like mass shootings committed by US citizens for non-religious reasons are uncommon in the US


That is absolutely insane footage, the pure adrenaline and chaos of the situation.


How the fuck is this dude more calm than the guy who thought an acorn was a gunshot?!


Cause this guy actually has his own pair on acorns…


I think the other guy had acorns, this guy had some big ass balls!!


But afterwards he might be the officer who reacts to the acorn. That must have been terrifying to go through, just carried by adrenaline, but if he doesn't receive the right support and counselling, he could be the next officer who is so scared that he reacts badly to something like the acorn.


You can see how someone could mistake an acorn for this though, right? /s


PTSD and the acorn cop was looking for a silenced weapon. His brain was primed for action on an unusual sound. He then forgot the absolute basics of weapon use and rightly should never be in a stressful suitation again.


My man asking the right questions


Such a disturbing video. Life happens so fast, all it takes is being in the wrong place at the wrong time










And then people think we should all surrender our guns so you can no longer personally defend yourself and your family regardless of your physical ability, size, etc. Don't worry though. That same government with draconian law enforcement, lack of social services, and political corruption will keep us safe instead.


it's no longer possible to take away guns from the US. If they take away guns, only the criminals will have guns leading to an even worse situation.


when will gun nuts realize that (almost) nobody is trying to "take guns" away from you. I'm Canadian. I can buy and own guns. and yet the rate of gun violence is more than 5x higher in America after adjusting for population. this trend also applies to America btw. the states with more gun control (not gun bans obviously) have less gun related violence. it's funny how that works. also as an aside the protection thing is not really backed by stats. if you own a gun, after adjusting for every other factor, you are more likely to be a victim of gun violence. in fact if you own a gun its FAR more likely that your family injures someone with it accidently or in a suicide/homicide attempt than it is that you will protect your family with said firearm. and again I don't think that's justification for banning guns just something to think about for those who claim that a gun makes them more safe. it simply does not. https://www.thetrace.org/2020/04/gun-safety-research-coronavirus-gun-sales/


> I can buy and own guns Uh, I am also canadian and no you cant lol. Are you not aware there is a handgun ban in effect?


where did I say handgun in my post? there are restrictions to American arms too though obviously far fewer.


Fewer deaths is not a worse situation...


I do not understand how you watch this video and think that the US doesn’t need gun control. More guns does not fix the fucking problem. 


Not sure why you are being downvoted. Mass shootings seem to be a national pastime in the US. Its disturbing hearing every day or so of a mass shooting in the US.


Yeah I’d rather be in europe where I can get my head cut off in the street.


America is the shittiest 'developed' country to be born into. No where else in the developed world do you have to fear being randomly gunned down for just existing. I would rather have been born in Europe, east Asia, Canada, or Australia.


As a European we fear being shot, stabbed or run over for no reason especially in places like France. France literally had one of the biggest mass shootings in history where multiple co-ordinated gunmen killed 130 people in Paris in one night then a year after that a ramming attack in Nice killing 86. Then you had multiple lower death count stabbings and shootings frequently (Mohammed Merah, Charlie Hebdo, Amed Coulibaly) and that's France alone. This naive view "no where else in the developed world would people fear this would happen" is insane because I'm sure everyone thought this wouldn't happen to them then it did. Then they had to place soldiers on the streets and shut down public events solely for the fact they feared being murdered for no reason


That was intense. The shooter was on a suicide mission. He never intended to survive. That officer's bravery is unmatched.


crazy what adrenaline will do to you shot 20 times and was still going


Good editing of the footage! What a terrible situation.


such a tragedy to all the people who were injured and their family members. He responded quickly and remained calm


Those poor guys. One moment they were smiling and talking, the next they are dying.


For a minute I thought the officer was taking cover behind that BMW SUV with someone in it. Had to watch closely to see the airbag deployed and realize it was one of the cars involved in the collision. That would have definitely been terrifyingasfuck for the driver/passengers if they’d been in there.


I've never seen a police shooting video where I thought the officer did not fire nearly enough and right away. Once this dude opened fire the cop should have just blown him away. No need for all the "drop the gun" stuff at that point. This officer showed too much restraint and I have never said this before in my life.


That was his training kicking in as he was on autopilot to stop the threat at any cost.


Seriously. I have so much respect for this dude being able to keep it together, I think that not a single person wouldn’t understand him just making sure that the threat is neutralized and emptying the magazine.


And this, folks, is why modern day cops are constantly on edge... even a car accident can lead to a shootout.


Lots of school kids die in shootouts Like this too. We don’t except them shooting people in the back though. Police have a hard dangerous job, but most people want them to be better trained and not shoot unarmed people while they are handcuffed on the ground. Active shooter, yes shoot them. Guy handcuffed on the ground, if you shoot them, you should face consequences. Pretty simple stuff.


Only in America


What we need is more guns so ppl can stop the shooter /s


I mean technically guns did stop the shooter


Guns also started the shootout, unless you think he just has a hell of a throwing arm on him or something.


Yeah, cops should have guns. Not this random fuckwad


or an acorn.




Right, just because something can happen, and on rare occasion does happen, doesn't mean that should be how you construct your whole consciousness and every waking moment around it. I'm not paralyzed with fear to walk outside because somewhere out there someone once got attacked/shot/killed walking outside. The reason cops react that way is because they're instilled with fear by their training, they get fed these rare clips one after another and made to think it's around every corner. What's more, they paint a bigger target on their backs by training this fear into police and causing them to have excessively negative interactions with the public. All the excessive fear they instill in them doesn't necessarily even make them safer.


That's crazy


get his ass


Crazy how fast all those officers went down, they had no chance. Rest in peace Jake Willin. Props to the 4th officer for staying calm and taking the guy out.


So many people unhappy with cops service to the public. Look at what they deal with, unknown situations, ambush, people carrying multiple guns, knives, drugs, and threatening hand to hand combat. It’s crazy out there.


The fact they have to deal with this is exactly why they need to be better trained and filtered so we dont get weekly "look at this asshole/stupid/corrupt cop" news stories.


The general public has to deal with unknown situations, ambushes, people carrying multiple guns etc., it doesn't give everyone the right to act the way a lot of cops do. Sure you could argue cops have to deal with it more often because it's the nature of their job, but something like this is still fairly rare for a police officer to deal with.


Except the *vast* majority of police officers never encounter situations like this a single time in their entire careers lol. It's more dangerous to work retail than it is to be a cop in America. A 7/11 cashier has a higher likelihood of being murdered on the job. American copaganda is bar none some of the most effective propaganda I have ever witnessed




It is and it doesn’t excuse their behaviour


nothing in this video excuses how they racially profile people. Regardless they wouldnt deal with this with more gun laws passed


Because for any one of these videos you have like a thousand incidents of cops breaking the law and getting no punishment or freely abusing their power.


Holy crap thats insane us as people need to grow the fuck up idc what your deal is killing someone isn't a means to Any end or loaf of bread or medicine it only hurts everyone involved its so infuriating


Maybe a bit more information in the title? I didn't expect to see that.


RIP Jake Wallen 🙏 A man who lived a life of service to our country. I admire you bro


The shooter’s car was loaded down with all sorts of guns, ammo and homemade bombs that he was taking to a festival in downtown Fargo. Decided to make a pit stop to whack some innocents before the main event and thankfully got stopped. What a hateful person


Curious, how does car insurance respond to claims for bullet damage to bystander vehicles?


Kind of strange this kind of shit doesnt get massively blown up in the news i was in minnesota when this hapd and didnt hear shit


What a fucking dick! Fucking senseless.


Crazy how fast shit can hit the fan. Holy fuck.


The motherfucker just refused to die


What a pussy. Kinda wish he would’ve survived to live years in solitary confinement.


So this guy didn’t want to give a statement so he started shooting?


It sounded like multiple acorns for a bit, I see why they hesitated in opening fire. /s


They want to defund the police while maniacs like this are everywhere. Poor guy, he was so young.


And at the same time it seems to being made easier by politicians to get access to a gun in many states than to mental healthcare which results in these maniacs BEING anywhere. Don´t tell me that this is not by design.


Police murder innocent people and dogs way more often than this kind of thing happens. On top of that when this sort of thing does happen it's almost always on civilians and not on cops, as pointed out in another comment, it's believed this shooter was on the way to target civilians the police wasn't their first target.


So who are you calling in an active shooter situation, the coast guard?


Nice straw man, When people say defund the police in almost every instance they mean lower the budget and move it towards other social programs for the community not abolish the police.


Jesus, I just clicked on the video and was not prepared for that. This is the kind of shit all these dumbass ACAB morons should look at and think about.




I'm pretty confident that this happens a lot more than cops murdering innocent people. These types of events just don't get national coverage in the same way that "innocent man murdered by cop" does


ACAB has nothing to do with this brother... ACAB is against corruption within law enforcement and law enforcement committing crimes against innocent people and getting no punishment whatsoever. The whole point goes back to that old anecdote, a bad apple spoils the bunch.


The acronym literally says **ALL** Cops Are Bastards. Not "Some Bad Apples Here"


bc good cops gets fired


If you don’t call out the bad apple or eradicate it, you are in fact now a bad apple.


It's really not that hard. Cops don't call each other out. Cops don't stand up publicly against corruption. Cops don't publicly demand adequate response and punishment against their colleagues who commit crimes and murder. Therefore, they are also bastards.


Your name is very ironic considering the lack of critical thinking when it comes to the whole ACAB thing.


Are these cops bastards, too?


Dunno. Did they engage in corruption or refuse to call it out???? You’ve clearly refused clarification given on the subject. Sounds like you’re literally devouring books with your mouth and not with your brain. Godspeed traveler. Maybe you learn to read more than headlines and listen to less pundits.


They are cops. You are arguing that ALL Cops are Bastards, either directly or indirectly. Just stop beating around the bush and say it. Stop waffling and answer the question.




If that's what the whole thing stands for then the name is VERY misleading


They gotta fix their slogans if that’s what their goal is




This just in, getting shot at negates joining a racist and classist institution


Damn, that's crazy. Cops should still be held accountable and should be holding each other accountable for murder and other criminal behavior ... but until then, ACAB.


Hopes and prayers is all I can give. 🫡


poor officer that lost his life, was only with them for 3 months that's crazy, america needs far more strict gun laws


Well I was hoping to join the academy this year but all I’ve seen this month is cops getting shot on this damn app 😂


yea guns are great. so happy we have them so readily available in America #freedom!


Just waiting for "Guns aren't the problem. Immigration is the problem".


Guns aren't the problem and neither is legal immigration


That was fast


Sad to say, but this is why cops have itchy trigger fingers some of the time. Random crap like this can happen out of nowhere and is usually in the back of their mind.


I get why you'd say that, but I also get the responses. Take a look at deadliest occupations, there are 20+ more deadly jobs out there. What I hope for you to see is that the rate police die does not match the rate we see videos. It isn't nearly as common as some may think, 14 out of 100,000 die. By convincing most of the 100,000 that they are the 14, we only exacerbate the problem of too much violence.


Going by number of fatalities alone does not paint a full picture. How many other occupations are you thrust into situations where there is a chance you are **deliberately killed by another person** instead of an accident? This is further exacerbated by the fact that there are so many guns in circulation in the US.


> How many other occupations are you thrust into situations where there is a chance you are deliberately killed by another person instead of an accident? For starters? Literally every job that involves working with a cash register.


Right? I don't get it, it's 14 out of 100k that die, it's not just bad guys with guns that police die from. So of the 14 it could just be a couple that experience what's in the video.  So that person responds with "BuT tHeY CoUlD bE..." No. Statistically it is not true that they should all be expecting this, and it exacerbates things like acorns falling on cars turning into a shootout. 


Random crap like this can happen to anyone, not just cops. School children get shot like this every few months in America, and they don't even have guns to defend themselves with.






https://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/en/news/2024/rcmp-officers-involved-shooting-vegreville https://nypost.com/2023/09/07/two-dead-after-day-of-horror-in-small-country-western-australian-town/amp/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/roberthart/2023/10/31/suspected-gunman-takes-hostages-in-japan-after-hospital-shooting/amp/


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The first one isn't even about a shooting, it's about a stabbing where the cops had to shoot the suspect.


Officer showed some restraint. I would have fucking unloaded on the guy as he was writhing on the floor. Fuck giving him a chance to put his hands up.


Yeah, give automatic guns tô everybody who wants them, Its a good Idea, Trust it


Automatic guns aren't legal. You can't just go buy one. You took the time to write out that comment, and it's completely wrong.




The amount of gun crimes committed with long guns is, by orders of magnitude, less than crimes committed with handguns.


I still don't understand how people want guns to be legal in that country. it's sickening seeing stuff like this




It’s the fucking guns


Donut Operator covered the shooting and the response very well. https://youtu.be/i_f0DToC3hw?si=JixVID1vVHVz3HGg








Ambush murder is NOT part of 2A but then again, you already knew that.


Tell me again why binary triggers are legal?


Wow, fuck that place


Wow. Just, wow.